HomeMy WebLinkAbout121249-Regular SessionMINUTES .... December 12 at 8:00 50 C~ty Commmsmn, Sanford, Flonda, .......... 19 ...... The City Commission of the City the City Hall in the City of ~anford, Florida, at 8:00 Present: Commissioner Andrew Carraway, Mayor. " Randall Chase " F A Dyson John Krider " W H Stemper City Attorney A.Edwin Shinholser City Manager Clifford McKibbin Jr. City Clerk H N Sayer Chief of Police R.G. Williame Meeting called to order by the Chairman. Ninutes of adjourned meeting of November 21, 1949, approved. Montaly reports of streets, sanitation, library departments for month of November, of Sanford, Florida met in regular session at o'clock P M December 12, 1949. and regular meeting of November health, water, police, fire, airport and 1949 submitted and examined. Financial statement and statement of revenues ~nd expenditures during month of November, 19~9 submitted and examined. Bank statements in all accounts for month of November 1949, properly reconciled, submitted and examined. On motion of Commissioner Chase, seconded by Co~alssloner Krlder and carried, the Commission next approved and authorized payment of current invoices and payrolls for month of November, 19~9, subject to the approval of t~e Finance Committee, as evidenced by voucher Nos. 3758 thru 3894. Mr. Jack Burney next appeared and requested that the street light pole line to be installed on south side of East Twentieth Street, be placed on the north side of the street so as not to disturb the trees on the parkway in front of his home, and on motion duly adopted , same was approved. Request next received from Harry F.Cushing of 905 Catalina Drive and from Dr. A.W.Epps Jr. of 1813 Vernango Ave. ~'or the installation of street lights in front of their homes. Thereupon after considerable discussion, action was deferred, pending a survey by the City ~anager with respect to installing the new improved type of lighting fixtures in that vicinity. Mr Gilbert A.Willlame and Attorney Karlyle Housholder next appeared with further reference to the lease agreement with Nr. Willimms on t~he cold storage plant and small arms magazine at the airport, which was approved by %ne Ci~ Commission at %he meeting of November 28. Attorney Housholder stated %nat the terms of the lease were not in accordance with %he agreement with Mr. Williams and requested the following changes: That the Lessee be granted the privilege of deducting $50.00 per month from the rent during the entire term of the lease to amortize the cost of repairs and replace- ment of refrigeration machinery and equipment, repairs and improvements to the building, and also the maintenance of the equipment and building; that the stipulation that any and all machinery and equipment installed on the premises by the Lessee shall become the property of the Lessor upon expiration of the lease, be changed to include, only refrigeration machinery and equipment; that a stipulation be MINUTES ~, .Oecember 12 at 8:00 P M .~49 Ci~ Commission, Sanford, ~loncra, .............................................................................. 1~ ......... foregoing request, except that the machinery and equipment was intended to cover only refrigeration equipment. Nr Williams then stated that it was his underst~nding that the terms of the lease would be as outlined by Attorney Housholder. Thereupon after considerable discussion, Commissioner Chase moved that the renewal clause in the lease be amended so as to grant the Lessee the option to renew said lease up to five years at a rental not to exceed $165.00 per month, with no amortization on the machinery and equipment, the lessee to maintain all machinery and equipment and the building at his own expense. Seconded by Commissioner Dyson and carried. No action was taken on the other requested changes. Attorney Housholder next submitted a request from Jon~& NcLaughlin for the City's consent to the assignment to Lee H NcLaug~lin and J.C.Robertson, a co-partnership doing business as Perishable Transport Service, of the lease dated July 18,1949, covering City owned property located on South French Avenue adjacent to the municipal water plant. Thereupon Commissioner Krlder moved the approval of the City's consent to assign the aforesaid lease to Perishable Transport Service, subject to the approval of the City Attorney. Seconded by Commissioner Stemper and carried. Mr Jack Burney next submitted an offer of $125.00 for the ourchase of Lot ll, Nagnolia Heights, which is adjacent to his residence and the residence of James M. Hall on East Twentieth Street. Thereupon after careful consideration, and in view of the fact that the area of the one lot is inadequate for a dwelling site to conform with the requirements of the Zoning Ordinance, Commissioner Krider moved the sale of the lot to Jack Burney at a price of $125.00, subject to James R.Hall declining any rights to purchase same. Seconded by Commissioner Stemper and carried. Application next received from Clyde Brooken, colored, for transfer to him of the taxi-cab permlt issued John L. Simme, also a letter from John