HomeMy WebLinkAbout052746-Regular Session MINUTES CItY COMMISSION, SANFORD, FLORIDA,~~ P M -19 ~ TheCity Commission of the City of 8anford, Florida, met in regular session at the City Hall in the City of Sanford, Florids, at 7:30 o'clock P N Nay 27,1946. Present: Commissioner H James Gut, ~ayor. " George D. Bishop " Lea R. Lesher " Robert A.Williams. City Manager & Clerk H N Sayer City Attorney Fred R. Wilson Chief of Police R.G. Wllliams. Absent: Commissioner W.C.Hlll Meeting called to order by the Chairman. On motion duly carried, the Commission next approved the employment of C.D. Bass as Police Patrolman at salary of $140.00 per month to fill vacancy createc by resignation of N M Tlndale, effective as of ~ay ll, 1946. On recommendation of Fire Chief Cleveland, the Commission next authorized the salaries of Firemen Verncl E.Carroll and Claude ~ Whitten increased $5.00 per month, effective as of Nay 16,1946. Application next received from 0 C Rowan for transfer to him of permit and license is- sued E.L/Davis to operate a taxi-cab , and on motion of Com~Issioner Bishop, seconded by Commissioner Williams and carried, same was approved. A group of young colored men from Goldsboro section with John Henderson as spokesman, next appeared and requested the City to erect a grandstand in the colored baseball park, stating that they had raised sufficient funds to erect the fence around it. No action taken because of no funds being available for this purpose. Commissioner Lesher next introduced Resolution No. 707 and after being read in full by the Clerk moved its passage and adoption. Seconded by Commissioner Williams and carried by t~e following vote of the Commission: Commissioner Gut Aye " Bishop Aye " Le she r Ay e " Williams Aye Said resolution No. 707 being in words and figures as follows: RESOLUTION NO.707 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY CON~ISSION OF THE CITY OF SANMORD, FLORIDA, ACCEPTING THE RESIGNATION OF JA~[ES NOUGHTON AS SUPERINTENDENT OF STREETS AND PARES OF THE CITY OF SANFORD, EXPRESSING THE APPRECIATION OP SAID CITY FOR THE SERVICES OF THE SAID JA~ES NOUGHTON TO THE CITY AND AUTHORIZING THE PAY~'~NT OM THE SU~. OF ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS PER MONTH TO HI~. FOR THE RE~AINDE~ OF HIS LIFE. WHEREAS, Nr. James Houghton has continuously served the City of Sanford for more th~n twenty years as Superintendent of Streets and Parks and has tendered his resignation as such superintendent; and ~EREAS, the said James Noughton has served the city in his aforesaid capacity faithfully, effeciently and satisfactorily and is held by the citizens generally in the highest esteem and regard: NOW, THEREFORE,BE IT RESOLVED by the City Commission of the City of Sanford, Florida, that the resignation of the said James Houghton, as Superintendent of Streets and Parks be accepted; and, BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the City Commission of the City of Sanford, on behalf of the City, expresses to Nr. Noug~ton its sincere thanks and appreciation for his long, MINUTES CITY COMMISSION, SANFORD, FLORIDA. 77 7:3n 19 46 30i the remainder of his natural life. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that this resolution shall become upon its passage and adoption. Adopted this 2?th day of May , 1946. Attest: H N S~yer City Clerk. effective immediately H. James Gut Msyor. Geo D Bishop Lea R. Lesher Robert A ~illiams Commissioner Bishop next moved that Mr. James Moughton be retained by the City as Superintendent of the Municipal Zoo in an advisory cspacity at a salary of $30.00 per month. Seconded by Commissioner Williams and carried. Conslder~tion next given to designating a site for the proposed sewage disposal plant, of which the plans and specifications are being prepared by Smith & Gillesple, Engineers, from funds advanced by the Federal Works Agency. Thereupon after considerable discussion, the Commission selected and designated the northwest portion of City owned property described as Lots 2,4 and S of Block X, St. Gertrude Addition for a site for the proposed sewage disposal plant. Application next received from Roy A.Redding for permit to sell beer and wines at 1515 W. 13th , Street, and on motion duly carried, same was denied because of dance hall being operated at this place of business. On motion duly carried , the Clerk was next ordered to notify R.T.Cowan to reconstruct the sidewak on west side of Palmetto Avenue abutting his property, which was removed by him in connection with remodeling his store building, the engineering and ~rades to be furnished by the City. Mr.E.C.Smith, Chairman of Seminole County Infantile Paralysis Association and Dr. Frank L. Quillman, Director of Seminole County Health Unit , next appeared and advised that as a result of the epidemic of infantile paralysis in South Florida and the recent cases reported in nearby counties, said Association held a meeting on May 23, to consider ways and means of using precautionary measures to prevent this disease from infecting this county; stating that it was the opinion of this Association that Sanford should take such steps as a number of other cities are doing by spraying all garbage containers, alleys, dumps and other such places that attract flies, roaches and other insects with DDT disinfectant. They also informed the Commission that the Florida State Board of Health and State Exterminators Association were holding a conference in Miami on June 3 and ~ for the purpose of instructing health and sanitary officers how to combat the polio epidemic, and requested the City to send a representative to this conference. Thereupon after considerable discussion and on motion duly carried, the Commission authorized an emergency expenditure to purchase the DDT disinfectant and employ the necessary personnel to spray all garbage containers, alleys, dumps and similar places throughout the City, as a precaution to prevent the community from becoming infected by infantile paralysis. ~As the City Commission of (Seal) the City of ~snford, Florida 302 MINUTES CITY COMMISSION, SANFORD, FLORIDA, ]~a.y 27 at 7°~?~0 P ~ 19 46 Mr. R.T.Cowan next appeared and advised that he was not able to secure a right-of-way across the property owned by Chase & Company for constructing the proposed sanitary sewer line for serving the property in Eagnolia Heights and S~n Lanta Second Section, and t~% he had obtained a bid for constr~cting it on Locust Avenue right-of-way and the cost amounted to $26,301.00; stating that this cost was prohibitive for his building program and requested a permit to install septic now under construction instead of installing the Matter taken under advisement. The Clerk next reported that ~r. they could not get delivery on the tanks to serve the thirteen dwellings sanitary sewer line. F.R.Miles and Mr. Francis P.Oddo had advised that excursion boat being constructed for them so as to begin operation on Lake Monroe within the 120 days specified in the proposed lease agree- ment, and had requested an extension of time. Thereupon the Commission agreed to extend the time limit in which 5~r. ~iles and Mr. Oddo shall begin operation of their sightseeing boat ,provided they show sufficient evi- dence that an order has been placed for the construction of same. The Mayor next advised that the Navy had received a request from the National Housing Authority to release all the barrack buildings on the Sanford Nawl Air Station to said Authority to be removed for the purpose of housing war veterans in other localities. Thereupon the Mayor was authorized to direct a request to the National Housing Authority the Navy and to our Representatives in Washington that said Barracks be left on the station for use for educational purposes by the proposed vocational training school. Consideration next given to the matter of installing parking meters in %he main business sections as a means of controlling parking in the congested areas and to keep traffic fluid in front of the business houses, thereby eliminating the all day parkers that are causing an inconvenience to shoppers because of not being able to park in front of the stores. Thereupon after considerable discussion the City Manager was authorized and directed to make an investigation of other Florida cities that have installed such meters with a view to obtaining information as to whether or not they are a sattefactor.y solution to the parking problem, and the amount of revenue being derived f~m their operations. There being no further business the meeting then adjourned until 2:30 o'clock P .N May 29, 19~6. May or. I Attest: ·