HomeMy WebLinkAbout080746 MINUTES CITY COMMISSION, SANFORD, FLORIDA, Angust ? _~t 2:00 P~19 46 The City Commission of the City of S~nford, Florida met in adjourned session at the City Hall in the City of Sanford, Florida at 2:00 o'clock P M August ?, 1946. Present: Commissioner H.James Gut, Mayor. Geo. D. Bishop " W C Hill # Lea R. Lesher Robert A Williams City Attorney Fred R. Wilson City Manager & Clerk H N Sayer Chief of Police R G Williams Meeting called to order by the Chairman. Consideration next given to the matter of revoking city license No. 510 issued to John A Hall on November 9, 19~5, as a vendor of beer and wines at Thirteenth Street & Clark Avenue, because of violating the alcoholic beverage law by having been arrested on February 10,1946 on a charge of having possession of intoxicating liquor without Federal excise stamp affixed, and having forfeited a bond on the llth day of February 19~6, in the sum of $101.O0 to appear to answer such charEe in the Nuniclpal Court of the City of Sanford. John A Hall then appeared before the Board and requested that his license not b e revoked for the aforesaid violation because it covered some buck brew that he had made for his own consumption; claiming that he did not know that it was in violation o f the alcoholic beverage law to have it in his possession. Thereupon after considerable discussion and hearing the evidence presented by Chief of Police Williams, Commissioner Bishop moves the revocation of the aforesaid City license No 510, issued John A Hall to engage in the business as a vendor of beer and wines. Seconded by Commissioner Williams and carried. Commissioner Hill next moved thst the revocatlonof the said license be suspended upon good behavior of John A Hall and upon condition that he keeps his place of business closed on Sundays. Seconded by Commissioner Williams and Carried. Consideration next given to the several applications received by the Tsx Collector from local merchants to be granted a City License to engage in the business as a punch board operator, under the provisions of Ordinance No. 198, passed and adopted by the City Commission under date of Sept. 30,1931, and which such applications had been denied by the City Manager because of the opinion of it being in violatlon of the City's gambling ordinances. Thereupon after considerable discussion and on advice of the City Attorney that the said ordinance No.198 had not been repealed, Commissioner Hill moved that the Tax Collector be authorized and directed to issue licenses to engage in the business of "Operators of Punchboards", under t~e provisions thereof. Seconded by Commissioner Bishop and carried over the dissenting vote of Commissioner Williams. On motion of Commissioner Bishop, seconded by Commissioner Hill and carried, the Commission next authorized and directed the Clerk to refund 19~5-46 occupational license MINUTES CiTY COMMISSION. SANFORD, FLORIDA.__ Auto, mst 7 ~.t 2:00 19~6_ There being no further business the meeting adjourned. Attest: C~e~rk.