HomeMy WebLinkAbout122346-Regular Session MINUTES City COMMiSSiON, SANFORD, FLORIDA,__ eo. 23 7;' o P M 19 The City Commission of the City of Sanford, Florida, met in regular session at the City Hall in the City of Sanford, Florida, at ?:~0 o'clock P M December 23, 1946. Present: Commissioner H. James Gut, Mayor. " Geo. D.Blshop " Lea R. Lesher Robert A Williams City Attorney Fred R.Wilson City Manager & Clerk H.N.Sayer Chief of Police R.O.Wllliams Absent: Commissioner W.C.Hill Meeting called to order by the Chairman. The proposed Ordinance prohibiting the display of merchandise, stands, racks and other obstructions on the sidewalks was next presented for further consideration. Thereupon after considerable discussion, action was deferred, pending further conslder~tion of the matter. The proposed lease agreement with James S.Rivers covering site for the radio broadcasting station was next submitted and read in full by the Clerk. Thereupon Commissioner Lesher moved its aoproval an~ that the Mayor and Clerk be authorized to execute same on behalf of the City. Seconded by Commissioner Williams and carried. Said lease agreement being in words and figures as follows: THIS INDENTURE OF LEASE AND EASEi~ENT, made in duplicate this 23rd day o f December, 1946, by the 0ITv OF SANFORD, FLORIDA, a municipal corporation, hereinafter referred to as lessor and JAMES S RIVERS, of Cordele, Georgia, hereinafter referred to as lessee, witnesseth: That the lessor for and in consideration o f the rentals to be paid by the lessee, and covenants on his part to be performed as hereinafter stated, has leased and let, and by these presents does lease and let unto the lessee~ the following described lots, pieces or parcels of land, situate in the City of Sanford, Florida, to-wit: Lots 5 and 6 of Block 4 of MELLONVILLE, according to plat thereof of record in ~_t ~-rra~ .z~ ~_ _ ~ in Plat Book 1, page 120, of the public records of Seminole County, Florida. and has granted, and by these presents does grant to the lessee, an easement across the following described property,to-wit: Ail of Block 2, and beginning at southwest corner of Block 2, run west to block B ( Now plat of First Street Extension) thence North to Lake Monroe, Easterly along lake to west line of Block 2, thence South to beginning: Lots 1,2,B, and 4 of Block 4; Lots 1,2,3 and 4, of Block 5 MELLONVILLE, according to plat thereof of record in Plat book 1, page 120 of the public records of Seminole County, Florida TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the above described premises and easement unto the lessee for a period of ninety-nine (99) years from the date hereof, unless sooner terminated, subject to the terms and conditions hereinafter set forth. The lessee has leased and let the above described premises of and from the Lessor for the term aforesaid and agrees to pay the lessor the sum of one ($1.00) per year, payable in advance, for the first ten years of this lease, and the rental hereinafter stated for the remainder of said term. And the lessee, as further consideration, for this lease and easement, agrees that: 1. The aforesaid premises are leased by him for the purpose of erecting and MINUTES CiTY COMMISSION, SANfORD, FLORIDA, within a period of one year from the date of this lease and easement. 2. The easement aforeeaid, across the premises secondly above described, for use only by the lessee for the purpose of installing underground aerial mat, is granted which shall be so installed that said property c an be used by the lessor, its successors or assigns, for building, planting or other purposes. 3. The lessor shall have the right to examine the exterior plans for any building or buildings purposed to be erected by the lessee on the above described premises, prior to its or their erection, and said exterior plans shall be subject to the approval of the lessor. 4. Any building or buildings erected by the lessee upon the above described premises shall be and become a part of the lands upon which erected, and upon the expiration of the term of this lease, or its earlier termination, shall be and become the property of the lessor, its successors or assigns 5. AnY building or buildings erected upon the above described premises shall be at all times kept in a state of sound repair and neat appearance and, likewise, the grounds on which said radio station shall be erected shall be at all times maintained in a neat and attractive manner, and upon failure of the lessee to comply with this covenant after 30 days notice in writing by the lessor so to do, the lessor shall have the right to enter upon said premises for the purpose of performing the provisions hereof, and the lessee shall reimburse the lessor for the expenses thereof within BO days after presentation of bill therefor. 