HomeMy WebLinkAbout081053-Regular Session MINUTES $7 City Commission, Sanford, Florida, AU~-~'LI. St l0 at 8 P.M. lC) 53 The City Commission of the City of Serif o rd, Florida, met in regular session at the City Hall in the City of Sanford, Florida, at 8 o'clock P. M. August 10, 1953: Present: Commissioner R~ndall Chase, Mayor " Jobm D. Ivey " John L. Kadet " W. H. Stemper City Attorney A. Edwin Shlnholser City Clerk H. N. Bayer City Manager Thcs. L. Lemon Chief of Police R. G. Williams Absent: Commissioner ~. D. Cordell Meeting called to order by the Chairman. On motion of Commissioner Kadet, seconded by Commissioner Stemoer an5 carried, minutes of regular meeting of July 27, 1953, approved. Monthly r~ports of the several departments for month of July 1953, submitted and examined. On motion of Commissioner Ivey, seconded by Commissioner Btemper and carried, current in- voices and payrolls for month of July 195~, as evidenced by Voucher Nos. 9808 thru 9948, ap- proved and payment authorized. The following advertisement published in the Sanford Herald on July 15, and the Sanford Builder on July 28, 1953, wes next read in full. NOTICE OF SALE OF LAKE FRONT BUSI?~EBB PROPERTY Reales bids will be received by the City Commission of the City of Banford at the City H~ i at 8:00 o'clock P.M. A~ust 10, 1953, for the cash r)urchase, subject to acceotance by the City nt any time within 90 days from ~ate hereof, of the follow- ing described prooerty, subject to an existing lease to Shell Oil Comoany, ~hlch expires December 15, 1953: Beginning at the Southwest corner of intersection of Seminole Boulevard and French Avenue, run ~est along Seminole Boulevard 206.95 ft., thence Southwest 29.70 ft. to the north prooerty line of right of way for proposed relocation of State Road No. 15-A, thence Southeasterly along said right of way 262.29 ft. more or less to the west right of way line of French Avenue as proposed, thence NortNeasterly along French Avenue as proposed 1~.94 ft to point of beginning - including two story stucco service station building and other improvements located thereon. The City Commission reserves the rlgh~ tO reject any ~nd all bids received. Date at Sanford, Florida, July 15, 1953. H. N. Bayer, City Clerk. The following sealed bide were then submitted for ourchase of the above described property: Jesse A. Jarrell $12,500.00 J. B. Odham (Enclosing personal check in amount of $1,000 as a binder. City to furnish, at its owr~ ex- pense, complete e.bstrect of title, orepared by competent abstractors, showing merchantible title free and clear of all liens sn~ encum- brances, other than the existing leese to Shell Oil Company, which tltle on consummation of sale shall be conveyed by Warranty Deed) 18,606.06 After careful consider~tlon Comr~issloner Kadet moved the acceptance of bid of J. B. Odham in sum of $18,606.06, subject to prior right and ootion of Shell Oil Company, Inc., to purchase at sa~e price under the terms of their ~ease agreement. Seconded by Commissioner Ivey and carried. Petition next submitted from residents in ll00 block on West Second and Third Streets for installation of street light either in alley between said streets or in middle of block on Second Street, ~nd upon recommendation of Ohlef of Police a~d City Manager, and on motion of Commissioner Stemper, seconded by Commiss~c.m:.r Kader, same was authorized to be installed on %~. Second St., 8¸8 MINUTES City Commission, Sanford, Florida, ............. 19...?..?. Cliff Ables, president of Seminole County Junior Chamber of Commerce, next appeared and outlined their plans for developing and designating a "Jaycee Public Picnic Area" in Fort Mellon Park north of the Tourist Center, with picnic tables, outdoor grills, and beautify the grounds, advising that they had already constructed five tables which are ready to be installed. He then reouested permission from the Commission to use the property for the aforesaid purpose and to erect an appropriate sign thereon. After discussion Commissioner Stamper moved that the request be granted. Seconded by Commissioner Ivey and carried. Mr. D. S. Watson, representative of Mlchie City Publications Company, CharIottesville, Virginia, next aOpeared and submitted a proposal for codifying the City's ordinances at cost of ~4,750.00 for first 250 pages and $6.50 per page f}r each addltionel page, w~th alternate oro- p0sal of $5,000.00 for e~tire Job. Mr. Watson outlined the procedure of codific~tlon, stat~rg that their editorial staff wou~d codify, classify, edit and index the ordln~ces of a general and ~rmanent nature wlth all amendments accorded their proper places and the repealed pro- visions eliminated. Also that the editors would make notes of coaflicts and inconsistencies, toget~oer with recommendations suggesting amendments to the e×isting ordina~cee or drafts of new ordinances where it se~ms advisable or necessary, which would be presented to the City for con- sider~tlon. Following completion of the editorial work the manuscript would be presented for review and approval, and then 100 copies printed and bound, either permanently or with loose- leaf cover, and furnished the City. Mr. Watson further stated that their editorial staff were all lawyers with several years experience in codification ~ho had successfully ore0ared Codes for over 300 cities of which 27 were in Florida. After discussion the proposal was ts<eh under advisement for further consideration when preparing next fiscal year's budget. Application next submitted from Arnold Bentley, operator of the Victory Taxi-Cabs, to lease the first parking space at Southwest corner of Sanford Avenue and Third Street, and same was referred to the City Manager and Chief of Police for recom~,endation. Mr. Paul Uh~lman, consulting engineer, of Columbus Ohio, with residence on north shore of Lake Monroe, next appeared with reference to the City's proposed sanitary sewerage improve- manta and the recomN, endat~.ons of consulting engineers Robert M. Angas and Dr. Abel Wolman to discharge the raw sewage through an off-s*~ore outfall into one central point in the lake. He gave a brief resume of hie background of twenty years of experience in specializing in design- ing and constructing sewage treatment and disposal plants, stating that he was not looking for a Job and had no ax to grind, but would like to present h~s unbiased, personal opinion against such action. Mr Uhllman pointed out t.he conditions which would result from use of an outfall and recommended that an adecuate tre-tment plant be constructed. Also recommended that in order to save on cost of constructing the proposed improvements, that the detail plane end tions be drawn so ~D~t several phases which will make the project available the facilities to do the entire Job. After considerable discussion the advice in the matter. Letter next submitted City's letter of July 2~, to & Associates to extent of speci~lca- of the work can be bid separate by small contractors, to more than Just one or two large constractors who have Commission thanked Mr. Uhllman for his interest and from Blitch, Tyson & Meek, Certified Public Accountants, approving Florida State Bank confirming an indebtedness to Robert M. Angas $5,600.00, and on motion of Commissioner Stemper, seconded by Cpm- MINUTES $9 City Commission, Sonford, Florida, Au~'ust l0 at 8 P.M. lC~53 BLITCH, TYSON AND MEF, K Certified Public Accountants July 29, 195.~ Mr. Randall Chase, Mayor City of Sanford, Florida, Deer Mayor Chase: As you requested during our conversation July 28, I wish to re-state that there appears to be no objection to the City's handling ~ its liability to Robert N. Angas and Associates, in the manner set forth in the Commission's letter of Jul~ 23 to the Florida State Bank as long as t Nfs is recorded in the Commission's Minutes and appropriate entries are made in the books of account. Sincerely, S/ J. Hunter Meek, Jr., Certified Public Accountant On motion of Commissioner Stemper, seconded by Commissioner Kadet and carried, the City Manager was next authorized to purchase three second hand ceiling fans from J. C, Penny Company at price of $30.00 each, for use in the City Hall building. Commissioner Ivey next introduced Ordinance No. 524, entitled: AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY CF BAN~ORD, FLORIDA, AMENDING ORDINANCE NUMBER 362 OF SAID CITY AS AMENDED, SAID ORDINANCE BEING AN ORDINANCE ESTABLISH- ING A ZONING PLAN WITHIN THE CITY OF SANFORD, SAID AMENDMENT TRANSFERRING TERRITORY IN DISTRICT R-2 TO DISTRICT C-1 IN SAID CITY AND TRANSFERRING TERRITORY IN DISTRICT R I TO DISTRICT C-1 IN SAID CITY, AND ZONING NEW TERRITORY IN CITY OF SANFORD, FLORIDA, IN DISTRICT R-1. and same was placed on its first readin~ and read in full. Further consideration next given to the proposed sanitary sewerage improvements and cost estimates, and after considerable discussion, Commissioner Stemper moved that the City hold a referendum and let the citizens vote on whet?:er or not to include a sewage disposal plant in the oroJect. Seconded by Commissioner Kadet. Commissioner Stemper then moved that the motion be tabled until a meetiog when all of the Commissioners are present. Seconded by Commissioner Ivey and carried. There being no further buslness the meeting ad Jotu~ned. ATTEST: ~:m M 9,0 MINUTES City Commission, Sanford, Florida, Augus The City Commlsalon of the in the City of Sanford, Florids, City of Sanford, Florida., met in regular session at the City Hall at 8:00 o'clock P, N. August 24, 1953. Present: Commissioner Randall Chase, Mayor " J.D. Cordsll " John D. Ivey " John L. Kadet " W.H. Stamper City Attorney A. Edwln~Bh~nholser City Clerk H. N. Sayer City Manager Thcs. L. Lemon Chlef of Pollc~ R. G. Williams MeetinF called to order by the Chairman. The Comnlsslon then proceeded to sit In f~na! session as a Tax Equalization Board to re- calve complaints or objections against the proposed 30% increase in ali Real and Personal property for the year 1953. The Chairman then addressed the audience and explained that the the assessed valuations of purpose of increasing me assessed valuations from present basis of approximately 50% of current market value to appro- ximately 65 % of ~arket value wss to reflect a mo~e economic stability of the City in order to accomplish the successful financing of the proposed sanitary sewerage and waterworks improve- at meats. He advised that/the present time, the City's outstanding indebtedness is approximately 26~% of the totsl assessed valuation, w~Ich does not reflect a true ad valorem tax debt ratio, and t~ t the City's financial a~vlsors had recommended increasing the assessed valuations in order to improve its financial picture, and secure the best possible interest rate on t~ pro- posed water a~l sewer improvement bonds. The Chairman also aGvised t~t it was the intent of the Commission to reduce the millage rate in approximately same proportion to the 30% increase in assessed valuation, which would only represent a small increase in taxes, and referred to a chart on the blackboard showing comparison of 1952 taxes with the increased valuations and pro- posed reduction in millage. He then stated that the Board ~ro~ld be ~lad to he~r any objection from persons des~rlng to protest the 30% ~ncrease in assessed valuations. A. L. W~lson, president of the Re.tall Merck~nts Association, then advised that, personally, he had nothing to say against the increase and felt that it was all right. E. C. Smith Jr., also stated tbet he Red no obJ~ction to the increase provided the proposed reduction in millage would not conflict with the terms of the City's refunding agreement, sad was advised that it would not. Geo. A. Stine, president of Stlne Machine & Supply Company, stated that he had no objection if al! stocks of merchandise are sssessed by the same formula. Wm. Williams, produce dealer, claimed that the Tax Assessor was already increasing the sassed valuation on his personal property considerably more than he returned, but after Checking the records it was found theft his statement was erroneous. Brailey 0dh~m stated that he had no objection to the increase in assessed valuations and spoke in favor of ~ncreaslng the operating millage sufficient to meet the operating expenses of the City without having to make a 50% profit on the Water Utility and use ~e surplus profits for such ourpose. He also voiced his disapproval of the method in which the City propose to finance the sewersge and waterworks Imnrovements by increasln~ the water rates and imposing a sewer service charge, and stated that he felt the matter should be presented before the prople in a referendum. Mayor Chase then eEplalned that an election wil] not be re cessary be financed by revenue bonds without any ad valorem tax pledge and that will not be jeopardized in any way. E. A. Brown, representative since the improvements will the property of citizens of A. & P. Tea Com.oanv. ~nl~,m~tt~ m ~t~mt m~In~t t¼~ ===~o==A