L Simms requesting the transfer of said permit to Clyde Brooken. Thereupon after considerable discussion, and in view of %ne fact that %ne permit to John L Simms is not in effect because of Laving been revoked by the City, Commissioner Chase moved that a new permit be granted Clyde Brooken to operate a taxicab, provided he qualifies under the insurance requirements. Seconded by Commissioner Stemper and carried. Nr C A Naddy of the Fellowship Foundation next appeared and advised the Commission that the Foundation could secure the personal library of General Henry S Sanford, founder of Sanford from his heirs, provided it is placed in a fire-proof building and made accessible to the public. He stated that building No. 24 ( Paint & Oil) at the airport now under lease from the City is fire-proof and could be utilized for this purpose by making certain alterations and installing fire-proof windows in it, wnich will cost approximately $2,000.00; stating that the Foundation is willing to make the necessary alterations to the building and accept the library, but %hnt the.heirs and custodians have reeues%ed that thev secure the aooroval and endorsement of the City. He said 490 MINUTES City Commission, Sanford, Florida, .D.e. c emh¢.r _12...a.J;....~_: O0 ........... 19 ~9 Thereupon the Commission advised Mr. ~!addy that the City would approve the Fellowship Foundation accepting tk~ libz'ary of Gentral Sanford, pl'ovided there will be no liability on the City. The City Attorney was then directed to confer with Mrs. Fred T.Williams to ascertain the status of the library. Mr Maddy next requested that the l0 year lease on the citrus groves at the airport, expiring January l, 1958 be extended for an aadltional 16 years so as to run concurrent with the 25 year lease on the farm land, stating that they plan to make extensive improve- ments to the groves, such as installin~ wells and irrigation system, replacing a number of the old trees and setting out additional groves. Thereupon Commissioner Chase moved that the aforesaid lease'be extended 16 years on the same terms and conditions, so as to run concurrent with the Seconded by Commissioner Krider and carried. The Chairman next submitted an offer of Mrs Fred T.Williams to sell the City a collection of pictures of the City of Washington D.C. at a sum of $800.00, and same was declined because of no funds beiag available for' the purpose. The City ~anager next submitted the final report and recommendations of the Swlm~ing Pool Operation Advlsory Committee, as follows: 1. Recommended to the City Commission that it establish a policy of operation of the Eunlcipal Pool substantially as follows: That the policy of management of the pool be such t~hat the ~enefits of the pool De ex%ended to as many people as possible, as much of the time as possible, consistent with sound practices for a non-proi'lt operation. 2. If 1'easible, in line with %he a~ove policy, that fu±l time opera%ion be maintained from first of ~ay to first of October; part time operation, consisting of limited hours, on a few days each week, from first of October to following 3- That in order to make %he pool available to as many as possible, admission charges of .09 for each younger child and for students thru high school age; and .25 for adults,be made, to assist in defraying costs of operating the pool, which costs are estimated to ~e greater than the revenues based on the above schedule. The Committee requests acceptance of its report and discharge as a committee. Thereupon Commissioner Stemmer moved that that the report be accepted, that the Committee not he discharged but retalned until the pool is successfully placed in operation. Seconded by Commissioner Chase and carried. Report of November analysis of milk from all dairies operating in Sanford,as prepared by Dr. L. RoScribner's laboratories at Orlando, next submitted, such report snowlng all milk within the requirements of Grade "A". Commissioner DysoD next moved that sn annual bonus of ~25.00 be pald to all employees who have been witch the City one year or more; $15.00 to all employees who have been with the City for six months; and $10.00 to all other regular employees. Seconded by Commissioner Krlder and carried. On reco~unendation of City ~ana~er and Chief of Police, and on motion of Commissioner Krider, seconded by Commissioner Stemper and carried, the Commission next approved the request of Zion Hope Church for installation of a street light at intersection of Eighth St. and Orange Avenue, and denied request of Jeff's Grocery for installation of street light at intersection of Eleventh St. and Hickory Ave. The next regular meeting date of December 26 being designated as a legal holiday, Commissioner Stemper moved that the meetlng be held at 8:00 o'clock P.