6. Lessee shall keep any and all buildings erected upon the hereby leased and let premises, insured against all risk of damage or destruction by fire and windstorm to their full insurable value. Said insurance policy or policies shall be payable to the lessor and lessee Jointly, and in case of partial loss or damage to said building or buildings, proceeds of said insurance policy or policies shall be applied to the restoration of said building or buildings to its, or their, former condition; and in the event of a com- plete destruction of said building or buildings, the lessee agrees within one year from the date of said destruction to erect on said premises a new building or buildings, and the proceeds of said insurance policy or policies may be applied for such purpose, said of building or buildings, to be/at least equal to, if not greater, value than the building or buildings destroyed; and over and over again so long as said partial or complete destruction may occur. ?. If the radio station to be erected upon the above described premises ceases to function at any time during the term of this lease, and does not function for a period of one year, this lease shall become null and void and of no effect and the lessee shall imme- diately surrender possession of said premises and buildings erected thereon and easement to the lessor, its successors or assigns. S. The lessee will pay to the lessor for the eleventh and each successive year of said term thereof, to and including the fifteenth year, one percent of the gross income of the radio station to be erected by the lessee on the above described premises; one and one-half percent of said gross income for the sixteenth and each year thereof until, and including the twentieth year, of said term, and two percent of said gross income for each year there- after until the end of said term. The aforesaid rentals shall be paid to the lessor by the lessee annually, and detailed report of said income shall be made to the lessor by the lessee MINUTES CiTY COMMISSION, SANFORD, FLORIDA, Dec. 2'~ at 7:'~o P M 19 shall be made to lessor, its successors or assigns, within thirty days after the end of each year. 9. Any building or buildings or any other improvements thereon, the and the lessee lessor, that may be erected on the above described premises, shall be assessable for personal property taxes by shall pay, before they become delinquent, said personal property taxes, and shall pay before they become delinquent, taxes and special assessments that may be assessed against and personal property. all state and/or county said land and premises 10. The lessee shall not assign this lease without the written consent of the lessor. 11. The lessee shall save the lessor harmless from any claim for damages to any person or persons incurred in the erection or operation of said radio station, and may shall reimburse the lessor for any damages it/sUstain by reason thereof. 12. He will at all times obey and comply with all legal requirements, rules and ordinances of lessor and laws of the State of Florida and of the United States which may affect the premises hereby leased or the business carried on therein. Lessor covenants and agrees that the lessee upon paying the rentals and performing and fulfilling the conditions and provisions hereof, upon Lessee's part to be paid, performed and fulfilled, shall and may peacably and quietly hold, occupy and enjoy the aforesaid premises, for and during the term aforesaid, free from any act, hindrance, eJectment or molestation by the said lessor or any person or persons claiming through or under it. This lease is made upon the express conditions that said lessee shall promptly pay the rental hereunder ~nd shall fulfill and perform all and singular the agreements, conditions and provisions, contained herein, in the manner provided for herein; and if at any time the rental hereunder, or any part thereof, shall remain unpaid for thirty (30) days after it becomes due without demand made therefor; of if the lessee shall fail to pay, before they become delinquent, taxes and speolal assessments as herein before required, or to fulfill any of the other terms and conditions hereof, in the manner called for herein; and if said non-performance or non-fulfillment shall continue for a period of sixty (60) days after written notice of the same has been given to the lessee, or his duly authorized agent, it shall be lawful and optional for the lessor to declare a forfeiture of this said lease; and into said premises to re-enter