HomeMy WebLinkAbout071353-Regular Session MINUTES City Commission, Sanford, Florida, . ........ ~.]:.~.....~.~.,....a~....8.....P..:....~.., .......... 19.,,5~.... The City Commission of Hall in the City of Sanford, Present: the City of Sanford, Florida, at 8:00 o'clock P. Commissioner Randall Chase, # J.D. Cordell " John D. Ivey " John L. Kadet " W.H. Stemper City Attorney A. Edwin Shinholser City Clerk H. N. Sayer City Manager Thcs. L. Lemon Chief of Police R. G. Williams Florida, met in regular session at M. July 13, 1953. Mayor the City Meeting called to order by the Chairman. Monthly reports of the several departments On motion of Commissioner Ivey, seconded by Commissioner Stamper and carried, minutes of adjourned meetings of June 29, and July 6, 1953, approved. R. T. Cowan, president of Sanford Industries, Inc., next appeared and advised that they had leased the Crown Paper Company Building to house a needlework plant and would have to reno- vate the building at cost of $12,500.00, but that in order to make the building available for the new industry, the FreeWax Corporation which is now occupying a part of it, wil~ have to construct a new building at a cost of $13,000.00 for its operation. He then requested the Commission to waive the building permit fees of $2.00 per thousand on the renovation and new building construction. Thereupon after careful consideration Commissioner Ivey moved that to the Banford Industrial Board for payment of the building permit fees. missioner Stamper and carried. Herbert Cherry, representing the colored civic organizations, next appeared with further reference to the proposed colored recreation park being sponsored Jointly by the City, Board of County Commissioners and the School Board, and requested that a swimming pool be included in the proposed facilities. He stated that his group were pleased with the change in site, the property adjacent to Crooms Academny instead of adjacent to Goldsboro Primary School, which was decided by the three boards at a Joint meeting last week. Commissioner Kadet advised that the City was favorable to including the swimming pool in the project and already had tentative plans for a pool that would cost approximately $30,000.00, which would have to be financed Jointly because of the City's financial condition, but pointed out that the School Board and County Commissioners had indicated t h~ they would not sponsor a pool at this time. The City Manager also advised that since the Joint meeting of the three boards, the School Board had met and decided that the new site adjacent to Crooms Academy would not be dewlrable for the recreation park because of being located outside the City, which would be difficult to supervise and police. Engineer Robert M. Angas next appeared and submitted a revised estimate of the sanitary sewerage improvement project, which showed a reduction in total cost estimate from $1,719,068.00 to $1,617,178.00. He pointed out that at the request of the fiscal agents his firm had elimi- nated proposed sewers in areas where there are no houses at present, and also in swampy areas where it was felt that no houses could be constructed until the land is filled. After discussion it was felt that the Commlsslonshould also have a Joint meeting with Engineer Angas and the fiscal agents to consider both the construction and financing of the sewerage and water works improvement projects, and the City Manager was directed to arrange for such a meeting as soon as feasible. for month of June 1953, submitted and examined. $50.00 be appropriated Seconded by Com- MINUTES 71 City Commission, Sonford, Florido, ....J.~.l...y....1..~.....a:~....~.....P.,.....~..: .................. 19,~.3... in back of the bank building be made a one-way alley going east, from 9 A.M. to 4 P.M. in order that the bank may ins tell a drive-in deposit window which would face t~ alley in rear of building, but upon request of Mr. R. J. Bauman, the bank's president, action was deferred until such time the plans are definite. Mayor Chase next advised that J. W. Powell had declined acceptance of the appointment as a member of the Sanford Housing Authority Commission to succeed James R. Hall, wh~h was ap- proved by the City Commission at meeting of June 8, and that he had appointed W. A. Morrison to f ill the vacancy. Also, that Mrs. Geo. A. Stine had been appointed on the Commission to fill the vacancy created by resignation of Rev. J. E. McKinley. Thereupon Commissioner Stamper moved that the Commission confirm the Mayor's appointment of W. A. Morrison and Mrs. Geo. A. Stine as members of the Sanford Housing Authority Commission. Seconded by Commissioner Kadet and carried. Petition next submitted for installation of s treat light at mid intersection, Police, Commissioner Stamper moved the authorization and carried. from residents within vicinity of 16th Street and Elm A enue and upon recommendation of Chief of for same. Seconded by Commissioner Ivey On recommendation of the Chief of Police, and on motion of Commissioner Ivey, seconded by Commissioner Cordell and carried~ the Commissio~ next approved transfer of beer and wines license of J. E. Jones from 422 E 4th Street to 311 Banford Ave. Pursuant to request of Commission for an opinion on rights of the City to sell the City owned service station property at southwest corner of Seminole Boulevard and French Avenue under puchase option lease to Shell 0il Company, and also prior right of lessees to purchase under the terms of the ~ase, the City Attorney next quoted paragraph 17 of said lease as follows: "If at any time during the term of this lease, or any extension of renewal thereof, LESSOR desires to sell s aid premises to a prospective purchaser, who is ready, willing, and able to buy the same, LESSOR shall notify LESSEE, g~ving the name and address of the prospective purchaser and the orice and terms of the proposed sale. Said notice shall be accompanied by LESS0R'S affidavit that such prospective sale is in good faith. LESSEE shall there- upon have prior right and option to purchase said Dremlses from LESSOR at the price and upon the terms agreed to by said prospective purchase; which prior right and option shall be in addition and without prejudice to LEBBEE'S rights under paragraph 16 hereof. If LESSEE desires to exercise its option, it shall so notify LESSOR within fifteen (15) days after LEBBEE'S receipt of the aforesaid notice of LESBOR'S desire to sell said premises. The right of LESSEE to purchase at any offered price shall be continuing right during the existence of this lease, or any estension or renewal thereof, whenever LESSOR, or any successor in title, may desire to sell said premises. LEBSEE'B failure to exercise any option granted by the provisions of this paragraph shall not in any w ay affect this lease, LEBSEE'S rights under paragraph 16 hereof, or its rights to the estate herein created." Thereupon Commissioner Ivey moved that the aforesaid property be placed on the market for sale, subject to the lease to Shell Oil Company, by advertising for sealed bids to be received by the Commission at 8:00 P. M. at its regular meeting of August 10, for c~sh Ourchase of the entire triangle tract lying north of the right of way for proposed relocation of Brats Road No. 15-A. Seconded by Commissioner Cordell and carried. Request next received from Mrs. Helen Brock, one of the heirs of the stock holders of Mellonville Realty Corporation, a defunct corporation,~ for the City to convey back to them the vacant property described as Lot "A" of Sanfo Park, which was conveyed to the City on January 1, 1926, by said corooration with reverter clause if the property should ever be used for any Ourpose other than a site for a hospital. Action deferred, pending an opinion from the City Attorney. Letter next read from Ralph C. Heath, Acting District G~ologist. of the United States MINUTES City Commission, Sanford, Florida, J.u.,1..y..~..~....a.~....8....~......~... ................. 9~..~ .... investigation of the area in which the City propose to locate its new well field, observe the drilling of test wells and supervise pumping test, in which he advised t h st they wGld enter into a cooperative agreement for such service which would cost the City $500.00 a year. Also sdvlsing thet he would be in Sanford the latter part of the month and would be glad to meet with the Commission to discuss the matter. After discussion, the Commission directed that invitation be extended to Mr. Heath ~ meet with the Board for further conslderstion of the proposal. The City Manager next reported on campaign being conducted to have the property owners clean off their vacant lots and advised that arrangements were being made for some of the lots to~ mowed after working hours with the City's equipment and charge the oroperty o~mers for such service. Letter next read from S. P. basin which he claims ~re located Boyln recuestlng the City to remove the manhole and catch on his oroperty at southeast corner of Park Avenue and 21st Street. The manhole and catch basin having been installed by the State Road Deosrtment in 1944 in connection with widening Park Avenue. Upon advice of the City Manager that the aforesaid drainage problem would be corrected by separation of storm and sanitary sewers under the proposed sewerage improvements project, no action was taken. Ordinance No. 521, entitled: AN oF~DINANCE OF THE CITY OF SANFORD, FLORIDA, AME~ING ORDINANCE NUMBER q62 OF THE CITY OF S~FORD AS AMENDED, SAME BEING THE ZONING ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF S ANFORD, BY PROVIDING FOR A TWELFTH CLASS OF DISTRICT INTO W~(ICH SAID CITY IS DIVIDED FOR THE PURPOSES OF SAID ORDINANCE, DESIGNATI~ SAID TWELFTH CLASS OF DISTRICT AS "C-T TRANSIENT COMMERCIAL DISTRICT" AND SETTING oUT THE USES, LIMITATIONS AND REQUIREMENTS PERTAINING TO SUCH CLASS OF DISTRICT. introduced and placed on first reading a~ regular meeting of June 8, was next pl~oed ~n ~.te final reading. Thereupon the roll was called 521, ~he vote being as follows: on the final passage and adoption of said Ordinance No. Commis~ioner C.hase Aye " Cordell Aye " Ivey Aye " Kadet Aye " Stemper Aye Thereupon the Chairman announced that the City Commission of the City of Sanford, Florida, by unanimous vote had passed and adopted said Ordinance No. 521, entitled: AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF SANFORD, FLORIDA, AMENDING ORDINANCE NUMBER 362 OF THE CITY OF SANFORD AS AMENDED, SAl~ BEING THE ZONING ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF SANFORD, BY PROVIDING FOR A TWELFTH CLASS OF DISTRICT INTO WHICH SAIl) CITY IS DIVIDED FOR THE PURPOSES OF SAID ORDINANCE, D ESI(~ATING SAID TWELFTY CLASS OF DISTRICT AS "C-T THANSIENT COM~RCIAL DISTRICT" AND SETTING OUT 7HE USES, LIMITATIONS AND REQUIREMENTS PERTAINING TO SUCH CLASS OF DIS- TRICT. Letter next submitted from Director of Rent Stsblllzatlon advising that according to the Defense housing area in which Sanford is located it is no longer considered critical, and that Federal rent control will be discontinued on July ~1. There being no further business the meeting adjourned. ATTgST MAYOR