HomeMy WebLinkAbout051153-Regular Session MINUTES City Commission, Sanford, Florida,. ..............]~.~...~.]:....~...f!...?.t..~..: ........... 19...~.. 47 The City Commission of the City of Sanford, Florida, met in regular session at the City Hall_ in the City of Sanforc], Florida, at 8:00 o'clock P. M. May ll, 195.3: Present: Commissioner Randall Chase, Mayor " J.D. Cordell " John D. Ivey " John L. Kadet " W.H. Stamper City Attorney A. Edwin Shinholser City Clerk H. N. Sayer Chief of Police R. G. Williams Absent: City Manager Thcs. L. Lemon Nectlng called to order by the Chairman. The first order of business was a Public Hearing to consider rezon~ng certain district of the Zoning Ordinance in accordance with following legal notice published in the Sanford Herald on April 23, and 30, 1953: NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEAP, I?,!G ON PROPOSED CHANGES AND AMEND- MENTS IN CERTAIN DISTRICT OF THE ZONING OR I.~A~,,CE OF THE CITY OF SANFORD, FLORIDA. Notice is hereby given that a Public Hearing will be held at the office of the City Commission in the City Hall in the City of Sanford, Florida, at 8:00 o'clock P.M., May ll, 1953, to consider the following change and amendment to the Zoning Ordinance of the City of Sanford, Florida: The property Zoned in District R-l-AA (One Single Family), located South of 25th Street and West of French Avenue, is proposed to be changed to R-1-A (One Single Family) Dis- trict. Said property being more legally described as Lots l0 thru 22 of Block 9; All of Block 12; l~ and 19; and that portion ~,~ith~n the City of Blocks 13; 15; 18; sad 20, of Dreamwold Subdivision, as recorded in Plat Book 3, Page 90, of the Public R cords of Seminole County, Florida. All parties in interest and citizens shat] have an opportunity to be heard at said hearing. By order of the City Commission of the City of Sanford, Florida, this 20th day of April, 1953. H.N. Sayer, As City Clerk of the City of Sa~rd, Florida. The Chairman then announced that the Commission would be glad to he~r from any interested parties in favor or against the proposed rezonlng of the property described in the foregoing notice. There being no objections registered, Commissioner Kader moved that the property be re- zoned to R-1-A as advertised and that the City Attorney prepare the necessary ordinance for adoption. Seconded by Commissioner Ivey and carried. Monthly reports of the several departments for month of April 195~, submitted and examined. On motion duly adonted, minuted of reeler meetin~ of April 27, 1953, aporoved. Engineer Robert M. AnEas next submitted tabulation of bids received at meeting of April 27, ~nd recorded in the minutes of said meeting, for furnishln~ five to eight motor driven deep well turbine pumps, in which he recomr~ended the following bid of Farm & Home Machinery Comoany as being the lowest and best bid: Five Deming l&0 GPM Pumps and Two " gd0 GPM " $6,537.00 Less allowance for old pumps 654.00 Total $ 5,893.00 Bid includes furnishing and installing the seven new oumoa and complete overhaul and repair of the best old small pump, to be retained by the City as a spare. Delivery date: 60 days. Thomas E. Yandre, representative of Farm & Home Machinery Company next offered to over- 4S MINUTES City Commission, Sanford, Florida, ......M..a..}r....1...]:.....a.}...~....P..:..~.,. ..................... 1 9..~_3.. Thereupon after considerable discussion, Commissioner Ivey moved that the City accept the bid of Farm & Hone Machinery Company for furnishing and installing the seven near pumps, less allowance on six of the old pumps, at price of 35,893.00, and 0urchase back the 10-HP pump and motor, after being overhauled, at price of ~200.00. Seconded by Commissfoner Stamper and carried. Engineer Robert M. Angas next submitted t~bulatlon of bids received at meeting of April 27, arid recorded in the minutes of sa~d meeting, for drilling four teat wails, in which he recom- mended bid of Central Florida Well Dril~ers as being the lowest and best bid. Tbereuoon Commissioner Ivey moved that ali bids be rejected at this time. Seconded by Commissioner Cordel-! and carried. Attorney Karlyle Householder next apoeared on behalf of Sanford Cab Company sad submitted a. polication for transfer of taxicab license fro~ Park Avenue and Second Street to Kent's Garage Bu~lOin~' on E. Commercial Street, and on motion of Commissioner Stamper, seconded by Commissioner Cor8ell ann carried, same was authorized. Mr. Housholder also submitted apolication to lease the first parking space on Park Avenue next to Florida State Bank for t~'~eir Taxicabs, offering to pay a rental of $50.00 oer year, and same was taken under advisement. Engineer Angas next gave a progress report on the sewer imorovement project, in which he advised that Dr. Wolman v~o~]d have his report completed within t~o weeks, and that upon receipt of same he could have the revised estimates eom?eta and available for the fiscal agents ~:'~th~ another three to four weeks. Br~iley Odham, member of the Plannin~ Bo~rd, next apoeared w~th reference to status of the proposed bill to annex the balanca of property in Marvan~a Second Section and Fort Second Section, and was advised by the City Attorney that the bill had been pren~red and ore- seated to Representative Volle A. ~illiams, Jr., in accordance with the authorization of the Commission. He then requested theft the Commission take action to bare the bill passed since one of the prooerty o?nere in the area had representatives, Thereupon Commissioner Kader moved filed protest against the annexation with the that the City Attorney be directed to send atele- gram to Senator Boyle advising theft the Commission feel that the b~ll should be passed as pre- sented, w~th request for him to reconsider position indicated in his letter to Mayor Chase and to oroceed toward expediting its passsEe. Seconded by Commissioner Cordell and carried. Richard Van Duyne, dissble~ veteran of Worl~ W~r ~, who was ~enle~ use of the Municipal S~rimmlng Pool because of a skin condition, next appeared and made an anneal theft he be granted the privilege of using it, claiming that it woul~ be beneficial to his health. He submitted a letter from his physician stating that his condition is not a disease and not contagious, but in view of the State Board of Health's regulations, he was advised t~at the Commission grant his request. Mervyn Ozler of Ozier-Weller Homes, proposal to install approximately ~00 feet could not Inc., next appeared with further reference to their of sanltsry sewer at I,ocust and Celery Avenues in order to con~ect the se~er line that will serve Drive, the City to relm]~rse them for such cost se,~,erage lm~)rovement project. the oroperty they are developing on Rosalia fr~m sale ~f the sev,er revenue bonds under the Uoon advice of mnaineer Annas that such an agreement was feasible, the Com~lss!on agree5 to the proposal, subject to the plans, specifications and cost being aporoved by Engineer Aa~aa. MINUTES 49 City Commission, Sonford, FIorido, ...~!~?....~..~...~.~...~...~r.~!, ....................... 19...~.7. Ralph Cowsn, President of Sanford Industries, Inc., appeared and outlined their pro- possl to construct a building size 120' x ~0', to house a new industry that will lease iT at a rental sufficient to amortize construction cost within 12 years. He advised ~h~t they had selected that portion of the City's old dump property sbuttlnM on W. First Street for the site, and requested the City to convey to Sanford Industries, Inc., 200 ft frontage with 330 ft depth, for consideration of one dollar, stating that they pro~ose to erect another building, size 40' x 6o', on the site at a later date. Thereupon Commissioner Ivey moved that the City convey the aforesaid property ~o Sanford Industries, Inc., for consideretlon of one dollar, with reverter clause if a bulldlng of ~,800 sGuare feet of floor space is not erected thereon within six months. Seconded by Commissioner Cordell and carried. Herbert Cherry appeared on behalf of the colored business and professional mens club and inGuired as to the ststus of the proposed colored recreation park site, and same was refer- red to the City Manager. He also submitted request that they be granted the use of the Munlci- p~l Stadium on May 17 for benefit baseball game, but in view of the City Msn~ger being sbsent from the City, Commissioner Kadet moved th~ ~hey be granted the use of the Stadium for the benefit game the first open date ~fter May 17, provided it is agreeable with the baseball association ~nd City Manager, conditioned that they comply with all ~he rules and regula~lons. Seconded by Commissioner Stemper and carried. Telegram next presented from the Baltimore Orioles Baseball Club rel~tlve to spring in Sanford ~trsining~next season, and on motion of Commissioner Stemper, seconded by Commissioner Kadet and carried, the Commission autborlzed an invitation to be extended them to come to Sanford ~nd look over the baseball f~cllities. City Engineer Warren Knowlee next advised thnt the incinerator is in bad state of re- pair, with one furnace being out of service and the other one in poor condition, which will have to be repaired immediately ~t a considerable e~penee or some other means provided for disposing of garbage. He then gave a report on a three day demonstration by Florida-Georgia Tractor Co~?sny of the ssnitary landfill method for disposing of both trash and g~rbage by uslng an International TD-l~-A Crawler Tractor with Drott Bullcl~m Shovel. Also, pointed out the advantages and savings of l~ndfil] method over using the incinerator, and recommended that the City purchase the bullcl~m-shovel-dozer instead of repairing the Incinerator. Morris McC!elland, representative of Florida-Georgia Tractor Co~oany, sub$~tted price of ~15,795.86, less 5% cash discount, for the bulldozer and advised that they would furnish a man ~o train sn operator for the City, but action was deferred, pending further lnformetlon on experience of other cities using the landfill met[~od, and also investigation of other makes of eq~ipment. ~ritten request next submitted from Thrift 011 Co~oany for a loeding zone in front of their w~rehouse at Il7 Railroad Avenue, but upon advice of the Chief of Police that ~ey hsvea beck entrance, the recuest wes denied and the Chief of PpiS. ce d~rected to instell "no Parking" signs on said street prohibiting the parking of any vehicles on it. Letter next submitted from C. H. Robertson requesting the Commission to adopt a resolution or motion to the effect that when the new sewer program is planned the City will relocate the sanitary sewer so as to by-ossa his property described as Lots 12 and 13 of Block 7, San Lant~, instead of running it alone the north property line ss agreed to at ~t- lng of April 27. Action deferred. 5O MINUTES City Commission, Sanford, Florida, . ........ ~..a:~...~...a..~.....~...?..,..~..: ................. 19..~.. Said Lease Agreement being in words End figures as follows: AGPJ~E~(ENT FOR LEASE A>TD I,EASE THIS AGREEMENT, made in duplicate, on this 13th day of Aoril, 1953, by ane between CITY OF SAUFORD, Florida, a municipal coroorat~on, hereinafter referred to as Lessor, and J. M. BL]C~HE, Sanford, Florida, hereinafter referred to as Lessee, V~ TNESSETH: That for and in consider~t!on of the sum of Ten ($10.00) Dollars and other v~luable consi~erstion in hand paid to Lessor by Lessee, receipt whereof is hereby ack- nowledged, Lessor does hereby agree to ]ease, and does hereby lease to Lessee, and Lessee does hereby agree to ]ease, and does hereby lease from Lessor, subject to the conditions hereinafter set out, the follo~,Jlng described premises, situate in Sanford, Seminole County, Florida, Begin at a ooint 55 feet East and ~75.3 feet South of the North~,,est corner of the North- east quarter of Section 56, To~,'nship 19 South, R,~nf~e ~0 East, thence East 269 feet, thence Sou. th 13~ feet, thence West 269 feet, thence North 155 feet, to point of be~lnalng, less the East 1~0 feet of the North a0 feet t~:ereof. TO [~VE A?~D TO HOLD said ~3rem~ses unto the said Lessee from Aoril 13, 19~3, for a term e~:pirln[[ July 12th, 195b, said Lessee paying to said Le~sor as rental therefor the sum of Forty (:$~0.00) Dollars per month, payable in ad.vance. The Lessor and the Lessee do further covenant an~ agro~ i>o ~nd with each other as follows: 1. I,essee shall have the right to erect temoorary structures on the leased r~remises, prov~'ded however, no such structures shall be erected until proper permit and approw~l thereof shall h~ve been obtg~ned from the Lessor's Building Inspector. 2. Lessee shall pay before the same becoges delinquent all taxes and assessments levied by any t~'~ying authority against any lm~0rovements or property placed on the leased premises by Lessee. 3. This lease shall be subject to cancellation prior to the e3-piratlon of the term above set forth upon the giving of written notice by either oarty to ti~e other six (6) months prior to the effective date of shal_~ be sufficiently ?Ivan if m~iled record with the sender. b. Lessee shall not assign this lease nor suh-let any of said oroperty without the ~crltten consent of the Les:or. 5. Default for a period of ten(10) days in the payment of any one of the aforesaid monthly rentals, or default after thirty (~0) days ~rltten notice: mailed to the Lessee at his [!sst kno~m address in the Derformance by the Lessee of any of the other covenants contained in thJs ]e~se on bis mart to be verformed s>al] work an Immediate forfeiture of this lease, and the I,es~-.or shall b~ve the right to enter upon said property and retake possession thereof without the necessity to resort to process of law therefore; 6. Lessee shall h~ve the option to renew this lease for an add~tlonal five (5) yfars, on the same terms and conditions, provided he shall give written notice ~ Lessor not later than thirty (55) days ~rlor to July 12, 195b, of his intent to so renew. IN ~fITL~ESS WH~t<EOF the Lessor has caused t~¢se presents to be executed in its name by its Mayor and attested, and its official seal to be hereunto affixed by the City Clerk, and the Lessee ]~s hereunto affixed his hand and seal all on the day and year first above ~,~ritten. CZTY CF SA~?CRD, FLOHIDA S. W. E~sterby BY: S/ Randall Chase. Mayor to-~it: such cancellation of the intent to cancel. Such notice by registered mai]. to the last Dost office address of such party of MINUTES 51 City Commission, Sonford, Florida, .~.8:~.....~:~...~.'~....8....1~.:...~ ....................... 19..~..~.... The following bids next submitted for furnishing all labor and materials ~r installing a new roof on back portion of Fire Station Building: FLORIDA HOME BUILDERS, SANFORD, FLA. 20-Year guaranteed tar and gr~vel roof H. H. LEE, BANFORD, FLORIDA. 20-Year 5-ply roof 15-Year 4-Ply roof 10-Year 3-Ply roof F.,. M.,. ENGLISH, SANFORD, FLORIDA, 20-Year Tar and gravel roof 15-Year Tar and gravel roof 10-Year 3-Ply roof Installation of 6" drain pipes After comoerison of prices submitted and quality $585. o0 60o. 00 500.00 40 ~i. 00 468.00 ~96.00 290.00 86.15 of roofs bid upon, and upon recommendatio$ of Commissioner Kader, Commissioner Stemper moved the acceptance of lowest bid, tb~t of F. M. English for lnst~llation of 20-year ter and gravel roof at price of $468.00, plus $86.15 for in- stallation of 6" drain pipes. Seconded by Commissioner Ivey and carried. Application next submitted from Walter Harmon for transfer to him of beer and wines license of the Smoke House at 108 W. First Street, issued in name of C. E. Stonecipher who also signed the application, end after discusslon, ~ction wa~ deferred, pending further investigetion by the Chief of Police. Petition signed by all residents on Rosalia Drive between Sanford and Locust Avenues, next submitted, requesting insts]]at!on of four street lights on said street - one at inter- section of Sanford, one 500 feet Eest of Sanford, one at intersection of Madera Avenue and one at intersection of Paloma Avenue. After discussion Commissioner Stemoer moved the authorization for installetion of the four stre~,t lights, plus one additional light 300 feet east of Locust Avenue. Seconded by Commissioner Kadet and carried. Petition next submitted from seven residents on Yale Avenue in Phillips Terrace for ln- st~llation of street lights on said street, and upon advice of Chief of Police that only two lights would be required, Commissioner Kadet moved the authorization for same. Seconded by Commissioner Ivey and carried. Letter next read from Vineyard & Company, Certified Public Accountants, requesting a meeting v,ith the Commission, and the City Clerk was directed to notify them ~hat a meeting would be arranged upon the return of the City Manager. In response to request of M~yor Obese, an apprals~l next submitted from E. F. Lane and Raymond M. Bell, Realtors, of $3,500.00 or $250.00 per lot, as current market value of the City owned property described as Lots i to 7, inclusive, ~nd Lots 13 to 19 inclusive, of Spurllng's Plat of Block 15, C.haoman & Tuckers Addn., but no ~ction wes t~ken toward ol~clng them on the me rket for ~ale. Consideration next given to request of Seminole County Baseball Association for City to install a backstop on top of the Stadium in order to prevent the loss of fly balls thet are going over it, and after discussion of the aporo×imste cost, Commissioner Stemper moved that the City spend up to not exceeding $100.00 for installing the backstop. Seconded by Commissioner Keder end carried. On motion of Commlss~oner Kader, seconded by Comm~ssioner Ivey end carried, the Com- mission next authorized a Quit Claim Deed to Cecil R. Oz~er an8 wife on Lot 5 Block 5, Mar- vanls First Section, for the purpose of clearing title, which w~s vested in the City at one time MINUTES City Comrnission, Sanford, Florida, . .........~.~.....]:.3:.....a,t....8.....P..:...~., .............. 19~.~ .... which would require municipalities to cay to the State Road Department all proceeds from bonds estreated and fines levied for traffic violations upon ali state roads ~,~ithin corporate limits of municipalities, and directed the City Attorney to convey such action to the representatives. On motion of Commissioner Kader, seconded by Commissioner Cordel] and carried, the Chief of Police was next authorized to send oatrolman Arnold Williams to the Southeastern Police Traffic Training School to be conducted at the University of Flor~Sa on June 7 to 29, the ex- penses in connectS, on therewith to be borne by the C~ty. On motion of Com~'~lssiontr Kadet, seconded by Commissioner Cordel] and carried, the Commission next authorized the advertisement for bids on ,ourchase of one car of clay sewer pice. There being no further business the meeting adjourned. MAYOR ATTEST: / '' City Clerk gm