HomeMy WebLinkAbout092153 MINUTES 119 City Commission, Sanford, Florida,. ...... .~..e..?.~.e..~.~.,e.~.....2..1.....~...g....B....P..:..~..'......]9...~.?... The City Cor~nlsslon of the City of Sanford, Florida, met in adJourre~ session at the City Hail in the City of Sanford, Florida, at 8:00 o'clock P.M. September 21, 1953. Present: Commissioner Randall Chase, Mayor " J.D. Cordell " John D. Ivey " John L. Kadet ,,~ W.H. Stemper City Attorney A. Edwin Shlnholser City Clerk H. N. Bayer City Manager Thos. L. Lemon Meeting called to order by the Chairman. Mrs. J. Clifford Boyce appeared and registered a complaint against the garbage collection: department for failing to pick up the garbage at their apartment building at 606 Park Avenue because one of the garbage cans being in bad condition and also for not serving notice by letter before taking such action, a~vislng that they do not live on the oremises and had no knowledge of the notice attached to the can, which she claimed was inadequate because the tenants had not discovered it. After considerable discussion, in which the City Manager advised that the notice at- tached to the can is a standard notice accepted b~ all cities, the matter was referred to him for attention. Karlyle Housholder, Attorney for John S. Krider Sr., Assignee of the Lessee, Shell Oil Company, of the service station property offered for sale, next appeared and advised that Mr. Krider was ready to eNercise the lessee's option to purchase the aforesaid property in accordance with notice of intent served on the City under date of August 26, 1953, and that he was also willing to give a lease holder's release on that'portion of the property conveyed by the lessor to State Road Department for rights of way for widening French Avenue and relocating Road 15-A. After considerable discussion, in which the City Attorneyadvlsed that the assignment of the lease was in accordance with the terms of the lease agreement, and that the notice served by John S. Krider Sr., as leases, of intent to exercise the option to purchase the aforesaid prooerty at the price of $18,606.66 offered by J. Brailey Odham, which was ac- ceptable to the Commission, was also in accordance with the terms of the lease agreement, action was deferred, pending receipt of the lease holder's release. Further consideration next given to the proposed easement from Atlantic Coast Line Railroad Company for widening and extending Railroad Avenue, and on motion of Commissioner Ivey, seconded by Commissioner Cordell and carried, the Commission accepted the easement and adopted the following resolutioh of authorization for its execution by the Mayor and Clerk: BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION of the City of Sanford, Florida, in ad- Journed regular meeting assembled, that said City acting by and th~u its Mayor-Commissioner and Clerk shall execute an agreement dated July 27, 1953, with the Atlantic Coast Line Rail- road Company covering the lease from said Company for street purposes of certain strips or parcels of land lying and being in the City of Sanford, in Seminole County, Florida, and de- scribed as follows, to-wit: Beginning at a point in the south line of Fulton Street 142 feet westwardly from its point of intersection with the west line of Park Street; running thence southwardly, parallel with the said Park Street line, 250 feet; thence eastwardly, at right angles from the preceding course, 20 feet; thence northwardly, parallel with the first de- scribed course, 250 feet to the said line of Fulton Street; thence westwardly, along the last mentioned street line 20 feet to the point of beginning; Also, Beginning at a point in the south line of Commercial Street MINUTES September 21 at 8 P.M. .~ 53 City Commission, Sonford, Florida ........ : ........................................................ ~y ........ feet; thence northwardly 222.4 feet to a po~t 39 feet westwardly from the point of beginning; thence east- wardly 39 feet to the point of beginning; as particularly described in said agreement, which agreement is dated 27th day of July, 1953. It is Further Resolved that all the terms and conditions, set out and contained in said agreement are hereby approved. limitations and restrictions Further Resolved that s aid agreement be executed in duplicate, as therein stated in ~e name end on behalf of and be attested under the corporate seal of the City Commission of the City of Sanford. Further resolved that this re~lution be entered of record on the m~utes of this Body. A committee with Joel S. Field as spokesman, next appeared on behalf of the American Legion Fair Association and requested the City to convey them the property east of the old ball park on Celery Avenue, approximately 300 feet by 600 feet in area, for their permanent fair grounds, advising that each year they ~ve no assurance that the present site at north- west corner of Celery Avenue and Mellonville Avenue will be available because of being owned by parties who may sell it at any time. Mr. Field outlined their proposal to construct a per- manent building with 15,000 square feet of area, which he stated could be used for numerous public purposes during the year when the fair is not in operation. Matter taken under advisement. Further consideration next given to the proposal of Mitchie Publication Company to codify the City's ordinance at price of $5,000.00, and after discussion Commissioner Stemper moved that the City advertise for bids for codifying the ordinances. Seconded by Commissioner Kadet and carried. The following letter next submitted from the Sanford Industrial Board and Sanford In- dustlres, Inc.,: Honorable City Commission City of Sanford, Sanford, Florida. Gentlemen: September 11, 1953 This $1,000.00 is to be paid out of funds appropriated by you and donated to you by Chase & Company. It is to be used to defray a portion of the expenses of renovating the Crown Pacer Company building. Very truly yours, B/ J. Bralley Odh~m, Chairman Sanford Industrial Board S/ R. T. Cowan, President Sanford Industries, Inc. After discussion Commissioner Ivey moved that $1,000.00 be contributed from the In- dustrial Bosrd Aporopriatlon to Sanford Industries, Inc., to be used toward cost of renovating the Crown Paper Company Building for housing a new industry, in acnordance with the foregoing Joint letter of approval and request. Seconded by Commissioner Stemper and carried. The Commission then proceeded to a further discussion and study of t~ other phases of the proposed sewerage improvements program with consulting engineer Robert M. Angas who was authorized to proceed with preparing final plans and specifications on the waterworks improve- merits ~t cost estimate of $175,943.10, and the sewer extension at estim~ted cost of $391,628.00 at the adjourned meeting of September 14. At a combined meeting held yesterday afternoon of the Sanford Industrial Board and Sanford Industries, Inc. a motion was passed that you be requested to pay over to Sanford Industries, Inc. $1,000.00 before September ~0, 1953. MINUTES 121 September 21 at 8 P.M. ~ 53 City Commission, Sonford, Florida, . : ......................................... ¥ ........ doing $50,000.00 of the work with its crew and repairing and replacing the remaining old sewers over a period of years on a pay-as-you-go plan by budgeting approximately $50,000.00 annually was discussed, and also including a larger portion of the work in the original con- structlon and the City completing the remainder by budgeting a lessor amount was also discussed. Engineer Angas advised Shat it would not be feasible for the City to repair and replace the large deep sewers because it would cost too much to purchase the necessary equipment and that it would be more economical to contract such work, but th~,t it could use its sewer crew on the small ehal~ow laterels and manholes, and after the final plans and specifications are prepared it could then be determined Just how much of the work the City should undertake. After further discussim C~mm&ssioner Ivey moved that the Commission authorize Engineer Angas to proceed with the final plans and specifications on the repair and rehabilitation of the existing sewer system at the cost estlmste of $236,45.3.00. Seconded by Commissioner Kadet end carried over the dissenting vote of Commissioner Stemper who stated that he was not pre- pared to vote on it at this time. Commis loner Ivey then moved that the Commission authorize the fiscal agents to proceed with preparing a bond issue in sum of $1,000,000.00 to finance the three phases of the project which have been authorized. Seconded by Commissioner Cordell. Commissioner Stemper then stated that such authorization woula preclude any of the other phases of the improvements from coming under the original conetruction program and that citizens may vote on the entire program on the straw ballot at ~he November election. Also, that the three phases authorized did engineers as being neceesary at this Commissioner Kadet stated that not include all phases recommended by the consulting time. such action would be going against the advice of the fiscal agents because they had advised against a bond issue for Just a portion of the necessary improvements when the engineers had recommended a minimum of $1,100,000.00 to proceed with a sound sewer improvement p~ogram. Also, that the Commission had authorized an election to put the proposal to a straw vote of the people. Mayor Chase advised that additional bonds could be issued at a later date to cover the other phases of the long range sewerage improvement program; that the City will be in a bad fix without sewers; and the Commission should proceed with the program without further delay. Commissioner Kadet then moved that the motion of Commissioner Ivey be tabled until the Commissioners h, ve an opportunity to consult ~th the fiscal agents. Seconded by Commissioner Stemper but failed to carry over the fol~ov~ng vote of the Commission: Commissioner Chase Naye " Cordell Naye " Ivey Nays " Kadet Aye " Stemper Aye After further discussion the roll was called on the motion of Commissioner Ivey, which carried over the dissenting vote of Commissioners Kadet and Stemper. Commissioner Kadet stated that "I think the motlm should not have been made because it seems to defeat the motion authorizing an election so as to give the people an opportunity to vote on the extent of the program; it is aga~fc the advice of our fiscal agents; and I do not think that one million dollars is adequate for the program as recommended by our consulting engineers". Commissioner Stemper stated "I voted Nays because t his M contrary to the engineers recommendations, it is contrary to the fiscal agents recommendatione, and it disregards the expression of the people's will asked for by the Commission at the November election." MINUTES September 21 at 8 P M 53 City Commission, Sanford, Florida, . ................................................ .. .............. 19 ........ On recommendation of the Plannin~: Board and on motion of Commissioner Stamper, seconded by Commissioner Ivey and carried, W. C. Hutchison, Jr., was next appointed as a member of the Planning Board to fil3 the vacancy cre~ed by resignation of J. Brailey Odham. The following bids were next submitted for ourchase of a 20-inch Electric Type- writer with Decimal Tabulation for the City Clerk's Office, ment for bids published in ~he local papers: MAKE OF TYPEWRITER International Business Machines Corporation Powells Office Supply George Stuart in accordance with the advertise- PHI IBM Dellvery date: 9-11 weeks - Service: From Or]~ando RemiNgton Delivery date: 45-60 days Service: From Orlando UNDERWOOD Delivery date: i week Service: From Orlando $55o.00 475.00 425.00 After comparison of the prices submitted and considering the serviceability of the type- writers bid upon, CommisSioner Stamper moved the acceptance of the bid of International Business Machines Corporation upon the recommendations of the City Clerk. Seconded by Commissioner Ivey and carried. On motion of Commissioner Ivey, seconded by Commissioner Stempe r and carried, the Com- mission authorized the former option granted for deed of Navy Base property to the Government to be revised in accordance with option as now requested by the Government for Quit Claim by the City upon payment to it of $1.00 and to Mational Exhibition Company and O. L. Reynolds of the claims presented by them, sub~ect to approval by National Exhibition Company and O. L. Reynolds. On motion of Commissioner Ivey, seconded by Commissioner Cordell and carried, the Chief of Police was next authorized to temporarily close Seminole Boulevard from Park Avenue ~st to San Carlos Avenue during the high water caused by recent l~avy rains. There being no further business the meeting adjourned. ATTEST: gm AYOR