and the same to have again, repossess and enjoy as in lessor's first and former estate; and thereupon this lease and all agreements and covenants on the lessor's behalf to be performed and kept, shall cease, terminate, and be utterly void, the same if this lease had not b sen made; and in addition thereto, the lessor shall be entitled to whatever remedies it may have at law, for the collection of any unpaid rental hereunder or for any other sums, for damages or otherwise, that it may have sustained on account of the lessee's non- fulfillment of the terms and conditions of this IN WITNESS ~HEREOF, the lessor has caused name by its Mayor and attested and its official lease. these presents to be executed in its seal to be here unto affixed by its City Clerk, and the lessee has hereunto and year first above written. Signed, sealed and delivered in the presence of: Ellen Hey set his hand and seal, all as and of the day CITY OF S ANMORD, FLORIDA BY H.James Gut ~ts Mayor. MINUTES CITY CONiMISSlON, SANFORD, FLORIDA, Deo 23 at 7'-30 P ~ _19 Application next received from Ho~ler MotOr Sales for the City to remove three oak trees from the parkway in front of their property at southwest corner of Palmetto Ave and Second St., and on motion duly adopted same was authorized,provided they pay for the cost oflsame. Application next received from Holler ~otor Sales for permit to remove 165 feet of street curbing on west side of Palmetto Ave. between Second and Third Streets and replace same with commercial driveway, and on motion duly carried, same was granted. Request next received from F.D.Scott for the City to install an overhead street light at intersection of Summerlln Ave. and Fourth St, and same was denied. Commissioner Bishop next introduced Ordinance No. 409 entitled: ORDINANCE NO. 409. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF SAN~ORD FLORIDA_ PROVIDING FOR SAFETY TO LIFE IN PLACES OF ASSEMBLY IN THE CITY OF SANFOB~, FLORIDA, PROVIDING CERTAIN REGULATIONS THEREFOR, AND PRESCRIBING A PENALTY FOR VIOLATION OF THE PROV IS IONS HEREOF. and same was placed on its first reading and read in full by the Clerk. Neesrs John Krider, Joel Field, Floyd Palmer, Geo. Stine and Julian Stenstrom next appeared on behalf of the Sanford Baseball Association ~nd registered a protest against the City granting the Chattanooga Baseball Club the use of the Nunicipal Baseball Park for conducting a baseball training school during the period January 20 thru February 19 19~?, claiming that with approximately 150 ball players training on the field during this period will damage it to such an extent that it cannot be reconditioned and placed in satisfactory playing condition for the Toledo Baseball Club that will arrive in Sanford on Narch ?th, for~their spring training; also stating that the Sanford Baseball Association will not accrue any benefits from this baseball school because all the players will be assigned to farm teams of the Washington Senators. The Chairman then advised this Committee that the Seminole County Chamber of Commerce had arranged for the Chattanooga Baseball Club to conduct this training school in Sanford and use the ball park for this purpose without consulting the City on the matter, however, that Mr Joe Engle, President of the Ball Club had agreed to assume full responsibility for the cere and maintenance of the field while it is used by the training school and has guaranteed to deliver it back to the City in as good condition as when they take it over. Mr F E Boles addressed the Commtselon on behalf of the Seminole County Chamber of Commerce Baseball Committee, stating that they had invited this school to Sanford because they felt the City would accrue benefits from the publicity to b e derived from the approximately 150 young men that will visit Sanford while the School is in session. Thereupon after considerable discussion, final action was deferred, pending written report from Nr Edward Higgins, Nanager of the Seminole County Chamber of Commerce, as to the proposition offered the Chattanooga Baseball Club and the obligations and responsibilities to be assumed by the City in connection with their baseball training program. A colored group representing the Sanford Giants baseball team next appeared and requested the City to erect a grandstand at the colored baseball park in order that their team may qual- ify to enter the Colored Florida State League for the 1947 season, stating that they could not qualify unless their perk had a sheltered grandstand with adequate sanitary facilities; also advising that the City of Orlando had erected a grandstand during the past year that is similar to the one