HomeMy WebLinkAbout022353-Regular Session MINUTES February 23 at 8 P.M. City Commission, Sonford, Florida, . ....................... : ....................................... 19.5~... 1 The City Commission of the City of Sanford, Hall in the City of Sanford, Florida, et 8:00 o'clock P. M. Present: Commissioner Randall Chase, " J.D. Cordell " John D. Ivey " John L. Kadet " W.H. Stamper City Attorney A. Edwin Shlnholser City C?erk H. N. Ssyer City Manager Thcs. L. Lemon Chief of Police R. G. Williams Florida, met in regular session at the City February 23, 1953: Mayor Meeting ealled to orSer by the Chairman. On motion of Commissioner Stemper, seconded by Commissioner Cordell and carried, minutes of regular meeting of January 12, adjourned meeting of January 19, and regular meetings of Jan- uary 26 end February 9, 1953, approved. Financial statement end statement of revenues an8 e×penditurea for month of January 1953 submitted and examined. Current invoices and payrolls for month of January 1053, as (~videnced by Voucher Nos. 8965 thru 9120, approved. Mr. O. V. Horace, Supt., of Atlantic Coast Line Railroad Company, appeared and requested the City to pave Persimmon Avenue from Third Street south to entrance to their new statlon which is being constructed outside of City limits between 8th and 9th Streets, extended, and also to pave Persimmon Avenue from McCracken Road north to said entrance, advising that the tel]road company would secure the necessary right of way for extending said street from Mc- cracken Road north across the property of Sinclair Oil Company. Thereupon after considerable discussion the Commission tope the matter under advisement with request that the railroad company consiSer opening 9th Street across their property so as to provide access to the new station for south and east traffic without having to use West 13th Street which is narrow and congested. Report on ~'rench Avenue, by Volie Williams, Jr., - It was reported that out of approximately 100 ~ieces of right of wsy deeds 80 had been received, leaving about 20 to be obtained. The delay in filing condemnation proceedings wes caused by the failure of the ~tete Road De- psrtment to furnish the ~escriotion as they required. All papers covering these condemnation proceedings for the right of way have been prepared, and as soon as the descriptions have been received they can be filed very quickly. Mr. Williams reporte5 that he h~s been consistently following up this matter with the State Road Department, as indicated by coples of correspondence. After discussion it was felt t~t it would be for the best interest of the City to with- hold filing the condemnation suit until all parcels could be included. Mr. Williams next advised that the project had been taken out of the State Road Department's budget for construction in 1953, but that a budget meeting would be held in Tallahassee on Feb- ruary 25, and with proper oresentation of request, he felt that it could be placed beck in the 1~53 budget, aSvising however, that he woul~ not be able to attend said meeting. Thereupon Commissioner Btemper moved that the City Manager and Volie Williams, Br., be authorized to attend said meeting on February 25, relative to including French Avenue project in the 1953 budget. Seconded by Commissioner Kadet and carried. Mr. Williams also advised that the State Road Department would not approve payment to the City for right of we~J across Lots 16 end 17 of Block 7, Dreamwold, which were purchased from Hsrry Carrington at cost of $2,000.00, and after discussion action was again deferred on re- MINUTES City Commission, Sanford, Florida, ..~.~.~..~ ~ ~ ~: ~z .... 19..~. Ralph Cowan, Chairman of Publicity Committee of Ssnford Industrial Board, submitted another progress report, advising of having already secured one industry which will be in operation with- in two weeks, of favorable negotiations with another, and of four others interested in locating in Sanford. He also requested the Commission to appropriate additional funds to defray current expenses of the Board until such time Charter approval is received for Sanford IndustrieS,Inc. After discussion Commissioner Stemper moved that an add~tional $200.00 be appropriated from the Contingent Fund for the Industrial Board to defray current expenses until the Charter has been officially approved for the corporation. Seconded by Commissioner Ivey and carried. Engineer Robert M. Angas of engineering firm of Robert M. Angas and Associates, neet re- ported on conference with Dr. Abel Wolman, professor of sanitary engineering at John Hopkins University, relative to employing his services as consultant on City's sewerage a~ water works projects, which he agreed to accept at fee of ~3,000.00 plus travel expenses. Mr. Angas advised that his firm would absorb Dr. Wolman's fee provided the projects are constructed as proposed, or, if the total cost exceed one million dollars, the City to cay a pro rata of such fee. Thereupon after discussion it was felt that any fees but if less, they would reaueet for consultant engineers on the pro- Jeers should be paid by Robert M. Annas and Associates under the terms of their engineering con- tract with the City. Mr. Angas then agreed to pay for such services but stated that they would probably need to call on thc City for an advance on their fees in order to pay the refiner fee of $1,000.00 to Dr. Wolman, which the Commission agreed to approve. Gordon P. Blitch of auditing firm of Blitch, Tyson and Meek, of Jacksonville and DeLand ne~t appeared with reference to contract awarded them for auditing City's books for fiscel year ending September ~0, 1953, at fee of $2,000.00 for cost-audit, or, $2,400.00 for con- tinuous audit. He recommended that the City accept their three year proposal for continuous audit at fee of $2,000.00 per year, a~reelnE to a stipulation in the contract that it could be terminated by the City at end of first or second year upon payment of the additional $~00.00. Thereupon after discussion, Commissioner Kader moved that the City execute a contract with Blltch, Tyson and Meed for continuous audit for three years ~t fee of $2,000.00 per year, with stipulation embodied therein that same can be terminated at end of first or second year upon payment of $400.00. Seconded by Commissioner Stemoer and carried over dissenting vote of Com~iesloner Ivey who stated that he felt that Commission should not enter into a contract for auditing services which would obligate any future Commission. Mr. David C. Dick, Branch Manager for Blue-Cross-Blue Shield, Inc., next appeared and sub- mitted a proposal for group insurance coverage for hospitalization an~ medical the City to participate by paying one-half of to be considered in next year's budget, since purpose. Request next received from Mrs. Victoria Anderson to remove four palms, one pine and one oak tree from the parkway in front of her property at northwest corner of Elm Avenue and 12th Street ~nd on motion of Commissioner Stemoer, seconded by Commissioner Corderll and carried, same was anoroved, conditioned that any reolanting of trees or shrubbery on the ~rkway to be ack,roved by the City Manager and Chief of Police. Application next received from Va]dez Hotel, with 60 guest rooms, for permit to operate a bar and cocktail lounge, and on advice that the limitation of beverages license for sale of In- toxicating beverages that same be granted. fees for employees, the premiums, and same was taken under advisement no funds are available in current budget for such does not apply to hotels of 50 guest rooms and over, Commissioner Kadet moved Seconded by Commissioner Ivey and carried. MINUTES 3 February 23 at 2 P. ~. 55 City Commission, Sanford, Florida, . ............................................................... 19 ........ The Texas Company .1211~ per gallon Mexican Petroleum Corporation .1211~ per gallon Thereupon Commissioner Ivey moved~at the contract be awarded to The Texas Seconded by Commissioner Cord ell and carried. Company, Com:':Jss'~oner Ivey next introduced Resolution No. 816, and after being read in full, moved its passage and adootion. Seconded by Commissioner Cordell and carried by.the following vote of the Commission.. Commissioner Chase Aye " Cord ell Aye " Ivey Aye " Ka~er Aye " Stemoer Aye Said Resolution No. 816 being in words and fl~ures as follows: APPROVING A PROPOSED STANDARD LARGE POWER AGREEF~NT BETWEEN THE CITY OF SANFORD, FLORIDA, AND FLORIDA POKER AND LIGHT COMPANY, PROVIDING FOR THE SUPPLYING BY THE COMPANY ARQ TPd~ PL~CHASING BY TH3J CITY OF ALL POWER AND ENERGY ttEQUIBED FOR AND IN CONNECTION WITH THE CITY'S LOW LIFT WATER PUMPING PLANT LOCATED APPROXINATELY 7000 FT SOUTH OF INTERSECTION OF FRENCH AND PAP~K AVEN~£S EXCEPT THAT POWER AND ENERGY SUPPLIED BY SAID CITY FROM ITS STANDBY GENEP~TING EC~IPMENT, AND SETTING OUT THE TEPee AND CONDITIONS UNDER WHZCH THE FOREGOING SH.~LL BE EFFECTED; AUTHORI- ZING AND DIRECTING THE MAYOR AND THE CITY CLERK OF AND ON ~]HALF OF THE CITY TO EXECUTE AND ENTER INTO THE SAID STANDARD LARGE POWER AGREEMENT WITH FLORIDA POWER AND LIGHT CONPANY. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COmmISSION OF THE CITY OF SANFORD, FLORIDA: 1. That the proposed Standard Large Power Agreement between the City and Florida Power & Company, set forth in form in Section 2 hereof, be and the same is hereby aoproved as to form and substance. 2. Ttm t the Mayor and the City Clerk of and on behalf of the City, be and they are here- by authorized and directed to enter into with Florida Power & L~ght Company the said proposed StandArd Large Power Agreement approved in Section 1 hereof, and hereinafter set forth in form as follows: THIS AGREEMENT, made this 2~rd day of February 195~, by and between CITY OF SANFORD, FLORIDA, a municioal corooration (hereinafter cai]ed the Customer), and FLORIDA POWER & LIGHT COMPANY, a corooration organ!zed and existing under the laws of the Store of Florida, ~here- lnAfter called the Comoany). W I T N E S S E T H: THAT for and in consideration of the sum of One Dollar ($1.00) paid by each party here- to to the other, and of the covenants and agreements herein set forth, the ~arties hereto covenant and agree as follows: 1. That the Company shall sup oly and the Customer shall receive and cay for all power and energy required for and im connection with the Customer's Low Lift WAter Pumping Station located approximately 7000' So of intersection French & Park Ave. alonF U S #17, Sanford, Florida, in accordance with the terms and conditions of the Company's attached Rate Schedules WP and P-15 marked Exhibit "A" and made a part hereof. 1-A. That the Excess On-Peak Demand, to be used for billing during the first 12 months from the effective date he~eof, shsl~ be derived from the fol]ow~ng assumed values: Hi~hest Demand baaed on present operations expected to be established between 5 end 9 o m of the winter months from Dec. I to Mar. 91 (excludin~ Sundays, Christmas and New Year's) 70 kw. Average of three hlghest Demands based on uresent operations ex- pected to be established during the summer months from April 1 to November ~0. 70 kw, Twenty per cent of this ~verage 1~ kw Excess On-Peak Demand (Line 1 mlnus Line 3) 56 kw and that within ~0 days from the first anniversary date hereof ComoAny will recalculate bills rendered hereunder on the basis of actual oDeratin~ data then available for the said 12 months, and will submit such recalculated bi]"s to Customer, together with a refund or bill for the net dif- ference between the s~id original bi]Is and the said recalculated bills. After the first anniversary date hereof, bil~in~ wil~ be based upon the Excess On-Peak Demand determlned from actual ooerAting data. 1-B. That notwithstsndin~ the orovislons of Section 1 herein. Customer may ooerate 4 MINUTES City Commission, Sanford, Florida, February. 2~. at 8 P.M. 19 ~.~ 1-C. The term "Kw of Demand" in the rate schedule made a part of this Agreement s h~ll inot be interpreted or construed to include the demand made on Company's system by the oneration of Customer's pumps w~enever said pumps are used in emergencies for the uurpose of extinguish- ing fires or when said ou~ps are ooersted for testing purposes provided the time of such test is agreed upon by the carries hereto before such test ls made. 2. That the minimum quantity of power contracted for hereunder and to be received and paid for by the Customer shall be 5 Kw of Demand. 3. That the point of delivery for the electric Dower and energy delivered hereunder shall be where the wires or aoparstus of the Company are connected with those of the Customer. b. That the electric Dower and energy deIivered hereunder shall be of the monly known ss slternatlng current of aoorox~mately a~0 volts and ao~ro×imately phase, and 3 wire, and shall be metered st ~60 voIts. character com- sixty cycles 5. That ali payments shall be made at the Comoany's office in Sanford, Florida.. 6. That the term of this Agreement shall be for .flve (5) years from March 17, 195~, or from the date of first rendering service hereunder, whi~dever shall be the earlier, sad shall extend for a further period or periods of five (5) years from the termination of the said period of five (5) years or any extension thereof, unless by written notice given by either party to the other not more then ninety (90) dot less than thirty (30) days before the date of termination of the said five (5) years or any extension thereof either party shall have signified its desire to terminate this Agreement. 7. Tbmt if, durln~ the term of thls Agreement, the Co,party makes effective any other Rate Schedule apollcable to the class of service rendered hereunder which would result in a net annual bill to Customer aqua] to or lower than Customer's net annual bill based on Customer's bil]s endlng on the last meter reading date orlor to the effective date of such other Rate Schedule, then the Co~psny sh~l] notify Customer in writing of such other Rate Schedule and shall dellver to Customer wlth the said notice a copy of such otherRate Schedule, and such other Rate Schedule shall, be automatically substituted for the Rate Sc}~edule now a part of this Agreement, unless Customer notifies the Comoany in writing within thirty ($0) days from the receipt of Company's notice, that Customer objects to such substitution and, ~ there is no objection, be- glnming with the flrs~ billing period thereafter, Customer shall be billed and pay the Company in accordance with the terms and conditions of such substituted Rate Schedule. 8. That it is mutually~ greed, should the Customer fail at any time or from time to time, to make payment as provided for herein for the power and energy furnished hereunder or oth~r- wise fail to oerform any of the terms and cond~tlons of this Agreement, ~hat the Comoany, at its option, may cease to sup~ly power and energy to the Customer hereunder, it being understood and agreed, however, that such d~scontlnuadce of the suoolyln~ of power sad energy by the Company shall not be a breach of this Agreement by the Company nor shall cancel any of the terms and con- ditions of this Agreement. 9. That this Agreement s,~oersedes all orevious agreements or representations, either written or verbal, heretofore in effect between the Comoany and the Customer, made with resoect to matters herein contained, and when duly executed, constitutes the Agreement between the parties hereto. lO. That this Agreement shall inure to the benefit of and be binding upon the heirs, legal representatives, successors and assigns of the oartles hereto, but t~ shall not assign this Agreement without first having obtained the written co~nt of respective Customer the Company. IN WITNESS WhP~EOF the oarties hereto have caused tble Agreement to be duly executed in trlolicate t]~e d~y and year f~rst above written. Witnesses for the e/ S. W. Easterhy s/ Thcs. L. Lemon Customer: CITY OF SANFORD, FLORIDA (SEAL) By s/ Randall C~b~se, MAYOR ATTEST:..s/ H. N. Sayer, CITY CLERK Witnesses for tbs Comoany: FLORIDA POWER & LIGHT COMPAk~ Marian W. Williams H. H. Coleman, Division Manager. D. E. Thrasher W.F. Blayloch, Ass't Secretary. EXHIBIT "A" R~te Schedule WP WATER PUMPING AND SEWAGE DISPOSAL SERVICE - - ELECTRIC APPLICATION: : For cower service for water pumping and sewage dlsoosal operations. The use of energy for lighting purooses within and about the bulldto~s, structures and oremlses housing or en- closing the power driven and ooerated machinery sad eaulpment used In or in connection with such w~ter pumping end sewage dlsoosal ooerations sad incidental to the use of power suppl~ed hereunder for such purposes ia ~)ermlsslble under this Schedule. For such lighting use, Cus- tomer will provide and maintain all transformers and auxiliary apourtenances. CHARACTER OF SERVICE: Single or three phase, 60 cycles and at any available standard, v~%age. LIMITATION OF SERVICE: MINUTES 5 City Commission, Sanford, FJorida, - ..... ~ ~" ............................................ ! ~ONTHLY RATE: $1~50 per kw for the first 500 kw of Demand, 1.00 Der kw for all additional kw of Demand. 2.00~oer kwh for the first 2,000 kwh, 1.25¢ ocr kwh for the ~ext 8,000 kwh, 1.00~ per kwh for the next 30,000 kwh, 0.80~ ocr kwh for the next ~0,000 kwh, 0.60~ per kwh for all additional kwh. For end kw, each kw of the highest Excess On-Peak Demand established during the 12 months lng with the current month, add to the 2.0¢ block: 100 kwh per kw for the first 50 80 kwh per kw for the next 100 kw, and 70 kwh Der kw for all additional kw. Adjustments: First-- Minus or clue .01~3¢ per kwh used for each 1¢ below 12¢ or above 18¢ resosctlvely, in Comoany's cost per million British T~ermsl Units of fuel. For this purpose there shall be employed the ~relghted average delivered cost (lnc~udi., freight storage and handling costs) as shown by Company's books, of all fuel used during the next preceding month in the generstln~ stations interconnected with Co~oany's main trans- mission system. Second-- Plus the aOpllcable proportionate part of any taxes and assessments imposed by any govermental authority in excess of those in effect January 1, 1957, which are as- sensed on the basis of meters or customers or the price of or revenues from electric energy or service sold or the volume of energy generated or purchased for sale or sold. Minimum: $1.50 per kw of the highest Demam~ estsbllshed during the 12 months ending with the current month, but not more than an amount sufficient to make the total charges for such 12 mbnths equal to $20.00 ocr kw of such Demand and not less than the charge for the currently effective Demand. DEMAND: The kw ss determined from Comoany'e demand meter for ~ue 15-minute oerlod of Customer s greatest use during the month, adjusted for power factor, but not less than 5 kw. ON-PEAK DE¥~ND: The kw as determined from Company'~ demand meter f or the 15-minute period of Customer's greatest use during the On-Peak Hours of the current month, adjusted fpr ~ower factor. The On-Peak Hours shall be from 5 to 9 p.m. each day, exluding Sundays, Christmas and New Year's from December 1 to March 31 inclusive. Company reserves the right to change the monthly and hourly oerlods after giving 50 days' notice, but the On-Peak Hours of each day shall be consecutive. EXCESS ON-PEAK DEMAND: The number of kw by wblch the On-Peak Demand exceeds 20% of the average of the three highest Demands determined durln~ the next oreceding calender months of April to November, in- clusive. The Excess On-Peak Demand effective for each month of the first contract year will be mutually agreed upon by Company and Customer, and used until actual operating data are available. pO~ER FACTOR: It Customer's power factor shall average lees than 85% lagging during any month, then Company may adjust the readings taken to determine the Demand by ~ultiplying the kw obt~ed through such readings by 85 and by dividing the result by the average power factor actually established during the current month. Such adjusted readings shall be used in determining the Demand. TERM OF SERVICE: Not less than one year. In the event this schedule is a cart of an agreement for a term of less than 5 years, 5% shall be added to the amount comouted under the above Monthly Rate, before Adjustments, and to the above M~nimum. RULES.AND REGULATIONS: Service under this schedule is subject to orders of governmental bodies having Juris- diction and to the currently effective "General Rules and Regulations for Electric Service" on file in Company's office, which are hereby made a ~art hereof. A copy of the present ell'active "General Rules and Regulations for Electric Service" is attached hereto. In case of conflict between any provision of this schedule and said "General Rules and Regulations ~r Electric S trice" the provision of this schedule shall apply. FLORIDA POWER & LIGHT COFPANY EXHIBIT "A" FLORIDA PO~R & LIGHT C~M?ANY Rate Schedule Number P--15. Electric Service MUNICIPAL, COUNTY AND SCHOOL BOARD SERVICE. Effective May 1,1956. APPLICATION: For all municlpsl, standard rate schedules county and school board accounts, except street lighting, effective as of December l, 1938 listed in Company's rate served under index of such Ad Justment: MINUTES City Commission, Sanford, Florida, February 23 at 8 P.M. ,^ .53 Minus 20% of the amount of the bill before adjustments if acid within 20 days from date rendered, but the minimum stated, in the anplicable rate schedule s~ll not be reduced hereby. RULES AND REGULATIONS: AT'fEaT: (SEAL) s/ H. N. Sayer City Clerk Service under this schedule is subject to orders of governmental bodies having Jurisdic- tion and to the Currently effective "General Rules and Regulations for Electric Service" on file in Comoany's office] which are hereby made a cart hereof. A copy of the present effective "General Rules and Regulations for Electric Service" is attached hereto. In case of conflict between any orovislon of this schedule and said "General Rules and Re~ulatlons for Electric Service" the provision of th,.s schedule shall a poly. ' BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that this Resolution shall be and become effective immediately uoon its passage and adoption. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 2~rd day of February, 1953. S/ Randall Chase - Mayor John L. Kadet J. D. Cordell JaG. D. Ivey W. H. Stemper As the City Commission of the C~ty of Sanford, Florida. The proposed contract with Goodbody & Comoany, and Sullivan, Nelson, Goss, Inc., ss Fiscal Agents for the City in financing the sewerage and water works imorovements, next sub- mitred, and after being read in full, the Mayor and Clerk be authorized to missioner Cordell and carried. Commissioner Ivey moved the spprovsl of the contract and e~ecute same on behalf of the City. Seconded'by Com- Said contract being in words and figures as follows: CONTRACT THIS CONTRACT, made and entered into this 23 day of February A. D. 1955, by and between GOODBODY AND COMPANY New York and St. Petersburg, Florida and SULLIVan, NELoO. AND GOSS, INC., West Palm Beach, Florida, hereinafter referred to as financial advisors and the CITY OF SAN~IO~ FLORIDA, hereinafter referred to as the "CITY". WHEREAS, it is the sewer system and WI T NES SET H deemed essential by the City that the water s yste~ of the City; and imnrovements and extensions be made to WHEREAS, the City plans to issue revenue certificates in an amount not to exceed ~2,000,000.00 (Two Million Dollars) for the aforesaid purposes; and WHEREAS, G00DBODY AND COMPANY AND SULLIVAN, NELSON & GOSS hereby offer to design a financing plan and to supervise the proceedings relating to the said financing; NOW, T~REFORE, for and in consideration of the sum of One Dollar ($1.00) paid by each of the marries hereto to the other, the receipt of ~ich is hereby acknowledged by each of said parties hereto, G00DBODY AND CO~ANY and SULLIVAN, NELSON & GOSS, agree to perform the follow~n~ services: 1. We will work in close cooperation with the City's engineers in the development of the revenues to be available for the sewer and water imQrovement financing to insure the maximum imorovements within the funds available. 2. Will confer and advise with the City Attorney and the aooroving bond attorneys in preparing the financial Grogram. Will orepare and pay for a comorehensive brochure detsilin~ the most advantageous flnancin~ setup for the prooosed certificate issue, and all salient economic features of the City, nnd d~strlbute the same among investment b~nkers ~nd investors MINUTES City Commission, Sanford, Florida, . .F.e.~.i~.(?..y...~.~....a.~ ~ ..P. t~' . .......19..5.,3... sale of the proposed certificates; A. Legal fees and services of a nationally recof;nized firm of bond attorneys who will prepare all resolutions and other validation papers necessary for validating of the certificates and issue the approving legal opinion. B. Fees of the City Attorney in validation proceedings. C. Printing and delivery of the certificotes to the City for proper signatures. D. All necessary advertising costs in a local newspaper and in The Bond Buyer. E. Fe~:s of the Clerk of the Circuit Court for validation certificate. If the City shall follow all of the material recommendations made by the financial advisors, said financial advisors guarantee to submit a legal bid at public sale, in line with the market at the time of such sale, for all of the certificates being offered for sale. Unltl a bid acceptable to the City has been received and accepted and the certificates have been delivered and paid for, no compensation for servic~ or reimbursement for expenses shall be due or paid to the flnnanclal advisor. IN CONSIDERATION of the premises and faithful performance by GOODBODY ~D COMPANY and SULLIVAN, NELSON AND GOSS, of its obliFations herein assumed, the City agrees that it will pay to sald financial advisers a fee for the performance of such obll~atlons for each One Thousand Dollars($1,O00.00) revenue certificate sold and delivered, as follows: $10.00 per each $1,000.00 certificate up to and including $1,000,000.00 par value. ~9.50 per each $1,000.00 certificate for the next $9.00 per each $1,000.00 certificate for the next $8.50 per e~ch $1,000.00 certificate for the next !~8.00 per each ~l,O00.O0 certificate in excess of $250,000.00 $250,000.00 8250,000.00 $1,750,000.00 par value. par Ya~ ue par value par value THIS CONTRACT shall remain in full force and effect for a oerlod of 2b months from date hereof, orovided that the terms of this contract shall be extended beyond the expiration of such period until the completlon of issue and sale of any certificates a,~thorized by City hereunder prior to the expiration of such period. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the 23r6 day of February 1953. (SEAL) Attest: s~ H. N. Saye~.. City Clerk parties hereto have executed this Contract in duplicate th~s GOODBODY AND COMPANY, B/ Albert Roberts Jr., SULLIVAN, NELSON & GOSS, INC., S/ C. ~. Nelson, Vice Pres., THE CITY OF SANFORD, FLOhIDA s/ Randall Cb~se, Mayor (SEAL) Request next submitted from Hill Hardware Company for an additional loading space in front of their store at 301 E First Street and in view of policy adopted by the City of not reserving any additional parking spaces for such purpose, Commissioner Cordell moved that the request be denied. Seconded by Commlssloner Kadet and carried. Letter next read from Mrs. Cassandara Schultz suggesting that the City adopt a program for extendln~ some type of personal greeting to tourist, and same was referred to the Cham- ber of Commerce. Letter of appreciation next read from Mrs. D. L. Thrasher and family for the resolu- tion of the Commission in recognition of the servlces to the community o~ Mr. T~asher a~nd the 8 MINUTES City Commission, Sonford, Florida, .F..e.~.r..~?...p.~...~...~.~...~...?..:...~.: ............ 19..~.?.. the Commission next authorized and directed tb~t $1,000.00 of the 1953-195b budget aooroprlction for the Chamber of Commerce be earmarked for payment toward purchase of the col~apsihle display uni~ cor~structed by Exhibits Builders, Inc., of DeLand. On motion of Commissioner Stemoer, seconded by Commissioner Ivey and carried, the Com- mission next granted the local unit of Civil Air Patrol oermlssion to use the old clubhouse at baseball park for their hesdqusrters. On recommen~atlon of the Tr~ff~c Committee, and on motio~ of Commissioner Kadet, seconded by Commissioner Stemper snd carried, the Comm%ss~on next authorized the City Attorney to pre- pare an amendment to the Traffic 0refinance to provide for extension of Magnolia and Pstmetto Avenues as thru streets for traff].e from 13th Street south to 2~th Street except at 20th Street. On motion of Commissioner Stamper, seconded by Commissioner Ivey and carried over the dis- senting vote of Commissioner Kader, the Comn~isslon next aut]~orize8 the InstalIation of traffic signal light at intersection of Park ~venue an(~ 20th ~treet. On motion of Commissioner Co~tell, seconded by Commissioner Ivey and carried, over the dissenting vote of Comr~ss~on~.r Ka~er, the Comr~lsslon ne×t authorized installation of traff~,c signal light at intersection of French Avenue The City Manager next reported that the between Sa~ford and Cypress Avenues would not ~nd 9th Street. other prSperty owners on north side of ~th St., agree to pay for cost of widening said street in front of their property to conform with widening by Frank Evans in front of his ~roperty. COmmissioner Stemper next introduced Resolution No. 817, and after being read in full, moved its nassage and ado~tlon. Seconded by Com~lssioner Kadet and ca~ied by the following vote of the Commission: Commissioner Chase Aye " Cordel~ Aye " Ivey Aye " Kadet Aye " Stemoer Aye Said Resolution No. 817 belng in words and figures as follows: A RESOLUTICN OF T h~ CITY CO~D,[ISSION OF THE CITY OF S~NFORD, FLORIDA, IN RECOGNITION OF THE SERVICES OF GEORGE E. ROLLIRS, TO EXPRESS REGRET AT HIS DEATH, AND TO EXTEND SYMPATHY TO HIS F~fILY. W~]REAS, George E. Rollins wes for several years e resident of the City of Sanford, Florida, and durin~ the oerlod of bis residence m~lntalned an ~ctlve interest in community affairs, ~nd in addition to other servlce~ to the community, he served for a oerlod of three years, cover~n~ the years lOG9 to 19~1, as s member of the City Commission of the City of San- ford, and both his services ~nd his thinking were at ali times conscientious end to the best interests and welfare of the oeople of the City of Senford, and it is appropriate at his death t.hst the City Comnlsslon, both for itself and in splendid services and conscientious effort given and that the Commission express to his family its NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the City behalf of this community recognize the in behalf of the City by George E. Rollins, sympathy in his passing, Commission of the City of Senford, Florida, that the City, through the Commission, does hereby express its aporeciation and recognition of the unselfish service of Geord:e E. Rolllns to the City of Sanford ~ud its people, and does hereby extend its sincere sympathy and condolence to his family in their bereavement. BE IT FURTKER RESOLVED, Thst this mission end thst copies thereof be sent newspapers. PASSED AMD ADOPTED THIS Resolution be soread on the minutes of the City Com- ic the family of George E. Rollins, end to the local 23rd day of February, 1953. $/ Randall Chase. MAYOR MINUTES 9 City Commission, Sanford, Florida, .F.e.]9.r~l.~.~'.~....?.~....a.~...~...~.*..M.: .......... 9.~... Ordinance No. 517, entitled: AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF SANFORD, FLORIDA, AMENDING SUBSECTION (a) OF SECTION 9 OF ORDINANCE NO. 256, PASSED AND ADOPTED JUNE 28, 1937, AS A- MENDED BY ORDINANCE NO. 450, PASSED AND ADOPTED MARCH 14, 19~9, SAID ORDINANCE RELATING TO TPi~ SALE OF INTOXICATING BEVERAGES AND WINES AND BEER, SAID SUB-SECTION RELATING TO HOURS OF SALE THYP~EOF, AND THIS AMENDMENT EXTENDING THE HOURS OF S~,E, PROVIDING FOR EXCEPTIONS IN CER- TAIN CASES TO THE REQUIREMENT THAT VENDORS KEEP THEIR PLACES OF BUSINESS CLOSED DURING HOURS WHEN SALE IS PROHIBITED, AND PROVIDING FOR ISSUANCE AND REVOCATION OF PERMITS COVERING SUCH EXEMPTIONS. introduced and placed on first reading at regular meeting of January 32, was next placed on final reading for passage and adoption. Thereupon the roll was called on the final passage and adoption of said Ordinance No. 517, the vote being as fol~ows: Commissioner Chase Aye " Cordel] Aye " Ivey Aye " Keder Aye " Stemoer Aye Thereupon the Chairman announced that the City Commission of the City of Sanford, by unanimous vote Red passed and adopted said Ordinmee No. 517, entitled: AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF SANFORD, FLORIDA, AMENDING SUBSECTION (a) OF SECTION 9 OF ORDINANCE NO. 256, PASSED AND ADOPTED JUNE 28, 1937, AS AMENDED BY ORDINANCE NO. 450, PASSED AND ADOPTED MARCH 14, 1949, SAID ORDINANCE RE- LATING TO THE SALE OF INTOXICATING BEVERAGES AN~ WINES AND BEER, SAID SUB- SECTION RELATING TO HOURS OF SAI£ TttEREOF, AND THIS AMENDMENT EXTENDING THE HOURS OF SALE, PROVIDING FOR EXCEPTIONS IN CERTAIN CASES TO THE REQUIREMENT THAT VENDORS KEEP THEIR P~%CES OF BUSINESS CLOSED DURING HOUP~S WHEN SALE IS PROHIBITED, AND PROVIDING FOR ISSUANCE AND REVOCATION OF PERMITS COVERING SUCH EXEMPTIONS. Florida Commissioner Stemper then moved that all vendors of beer and wines be notified of the adoption of the foregoing Ordinance'and be given ~0 days in which to comply w~.th the provisions therein. Seconded by Commissioner Kadet and'carried. Commissioner Stamper next introduced Ordinance No. 518, entitled: ~N ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDIYANCE NO. 511 OF Th7~ CITY OF SANFORD, FLORIDA, SAME BEING AN ORDINANCE AMENDING 0RDIN~CE NO. 24, P~LATING TO THE COL- LECTION AND DISPOSITION OF GARBAGE, PROVIDING FOR SPECIAL PICK-UP SERVICE AND THE FEE THEREFOR IN CERTAIN CASES, THIS AMENDMENT CLARIFYI~!G THE ROUTES FOR REGULAR SERVICE AND MAKING PROVISION FOR THE PAYMENT OF THE AFORESAID FEE IN QUARTERLY INSTALLMENTS, AND PROVIDING FOR REFUND OF PORTION OF SUCH PAYMENT IN CERTAIN CASES. and same was olsced on its first reading and read in full. Consideration next given to request for using the City Hall Auditorium and after dis- oussion, Commissioner Ivey moved that all such requests be referred to Mrs. J. M. Stinecipher who is in charge of the Celery Crate. Seconded by Commissioner Cordel] and carried. With r~ference to a letter d~ted January 19, 1953, addressed to the City Commission from R. W. Ware, Attorney for Paul I. Taylor, requesting oayment Sf sum of $1,366.31 for expenses incurred by Mr. T~,ylor for labor, materials and development of trailer park on Lots 12,13,18 and 19 of Block 20, Dreamwold, for wblch construction permit was ~r~,nted by the City and later revoked, the C~ty Attorney next submitted a proposed letter in redly thereto in wblch he advised that Mr. Taylor has no legal claim ap'slnst the City arising out of such undertaking, and on moil. on duly adopted, same was authorized to be mailed to Attorney Ware. There being no further business the meeting then adjourned. MAYOR ATTEST: gm ~ity Clerk 10 MINUTES City Commission, Sanford, Florida, . ...... !'~.r..9.~......i~...!!.~.....~.....P..:...~.. ............ 19.....~? The City Commission of the City of Ssnford, Florida, met in regular session at the City Hall in the City of SanforS, Florida, ~.t 8:00 o'clock P. M. March 9, 1953. Present: Commissioner Randall Chase, Mayor " J.D. Car(tell " John D. Ivey " John L. Kadet " W. H. Stamper C~ty Attorney A. Ed~,-In Shinholser City Clerk H. N. Sryer City Mana~er Thcs. L. Lemon Chief of Police R. G. Wi]]isms M~eti.:~ called to order by the Chairman. Monthly reports from the various departments for month of February 1953, submitted Valle Williams, Sr., apoe~.~red and reported on action of State' Road Department at budget meetlag of February 25, at ~-hlch he and the City Manager submitted reouest that the project for w~dening and reconstructing French Avenue, be o]aced back tn the 19~? bus, get. He a~vlsed that ~100,000.00 was s~ropr1~ted in the bus, get for the ~roJect b~t that funds would not be available until ~fter October 1, v~'lch amount ~,'ou14 be sufficient to call for bids and start constructing during current year. Mr. Will. isms su~;'ested that the Commission send the State Road Department Bo~rd either a letter or resolution of ap'orecis~t~o~ for iacludlng the pro- Ject in t?~e budget with request for continued el?arts toward early completion. Thereuoon Commissioner Stamper moved that an sDnroprlate to the C~mlrman of the State Road Deoartment and all ~ts Board Kadet and carried. resolution be adopted and sent members. Seconded hy Commissioner Mr. John Pierson next aooe~re~ ,on behalf of the Boy Scouts an~ requested pe~mlss~m to use the municipal stadium prior to the ooen~ng of the 195~ baseball season for a benefit basebal] game, to be played by high school or service men teams, for ralsin~ funds for the annual boy scout drive. ~fter discussion the Commission agreed to al~!ow the Boy Scouts to use t?m stadium for their beneflr game, subject to approval of the baseball association, but advised Mr. Pierson that the C~ty could not waive the tax on s~m~sslon beck, use it was obligate6 to collect such tax on all admissions for Oa.vment of the stadium debt. C. A. Whiddon, Sr., Realtor, spoe~re5 w~th further reference to offer to sell the City a ~5.~ acre tract of land east of the cemeteries at or, ce of ~11,500.00, and advised after s~rveylng the prooerty it was found that only 12 acres would be purpose, v-hich coul~ be ourchaaed at ~)rice of ~550.00 an acre, a total ance of property being too lo~ with inadequate dr~age. After discussion action City Attorney. At th~.s ate a >r~v-~te sul table for of $~,200.00, ihs t cemetery t~e bal- time W. R. Wil~ams .~nd Ray Slaton sdvlsed of their orooosal to develop and oper- cemetery on peroectusl care baa~.s under atr~te aoproval and suoervlson of trust funds for such ouroose, statln? t.b~t they had already acou~red 21 acres of very desirable land on the country club road and aoDlled to the State Comptroller for necessary aporoval and permit. They advised that their prices for ~ ets wo~ld be in line with other cemeteries in central Florida and that they had sufficient land to take care of the community's needs for the next seventy-five years, and requested that the City consider going out of the cemetery business and to withhold action to~,~ard ~ccu~ring a~:Itional property for e×oanSing the mu~.cipal cemetery until their attorney has had an on ~ortunlty to ~bmit their plans more fully, in Yhich they will also submit a orooos~l for taklna' over the maintenance of the mun~.ci'oal cemeteries. was deferre~, pending examination of abstract and title by the