HomeMy WebLinkAbout070146314 MINUTES City COMMISSION, SANFORD, FLORIDA, July 1 at 713o The City Commission of the City of Sanford, Florida, met in adjourned session at the City Hall in the City of Sanford, Florida, at 7:3o o(clock P M July 1,1946 to receive the Tax Assessment Roll for the year 19~6, as prepared by the City Tax Assessor, and to sit as a Tax Equalization Board. Present: Commissioner N James Gut, Mayor. # ~orge D. Bishop " W C Hill Lea R. Lesher # Robert A Williams City Attorney Fred R.Wllson City Manager & Clerk H N Sayer Meeting called to order by the Chairman. The Tax Assessor then presented the Tax Assessment Roll for the year 19~; and advised that in view of the continued advance in values of all real estate throughout the City that he had made a blanket increase in the assessed valuations of all real property for the year 1946, as follow~, and that due notice of such increase was published in the Sanford Herald on dates of June 17,18 and 19, 1946: 20% increase in the assessed value of all improved real estate classified as residential property. 10~ increase in the assessed value of all improved real estate classified as business property. 100~ increase in the assessed value of all unimproved real estate classified ae vacant lots, pieces or parcels of land. The Commission then proceeded to sit as a Tax Equalization Board to receive any com- pla~tnte or objections as to assessed valuations on the 19~6 tax roll as prepared by the City Tax Assessor. Attorney A.Edwin Shinholser, representing br. Randall Chase, next registered a protest against the blanket increase in the assessed valuation for the year 1946. Attorney E.F. Nousholder, representing J.J.Cates Company, Inc, next registered a protest against the blanket increase in the assessed valuation for year 1946. Messre Henry McLaulln Jr, L $ Harkey and R.T.Cowan next voiced their objections against the increase of 100% in the assessed valuation of vacant property. There being no further objections registered from the audience, the Commission then received the complaints or objections filed with the City Clerk aa to assessed valuations on the 19~6 tax roll, as follows: ,NA~E DESCBIPTION OF PROPERTY Albert Hall Lots 2 & 4 Block A, Celery Ave. J A Logan Lots i & 2 Block C, Buena Vista Theo Stiles Lgt 1,2,~6,~8,51,52,~3 5%55,56,57 & 58 Oak H ll Oscar ~ayo ~t 6 Blk A Sou~ Sanfo~ E. S. McCall,A~ln Est.H B McCall Sr S 1/2 ~t 7 all 8 Blk 5 Tier 3, Sanford W E Kirchhoff Jr. E.Z. Irwin Mamie Preston All Blk E, First St. Extn Lots 8 & 9 Blk A$ou. Sanford Lot 3 Blk 3 P~ne Level ASS'D VALUATION Add. 1,200.00 200.00 Claims too high 320.00 " # 1,700.O0 5,360.00 Too high in comparison to adjoining property. 51,150.O0 Claims too high. 3,300 CO 550.00 MINUTES CITY COMMISSION~ SANFORD, FLORIDA..T,,ly 315 J L Zngley Roy Holler Carl F Kettle Sam Martina The Commission then adjourned as an Equalization Board untll ~:O0 o'clock P M July 5, 19~6, and thereupon proceeded to handle any other business which may come before it. Mr R L Cornell next tendered his resignation as a member of the Recreation Committee, and on motion duly carried, same was accepted. On motion duly carried, the Commission then re-appointed the Recreation Committee consisting of the following members: Jack Ratigan Oeo A Speer Jr. Eugene Tucker On motion of Commissioner Bishop, seconded by Commissioner Williams and carried, the Ma~or and Clerk were next authorized to execute a temporary easement to ~he United States Department of Engineering to use the City's lakefront property between French and Mangoustine Avenues for the purpose of spoil disposal in connection with deepenln~ the channel in Lake Monroe to 12 feet. Further consideration next given to the several complaints received from Mr. B.P. Bolyn because of water oterflowlng the curb at southeast corner of Park Avenue and Twenty-first Btreet and flooding his property, due to improper drainage facilities at this location. Thereupon the City Manager was directed to have the storm sewers out a~ain aa an endeavor to correct this trouble. There beln~ no further 0usiness July 5,19~6. Attest: -- ~/~y Clerk. in this area cleaned the me etln~ then adjourned until 3:00 o'clock P.M.