needed for their requirements. Thereupon the City Nanager was directed to obtain information as to the seating capacity and construction cost of the grandstand erected by the City of Orlando, for MINUTES CiTY Co. MissioN, S^NFORD, FLORiOA,DeC. 23 at 7:30 19 /46 new F & E Check Protector manufactured by Hedman Company, Chicago, Ill. at a price of $149.50 less trade-in allowance of $35.00 on old machine that has worn to such an extent that the cost of reconditioning is unreasonable. On motion of Commissioner Lesher, seconded by Commissioner Bishop and carried, the Commission next approved the ourchase from B.J.Van Ingen & Company, Nlaml, of 6 refunding Series A bonds at a price of $677.50 each. The plans for the proposed Bus Station to be constructed by Nr.N.G. Loftin on City owned property described as Lots 35, 36,37 and 35 of Lake View Park, in accordance with option agreement authorized by City Commission under date of September 25, 1946, next submitted for consideration. Thereupon after careful study , the Commission tentatively approved the aforesaid plans, subject to approval of the detail specifications to be furnished. The Clerk next submitted letter from Layne-Atlantic Company, Orlando, together with itemized statement in amount of $2,535.07 covering cost of furnishing and install- ing one Layne 6" Deep Well Turbine l~p and l0 N~ U.S.Electric Notor, with international gasoline power unit, Amari]lo Combination Drive and Watson Splicer Shaft for standby emergency service of which' their contract price accepted by the City Commission under date of December 5, 1945, amounted to $2,007.99. Their letter explaining that the reason for this increase over the contract price was due to the increase in cost of this equipment that was allowed by the Federal Government after the contract was awarded, which was beyond their control. Thereupon after careful consideration and in view of the fact that there has been a general increase in cost of all equipment, materials and labor during the past year, Commlesioner Lesher moved that the City offer to share fifty per cent of this increased cost in amount of $527.08 over the bid contract price. Seconded by Commissioner Williams and carried. Communication next read from Captain F.T.Ward, Chief of Staff of Naval Air Advance Training Command, Jacksonville, requesting that theCity pay over to the United States Government the money received from sale of 865 boxes of oranges picked from the Sanford Naval Air Station property. Natter taken under advisement. The Clerk next submitted the insurance policy of American Casulaty Company, Meadlng Pa. covering public liability, property damages and collision insurance on City's passenger vehicles, and public liability and property damages insurance on the pickup trucks, of !which the total premium for one year beginning December 15, 19~6, amounted to $716.87, which was written by C.~.Boyd & Company for his portion of insurance on the automotive equipment; stating that this premium represents a considerable increase over last year's premium, and after comparison, find that the rates under this policy are higher than those of standard stock company under which balance of motor vehicles are insured thru B.B.Crumley. Thereupon after careful consideration, Commissioner Lesher moved that the afore- said policy be rejected and thst this on the other motor vehicles, and that deductible clause instead of $50.00. Seconded by Commissioner Bishop and carried. insurance be placed with carrier of such insurance the collision insurance be written with $100.00 416 MINUTES CITY COMMISSION, SANFORD. FLORIDA, Dec, 23 at ?:30 P ~ _19 46 $10.00, and all colored employees be paid a bonus of $5.00. Seconded by Commissioner Williams and carried. Further consideration next given to the request submitted by several of the firemen for an increase in their salaries because of the increased cost of living e×penees. Thereupon after considerable discussion, as a result of which it was felt that there will be a decline in the cost of living within the next ninety days, but in view of the recent increase in living cost, it was the opinion of the Commission thst all employees should have additional compensation to help defray this increased expenses until there is an effective decline, and on motion duly c arried, the Com- ~lsslon authorized the payment to all white employees that have been in the employ of the City for more than one month and additional $10.00 per month for the months of January ,Mebruary and March 19~7, and. ~5.00 to all colored employees. There being no further business the meeting then adjourned until 2:00 o'clock P.M. January 2, 19~7. Attest: