HomeMy WebLinkAbout101446-Regular Session MINUTES CiTY COMMISSION, SANFORD, FLORIDA, October 14 ?:30 P 19 46 The City Commission of the City of Sanford, Florida, met in regular session at the City Hall in the City of Sanford, Florida, at 7:30 o'clock P M October 14,1946. Present: Commissioner H.James Gut, Mayor. " Geo. D.Bishop " Lea R.Lesher " W C Hill Robert A Williams City Attorney Fred R. Wilson City ~anager & Clerk H N Sayer Chief of Police R.G.~;illiams. Meeting called to order by the Chairmen. Current invoices and payrolls for month of September, 1946 , properly audited and vouchered as evidenced by voucher nos. 9441 thru 9551, submitted, examined, approved and payment authorized. Monthly reports of streets, sanitation, health, water, police, fire and library departments for month of September 1946, submitted and examined. Bank statements in all accounts for month of SeptemOer 1946, properly reconciled, submitted and examined. A group of approximately fifty citizens residing within the vicinity of Thirteenth Street and Elm Ave., with ~r. A.Edwin Shlnholser as spokesman, next appeared b eI'ore the Board and suOmitte~ the following petition in protest against the permit granted Central Florida Quick Freeze & Cold Storage Company, Inc, to construct and operate an abattoir~ in the building located at 401-O9 West Thirteenth St, in conjunction with their quick freeze and cold storage business. PETITION CONCERNING LOCATION OF ABattoir at 13th STREET AND EL~ AVENUE. Sanford, Florida October 14, 1946. To: Honorable City Commission San ford, Florida. Gentlemen: Whereas application was made to the City Commission of Sanford, Florida, at its regular meeting September 9, 1946 by Forrest Gatchel and Alex. R. Johneon in behalf of Central Florida Quick Freeze & Storage Company, Inc. for permission to construct and opera, ts an abattoir in the building locate~ at the southwest corner of the intersection of 13th Street and Elm Avenue in theCity of Sanford, Florida, said abattoir to be constructed and operated in conjunction with the freezing locker business to be operated on said pre- mises by said applicant, and Whereas said City Commission of Sanford, Florida, at such meeting, by motion made and carried, did grant to such applicant permission to construct and operate an abattoir of such premises as requested, and, Whereas the undersisned petitioners own or have an interest in reel property in the City of Sanford and/or are residents of the City of oanford who believe that the operation of an abattoir on the premises aforesaid would adversely affect their interest in said real property and/or their living conditions as such residents, and Whereas it is the opinion of the undersigned that the operation of an abattoir on the aforesaid premises would constitute both a public and private nuisance, that the transport of ]~vestock to said premises would entice flies and other disease breeding insects, that there would be bleating and lowing and other disturbing and distressing noises from the livestock carried to and upon such premises for slaughter, that the mere ope~ tion of such business and the conduct of slaughtering on such premises would be depressing, ~hat the neighborhood would be permeated by noisome and sickening odors from such operation, that the proximity of such business would render the vicinity an undesirable place to raise children, and that each of said conditions would be destructive of the comfort and happiness of your petitioners and of other residents in said vicinity, and that the existence of such business would materially end adversely affect the value of all properties in the vicinity as well as rendering living conditions unberable for your petitioners, many of whom have maintained their present residence MINUTES CiTY COMMISSION, SANFORD, FLORIDA, OOt.ohe~ at ?.'-3o u 19 47 permit heretofore granted as aforesaid to Central Florida Quick Freeze & Storage Company, Inc. for the construction and operation of an abattoir on the premises aforesaid, and that said City Commission record its refusal end denial of permission to such applic~nt for the construction and operation of an abattoir upon said premises. Respectfully submitted, C.H.Cogburn, -200 w. 15th St. Mrs W L Henley - 308 W. 15th St. Mrs H ~.~ Haven - 317 W. 15th Fred ~.Ball - 2lq W. 15th St. Mrs L H Harvey - 201 W. 15th Albert 0 Jarrell - 210 W. 15th. Mrs $ 0 Shinholser - 1408 Oak Ave. Mr & Mrs P R Stephenson - 309 W. 15th St. Mr & mrs John L Miller - ll3 W. 15th St. B F Wnitner Sr. - 1402 Oak Ave. Mr & Mrs B B Crumley - 120 ~. 16th St. Mrs L F Garner - 206 W. 16t~ St. ~r & ~rs J M Hayes - ll9 W. 16th ~t. L F Garner - 206 W. 16th St. Mr & mrs John Eick - ll6 W. 16t~ St. E B Randall Jr - 213 W. 16th St. Nr & ~rd Jack Rocco - 611 Myrtle E.Brewer - 141? Oak Ave. G W Bailey - 211 W. lgth St. J A Ponder - Cot 16th &, Elm Mrs Geo. Ewan - 1205 Elm Ave. H E Turner - 210 W. l?th St. Geo E Ewan - 1205 Elm Ave. W. P Fields - 200 W. l?th St. L M Tyre - 1214 Myrtle Ave. J A Cunninghsm - 14th & l.~yrtle Ave. Mrs L M Tyre - 1214 Myrtle Ave. Mrs J A Strange - 1310 Myrtle Ave. Mr & ~rs C P Harkey - 150B Sanford Ave. Mrs F L Crosby 1019 Laurel Ave. Mr & Mrs Virgil Smith - 425 W. lgth St. Mrs F C Welsh - 505 W. llth St. Mr & Mrs A F Collum - 200 W. 16th St. Robert A Cobb- 313 W. 15th Street and R.L. Knight- 12 0~½ Myrtle Ave.- called long Mrs Virginia Roche - 919 Laurel Ave. C C Welsh - 505 W. llth St. J L Wilkinson - 1209 Oak Ave. James J Singletary - llO$ Laurel Elizabeth Wilkinson - 1209 Oak Ave. W B Stovall - llO1 Elm Ave. Mr & Mrs 0 G Owen - 1312 Oak Ave. Mrs W B Stovall llO1 Elm Ave. Nary G McCauley - 1300 Magnolia Ave. Alva L Collins - 220 W. 18th St. Mr & Mrs W P ~rd - 1300 Magnolia Ave. Nary D. Knox - 217 W. 19th St. Mr & ~rs L E White - 1~O9 Laurel Ave. Mary A McKim - 212 W. 18th St. Mrs C C Beasley - lOO1 Laurel Ave. Mrs Ella S Adams - 18tn & French Mr & Mrs W G Ross - 1000 Laurel Ave. Mr & Mrs L S Harkey - 1902 French Edward Kircher - ll04 ~rtle Ave. Elizabeth Eircher - ll04 Myrtle Ave. R 0 Geiger Mr & ~rs H S Duggar - 1200 Myrtle Ave. Mr & Mrs Josh Phillips - 1215 Oak Ave. Nra & Mrs ~ Mlnarik - 1318 Park Ave. Mr $ Mrs C E McKee - 119 W. 1yth St. Mr ~ ~rs Harry Kent - 1418 Perk Ave. Junie Abney Arnold L Hood - lll8 French Ave. Mr & Mrs Joe Barnes - 1218 Oak Ave. A Edwin Shlnholser - 1OO0 Park Ave. Mrs Bertha Jenkins - 317 W. 12th St. Mr & Mrs R L Ststzer - 1211 Myrtle Ave. Mr ~ Mrs J L Ho2by - 1209 Myrtle Ave. Mr & ~rs J B Crawford - 1202 Oak Ave. Mr & Mrs H H Newman - 1214 Oak Ave J M Moye - 309 W. 16th St. distance and authorized entry of their protest. Mr Porter Lansing, operator of garage business adjacent to the quick freeze and cold storage plant, favor of allowing the abattoir to be constructed and at ~13 West Thirteenth Street next addressed the Commission in operated at t~is loc~tion, stating theft he did not believe that it would create a nuisance to t~e neighborhood and requested that permit De suztained~o Mr. Alex Johnson, President of the Central Florida Quick Freeze and cold storage Company Inc, next explained that they were installing a modern type abattoir which is so de- signed that there will be no odors from its operation;; that s~me had been aoproved by the Florida State Board of Health; that they would operate and keep it in good sani- tary condition, and if it becomes a nuisance they would be glad to move it; stating that the abattoir was being constructed for the benefit of the citizens of the entire county end requested the Commission not to revoke their permit to construct and operate same. Mr Johnson also read a resolution adopted by the Seminole County Farm Bureau requesting the Commission to allow the Central Florida Quick Freeze and Cold Storage Company Inc, to complete and operate the abattoir at this location. Mr Shlnholser next advised the Commission %~at the citizens represented by the foregoing petition had no objections to the operation of the quick freeze and cold storage plant. Mrs C.H.Cogburn and Mr James A Cunningham also spoke in opposition to allowing the abattoir to be operated in the building with the cold storage plant. There being no further protest registered, the Commission deferred action on the matter, pending further consideration and advisement. MINUTES CiTY COMMISSION, SANFORD, FLORIDA. October 14 at 7:30 P M 19_41a. ~Qr Fred Bell, Chairman of the Safety next submitted a letter requesting thst all as through thoroughfares from First Street ~{atter taken under advisement. Application next received from the ~ayfslr in conjunction with their hotel , and on motion of Commissioner Hill and carried, same was granted. Committee of the Sanford Lions Club avenues from Oak to Sanford be designated south to Thirteenth Street. Inn for permit to operate a liquor bar Commissioner Williams, seconded by 155.oo 125.0o the acceptance of the lowest bid, that of Ers Seconded by Commissioner Lesher and carried. On motion of Commissioner Hill, seconded by ComMissioner Williams and carried, the Commission next approved the purchase from Cohu & Torrey, St. Petersburg of 5 Refunding Serles A Bonds at a price of $65?.50 each. Communication next read from ~r Frank L Niller requesting that his name be with- drawn as a candidate for the office of City Commissioner to be voted upon in the 5~unicipal Primary Election to be held on November 5, 1946, D~r Miller having qualified as such candidate under date of October 3, 1946. Thereupon the Clerk was directed to withdraw ~r Miller's name as a candidate for nomination in tne Municipal Primary Election to be held on November 5, 1946. Cgmmunication next read from M H Rhodes, Inc, manufacturer of the Parking ~eters installed by the City in S~otember, 1946, advising that they had made a number of improve- ments on their new parking meters and would replace the old type meters installed in Sanford within the next week. Communication next read from Mandall Chase requesting the Commission to remove the parking meters from in front of the Post Office building and replace them with a "5 minute parking zone" claiming that the meters are creating a hardship on citizens visiting the post office. Thereupon after considerable discussion and on recommendation of Chief of Police Williams, the Commission ordered the parking meters removed from in front of the .Post O~'flce and reolaced with a "5 minute parking" zone. Bill of Smith & Glllespie,Engineers, in amount of $6,835.00 for one half of engineering fees for preparing plans and specifications for the extension and rehabilitation of the City's sanitary sewers, in accordance with terms of their contract, next presented, and on motion of Commissioner Bishop, seconced by Commissioner Williams and carried, same was approved and payment authorized. Chief of Police Williams next reported of resignations of Pol~e Patrolmen Charles B.Baker on OctoOer y, and Frank Van Engelen on October 15. Lobby News Stand 5~rs Eary L Strong Thereupon Commissioner Hill moved Mary L. Strong in amount of $125.00. Application next received from Charlie Glenn for permit to sell Deer and wines at 1218 W. 13tn St., and request of Chief of Police, was denied. Application next received from Table Supply Store for permit to sell beer and wines, to De consumed off the premises, at 212 E.First St., and on recommendation of Chief of Police, same was approved. The following bids next received for renewing the subscriptions for one year to 4~ magazines and periodicals for the 5~unicipal Library: MINUTES C]'TY COMMISSION, SANFORD, FLORIDA,.0Ct°bsr 14 at 7:30 381 to acti~ng Lieutenant at salary of $165.00 per month, effective as of OctoOer 1,1946. Consideration next ~iven to the matter of purchasing a new fire truck for the Fire Department. Thereupon after considerable discussion as to the type of equipment recommended by the Fire Chief, Commissioner Hill moved that the City ~anager obtain bids to be received by the City Commission at the regular meeting to be held on November 25,1946, for furnishing one Combination Aerial Ladder, Pumper and Hose Truck to comply in general with tie NatLonal Board of Fire Underwriters' specifications on Municipal Fire Apparetus. Seconded by Commissioner Bishop and carrieO. Co~nunlcatlon next read from the ~ayfair Inn requesting the City to condemn and remove the old burned garage building located across the street in front of the hotel because of it being unsightly and detrimental to the surrounding property; advlslng that a large sum of money had been spent in making improvements to the hotel fscillt~s and beautifying the grounds and the owner feels that this eyesore should be removed from the adjacent property. Thereupon the Clerk was directed to notify Mr E.F. Lane, owner of the old garage building, of this complaint and that the Commission will be forced to take such action as necessary at the next regular meeting to be held on October 28, 1946, to institute condemnation proceedings to have this building demolished and removed. Commissioner Williams next lntorduced Resolution No. 713, and after ceing read in full by the Clerk, moved its passage and adoption. Seconded by Cormmlssioner hill and carried b~ the following vote of thc Commission. Commissioner Gut Aye " Bishop Aye " Hill Aye " Lesher Aye " Williams Aye Said resolution no. 713 Oeing in words and figures as RESOLUTION NO. 713. I'ollows: A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY CO;?!ISSION OF THE CITY OF SANFORD, FLORIDA, REQUESTING THE STATE ROAD DEPAR~:!ENT OF FLORIDA TO ~AKE CERTAIN ILiPROVE~TENT$ IN FRENCH AVENUE IN THE CITY OF SANFOPD. ~EREAS, The Florida State Farmers' ~arket in Sanford, Florida, is located on French Avenue in said City and seld French Avenue from Seminole Boulevard in the City of Sanford, South to l~s intersection with State Road No.3 is a n~tural,fessible and proper farm to market route and for through tra~flc from points north of the City of Ssnford to points South of said City, and particularly for heavy truck traffic; and, WHEREAS, said French Avenue is not in a good state of repair and the pavement thereon should be widened so as to better accomodate traffic, and the City of Sanford is not in a position to bear the cost of such improvements, w~ich would promote and ex- pedite the movement of farm products to market and through trafflc between the points a0ove mentioned: O~,THzREFORE BE IT RESOLVED BY TH~ CITY COt..~MISSION OF THE CITY OF SANFORD;FLORIDA: 1. That the State Road Department of Florida be aha it is hereby requested to improve French Avenue from its intersection with Semino~ Boulevard in the City of hartford, Florida, south to its intersection with State Road No. thereon so as to properly accomodate traffic aforesaid. 3, by repairing and widening the pavement thereon and tnereover for the purpose MINUTES CiTY COMMISSION, SANFORD, FLORIDA, 0etocer 14 at 7:30 P N 19 46 Department of Florida, a PASSED AND ADOPTED Attest: H.N.Sa~er City Clerk. On motion certified copy of this resolution. t~Is l~th day of October, 19~6. H. James Gut As ~.ay o r. W. C. Hill Robert A Williams .Lea R. Lesher Geo. D.Blshop As the City Commission of the City of Sanford,Florida. duly adopted, the Commission next ordered signs placed at the north and south entrance to French Avenue designating it as a "Truck Route". Communication next re~d from Mr. Loomis C. Leedy, Orlando, relative to option granted him on September 3, 1946, for 30 days to lease the City's lakefront property for the purpose of development for port facilities, in accordance witi~ tile terms a~d o~nditions of ~e~o].utlon No.709, advising that he was reasonably certain that he would lease this property and would have an engineer on the project in the very near future. The City ~anager next reported that there are approximately 2,500 boxes of early oranges ripe on the trees in the citrus grove located on the Banford Naval Air Station property that ~hould be picked during October. Thereupon after considerable discussion, and in view of the fact that the citrus grove wss included in the revocable permit granted the City by the Navy, the City 5~anager was directed to obtain bids from the local fruit packers and shippers for purchasing the early crop of oranges on the trees at ~ price per Pox 'basis. On motion of Commissioner Williams, seconded by Commissioner Bishop and carried,, the Florida. Power &-Light Company was next authorized and directed to add the twenty whiteway street lights located on the Sanford Naval Air Station to the City's street lighting aKree- ment and to furnish electric energy for lighting same on a temporary ~asis, in accordance with the terms and provisions of said agreement. There being no further business the meeting then adjourned until 3:00 o'clock P.M. OctOber 1g,1946. Mayor. Attest: ~ Cit~rk.