HomeMy WebLinkAbout072725-Regular MeetingCITY COMMISSION, SANFORD. FLORIDA.__ MINUTES J LZ ~C,U~YAR },~FTI?,IG OF CITY CCi_ :I, ,510:~ JUEY 2?, 1925 at 2:~0 P.i~. Present: Commissioners Forrest Lake ( ;~:ayor ) C J ~.~arshall . City ~.{anager ~ B Willi~ns City Attorney ~ ~ ,,eor~e A DeCottes, and City Fngineer Fred T Wll!i~ms. Absent: Commissioner S 0 Close. ~lnutss of last regular meeting and Speciud }~eeting of July 20th were read and approved. The Commission then proceeded as an equalizing Roard to hear Complaints as to the pro- posed paving of the following streets: Chapman Avenue from Union Ave. to First Street. Locust Ave. from Union Ave. to First St. Lake View Ave. from Union Ave. to First Street. Lee Ave. from Union Ave to First S~. San Carlos Ave. from Union Ave. to First Street. S~n Juan Ave. from Union Ave. to First St. There being no objections or complaints filed, the Com~ission declared said assessments confirmed and equalized. Commissioner C J ~arshall introduced Resolution ~ 233 entitled: "A Resolution providing for the paving repaving, hard surfacing and re-hard surfacing of Pecan Ave. from Third Street to Tenth Street, Tenth Street from Pecan Ave. to Nulberry ~ve and Olive Avenue and Eulberry Ave. from Tenth Street to Coldsboro Street, a width of 24 feet.,, and moved that same be adopted. Said motion being duly seconded, prevailed by the unani- moue vote of the City Com~nission. Thereupon the Chairman of the City Commission announced that the City Commission had unanimously passed and adopted that certain resolution #233, entitled: A Resolution providing for the paving re-paving, hard surfacing and re-hard surfacin~ of Pecan Ave. from Third Street to Tenth Street; Tenth Street from Pecan Ave. to Nulberry Ave.'and Olive Ave. and :'~iulberry Ave. from Tenth St. to Goldsboro St. a width of 24 ft. , (With Sheet Asphalt.) Thereupon Commissioner C J ~rshall introduced Ordinance #98 entitled: "AN ORDInAnCE I~POSING AN OCCUPATIONAL TAX FOR THE RECRUITING OF LABOR IN THE ~TY OF SANFGgD FLORIDA, and moved that the s~me be placed upon its first reading and read in full. Sadd motion prevailed by unanimous vote of the City Commission. Thereupon said ordinance was placed upon its first Zeading and read in full. Thereupon ~ommissioner ~ar~hall moved that the rules be waived and said ordinance be placed upon its second reading and final passage, which motion was duly seconded. The question was then put on a waiver of the rules and the roll was called upon a waiver of the rules, Those voting in favor of the waiver of the rules were: Commissioner Forrest Lake and C J ~arshall ( Commissioner Chase,Absent) Those voting against the waiver of the rules were Commissioners: None. Thereupon the question recurred upon the motion to place said ordinance upon its second reading and final passage, which motion prevailed by the unanimous vote of the City Commission. ~aereupon said ordinance was placed upon its second reading and read in Full. Upon the reading of s~id ordinance th~ roll was called upon the question of the adoption of same. Those voting in favor of the adoption of said ordinance w~ MINUTES Thereupon Chairman of the City Commission of the City of Sanford Florida announced ~ - ~ and ~dopted that certain ordinance that the City .-mission had unanimously ~asoe~ entitled: An Ordinance Imposing an occupational tax for the recrui~in~ of labor in the city of S&nford Florida." Thereupon Commissioner C J '.~arshall introduced Ordinance ~99, entitled: "An ordinance providing for the vacating and closin~ as public streets and thoroughfares Eoseway Avenue, Indiauola Ave., Accordin~ to the Plat of Rose Court addition to ~an.o d Florida as per Plat thereof recorded in Plat ~ook ~, on ?age 3, of the l~ablic ~ecords of Seminole County, Florida." ~, ~ ~aid motion andmoved that s~:e be placed upon its first readin~ and read in ,~ C~..mi~sicn. %hereupon said ordinance prevailed by the unanimous vote of the ~''' ~ .... ~' - reading ~.