HomeMy WebLinkAbout091553 MINUTES 105 City Commission, Sanford, Florida, . ......... .~..~. ~..t..~.~..~.~.....1.,,~.. ~1,~*...~...~...~... 1953.... The City Commission of the City of Sanford, Florida, met in adjourned regular session at the City Hall in the City of Sanford, Florida, at 8:00 o'clock P.M. September 15, 1953. Present: Commissioner Randall Chase, Mayor J.D. Cordell John D. Ivey John L. Kadet " W.H. Stemper City Attorney A. Edwin Shinholser City Clerk H. N. Sayer City Manager Thcs. L. Lemon Meeting called to order by the Chairman. Further consideration next given to the ~vised budged of revenues and expenditures for fiscal year 1953-1954 with the changes authorized at meeting of September 14, which left a balance of $14,416.~3 in the appropriation for contingencies. Commissioner Stemper brough up the matter again to place the operating levy at 6.5 mills instead of the proposed 7 mills which were used to balance the budget, stating that the appro- priation for contingencies could be reduced accordingly since it was considerably more than had been appropriated for such purposes in past years, also, that with the increase in water rates and the proposed sewer service charge, the tax payers should have the benefit of this reduction in ad valorem taxes. He then re-submitted his motion to place the tax levy for operating ex- penses at 6.5 mills for year 1953, which was seconded by Commissioner Kader who concurred with Commissioner Stemper. Commissioner Cordell stated that he felt the additional funds should be left in the appropriation for contingencies since the Commission had to cut a number of appropriations too low to balance the budget, and that more than this amount would be needed to repair d~maged streets from the recent rains which were not foreseen at time the appropriation was cons~lered. Commissioners Chase and Ivey concurred with Commissioner Cordell. A~ter discussion the roll~as called on the motion of Commissioner Stemper, which failed to carry by the following vote: Commissioner Chase Nays ~ Cordell Nays # Ivey Nays ~ Kader Aye # Stemper Aye Commissioner Ivey then moved that the tax levy for operating expenses be placed at ? mills for year 1953. $econded by Commissioner Cordell and carried over the dissenting vote of Com- missioners Kader and Stemper who stated they voted #Nays= for the reasons numerated above. After further study of the appropriations Commissioner Stemper moved that $5,000.00 be appropriated in the budget for codifying the City's ordinances. Seconded by Commissioner Ivey and carried. Commissioner Stemper next mOved that $500.00 more be appropriated for repairs and main- tenants of softball and baseball diamonds and that same be trasnferred from the contingent fund appropriation. Seconded by Commissioner Ivey and carried. Commissioner Eader moved that $2,500.00 more be transferred from the contingent fund appropriation and appropriated to the Industrial Board. Seconded by Commissioner Stemper but failed to carry by the followl~ vote of the Commission~ Commissioner Chase Naye " Cordell Naye " Ivey Nays " Kadet Aye " Stemper Aye Commissioner Stemperthen introduced moved its passage and adoption. Seconded by Resolution No. 822, and after being read in full, Commissioner Kader and carried by the following 106 MINUTES City Commission, Sanford, Florida .......... ~..e.P.b..e...m..b...e..r.....1.5...a..t.....8.....P..