~. December 2?. Seconded by Commissioner Chase and carried. for the addilional farm lease. MINUTES City Commission, Sanford, wl~,~a~ December 12 at 8:00 19 49 ....... , .............................................................. -~---~] ..................... CELERY CITY PRINTING 10 point type - $4.70 per page Plus 15.10 for covers. THE SANFORD BUILDER 10 point type - $4.00 per page 8 point type - ,~4.60 per page Thereupon Commissioner Stemper moved the acceptance of the lowest bid, that of The Sanford Builder for printing the Charter in lOpoint type at a price of $4.00 per psge. Seconded by Commissioner Chase and carried. The following bids next r~ceived for furnishing a Tractor Mower for the Airport: ~RITT TRACTOR COMPANY Ford Tractor equipped with heavy duty 6 ft. side mounted mower $1,?03.OO Less allowance on old International Tractor Mower ~O NET 1,~OO.O0 SEMINOLE TRUCK & TRACTOR COMPANY International Farmall Super A Tractor, equipped with 6 ft. side-mounted mower. ~,835.35 Less allowance on old InternatiQnal Tractor Mower ~35-35 NET 1,400.00 International Farmall Cub Tractor equipped with hydraulic lift Cub-22 ~ower with ~½ ft. cutter bar. 1,O67.40 Less allowance on old International Tractor Mower ~40 NET 7~o. O0 FLORIDA-GEORGIA TRACTOR CO~PANY International Farmall Cub Tractor equipped with power lift Cub-22 Mower with 4½ ft. cutter bsr 940.00 Less allowance on old International Tractor Eower 200.00 NET co Thereupon after comparison of prices and the type of equipment bid upon, Commissioner Chase moved the acceptance of the bid of Seminole Truck & Tractor Company for furnishing one International Farmall Cub Tractor equipped with hydraulic lift mower attachment at a price of $1,06~.D~), less trade-in allowance of $32~.40 on the City's old machine. Seconded by Commissioner Krider and carried. The City Manager next submitted an estimate in amount of $400.00 f or paving Pine Avenue from First St to Second St. with a soil stabulization of sand, clay and asphalt, the total cost to be borne by the City. Thereupon Commissioner Krider moved that the City Manager be authorized to proceed with the paving, and to negotiate with Seminole County Motors to participate in the cost, inasmuch as they are the only abutting property owner that will receive direct benefits from the improvement. Seconded by Commissioner Stemper On motion of Commissioner Dyson, Manager was next authorized and directed and carried. seconded by Commissioner Stemper and carried, the City to advertise for bids for installirg a new roof on the fire station. On motion of City Manager was light fixtures in the Library. On motion of Commissioner Krider, Commissioner Stemper, seconded by Commissioner Dyson and carried, the next authorized to advertise for bids for furnishing and installing new seconded ~y Commissioner Dyson and carried, the _. H49796 MINUTES City Commission, Sanfozd, Flonda, Dec... _12....a~ ~.Q0...P M ........ 19 ....9 Coirmissioner Chase next recommendedthat all funds derived from t~e sale of real estate and appropriated to the Public Projects Fund, be appropriated for aebt service and trans- ferred to the Sinking Fund for the retirement of bonds. Thereupon after considerable discussion, Commissioner Stemper moved the approval of the recommendations of ~ommissloner Chase , and that a resolution authorizing the transfer of said funds be prepared for adoption. Seconded by Commissioner Krider and carried. Commissioner Chase next introduced Ordinance No. 464, entitled: AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF SANFORD, FLORIDA, A~v!ENDING ORDINANCE NL~BER 362 OF THE CITY OF SANFORD, FLORIDA, AS ~2~ENDED, SA~.E BEING THE ZONING ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF SANFORD, BY ALTERING THE FIRST FLOOR AREA REQUIRE~ENTS FOP DWELLINGS IN R-1 DISTRICTS AS SET OUT IN SUB-SECTION G OF SECTION 6 oF SAID ORDINANCE NU~BER 362 as AI~ENDED. and same was placed on its first reading and read in full. The City Attarney next submitted a copy of resolution adopted by Reconstruction Finance Corporation on November 10, 1949, relative to approval of the City's application for loan in amount of $300,000.00 to finance the construction of the proposed dock and terminal facilities. Thereupon after a discussion of the conditions set forth in the resolution, same was referred to Caldwell, Marshall, Trim~le & Mitchell, Bond Attorneys I'or the City, for their opinion and advice. Further consideration next given to the outstanding State & County taxes for years 1940 thru 1944 against thirty lots conveyed by the City to veterans of World War II for the purpose of erecting dwellings thereon. The County having refused to cancel the taxes but agreed to accept $5.00 per lot as full settlement of same. Thereupon Commissioner Stemper moved that the City ~ay the settlement of all outstanding State & County taxes against the Seconded by Coramissioner Chase and carried. There being no further business the meeting adjourned. Attest: N INUTES County $5.00 per lot in full lots conveyed to war veterans. May or. ~ City Commission, Sanford, Florida. December 26, 1949 at 8:00 P M. The City Commission of the City of 5snford, Florida met in regular sessio~ at the Clty Hall in the City of Sanford, FlorMa, at 8:00 o'clock P M December 26, 1949, but due to lack of a quorum immediately adjourned until December 2?, 1949. ---- Ci y Cl-grk;ff 8:00 o'clock P.M. !~syor. ~