~d read in full. was placed upon its Thereupon Commissioner C J :;.arshall moved that the rules be waived ~nd s:~id ordinance , '~' motion was duly seconded. be placed upon ~ts second read~n~ ~na final passage, .~h~a The question was then put on a waiver of the rules and the roll was called upon a waiver of the rules. Those vo~ing in favor cf the waiver of the rule~ Commi~cioners ?o~rest Lake and C J ~:larsMll. Those votin~ against the .... '-~ of ~ne rules were Co:r. rfii:?e' ~°~ none. Thereu_~,on the question recurred upon the motion to place said ordinance upon its second reading' and final passage, which motion prevailed by the unanimous vote of the City Commission Thereupon said ordinance was placed upon its second reading ~ud read in full. Upon thc foaling Qf said ordinance the roll was called upon the question Of the adoption of s~e. · T~o~e-v6ting in favor cf the adoption of said ordinance were: Commiszicners Wettest Lak~ an,f ~J ~arshall. Those voting against th~ passable ~d adoption of said ordinance were Commas sionerB: .one. ThereupOn'-the Chairman of the Cty Corn:~/~ssi°n annOunCed thit the City Commission v ,~ ~o unanimously passed ~nd ado?ted that certr~in Ordinance of the City, ~ £,inford, ~ lo, fa,, had ~:99, e..titled. An Ordinance orovidir~ for the vacating and closing as public streets and thoroughfares ~oseway and Indianola Ave. according to the Plat of Rose Court Addition to Sanford. . ' ' '~=' S of Floriia as per Plat thereof recorded in plat ~ook 3, on P~ge 3, of the ~ahlic ..~cora Seminole county ~lcrlaa." The following warrants were read and the Clerk instructed ~o write check in payment for s a~e: 1,020. CO ~!5911 Seminole County ~ank Note 1,020.00 5912 First National Bank Note 71.~+l 5913 J J Purdon Agt. Freight. 8~8 15 591~ petty Cash Acct. Pay Rolls. July 18th. ' AQi~ Petty Cash Acct. Pay rolls July 25th. ~47.75 -~ ~ PsCottes,City At~.. salary July i ~o 3lst. 75.00 5917 ueor~e ~ 591~ V: :U~ Uk~ite i~unicipal Judge salary July i to 3ist. I00.00 5919 L E Philips, Clerk City Ct. Salary July 15 to 31st. 25.00 5920 o O Wilii~,s, Chief of Police ~;=rv J~!y 15 to 31st. 1CC.OO ...... 5.00 ~' ~.al~ry July 15 tO ~lst. ~.CO ~921 AH yeckwith, i.%C. O~Yicer ~ ~ ~ ~ 5922 J n Greene Police ,Officer salary July 15 to 31st. ~?~ Guy V Phillips. nolice" .~ .... r/ July 1~ to 31st. ~921 Job J Oreeson" . Salary July 15 to 31st. ' . . S~lary July 15 to Zist. 57'5C R .,bitten . 57.50 - "'~nk~r" ,, 9almrv July ~q to 31s.t ;9~o David E -. .... , -.~; 5~.00 ~927 A = i~arshall " ,, R~a~ ,~ July 15 to 31st. -, ' ~ to ~lst 5928 S L Smart, " , Salary July ~ . ~o~ _~aok Clevel~d Fire Chief Salary JUlYl~5 to ~lst. ~5'~0 ,, ~ o0.00 ¢'¢ ¢ Sai~ry Ju!,r to ~lst. 5930 ~ F Smith, Fireman ; ' 50.00 5931 Robert Williamson Fireman Salary July 15 to 31st. =~ 2 Vernon, Fireman oa~ ~ ~u~ .~3 Tom ...... · u ~¢~,.~ w~reman S~ry July 15 tc 31st. ~5.OO I CITY COMMISSION, SANFORD. FLORIDA.__ MINUTES July 27 ~5940 ~, T Langley, City Physician 5941 Cha~ber o~ Com:~erce 5942 G P Paxtcn, I~spector. ~5943 Ellen Hoy, T~x Coll. & Steno. p944 ' Salary July 15 to 3!st. ~'~arion T Philips, Assistant Salary July 15 to 31st. 5945 L R Philips, City Clerk. 594~ C E ~llliams, S~lary July 15 to 31st. Patrolman Salary July 15 to 31st. 594? ~John Abrahams %%'ater Supt. Salary July 15 to 31st. 5948~,1 ~ ,Weed, ~ ~.ater Engineer S~lary July 15 to 3!st. 5949 L V Duane , ~'~etsr ~eader S:~lary July 15 to 31st. 5950 J T Hardy, ~'ater & Gas. Salary july 15 to 3!st. 5951 E S-"~cCall , Gas & %~ater Salary July 15 to 31st. 5952 Velman %Tilkie, Ga~ & Water. Salary July 15 to 31st. 5953 ~ H Beatty~ Cas .,:aker Salary July 15 to ~lst. 595~ City Utilities Dept. l.~lscel. Items 5955 J j Purdon, Agt. ?rt. on Coke. S~l~ry July i to 31st. Appropriation July 15 to 3lsd. Salary July 15 to 31st. 40. O0 583.33 s7.50 ~7.50 2. 112. ~O 57.50 75.00 40. OO 67.50 75.00 70.00 37.5o 75.00 16~.75 123,0~, 7,177.~3 There being no further business the meeting adjournech~--~ ~~__ At ~est. MINUTES C TY COMM SSION. SANFORD, FLORIDA,