-...~..:..19..5.3.. Said Resolution No. 822 being in words and figures as follows; RESOLUTION NO. 822. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF SANFORD, FLORIDA, ADOPTING THE BUDGET OF THE REVENUES AND EXPENDITUBES ~F THE CITY OF SANFORD, FLORIDA, FOR THE FIS- CAL YEAR BEGINNING OCTOBER l, 1953, AND ENDING SEPTEMBER 30, 1954. WHEREAS, in accordance with Section 62 of the Charter of the City of Sanford, Florida, the City Manager of the City of Sanford, Florid$, has made up and submitted to the City Com- mission of the City of Sanford, Florida, an estimate or budget of the revenues and expenditures of the City of Sanford, Florida, for the fiscal year beginning October l, 1953, and ending September 30, 1954, such estimate or budget having been made with particular application to the various departments of the City, said budget so prepared being in words and figures as follows, to-wit: me II. REVENUF~ 1. CITY OF SANFORD, FLORIDA. 1953-1954 BUDGET BALANCED From Licenses, utilities, Ad Valorem taxes and Misc. sources for Gen. Gov. 2. From Debt Levy, Taxes, Utility Taxes, etc., for Debt Servioe 3. From Water Revenues for Water Operation 4. From Water Revenues for Water Bonds TOTAL REVENUES APPROPRIATIONS 1. Administrative Division 2. Safety Division 3- Pub. Health & Sanitation Div. 4. Public Works Division 5- Engineering Div. 6. Library Div. 7- Insurance DB. 8. Speoial Funds Div. 9. Debt Service Div. 10. Water Dept. Oper. Div. TOTAL APPROPRIATIONS 563,729.00 164,605.00 70,884.00 17,015.00 816,233.00 39,432.00 140,285.00 5,930.00 219,343.5o 5,153.00 8,526.70 18,718.00 126,340.80 181,620.00 745,349.00 ?0,884.00 816,233.00 ANTICIPATED REVENUES 195~-54 Budget Year A. FOR USE IN GENERAL GOVERNMENT 1. Privileges and Franchises 2. Road & Bridge Fund 3- Pound Fees and Dog Taxes 4. Inspection Fees 5- Fines - - Police 6. Parking Meter Fees 7. Int. and costs on taxes, Licenses, etc. 34,000.00 11,300.00 100.00 9,000.00 30,000.00 21,000.00 1,500.00 MINUTES 107 City Commission, Sanford, Florida, . ....... .~..e...P.~..e..m.b.?..r.....1..~.....a..~.,,~...P..:.M..:....19...~.. 11. Swimming Pool Revenue 12. Liens recovered on Prop. foreclosed by County 13. Utility Tax for Gen. Gov. 14. Cigarette Tax 15. Water Revenues for Gen Gov. 16. Rents from Housing Authority 17. Prior years taxes 18. Library Revenue 19. Ball Field -- Rev. from School Board 20. Garbage Collection Rev. 21 Miscellaneous Revenues 22. Cash surplus from prior years FROM 23. Water Rev. Bonds (see attached) 24. Ad Valorem Taxes (7 Mills) DEBT SERVICE TAX FROM D. FROM 1. Taxes for prior years 2. Taxes for 1937 thru 1951 3. Ad Valorem current taxes for debt service 4. Utility Service Tax 5. Admission tax from stadium WATER REVENUES FOR WATER OPERATION 1. Water Revenues WATER UTILITY FOR DEBT SERVICE 1. Interest on Series B. Bonds 2. Sinking Fund for Bond Retirement GRAND TOTAL *ITEM 23 OF REVENUES FROM 3rd ADDENDUM OF WATER REPORT 1. Booster Pump (Well Fiel~l) 2. Well (13th St Plant) 3. Pump (13th Bt. Plant) Aerator 5. New Pumps at Well Field 6. Misc. Equip for above Be TOTAL Ce TOTAL ENGINEERING FEES 1. Water pd 2. Sewer pd 3. Sewer 4. Engineering Fees Due Angas before sale of Bond Issue TOTAL sewer rephabilitatlon and est. SEWER RF~BILITATtON 1. 1952-53 Budget 5 men 2,550.00 500.00 50,000.00 100,000.00 74,231.00 1,800.00 750.00 1,300.00 1,250.00 1,800.00 4,000.00 6,000.00 89,687.00 97,o61.OQ 100.00 750.00 142,589.00 17,416.00 3,750.00 70,884.00 lO,755.oo 6a,260.00 2,300.00 1,664.00 3,400.00 9,570.00 6,093.00 1~000.00 2,528.00 14,592.00 5,600.00 25,000.00 8,970.00 ~ o7~ ~ 563,729.00 164,605.00 70,884.00 816,233 · O0 24,027.00 7,72o.oo 10S MINUTES City Commission, $an[ord, ~[orida, ....~...e.P..~..e..~...b..e..~....~.~.....~..~.....~....P..~..~...% ........ ]95~... CITY OF SANFORD, FLORIDA. GENEBAL FUND-APPROPRIATION ACCOUNTS 1953-54 Buret D IV IS ION m IV IS ION C 0 DE DEPARTMENTS 1000-1999 ADMINISTRATION DIVISION (ll) llOO-1199 City Commission (12) 1200-1299 City Manager (13) 13OO-1399 City Attorney (14) 1~00-1499 Finance Dept (15) 1500-1599 Civil ~ervice 2000-2999 SAFETY DIVISION (21) 2100-2199 Municipal Ct. (22) 2200-2299 Police Dept. (23) 2300-2399 Fire Dept. 3000-3999 PUB. HEALTH & SANITATION, (30) 3000-3099 Pub. Health & Sanitation 4000-4999 PUBLIC WORK DIVISION (40) 4000-4099 City Shop (41) 4100-4199 (42) 4200-4299 (43) 4300-4399 (44) 4400-4499 (45) 4500-4599 (46) 4600-4699 (47) 47o0-4799 (48) 48O0-4899 ParksDept. Recreation Dept. Zoo Dept Swimming Pool Cemetery Public Bldgs Street Dept. Sewer Dept (49) 4900-4999 Garbage Dept 5000-5999 ENGINEERING DIVISION (50) 5000-5999 Building Inspector engineering, planning, zoning 6000-6999 LIBRARY (60) 6000-6099 7000-?999 INSURANCE (70) 7000-7099 Insurance 8000-8199 SPECIAL FUNDS (80) 8000-8099 Special Oper. Funds (81) 8100-8199 Special Misc. Funds 8200-$299DEBT ~ERVIC~ .FUN_~ (82) 8200-8299 DEBT SERVICE FUNDS 9000-9999 WATER DEPARTM~T (91) 9100-9199 TOTAL DEPARTMENT BUDGETS $ 1,500.00 14,818.00 3,700.00 18,Il4.00 1,300.00 1,900.00 80,220.00 58,165.00 5,930.00 6,130.00 25,451.00 2,100.O0 10,496.00 4,819.50 6,241.00 19,645.00 83,107.00 30,367.00 31,487.00 5,153.O0 8,526.70 18,718.00 19,050.00 zo6j o. q 181,620.00 70,884.00 DIVISION FINAL TOTALS 39,432.O0 140,285.00 5,930.00 219,S43.5o 5,153.00 8,526.70 18,718.00 125,840.80 181,620.00 10,884.00 816,233.OO~ MINUTES 109 City Commission, Sanford, Florida, September 15 at 8 P.M. lo 53 DEPARTMENT BUDOET ZlOO-n?9 aZmY COMEISSION (1l) 1101 Salaries 1,000. O0 lll3 Dues & Subscriptions (Municipal League) 300.00 1149 Mayor's Fund 200.00 ~200-1299 CITY MANAGER 1201 ' Salaries 12,768. O0 1202 Gas - Oil 175.00 1203 Automotive Expenses 50.00 1204 Tires - Tubes - Bat. - Sup 50.00 1205 Office Supplies 300.00 1206 Printing & Off. Exp. 200.00 1207 Travel Expense 275. 1208 Telephone - Telegraph 200.00 1209 Miscellaneous lO0.O0 12lO Postage 50.00 1211 Motor Equipment 1212 Furn. Fix. Off. Equip. 250.00 1213 Dues-Subscriptions lO0. O0 1248 Pur. Dept. Supplies- Printing 300.00 1250 Contingencies 1300-1~99 CITY ATTORNEY 13Gl Salary Office Supplies Printing & Off. Travel Expense Misc. Expense Counsel Expense 1305 13o6 I3O? 13o9 1347 1350 0ontingent 1400-1499 FINANCE 1401 1405 1406 14o7 14o~ 1409 1410 1412 1414 1415 145o 14-I Exp. Salaries Office Supplies Printing & Off. Exp. Travel Expense Telephone & Telegraph Miscellaneous Postage Furn. Fix. Off. Equip. Advertising - Legal Mileage Allowance Contingent Recording Fees Audit Maint. & appraisal of property acquired thru foreclosure 1MO0-1599 CIVIL SERVICE 3,000.00 50.00 5O.OO 100.00 5OO.OO 10,564.00 5OO.OO 1,200.O0 5o.oo 15o.oo 100.00 350.oo 2,?00.00 300.00 lOO.OO 2,000.00 100.00 TOTAL. 1,500.00 14,818.00 3,700.00 18,114.O0 110 MINUTES City Commission, Sanford, Florida, ...~..e.p..~.~.l~.¢.~...~,5...~l,~....~...~..,.~.,. ......... 19_53_ DEPARTMENT 2100-2199 MUNICIPAL COURT 2101 Salary 2105 Office Bupplies 2109 Misc. Expense 2200-2299 POLICE DEPT. 2201 Salaries 2202 Gas & Oil 2203 Automotive Exp. 2204 Tires, Tubes, ~at, & Supplies 2205 Office Suppliee 2206 Printing & Off. Expense 220? Travel Expense 2208 Telephone & Telegraph 2209 Miscellaneous 2212 Furn. Fix. Office Equip. 2213 Dues & Smbscriptions 2216 Uniforms-Cloth. All~ 2218 Janitor Suppliee 2221 Blclg Rep. & Naint. 2223 Fuel 2226 Equipment, General 2230 Chemicals & Disinfectants 2251 Food for prisoners 2252 Clothing& Misc. Prisoner Sup. 2253 Rep. to Radio and Telephone 2254 Photo & Drunkometer Sup. 2255 Ammunition & Gun Parts 2256 Police Equip. 2257 Schools & Training 2258 Parts, Sup. - Parking meters 2259 New Parking Meters 2300-2399 FIRE DEPARTMEN~ 2301 23o2 2305 2307 2308 2309 231o 2311 2312 2313 2316 Salaries Gas - Oil Automotive Expense Office Supplies Travel Expense Telephone & Telegraph Miscellaneous Postage Motor Equipment Furn. Fix. Off. Equip. Dues - Subs. Uniform - Clothl~gAll. BUDGET TOTAL8 $ 1,800.00 75.00 25.oo 62,140.00 3,000.00 600.00 1,000.O0 8O0.OO 300.00 100.00 200.00 5O.OO 400.CO 75.00 2,300.00 150.00 200.00 350.00 825.00 250.O0 2,900.00 300.00 1,500.00 180.00 15o.oo 400.00 15o.oo 40o.oo 1,5oo. oo 44,340.00 1,3oo.0o 200.00 50.00 100.00 125.00 40.O0 lO.O0 3,500.00 200.00 25.00 1,5OO.00 1,900.00 80,220.00 MINUTES 11i. City Commission, Sanford, Florida, ...Set~t~mhel?..~.~...a,t..~..p.....~,.....19.5.}.. FIBE DEPARTMENT CONT'D 2321 Bldg. Rep & Maint. 2323 Fuel 2326 Equipment, General 2330 Chemicals and Disinfectants 2345 Fire Hose 2346 Quarter Supplies 235? Schools - Training 2360 Off. Household, Laundry Exp. 3000-~999 PUBLIC HEALTH & SANITATION 3001 Salaries & Pay 3002 Gas & Oil 3009 Niec. Expense 3019 Repair & Naint. on Equipment 3061 Pounds-Rabies Esp. 3062 Chemicals-Rodent Control 30~3 Chemicals-Insect Contr. ~000-4099 CITY SHOP 4001 Salaries 4008 Telephone-Telegraph 4009 Misc. Expense 4017 Tools 4018 Janitor Supplies 4022 Misc. Sup. Parts 4026 Equipment, General ~1.00-4199 PARKS 4101 4lO2 4zo3 41o4 4lo? 41o9 41z? 412o 4122 4126 4164 4165 ~166 4168 4169 ~l?O 41?l Labor Gas - Oil Automotive Exp. Tires, Tubes, Bat., Supplies Travel Expense Miscellaneous Dues-Subscriptions Tools Plants-Shrubs-Fertilizer, Etc. Paint-General Sup. Equipment-General Tables-Benches & Park Equip Rep & Maint. Tennis Courts Rep. & Maint. Shuffleboard Ct's Playground Equip. Flags Capitol Improvement Fund Rep & Main.. Mem. Stadlum Rep. & Maint. Diamond & Soft ball 300.00 725.00 1,100. O0 100.00 3,450.00 400.00 100.OO 100.00 4,480.00 200.00 50.00 25.00 50. o0 125.00 (Alley Spraying) l~O00.O0 5,265.00 100.00 25.O0 200.00 200.00 200.00 ~4o.oo ~3,47o.o0 5oo. oo 100.00 150.00 50.00 5o.oo 25. oo 200.00 3oo.oo 250.00 2,290.00 366.00 200.00 500.00 100.O0 100.O0 1,000.00 5,000.00 58,165.00 5,930.00 6,130.00 112 MINUTES City Commission, Sanford, Florida, ......~.~?.~..e..~.~.e.~...~5...~....~.....P.tM...~ ...... 19...~.,~. 4200-42~99 RECREATI~ON ,DEPT 4201 4215 4222 4224 4300-4399. ZOO 4301 43o2 4303 4304 43o9 4317 4321 4322 4330 4372 43?3 Payroll Mileage Allowance Playground Supplies Ball Parks Expenses Wages Gas - Oil Automotive Exp. Tires, Tubes, Bat., & Sup. Veterinary and Medical Tools Bldg. Rep. Maint. & Ext. Misc. Supplies & Parts Chemicals-Disinfectants Food for animals Animals 4400-44~9 ,,.S~IMMIN__G POOL 4401 4409 4421 4422 4423 4430 Salaries Misc. Expense Bldg Rep & Maint. Misc. Supplies Utilities Chemicals and Disinfectants Confections-Soft Drinks 4500-4599 CEMETERY 45Ol 450S 4509 4515 45z? 4519 4520 452l 4523 4524 4526 452? Wages Telephones and Telegraph Misc. Expense Mileage Allowance Tools Equlp. Rep. and Maint. Plants, Shrubs, Fert. etc., Bldg. Maint and Repair Electricity Gen. Cemetery Maint. Equipment-General Div. & Ext. of Cemetery Food-Clothing of Prisoners 1,450.00 150.00 400.00 loo.qq 4,446.00 15o. oo 25.00 25.00 5O. OO 100.00 1,O00.O0 SO. CO ~25.oo 4,000.00 25.00 2,907.00 5O. OO 600.00 60.00 215.oo 237.00 750.00 4,446.00 40.00 25.oo 80.00 75.00 5o.oo 100.00 250.00 425.00 15o.oo 4oo.oo 200.00 2,100.00 10,496.00 4,819.00 6,241.00 MINUTES 113 City Commission, Sanford, Florida, .~.e~.l~ll~b~,l~...l~...~,.t~..~...~.,~., ........ 19.53... 4600-4699 PUBLIC BUIZ~INGS 4601 Wages 8,320.00 4602 Gas - Oil 275.00 4603 Automotive Expense 25.00 4604 Tires, Tubes, Bat. Bup. 25.00 4609 Misc. Expense 50.00 4612 Furn. Fix. & Office Equip. 200.00 4617 Tools 200.00 4618 Janitor Supplies 500.00 4621 Bldg. Rep and Malnt. 4,000.00 4623 Lights-Fuel-Utilities 2,200.00 463© Chemicals-Disinfectants 250.00 465© Contingent 4675 Repair Seawall 900.00 4676 Rep. C of C Bldg. 200.00 4677 Rep. Tourist Bldg. & Info Booth 100.O0 4678 Rep. F. Leughton Hospital Bldg. 2~400.00 4700-4799 STREET DEPT 4701 Wages 52,807. OO 4702 Gas - Oil 7,000.00 4703 Automotive Exp. 1,500.00 4704 Tires, Tubes, Bat. Sup. 1,500.00 4707 Travel Expense 50.00 4708 Telephone-Telegraph 75.00 470~ Misc. Exp. 50.00 4717 Tools 700.00 4719 Equipment. Rep. & Maint 1,000.00 4721 Bldg. Rep. & Maint. 500.00 4722 General Street Bup 200.00 4725 Btreet Materiale 15,000.00 4726 Equip. General 425.00 4727 Paint Materials 400.00 4728 Street Signs 500.00 4779 Sweeper Mater. Bup. 400.00 4780 Surface Drainage 500.00 4700-4 Right-of-way 500.00 4800-4899 SEWER DEPT 4801 Salaries - wages 25,270.00 4802 Gas - Oil 700.00 4803 Automotive Exp. 200.00 4804 Tires, tubes, Bat., Sup. lO0.OO 4809 Misc. Expense 25.00 4813 Dmes-Subscrlptlons 17.00 4817 Tools 150.00 4819 Equip. Rep &Maint. 100.00 19,645.00 83,107.00 114 MINUTES City Commission, Sanford, Florida, . ...... ~.~.P~.~l~l.b.~....1.~-...~..~....8....P...t...¥.1..19..~.~... 490O-4999 4901 4902 4903 4904 4906 4917 4919 4922 4926 4930 4981 5000-5999 5OOl 5002 5003 50o4 5oo5 5006 5007 5009 5082 5083 6000-6099 6001 6005 6008 6009 6012 6018 6021 6023 6024 6028 700o-7999 7085 7086 7os7 7o~8 7089 7090 7o91 7092 7093 7095 GARBAGE DEPT Salaries-wages 26,187.00 Gas - Oil 3,000.00 Autom'otive Exp. 500.00 Tires, Tubes, Bat. Sup. 500.00 Printing & Off. Exp. lO0.O0 Tolls 200.00 Equip. Rep.~ Maint. lO0.O0 ~isc. Cup. Parts 300.00 Equip. General 250.00 Chemicals - Disinfectants 250.00 Sanitary and General Sup. for Land Fill lO0.00 ENGHqEERING Salaries Gas - 0tl Automotive'Expense Tires, Tubes, Bat., Sup. Office Supplies Printing & Off. Exp. Travel Expense Misc. Expense Engineering Fees Maps, Books, Planning Sup. LIBRARY Salaries Office Supplies Telephone - Telegraph Misc. Expense Furn. Fix. Off. Equip. Janitor Supplies Bldg Rep and Maint. Lights, Fuel and Utilties Gen Rep & Maint Office and Books INSURANCE Automotivs' Public Liability P. L. Stadium Bldgs - contents Robbery F. O. A. B. Workmen's Comp. (self) Emp. Group Life Ins. Emp. Group Med & Hosp. Surety Bond premium "'tO. , L~ rary Equip 3,828.00 125.00 25.00 25.OO lO0.O0 lO0.O0 125.00 25.00 200.00 6oo.0 5,~8.00 200.00 100.00 ~3.7o ~0.00 50.00 1,000.00 400.00 5.oo __ 1,300.00 4,400.00 450.00 300.00 1,500.00 68.00 4,000.00 2,5~0.00 2,400.00 600.00 35O.00 31,487.00 5,153.00 8,526.70 MINUTES 115, September 15 at 8 P.M. City Commission, Sanford, Florida, . ............................................................ 19_53_ .... - ~ - ~ :~ ~z~ :~:z _:~ ~::::z : . ::~ x :::~: zz:z 8041 Street Llghting Including Traffic Signals - 15,0OO.00 Current 8042 Street Lighting Repair, Replacement, Ext. 1,O00.00 8043 Hydrant Rental 2,550.00 8044 Traffic Signals 900,00 (si) MISCE LA OUS 8131 Notes - contracts 8132 1. Pumps 2. Bull Clam 3. Angas ~,093.00 1~,056.11 50,600.00 50,7~9.1I Equipment - Contracts 8133 Memorial Library 8134 Publicity 1. Chamber of Commerce 2. Jaycees ~: Florida Wildlife Special Adv. 5. Annual Report 6. Clean-up Week 7. Misc. Adv. 8135 (11 Misc. Commission Expense (2 Recodificatlon of City Ordinances 8136 Election Expense 8137 Charities 8139 1. Salvation Ar~ 200.00 2. Misc. 600.00 3. Drugs 50.00 s5o. co Industrial Board 8140 Christmas Bonus 8150 Contingencies TOTAL MISC. TOTAL SPECIAL FUNDS 8200-8299 DEBT SERVICE FUNDS FROM AD VALOREM TAX 8200-1 G. O. Bonds "A" 8200-2 Prln Int. 63,579.00 5 ,585.00 G. O. Bonds "C#,"D" and "EH Prin. 5,37o.0o Int. $ 4% 5,920.00 8200-3 Dock Prop (V. Check) Prln & Interest 8200-4 Admln. & Reserve C.M. 2,400.00 C.T. 4,255.00 T.C. 2,2?5.00 B.K. 1~926.00 FROM WATER UTILITY s2o0-5 Series "B" Refunding Int. Sinking 10,755.00 6~260.00 FROM UTILITY TAX AND STADIUM T~X 8200-6 Stadium Bonds Prin Int. 20,000.00 1,166.00 50,749.11 18,999.76 3,500.00 6,000.00 1,5OO.00 15o.oo 1,000.00 SOO.C0 250.00 2,775.00 5,000.00 400.00 s5o. oo 3,500.00 2,700.00 ,,, 8 ~ 91.6. ~ 115,164.00 11,290.00 3,129.OO 10,856.00 17,015.00 21,166.00 19,050.00 106,790.00 125,840.00 181,620.00 116 MINUTES City Commission, Sanford, Florida, ....~..e...P.t'c..e.~.b..?..~.....]:~....a.~....~.....P.?...~..'. ......... 19..,~.~.. 9000-9999 WATER DEPARTMENT 9101 Salaries - Wages 34,609.00 9102 Gas - Oil 400.00 9103 Automotive Expense lO0.O0 9104 Tires, Tubes, bat. & Sup. 50.00 9105 Office Supplies 400.00 9106 Printing & Off. Exp. 250.00 9107 Travel Expense 75.00 9108 Telephone-Telegraph 125.0© 9109 Misc. Expense 150.00 9110 Postage-Post Card Bill 960.00 9112 Murn. Fix. Off Equip 150.00 9113 Dues-Subscriptions 25.00 9117 Tools 200.00 9118 Janitor Supplies 75.00 9119 Equip. Rep. & Malnt. Plant & Well Field 4,000.00 9121 Bldg., Repair and Maint. 2,000.00 9122 Misc. Supplies 50.00 9123 Lights & Power 3,048.00 9124 Gen. Rep & Maint. lO0.00 9125 Equip. General 2,922.00 9129 Water Ext. ~aterials 4,000.00 913© Chemicals, Disinfectants, purification Sup. 330.00 91-1 Meter Boxes-hydrants 7,000.00 91-2 Rep. & M~int to mains (inc. materials) 4,700.00 91-3 Inspection Fees 150.00 91-~ Tank Maintenance 380.00 91-5 Ground Water-Survey 500.00 91-6 Diesel & Lub. Oils b.135.00 70,88~.00 WHEHEAS, each and every item contained and set forth in said budget prepared by the City Manager has been carefully considered by this Commission. NOW, THerEFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION of the City of Sanford, Florida, that said budget aa prepared and presented by the Clty Manager to the City Commission be, and the s~me is hereby adooted aa the budget of the C~ty of S~nford, Florida, for the fiscal year beginning the first day of October, 1953, ~nd ending tk~e thlrt~eth d~y of September, 195~. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED tb~t upon collection of any revenues of ~a]d City the City Clerk shall allocate f~om each do].~ar co]]ected and received the funds or purposes for which the sa~e are h~reby authorized and BE IT FDRTHER RESOLVED that this resolution sh~l] become October, 195~. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 15th day of September, 1953. s/ aever~] amollntM to appropriated. effective aa of Attest: N, N.,..Say. er City Clerk the respective the first day of Randall Chase, Mayor J. D. Corde]l Jno. D. Ivey John L. Kadet W. H. Stem__oer As the City Commission of the City of Sanford, Florida. MINUTES 117' City Commission, Sanford, Florida, .....$..e.p...~..e..~...b.'e..~....l.~.....~.~....8'..'?.~.....~..~.....19.~.3.. Commissioner Ivey next introduced Ordinance No. 526, entitled: AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF B ANFORD, FLORIDA, MAKING APPROPRIATIONS FOR THE CITY OF SANFORD, FLORIDA, FOR THE FISCAL YEAR BEGINNING OCTOBER 1, 195~, AND ENDING SEPTEMBER 30, 1954. and same was placed on its first reading and sad in full. Commissioner Ivey next introduced Ordinance No. 527, entitled: AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF SANFORD, FLORIDA, DETERMINING THE AMOUNT AND FIXING THE BATE OF TAXATION AND M~IKING THE ANNUAL TAX LEVY OF THE CITY OF SANFORD, FLORIDA, FOR THE YEAR 1953. and same w as placed on its first reading and read in full. Further consideration next given to the proposed sewerage and waterworks improvements and the additional coat estimates of the .different phases of the work and their priorities, as prepared by consulting engineers Robert M. Angas and Associates. After considerable discussion Commissioner Kadet moved that tb~ City have a straw bal]ot at the municipal election on November 3, which would not be binding on the Commission, with three proposed plans of the sewerage and waterworks i~provements on the ballot and the total estimated cost of each, also, the monthly minimum and maximum cost of each plan to the people: 1. Plan of minimum necessary needs; 2. Necessary needs with collector system added; Necessary needs plus collector system and diepossl plant. Also, that all registered voters be allowed to vote the straw ballot. Seconded by Commissioner Stemper who stated that he had felt all along that the citizens should have an opportunity to express their opinion on the project, pointing out that hs already had a tabled motion for a referendum pending. Commissioner Cordell advised that he would be opposed to a referendum at this late date because the citizens would not have sufficient time to study and understand~e different phases of the project between now and November 3. He pointed out that he had suggested over four months ago that the City conduct an educational program thru the press and radio so that the citizens could analyse all phases of the project and be able to vote on it intelligently, and that he could not e×pect them to do so on six weeks notice when it had taken the Commission almost a year to analyse and reach a decision on the matter. Commisslcner Ivey also advised that he was not in favor of a referendum on the project because of lack of time in getting started on the repairs and rehabilitation of the existing sewers which he stated as having reached an emergency status at this time due to the recent heavy rains, and pointed out the number of sewers that are caving in and creating a health menace by causing raw sewage to flow in the streets. Mayor Chase ~en suggested a substitute motion authorizing the fiscal agents to prepare a bond issue in amount of $1,000,000.00 in order to get started on the project. Commissioner Kadet stated that the citizens were given an opportunity to vote on the stadium bond issue, which was lees than $200,000.00, and since the sewerage and waterworks program is ~he largest proposed in years, he felt that they should be given the same considera- tion on it. After further discussion the roll was called on t b~ motion of Commissioner Kader, which was carried over the dissenting vote of Commissioners Cordell and Ivey. Commissioner Cordell stated that he voted "Nays" for his reasons numerated above, and Commissloner Ivey skated he voted "Nays" due to lack of time. Mayor Chase again stated that he would like a motion authorizing the fiscal agents to MINUTES September 15 at 8 P.N. 53 City Commission, Sanford, Florida, . ............................................................... 19 ........ a later date to cover the other phases of improvements since it will be under open-end financing. Commissioner Cordell voiced his objections to such a proposal stating that since the citizens are going to h~ve an opportunity to vote on three different plans he did not feel that the Commission should authorize a bond issue to cover any phase of the project until after the election, because it would be misleading to the public. Commissioners Ivey, Kadet and Stemper e×pressed their opinion as being the same as Commissioner Cordell. Commissioner Kadet next moved that Engineer Angas be advised to proceed with the final plans and specifications on the waterworks improvements and the extension of sewers of the project. Seconded by Commissioner Stamper and carried. On motion of Commissioner Cordell, seconded by Commissioner Ivey and carried, minutes of regular meeting of August 24, adjourned meetings of August 25, 27, 31 and September 1 and 3, 1953, approved. There being no further business the meeting then adjourned.until 8:00 o'clock P. M., September 21, 1953. ATTEST: gm