HomeMy WebLinkAbout060646304 MINUTES CITY COMMISSION, SANFORD, FLORIDA, JUD~ 6 &t 2.*00 The City Commission of the City of Sanford, Florida met in adjourned session at the City Hall in the City of Sanford, Florida at 2:00 o'clock P M June 6, 1946. Present: Commissioner H. James Gut, Mayor. # George D.Blshop W O Hill Rober~ A Wllll~8 City N~er ~ Clerk H N Sayer ~lef of Poll~e R.G. Willl~s Absent: Co~lssloner Lea R. Leshe~. Meetl~ c~led to order by ~e Chai~. Mr. Edw~d Higgins , Man.er of the Seminole County Ch~ber of Oo~eroe next advised the status of the p~posal of ~e Nation~ Housing Authority to remove the ba~ack bulldi~s from the Sanford Naval ~r ~tatlon for the pu~ose of housi~ war veterans In other loc~lties: stating that at ~e request of Mayor Gut he had directed a request to the Nation~ Hous~g Authority to withdraw ~eir request for these buildings and had filed a copy of the brief outlini~ the uses for which the City intends to m~e of the ai~ort and the buildl~s and facilities located thereon, but had not received a satlsfac%o~ reply because ~ey would not m~e a definite co~itment on wl~drawl~ their request. Mr Hi. ins also stated ~at the Director of ~e regional office Atl~ta had advised ~at ~eir p~gram was strictly a project for housing veter~s, ~ich has a priority over the proposed uses the City intends to make of these butldi~s, ~d had recommended that the City file application w~ the Natlon~ Housi~ Authority to es- tablish a local housing project to provide temporary houel~ for veter~s under the pro- visions of Title V of ~e ~ Act, convertl~ the said barrack buildl~s apar~ent houses. Thereupon after considerable discussion, it was ~e opinion of ~e Commission that eguld be for the interest of the City to file application wl~ the National Housi~ Au~ori~ to convert said buildings into apar~ent houses for tempor~y housi~ of loc~ war veterans ,In order to retain said buildings on ~e airport , ~d on motion of Commissioner Bishop, seconded by Commissioner Willies and ca~ied, ~e Mayor and City M~er were au~orlzed to submit such application in person to the regional office Atlanta, the expenses in connection therewith to be bo~e by the City. Chief of Police Willies next reported that the Civil Se~ice Board had published a notice for applications for policemen to replace those now servl~ under tempora~ employment, but ~d not received ~y applications because of the low s~ariee being paid for this service. Matter taken under advisement. There being no further business the meetl~ adjourned. Attest: