HomeMy WebLinkAbout032353-Regular SessionMINUTES 19 City Commission, Sanford, FIorido, March 23. at 8 P.M. ~53 The City Commission of the City of Sanford, Florida, met in regular session at the City Hall in the City of Sanford, Florida, at 8:00 o'clock P. M. March 23, 1953. Present: Commissioner Randall Chase, Mayor " J.D. Cordell " John D. Ivey " John L. Kadet " W.H. Stamper City Attorney A. Edwin Shinholser City Clerk H. N. Sayer City Manager Thcs. L. Lemon Chief of Police R. G. Williams Meeting called to order by the Chairman. On motion of Commissioner Kadet, seconded by Commissioner Cordell snd carried, minutes of regular meetings of February 23 and March 9, and adjourned me, ting of March 13, 1953 approved. Financial statement and statement of revenues and expenditures for month of February 1953, submitted and examined. Current invoices and payrolls for month of February 1953, as evidenced by Vouchers Nos. 9121 thru 9262, submitted, which included bill of Yowell Company for purchase of uniforms ex- ceeding $200.00 for which the City Manager advised the order was placed by Fire Chief Cleveland in fall of 1952 without obtaining bids. A proposed contract with Melvin Smith, A. P. Bowersox and James C Owens for demolishing and removing the old grandstand at baseball park for salvage of the materials, next submitted, and on motion of Commissioner Kadet, seconded by Commissioner Ivey and carried, same was ap- proved and the Mayor and Clerk authorized to execute the contract on behalf of the City. A group of residents within vicinity of City's old dump st First St., and Poplar Ave., with Rev. L. R Rushton, Mrs. W. L. Harvey and Miss Margaret Davis as spokesman, next appeared and registered a protest against the City continuing to use the dump for disposal of ashed from incinerator and certain other forms of trash, which recently caught fire and created a nuisance to the neighborhood. They requested the City to discontinue using the property for disposal of any type of trash or rubbish and to close it as a dump, stating that it was a menace to the neighborhood because the hot ashes from incinerator caused the fires and that it wss also a breeding place for rats and mosquitoes. They also requested that the City clean off the dump property a distance of at leas~ 100 f~; back from First Street in order that it no~ be so unsightly. Thereupon after considerable discussion, Commissioner Oordell moved ~hat ~he City discon- tinue using the old dump at W. First Street and Poplar Avenue for disposal of any type of trash or rubbish. Seconded by Commissioner Kadet and carried. The matter of cleaning off the fron~ of the property was taken under advisement. Raymond Lundquist, Associa~e of Rober~ A. Williams, Real,or, next appeared with reference ~o their bill of $500.00 for commission on sale of Lots 1 thru 5 Block 11 Tier 8, E. R. Traf- fords Map, at price of $5,000.00 to Southern Bell Telephone Company, and requested the Com- mission ~o reconsider so,ion at meeting of March 13, au~horizing payment of commission only on the City's net proceeds from sale in amount of $2,724.70. He stated that they were entitled to realtor's commission on the gross sale price which was es tsbllshed by the Commission and t~at ~hey negotiated the sale under the authorization of the Cl~y. Thereupon Commlasioner Stamper moved tha~ the Commission rescind the action at meeting of March 13, and further moved that Robert A. Williams, Real,or, be paid the e~andard 10% commission on gross sale of $5,000.00. ~econd. ed by Commissioner Ivey and carried. John Pierson nex~ appeared with further reference to the Boy Scouts using ~he baseball stadium for benefit came and reaueate~, ~a~ ~f ~t ~ ~b~ ~, ~ ~ ~,~+~ ~+~ , .... ~ MINUTES 9.1 to Jerry Walker, Volie A. City Commission, Sanford, Florida, .. ~h..~...~.~..5..~,...~ ................ 1 9..~.~. Exalted Ruler, for presentation at the 1953 Eonvention. Williams, Jr., local reoreaentative of State Legislature, next appeared with reference to any proposed bills of the City to be presented for passage at the 1153 session of Legislature, and requested that he be furnished a copy of any proposal for annexing any terri- tory to the City before Legislature convenes in order that he may be familiar with the areas and have sn opportunity to discuss the bills with the Commission before leaving for Tellahssaee. He also advised of a Public Hearing to be held at the Court House at 8:00 P. M. March 24, to consider several proposed local bills and requested that any recommendations of the Commission for extending the City limits be submitted at this hearing. Herbert Cherry next appeared on behalf of the Colored Bus,ness and Professional Nan's Club with further reference to their proposed site for a colored recreation park adjacent to the Goldsboro Primary School. He reported on meeting with School Board relative to using a portion of the l~ acres of school property for the park, which they agreed to grant the City the use of any unused portion after the school facilities have been expanded, and also to Join with the City in developing it. Also, reported on request submitted to Board of County Com- missioners for assistance, which they agreed to consider if the project materialized and actual 5evelopment commences. He also advised that the adjacent property owned by Geo. A. Bpeer, Jr., and Mrs. Fred W. Bender could be acquired if it is found that the school property ia not de- sirsble for the recreation park. After discussion the matter was referred to the City Attorney relative to necessary action for Joint dedication of the proposed recreation park. On recommendation of Chief of Police Williams, and on motion of Commissioner Kadet, seconded by Commissioner Cordell and carried, he was next authorized to issue permits, subject to revocation, to the following places of business who are vendors of beer and wines, to re- main open On Sunday provided they comply with .the provision of Ordinance No. 517: The Bmoke House, 104 W. ].st Street Angel's Eat Shack, 2503 Banford Avenue Pi~ 'N Whistle, Cot. 25th and Park Avenue Hlmes Drive-In, 2750 Orlando Drive Joe's Grocery, 713 Celery Avenue Carlton's B & G Groceryz 1303 Banford Avenue Day & Night Grll], 701 French Avenue Menendez Grocery, 1016 Orange Avenue West Bl~e Grocery, 515 Elm Avenue On recommendation of Chief of Police, an5 on motion of Commissioner Ivey, seconded by Commissioner Kadet and carried, the request of Mr. & Mrs. Paul W. Reese for installation of street Light in front of their residence at la10 W Third Btreet was next ordered tabled. The City Manager next submitted the following list of dates the National Flay should be flown, and on motion of Commiasloner Kadet, seconded by Commissioner Stamper and carried, same was accepted after adding January 19 - General Robert E. Lee'e Birth Day, April 26 - Confederate Memorial Day, and leaving it open for other dates to be added: January 1 January 19 January 20 February 12 February 22 March 3 Variable 2nd Sunday in May April 26 May 30 June 15 July $ 1st Monday in Sept. September 17 October 12 Nay 16 New Year's Day General Lee's Birth Day Inauguration Day Lincoln's Birthday Sashington's Birth Day Florida's Btatehood Recognized Easter Sunday Mother's Day Confederate Memorial Day (half-staff until noon) Memorial Day (half-staff until noon) Flag Day Independence Day Labor Day Constitution Day Columbus Day Armed Forces Day ./ MINUTES City Commission, Sanford, Florida, March 23 at 8 P. M. 19 53 On motion of Commissioner Cordell, seconded by Commissioner Kadet and carried, the Com- mission next authorized final payment to F. A. Dyson, Contractor, payable from reserved funds for water utility ecuipment, the balance due in amount of $2,879.00 for construction of aerator, which has been completed, and accepted by Robert N. Augas and Assoc~tes, City's engineers. Consideration next given to acquiring the proposed new well field property on old Lake Nary Road to sup01ement the municipal water supply, as recommended by Engineer Angas, and on motion of Commissioner Ivey, seconded by Commissioner Kadet and carried, the City Manager was authorized to contact the owner of the property and obtain prices for optic on the well sites. Consideration next given to the recommendations of the Planning Board for extending the city limits to take in certain ~reas adjacent to the City, and after discussion of cost that may be involved in rendering municipal services to the proposed areas, action was deferred, pending further consideration. On motion of Commissioner Kadet, seconded by Commissioner Cordell and carried, the City Attorney was next authorized and directed to prepare a bill for passage at 1953 Legislature granting the City authority to annex areas, at its discretion, if the majority of the pro~rty owners in such area desire to come in the City. On motion of Commissioner Stemoer, seconded by Commissioner Kadet and carried, the City Attorney was next authorized to prepare a bill for pass~ge at the 1953 Legislature to eliminate the stste sales tax on rentals of municipal library books. On motion of Commissioner Kadet, seconded by Commissioner Cordell and carw~ed, the Com- mission ne×t endorsed in principle the following 1953 Legislative Program of Florida League of Municipalities and directed that copy of same be furnished our representatives with request that they cooperate with the League in getting them passed: 1. To request the legislature for equitable relief from the limitations under section 210.21 of the cigarette tax law. 2. An act to designate and declare the acquisition of rights-of-way in munici- palities to be the duty of the counties. 3. An act providing that no suit shall be maintained against any municipality for any claim arising ~t of tort unless it shall be made to appear that written notice of any alleged damages was given within thirty days after receiving any injuries or damages. A general act to permit revision or codification of City ordinances w~thout publication. 5. A general act to permit cities to adopt established codes by reference and without publication. 6. A general act permitting cities to create by ordinance boards to administer regulations relating to building, plumbing, electrical or similar codes, and regulations pertaining to condemnation of unsafe buildings or structures. ?. To have a general act enacted permitting all municipally owned and oper- ated vehicles to be licensed by the State of Florida by the purchase of sn "X' auto tag. 8. A general act authorizing and directi~g school boards to disburse funds for payment of special benefits which have been legally imposed by muni- cipalities or other political subdivisions, for such benefits as sidewalks, streets and any other public improvements. Further consideration next given to offer submitted by Co A. Whiddon, Realtor, for James F. Cowan to purchase Lot 3 of Block 5, Marvania Second Section, at price of $20.00 per front foot, a total of $1,363.00, which he agreed to accept with reservation for right-of-way for proposed Road ~6 and with reverter clause if a dwelling is not erected thereon. After discussion Commissioner Ivey moved that the City sell Mr. Cowan ali l0 feet of Lot 3 Block 5, Marvani~ Second Section, at price of $20.00 per front except the North foot net to the MINUTES 23 City Commission, Sanford, Florida, March 23 at 8 P.M. 1953 Consideration next given to requesting the County to zone the area adjacent to the City under the powers of its new zoning law, and after discussion Commissioner Ivey moved that a re- --~ quest be submitted to the Planning Board to consider as early as possible making plans for zoning all the area within one mile of the City, and along Highway 17-92 to the county line, with provisions for sufficient setback line for buildings along said highway for future widening, such plans to be presented to the Commission for study and approval and then submitted to the Board of County Commissioners for approval and adoption. Seconded by Commissioner Kadet and carried. The City Manager next submitted recommendations for charging the agencies receiving com- munication services thru the police radio station, in which he recommended that the Constable -- ... and ~atliff's Wrecker Service pay $50.00 per month each, snd the County pay an amount equal to salary of one of the radio operators for services rendered the Sheriff's office, and after dis- cussion the Manager was authorized to negotiate with them on said basis. The three year contract with Blitch, Dyson & Meeks, Certified Public Accountants, for con- ~ tinuous audit services, next submitted, and on motion of Commissioner Kadet, seconded by Com- missioner Stamper and carried, the Mayor and Clerk were authorized to execute same on behalf of the City. Said contract being in words and figures as follows: AGREEMENT made this 23rd day of March, 1953, by and between the City of Sanford, a munici- pal corporation created and existing under the laws of the State of Florida, hereinafter called the City, and Blitch, Tyson and Meek, a firm of Certified Public Accountants with offices in the City of Jacksonville, Florida, hereinafter referred to as the Accountants, witnesseth: __ 1. The City engages the Accountants to perform an audit of the books, records and ac- countants of the City for the three fiscal years ending September 30, 1953; September 30, 1955; and September 30, 1955, such audit to be a "Continuous Audit" as defined in Bulletin No. 14 of the Municipal Accounting and Auditing publication of the National Committee on Governmental Ac- counting at page 229. amd such "Continuous Audit" to begin immediately upon the signing of this agreement. 2. The Accountants agree to perform a continuous audit as hereinbefore defined for the three fiscal years ending September 30, 1953, September 30, 1955, and September 30 1955, such audit to conform to procedures as recommended in Bulletin No. 8 of the National Committee on .. Municipal Accounting enbitled "Municipal Audit ProCedure"; to include a review of the procedures and practices currently employed in the accounting office of the City with suggestions and recommendations where deemed advisable; upon request to furnish a member of the staff for meet- ings with the Commission and City Officials for formal and informal counseling in connection with the accounting affairs of the City; to submit in person, a draft of the audit report to the City Officials for review and discussion prior to final typing, such submission to be made within forty-five days from the close of the fiscal year; to furnish a Certified Public Accountant for direct supervision of the performance of the audit, such Certified Public Ac- - countant to be assisted by staff members qualified by education and experience in municipal auditing. 3. The City hereby agrees to pay the Accountants for the above services a total fee of Bix Thousand ($6,000.00) Dollars, which total fee shall be paid as follows: Five Hundred and ~ No/lO0 ($500.00) Dollars on June l, 1953; Five Hundred and No/100 ($500.00) Dollars on October l, 1953; One Thousand and No/100 ($1,000.00) Dollars on delivery of completed audit report for fiscal year ending Seotember 30. 1953: Five Hundred and No/100 ($500.00) Dollars on June l, 24 MINUTES City Commission, Sanford, Florida, ...~..a...~.~..h....2.~.~....~...t....8..!.~.?....~.:..~..: .......... 19..~.. 1954; Five Hundred and No/lO0 ($500.00) Dollars on June 1, 1955; Five Hundred and No/100 ($500.00) Dollars on October l, 1955; OneThousand and No/100 ($1,000.00) Dollars on delivery of completed audit report for fiscal year ending September 30, 1955. 4. The Accountants hereby accept said engagement and ~gree to render such services as accountants on the terms and conditions herein stated. 5. Anything in this agreement to the agreed by and between the parties hereto as (a) contrary notwithstanding, follows: (b) it is understood and In the event the City elects to terminate this contract at the end of the audit for the fiscal year ending September 30, 1953, the total fee for such period shall be the sum of Two Thousand Four Hu~red ($2,400.00) Dollars and the unpaid balance of such total fee shall be paid in one sum to the Accountants at the time of notificetion of the termination of this agreement. In the event the City elects to terminate this contract at the end of the audit for the two fiscal years ending September 30, 195~, t~ total fee for such period shall be the sum of Four Thousand Eight Hundred ($~,800.00) Dollars and the unpaid balance of such total fee shell be paid in one sum to the Accountants at the time of notification of the termination of this agreement. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the City has caused its name to be signed by its Mayor and its cot- porate seal to be affixed hereto by its City Clerk and Blitch, Tyson and Meek, a partnership, has caused its name to be signed and sealed by a partner on this 23rd day of March, 1953. CITY OF SANFORD, FLORIDA S/ H N Sayer City Clerk BY S/ By S/ Consideration next given to matter of charging fees for lng privileges, and after discussion same was referred to the Randall Chase Mayor of the City of Sanford, Florida H, Lynton Tyson, Parkner,L.S. Blltch, Tyson & Meek Certified Public Accountants loading spaces and special park- Traffic Committee. On motian of Commissioner Ivey, seconded by Commissioner Kadet and carried, the City Manager was next authorized to purchase a ~ont-end loader attachment for tractor at price of $590.00, less trade-in allowance of $490.00 on an old Farm-All Tractor. The Commission next authorized and directed drafting of an agreement, to be executed by the City and Seminole County Baseball Association, covering use of the baseball stadium during 1953 season. On motion of Commissioner Kadet, seconded by Commissioner Ivey and carried, the City Manager was next authorized to attend a Short Course for City Managers to be held in St. Petersburg on March 29-April 1. Consideration next given to request of Junior High School baseball team to use the base- ball stadium on Wednesday afternoons, but no action was taken. Upon advice of City Attorney that Phillips Petroleum Corporation was ready to exercise option to purchase Lots I and 2 of Block ll Tier 0, Martin's Addition, at price of $6,500.00, Commissioner Stamper next moved that the Mayor and Clerk be authorized to execute warranty deed of conveyance on behalf of the City. Seconded by Commissioner Kadet and carried. There being no further business ~e meeting then adjourned until 8:00 P.M. March 30,1953. AT TEST: / ~ - z>' City Clerk ~m MAYOR