HomeMy WebLinkAbout061046-Regular Session MINUTES CitY COMMISSION, SANFORD, FLORIDA~ 305 The City Commission of the City ~f Sanford, Florida, met in regular session at the City Hall in the City of Sanford, Florida, at ?:30 o' clock P M June 10,I946. Present: Commissioner H.James Gut, Mayor. s George D. Bishop # W C Hill " Lea R. Lesher # Robert A Williams City Attorney Fred R.Wllson City Manager & Clerk H N Bayer Chief of Police R.G.Wllllams Meeting called to order by the Chairman. Current invoices and payrolls for month of May 1946, properly audited and vouchered as evidenced by Voucher Nos 904~ thru 9140, submitted, examined, approved and payment authorized. Monthly reports of Streets, Sanitation, Health, Water, Police, Fire and Library Departments for month of May 1946, submitted and examined. Financial statement and statement of revenues and expenditures during month of May 1946, submitted and examined. Bank statements in all accounts for month of May 1946, properly reconciled, submitted and examined. Mr. J.R.Brown, Sales Representative of M.H. Rhodes, Inc. Hartford, Conn., manufacturer of the Mark-Time Parking Meters, next appeared before the Board and submitted a proposal to install parking meters in the main business section of the City, together with a demonstration of the type of meter recommended to be installed in Sanford, which was the combination penny-nickel type, rendering 12 minutes parking time plus 10 minutes 'overtime" ( or free parking timer) for one penny; and 60 minutes parking time plus l0 minutes "overtime" for a nickel. Mr Brown also su0mltted a survey map of the business sections he had prepared showing the parking areas and locations recommended for park- ing meters, of which the total amount to 2?0. Mr Brown then submitted a proposed con- tract for installing the meters at a price of $54.00 each, payable from one-half of the fees to be received from the operations of the meters, the title of meters to remain Un the name of the seller until paid for in full; the City having the option to install such meters on a trial period of twelve months. Thereupon after conslderalbe discussion and careful study of the map showing the pro- posed zones for parking meters, and upon recommendations of the City Manager and Chief of Police, the Commission opproved same, but action was deferred on the installation of parking meters, pending further consideration of the matter. A group of cattlemen and butchers next appeared and requested that the days for inspecting meat products be changed from Monday and Thursday afternoons of each week to Tuesdays and Thursdays and also that they be granted a permit for storing meat products on cold storage between inspection days until it can be inspected by the City Meat Inspector, claiming that it is working a hardship on both the cattlemen and butchers by not being able to butcher but twice each week. Thereupon after considerable discussion and on motion duly carried, the City Meat Inspector was authorized to make inspections on Tuesday afternoons instead of Mondays 3O6 MINUTES CITY COMMISSION. SANFORD, FLORIDA,~f_. for inspection, conditioned that such meat products will not be offered for sale until it has passed inspection by the City Meat Inspector which will only 0e made on regular inspection dates. Mr Jack Ratigan, President of the Junior ChamBer of Commerce, next appeared and outlined their vacation recreation program for children, stating that it was their plan to supplement the City's summer recreation program by employing a supervisor to assist the City' s director and to underwrite all other expenses that will exceed the funds appropriated by the City for this purpose. Thereupon the Commission expressed their appreciation to the Junior Chamber of Commerce for the assistance offered in sponsoring summer recreation activities for children, and advised that a Joint meeting would be arranged with the City Commission, City Recreation Committee, and Junior Chamber of Commerce to organize the program. Report of May analysis of milk from all dairies operatln& in Sanford, as prepared by Dr. L R Scribner's Laboratories at Orlando, next submitted, such report showing all such milk within the requirements of Grade "A" Milk. Bill of Smith & Glllesple, Engineers, in amount of $3,930.00 for one-half of engineer- lng fees for preparing plans and specifications for the sewage disposal plant, in accord- anco with terms of their contract, next presented, and on motion of Commissioner Bishop, seconded by Commissioner Williams and carried, same was approved and payment authorized. On motion duly carried, the Commission next approved the pmrchase of a power lawn mower for the cemeteries from Fred W. Kramer Mfg. Co~ Savannah Ga., at a price of $16s. 75. Consideration next given to request of the Seminole County Chamber of Commerce for %he City to assist with the cost of employing W.S.Earle, Engineer, to acquire the necessary rights-of-way and spoil areas for the proposed deepening of channel to 12 feet in St. Johns River from Sanford to Palatka. Thereupon after considerable discussion, Commissioner Lesher moved that an expenditure not to exceed $150.00 be authorized for this purpose. Seconded by Commissioner Bishop and carried. Communication next read from G.W.S~encer, Attorney for J.W. Turner, requesting the City to remove an old grave from the North one-half of Lot 2 of Section B Evergreen ceme- tery, that was sold to Mr. Turner on January 6, 1941, at price of $25.00. Thereupon after careful consideration and on advice of the Clerk that ~r. Turner was well aware of the fact that this grave was on this lot at the time he purchase it from the City, which was evidenced by mound and a concrete grave marker, the Commission felt that the City was not obligated to remove this grave, but offered to refund the pur- chase price of $25.00 to Mr. Turner. City Manager next reported that upon request of several local boat owners the specifications for one of the piers being constructed by ~.F.Ravenel had been changed from lO' X 40' to 5' X SO', which will accomodate twice as many boats at one time, and on motion duly adopted, same was approved. The City Manager next reported that the dock and warehouse leased to Winn & Lovett Grocery Company is in bad state of repair and that notice had been served on them to make the necessary repairs to place it in good condition, which is in adcordance with the terms of the lease agreement. MINUTES CITY' COMMISSION, SANFORD, FLORIDA,~_~1 Further oonslderatinn next given to request of Fire Chief Cleveland to employ three temporary firemen for relief duty during the sus~ner vacation period in order that three of the regular firemen take vacations at the same time. Thereupon after consideralbe discussion, and on motion duly carried, the Commission authorized the employment of one relief fireman and instructed the Fire Chief to arrange the vacation schedule for only one fireman at a time. Consleration next given to request of Chief of Police Williams for an increase in the salary scale of all policemen, in order to employ and maintain a full force of com- petent personnel. Thereupon after considerable discussion, and in view of the great increase in living cost during the past year, it was the opinion of the Commission that the salaries and wages paid to all employees should be increased in order to help defray the increased cost of living, and on motion of Commissioner Lesher, seconded by Commissioner Bishop and carried, an increase of 10 percent in salaries and wages paid to all employees was authorized, effective as of July 1, 19~6. A drawing of the proposed facilities for the Colored Recreation Center ,as prepared by Archltect,Elton J.Moughton, was next submitted for consideration. Thereupon after careful study of the drawings and sketches, the matter of a site for the proposed center was next brought up for consideration. Thereupon after considerable discussion of the proposed site located between Fourth and Sixth Streets and Locust Avenue and Bay Avenue, which was acquired by the City for this purpose, and in view of the opposition registered by the propert~v owners in that vicinity against the City allowing the Federal Works Agency to erect ~d operate a colored USO building on this site durLng the war, the Commission ordered that a puOllo announce- ment he made that further consideration will be given to establishing a colored recto- action center on this property at the next regular meeting, to be held on June 24, 19~6. There being no further business the meeting then adjourned until 2:00 P.M. June 21,19~6. Attest: