HomeMy WebLinkAbout031353 MINUTES 15 March 13 at ~ P M. A 5~ City Commission, Sonford, Florida, . ...................................... · ......................... w ........ The City Commission of the City of Sanford, Florida, met in adJ-~urned regular session at the City Hall in the City of Sanford, Florida, at 8:00 o'clock P. M. March lq, 195.2. Present: Commissioner Randall C'.~ase, Mayor " J.D. Cordsll " John D. Ivey " John L. Kadet " W.H. Stamper City Attorney A. Edwin Shinholser City Glerk H. N. S~yer City Manager Thcs. L. Lemon Meeting called to order by the Chairman. Further c ms~deratlon was next given to hol~ng the ?ublic Hearing for rezonlng certain property ~huttlng French Avenue In accord]sacs wit~ recommendations of the Planning Board, which w~s authorized by the Commlsslon at the meeting of ?ebruary 9, and after discussion it wes dec~ded to set such hearin6~' at some later date. Lette~~ of aporeclatlon next read from the Garden Club for the assistance rendered by the Cl~y in connection with their annual flower show. Ralph Cowan, Chairman of Sanford Industries, Inc., ne~t appeared with further reference to acti'm of Commission at ~eting of March 9, authorizing conveyance to Sanford Industries, Inc., for consideration of ~l.00, a site with 150 ft. frontage by ~50 ft depth bounded on west by Mill Creek, north by Seminole Boulevard and east by ra~.lroad property, subject to release of Sanford Warehouse m~d Terminal Association who has an option for ].ease on s~id property. He advised that Albert Flits, Chairman of the Warehouse and Terminal Association had secured consent of sufficient number of members of the associate, on to furnish the C~ty with an official release of the option which woul© be delivered upon Mr. Fitt's return to the City, and requested that they be given immediate possession of the property uoon r~ceipt of the re]ease in order that construction can be started on their buildlns. Mr. Cowan stated that they already had the o]ans for the oroposed build~.nf, which would be of mctel structure with concrete floor on Ol]l. ng, and would cost aooroxlmately $38,000.00. After discussion Commissioner Ivey moved th~',t upon recelp~ of an official release of op- tion on the aforesaid property from Sanford 'Warehouse end Terminal Association ths. t it be con- veyed to Sanford Industries, Inc., for consideration of one dollar with reversion clause if construction of an industrial building is not started wlthln six months, in accordance with au- thorization of Commission at meeting of March 9. Seconded by Commissioner Cordell and carried. Mr. Cowan next reported of the overlapping duties of the three industrial boards, the Senford Industrial Board appointed by the Commission, Sanford Industries, Inc., and the In- dustrial Committee of Chamber of Commerce. He reported on the relation,ship existing among the Boards, purposes specific City and stating that some members of the Sanford for which it was formed, and requested duties. Mr. Cowan suggested that since Sanford Industries, Inc., is a private Industrial Board are not in agreement with the the Commission to Snform them as to their the Sanford Industrial Board was set up by the enterprise, that the officers of the corporatiom serve on both boards in order that they be compensated for their work appropriated by the City and County for such ourpose. He stated that boards was a full time for their services, and penses. Thereupon Commissioner StemDer suggested t]~t the three their combined ~ecommendations to the Commission for study an6 Commissioner $temper next introduced Resolution No. ~19, from funds that could be the Chairmanship of both .]ob and that anyone serving in such capacity would have to be compensated th-t Ssnford Industries, Inc., would not have funds to c~,efray such ex- Boards get together and submit consideration. an~ after being read in full 1G MINUTES City Commission, Sanford, Florida, March 13 at 8 P.M. 19 53 Seconded by Commlssiqner Cordel] and carried Commls slon~ r Chase Aye " Cord eli Aye " Ivey Aye " Kader Aye " Stemmer Aye by the following vote of the Commission: Said Resolution No. 819 being in words and figures as fol]ows: A RESOLUTION GRANTING THE RF. QUEST IN BEHALF OF THE STATE ROAD DEPARTMENT OF FLORIDA FOR CO'?VEYANCE BY THE CITY OF SANFORD, FLORIDA, OF ITS INTh~EST IN CERTAIN P}(OPERTY ADJOINI'qG FRENCH AVENUE IN SAID CITY AND AUTHORIZING EXECUTION OF SAID CITY AND AUTHORIZING EXECUTION OF P?~OPER CONVEYANCE TO EFFECT SUCH PUR- POSE. WHEREAS, the State Road Deosrtment of Florld~ proposes to widen and Improve a portion of exlstln~ State Road 15-A in Seminole Co-nty, Florida, and WHi]HEAS, a,:~ltlonal right of way will be reaoired for said road and said improvement from lands the record Zltle thereto being vested in the City of Sanford, Florida, to-wit: (A) A parcel of ]and in the East 117 feet of Block 2-N, Tier 9 of V. Check's Amended Plat of Blocks 1, ].~N, 2-N and 5-N, Tier 9 of E. R. ~rafford's Map of the Town of Sanford, according to plat recorded in Plat Book ~, Page 93, Public Records of Semi- nole County, Florida, said parcel of land being described as follows: Beginning at the Northeast corner of the East 117 feet of said Block 2-N, run thence Southerly along the East line thereof 225.07 feet to the beginning of a curve con=. cave to the Southwest having a radius of 2a9.75 feet, thence from tangent bearing of North 0 Deg. 20'~" West run Northwesterly elco? said curve 258.78 feet to the West Line of the East 1t? feet of said Block 2-N, run thence Northerly along said West line 13.55 feet to the Northwest corner of the E~st 117 feet of said Block 2-N, run thence East- erly along the North line of East lt? feet of said Block 2-N, to the Point of Begin- nlng, ALSO: (B) A p~.rcel of land in Lot 6, Block 2-N of sol5 V. Check's Amended Plat described as follows: Begln;~ing at the Northeast corner of said Lot 6, run thence Southerly along the East line of said Lot 6 a distance of 5.07 feet, run thence North 59 Deg. 20' 3~" West 9.85 feet to the North lln~ of said Lot 6, run thence Easterly along the North line of said Lot 6 a distance of 8.~$ feet to the Point of Beglnnin~, ALSO: (C) A oarcel of land in Block Sanford, Florida, recorded in County, Flo~id~, described as 7-N, Tier 10, according to E. R. Trafford's Map of Plat Book 1, ~age 56-6~, Public Records of Seminole follows: Beginning at the Northeast corner of Blk q-N, Tier 10, aocordlng to said E. R. Trsfford's map, run thence Southerly along the East line of said Blk 2-N a dS.s- tance of lb2 feet, run thence North 59 DeFrees 20' ah" West a distance of 1~8.29 feet to the beglnn!nF of a curve concave to the Southwest ?mving a radius of 266.71 feet, run thence Northwesterly along ssld curve 175.23 fe~t to the West line of said Blk 5-N, run thence Northerly alo~F the West line of said Blk 5-N, 25.65 feet to the Northwest corner thereof, run thence Easterly along the North line of sai. d Blk 2-N, 2~8.75 feet to the Point of Beginning, ALSO: (D) A parcel of land described as follows: Beginning on the Westerly extension of the North line of Block 3-N, Tier 10, according to said E. R. Trsff~rd's mac at a point bl feet Westerly from the Northwest corner of said Block a-N, run South 1~.60 feet to a oolnt on the arc of a curve concave to the Southwest having a radius of 866.71 feet, run thence North- westly along said curve 61.70 feet to the Westerly extension of the North llne of said Block 3-N, run thence E~sterly along said extension 59.05 feet to the Point of Beglnnin~, ALSO: (E) A oarcel of land in Block q-N, Tier 9 of V. Check's Amended Plat of E.R. Trafford's map of Sanford, Florida, according to Plat Book ~, Page 93, Public Records of Seminole County, Florida, described as follows, to-wit: Beginning at the Southeast corner of said Block a-N, run thence North along the East line of said Block 5-N, 113.q7 fe,~t to point on the arc of a curve concave to the Northwest having a radiu~ of 221.79 feet, thence from a tangent bearin& of South 0 Deg. 20'~L" East run Southerly and Southwesterly alon¥ said curve 95.19 feet to a point on the arc of a curve concave to the Southwest having a radius of z~05.hl feet, run ~hence Northwesterly along said curve 122.69 feet to the end of said curve, run thence North 59 Deg. 20'31~" West 139.60 feet to a point on the arc of a curve concave to the Southeasterly having a radius of 233.0h feet, run thence Northeasterly along said curve 29.70 feet to the North llne of said Block ~-N, run thence We~,ter]y alo:~fl the North line of said Block 3-N, ~1.85 feet to the Northwest corner of said Block DrN, run thence Southerly elco? the West Ii. ne of said Block 3-N, lg?.77 feet to the Southwest corner of said Block 5-N, run thence Easterly along the South line of said Block 3-N, 2A8.0 feet to the Southeast corner of said Block ~-?~, the Poi~,t of Be~InalnC; Contalnlng in aggregate 2.21 sores, mo~,e or less. WH?REAS, request having been made on behalf of said State Road Department for a con- MINUTES 17 City Commission, Sonford, Florida, ..~f~:r.q.h....1.~...~:~...~....P..,.~.: ................... 1955 .... in and to the above described strip of land and said request having been considered; BE IT RESOLVED by the City Commission of the City of Sanford, Florida, that said re- quest be granted; that the Mayor-Commissioner and City Clerk be and they are hereby authorized and directed to execute proper conveyance in the name of the City of Sanford, Florida, of the of land State Road Department of Florlds. lzed her~inabove. State of Florida, granting interest of the City of Sanford, Florida, in and to herein~bove described and requ~lred as riFht of way for said State Road 15-A. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that a certified copy of t~ls Resolutiou be d ellvered at Tallahasaee, Florida, together with the (SEAL) ATTEST: .... H. N, Sayer Cl~ Clerk S/ Randall CPmse, Mayor W. H. Stemper Jno D. Ivey in favor the parcel to ~ he conveyance author- John L. Kader .. J. D., Cordell As the Uity Commission of the lty of Sanford, Florida. Commissioner Ivey next introduced Resolution No. 820 and after being read in full moved its passage and adoption. Seconded by Commissioner Stamper and carried by the following vote of the Commission: Commissioner Chase Aye " Cordell Aye " Ivey Aye " Kadet Aye " Stemoer Aye Said Resolution being in words and figures as follows: A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF SANFORD, FLORIDA, TO THE STATE ROAD DEPARTMenT OF THE STATE OF FLORIDA TO P~AFFIRM THE IM- PORTANCE OF THE PROJECT FOR WIDENING FRENCH A~£NUE (BEING PORTION OF STATE ROAD 15-A) IN SAID CITY, E~RESSING AP~'RECI~TION TO THE DEPART- MENT FOR ITS EFFORTS IN BE}~LF OF THIS PROJECT, AND HEQUESTING CONTINUED EFFORTS FOR ITS COMPLETION. WHEREAS, the State Road Department of Florida has undertaken a project to widen French Avenue in the City of Sanford, Florida (being a portion of State Road 15-A). and pursuant to conference between representatives of the City and representatives of the Deoartme~ held in Tallahassee on February 25, 1953, the oroJect has been included to the amount of One Hundred Thousand Dollars in the 1953 State Ro~d Department budget and balance of cost in 1954 budget, and the City desires again to emohasize the importance of this project, to acknowledge the cooperation and assistance of the Department in the furtherance of the project, and to re- quest the continued efforts of the Department toward its early completion; BE IT RESOLVED that the City Commission of the City of Sanford, Florida, does hereby re- affirm the extreme importance of French Avenue as a main artery of State Highway traffic, of- feting a faster direct route for all through traffic between ooints North and South of this City, besrin~ the entire brunt of truck traffic to and from the Sanford State Farmers' Market, and carrying, as well, an undue burden of local traffic for the commercial enterprises situated on and adjacent to French Avenue, and FURTHER RESOLVED that the City Commission does hereby express its appreciation for the cordial reception given its delegation in the recent conference with Department representatives concerning inclusion of this project in the Deoartment'a 195~ budget, and its added appreciation of all the efforts of the Department already devoted in furtherance of the project, and FURTHER RESOLVED that the City Commission does hereby resoectfully urge that the De- 18 MINUTES March 13 at 8 P.M. lg53 City Commission, Sonford, Florida, ....; ....................... and the Commission again assures its intent and desire to cooperate with the this regard. PASSED ;~k'D ADOPTED this 13th day of March, 1953. Department in ATTEST: H.N. Ssyer City Clerk S/ Randall Chase, Mayor W. H. Stemper Jno D. Ivey John L. Kader J. D. Cordell As the City Commission of the City of $anford, Florida. Robert S. Brown, Chairman of the PlanninF Board, next recommended that the Commission change the personnel on the Planning Board and the Zoning Board of Adjustment so that the same personnel will not be serving on both boards. He stated that under the present appointment with five members of the nine member Planning Board serving as the five member Board of Adjust- ment the City is open for criticism because the personnel of the Board of Adjustment have to consider variances of their o~,n zoning rules and regulation w'~ich were drawn up by them in connection with their duties on the Planning' Board. After discussion the Com~tlsslon concurred in the recommendations of Mr. Brown ar~t re- quested that the two Boards submit recommendations for new appointments on both Boards. The three year contract with Blltch, Tyson & Meeks, C~rtlfied Public Accountants, f~ auditing the City's records, was next submitted and sfter discussion the Commission directed that terms of myment be char~'ed to $500.00 on June 1st, $500.00 on October 1 and balance of first year's fee upon completion of final report; and t l~t the second and~hlrd year be payable on a monthly basis less a percentage to be withheld and paid upon completion of each fiscal year'~ audit. Tht City Msnager next submitted estimate of 8~12.00 for re-wir~n~ and installing new light fixtures In the auditorium, advising that the e~Istlng w~rln~ is in hazardous condition and the fixtures obsolete, inadequate and not in proper location, and after discussion, the necessary re-wiring was authorized. Bill of Robert A. Williams, Realtor, in amount of $500.00, representing realtor's com- mission on sale of Lots I thru 5 of Block ll, Tier 8, E. R. Trafi'ord's Mep, to Southern Bell · , ~ll!lam~ having negotiated the Telephone Company ~t urlce of ~5 000.00, next submitted. Mr. " ~ sale of the aforessld property thru the City, which was owned by the County. Thereupon after discussion and in view of the fsct that the City did not own the property and only received the sum of ~2,72g.70 as its net proceeds from such sale, it v~ss the opinion of the Commission thaz the City was not obligated to oay a commission on the gross ss!e, and authorized payment of $272.~? to Mr. Williams, reoresentlng Commission on net proceeds. ReGuest next received from the Little Theater Group to purchase the opera chairs in- stalled in the balcony of the auditorium, and same was taaen under advisement. There being no further business the meeting adjourned. ATTEST: , . /~- ~- City Clerk