HomeMy WebLinkAbout101253-Regular Session130 MINUTES City Commission, Sanford, Florida, October 12 at 8 P.M. 19 53 The City Commission of the City of Sanford, Florida, Hall in the City of Sanford, Florida, at 8:00 o'clock P. M. met in regular session at the City October 12, 1953: Present: Commissioner Randall Chase, Mayor ,, J.D. Cordell ,, John D. Ivey " John L. Kadet , W.H. Stemper City Attorney A. Edwin Shinholser City Clerk H. N. Sayer City Manager Thos. L. Lemon Chief of Police R. G. Williams Meeting called to order by the Chairman. The first order of business being a Public Hearing to consider rezoning certain dis- tricts of the Zoning Ordinance, the Chairman directed the following legal notice to be read, which was published in the Sanford Herald on September 25 and ~0, 1953: LEGAL NOTICE NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING ON PROPOSED CHANGES ~ND AMENDMENTS IN CER- TAIN DISTRICTS AND BOUNDARIES OF THE ZONING ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF SANFORD, FLORIDA. Notice is hereby given that a Public Hearin~ will be held ~t the office of the City Commission in the City Hall in the City of Sanford, Florida, at 8:00 o'clock P. M. October 12, 1953, to consider the following changes and amendments to the Zoning Ordinance of the City of Sanford, Florida. (a) The property zoned in District R-1 (single family) beginning at the intersection .of the South property line of 18th Street with the West property of French Avenue run northward along said West property line of French Avenue to South property line of 15th Street, ~hence Eastward along South property line of 15th Street to Easterly llne of alley between French Avenue and Laurel Avenue according to plat of Orange Heights, ~hence South along said East alley llne to the South property line of 18th Street, thence West to point of beginning, proposed to be rezone~ to C-1 (Commercial- Retsil). (b) The property zoned in District R-1 (single family), and R-2 (multlole family) beginning st the Northeast corner of Lot 9, Block 2, Tier 9, run thence South to the Southeast corner of Lot 2, Blk B, Tr 9, thence run East to the Southeast corner of Lot 9, Blk B, Tr. 8, thence run South to South property line of 5th Street,'thence run West to the West property line of French Avenue, thence run North to the South property line of hth Street, thence run West to the Northwest corner of Lot l, Blk 6, Tr ~, thence run North to the Northwest corner of Lot 6, Blk 3, Tr 9, run thence ~ast to the Zoutheast corner of Lot 3, Blk ~ Tr ~ thence North to the Northwest corner of Lot 9, Blk 2, 9, n ~hence East ~o point of beginning, all in the Town of Sanford according to Eo R. Trafford's Map thereof according to plat there- of as recorded in the public records of Seminole County, Florida, proposed to be rezoned~for C-1 (Commercial-Retail). All parties in interest and citizens shall have an opportunity to be heard at said hearing. By order of the City Commission of the City of Sanford, Florida, this l~th day of September, 1953. Thos. Lo Lemon, As City Manager City of Sanford, Florida. The Chairman ~hen announced that the Commission would be glad to hear from any interested oartles in favor of, or aga'inst the proposed rezoning of the ~operty described in paragraph (a). There being no objections registered CommisSioner Ivey moved that the property be re- zoned to C-1 (Commercial-Retail) as advertised. Seconded by Commissioner Cordell and carried. The Chairman next announced ~uat the Commission would be glad to hear from any interested parties in favor of, or sgainst the proposed rezoning of the property described in paragraph (b). There being no objections rezoned to C-1 (Commercial-Retail) necessary ordinance for adoption. The Commission then adjourned the Public registered Commis~ioner Stemoer moved that the property be as advertised, and that the City Attorney prepare the Seconded by Commissioner Kadet and carried. Hearing and proceeded to handle other business MINUTES 131 City Commission, Sonford, Florido, ...0...c..~..?..b...e..r.....]..2.....a...~....~.....P..:...~: ............ ]9_?..?.. parking spaces for their taxicabs on south side of ~th Street immediately east of Sanford Avenue, which they have been using for such purpose for several years, and on recommendation of the Chief of Police and City Manager, Commissioner Cordell moved the approval of same of $50.00 per year for each parking space. Seconded by Commissioner Stemper and at rental carried. B. F. Wade next appeared and outlined his proposal to erect a store building on Lots 14, 29 and 30 of Block 3, Dreamwold Second Section, a triangle tract of land located at northwest corner of Orlando Drive and Elm Avenue, and requested the City to vacate the 14 ft utility ease- ment across this property in order that he may be able to locate the building on it, offering to convey to the City a 14 ft strip of land across the north end of the property for s public alley in exchange therefor. After discussion and on advice of the City Clerk that consulting engineers Robert M. Angas & Associates had approved the proposed exchange as to requirements for public utility services at this location, Commissioner Stemper moved that the City Attorney be authorized to prepare the necessary ordinance to vacate the aforesaid utility easement across this Oroperty. Seconded by Commissioner Cordell and carried. Sylvester Terrell next apoeared.and submitted apollcatlon to least the fiimt parking space on south side of Third Street west of Sanford Avenue for his taxicab, which he been using for a number of years, and on recommendation of Chief of Police, Commissioner Stemper moved the approval of same at rental of $50.00 per year. Seconded by Commissioner Cordell and carried. The Pastor of the A.M.E. Church at corner of 9th Street and Cypress Avenue next appeared and requested permission to use the stadium on evening of November 2nd for conducting a benefit musical festival program for the Church. Also requested the Commission to make a special con- cession on the regular charge of $?0.00 per night for use of the stadium since there would be no admission charge to the program except contributions. After discussion and in view of the $70.00 fee covers actual expenses to the City, the matter of eliminating some of the lights for the musical program was suggested in order to re- duce the fee accordingly, which was referred to the Church for consideration. The following proposed straw balloZ with the revisions authorized aZ meeting of Septem- bet 28, to be voted upon by the oeoole at the Municipal General Election to be held on November 3, 1953, was next submitted for final approval: PRIORITY ~ET PROGRAM NUMBER COST BOND ISSUE PROGRAM NO. I 1. Water Program 1 2. Rehabilitation of Sewers 2 3. Extension of Sewers 3 Necessary Pledgee: Water and Sewer Revenues Necessary for Bond and Interest Retirement: Minimum Monthly Charge: $1.65 Maximum Monthly ~harge: $2.94 Total Revenue from Service C~hargea: $105,000.00 $176,000.00 326,600.00 391,400.00 $ 894,000.00 $68,000.00 $1,000,000.00 CHECK "V" PRO- GRAM DESIRED 132 MINUTES City Commission, Sanford, Florida, ...O...c.~.o..~.e..~....1..2....~...~..?..:...~.: ............ 19..~?.. 1. Minimum Program No. 2. Pump Branch Improvement 5. Interceptor System PRIORITY NUMBER Necessary Pledges: Necessary for Bond Minimum Monthly Ohsrge: ~1.75 Maximum Monthly Charge: ~5.29 Total Revenue from Service Charges: PROGRAM NO. III 1. Program No. II 2. Treatment Plant 5 NET PROGRAM .... BO~ ISSU~ ~1,300,000.00 894,000.00 4 76,000.00 5 253,0o0.0o $ 1,223,000.00 Water and Sewer Revenues plus ~15,000 and Interest Retirement: $84,500.00 ~llg,500.00 1,223,000.00 200,000.00 Utility Tax $1,500,000.00 CP~CK "V!' PRO- CRAM DESIRED 1,423,000.00 Necessary Pledges: Water & Sewer Revenues plus $35,000 Utility Tax Necessary for Bond & Interest Retirement: $95,500.00 Minimum Monthly Charge: $1.93 Maximum Monthly Charge: $~.?1 Total Revenue from Service Charges: $125,500.00 A. Minumum and Maximum monthly service charges include cost of raising ~30,000.00 annually for work to be done by City crews. B. Cost of operation of treatment plant ($17,000.00 annually) is not included In above service charge. The Commission then proceeded to a further study and lengthy discussion of the ballot, in which Commissioner Stemper stated tb~t he felt by eliminating the $30,000.00 to be raised annually for city's crews to complete the rehabilitation program and apply it toward amortizing a larger bond issue over the 28 year ~eriod, it would enable the City to include more phases of the necessary improvements of the long range program in the original construction, which would provide the citizens with immediate benefits of th~ improvements instead of having to wait under the pay-as-you-go plan. Commissioner Kadet concurred with Commissioner Stamper on the suggested change. Commls loner Ivey ststed that the program on the ballot bad already been voted upon and approved by the Commission and he did not feel that the matter of any chan~es should be discussed further. Thereuoon Commissioner Kadet moved that the Commission have a special meeting on Wednesday night, October 14, to approve the ballot, end that the City Manager contact the fiscal agents smd ascertain what the minimum and maximum sewer charge would be on each of the three programs on the ballot if $210,000.00 were included in each program, or, if this amount was financed over a period of 28 years, but same died for lack of a second. Commissioner Ivey then moved that the ballot be adopted as is, with an addition to Note "A" tPmt the $50,000.00 will be collected until the rehabilitation program is completed, MINUTES 133 City Commission, Sanford, Florida, ......O..9..~..o.~..r....1..~....~.~....8.....~..:....~..: ......... 19...~..~. the $30,000.00 collected annually can he utilized to a better advantage the necessary program at this time, or, to reduce the consumer assessment on 0rogram". Commissioner Kadet stated thst he voted Naye because all the views were not considered. Consideration next given to a locstion f~r the proposed to complete more of the very minimum of the Commission standoipe and storage tank to be constructed under the waterworks improvements, and upon recommendation of consulting Engineer Angas, Commissioner Cordell moved that it be located on Mellonville Avenue north of the old bsseball park. Seconded by Commissioner Stamper and carried. The following bill next submitted from Robert M. Angas & Associates for engineering services to date in connectl_on with the proposed waterworks and sewersge improvements, and on motion of Commissioner Cordell, seconded by Commissioner Kadet and carried, same was referred to the City Attorney for an opinion as to whether or not the fees are in accordance with the terms of the contract: ROBERT M ANGAS AND ASSOCIATES P. o. Box 358 Jacksonville l, Florida. October 1, 1953, Invoice No. 3310 City of Sanford, Sanford, Florida. ENGINEERING SERVICES IN CONNECTION WITH PROPOSED IMPROVEMENTS TO WATER AND~W~PLAGE SYSTEM: TO PRELIMINARY STUDIES OF IMPROVEMENTS h~EDED. Water Works Improvements Sewer Repairs Sewer Extensions Pump Branch Improvements Interceptor, Comminutor and Outf~ll 180,658.10 652,465.50 391,628.00 75,900.00 253.000.00 Total Estimated Cost 1,5~3,651.60 20% of 6% of $1,543,651.60 $18,523.81 TO ADDITIOMAL WORK NOT INCI,UDED IN WORK COVERED BY MINIMUM 6% FEE (AS PER SCHEDULE OF BASIC MIN- IMUM ENGINEERI~G FEES ATTACHED TO AND FORMING A PART OF ENGIneERING CO~TRACT), SAID ADDITIONAL wORK BEING THAT MENTIONED IN PARAGRAPHS 5.1, 5.2 and 5.3 OF SAID SCHEDULE AND LISTED AS FOLLOWS: Inspection and mapping of those existing sewers in Ssnford which do not require the preparation of any plans for their reconstruction. Preparation of a map of the existing water mains in Sanford together with the locstion of all valves and fire hydrsnts, and the plotting of same in their cor- rect locations. Field and office work necessary for the preparation of a complete topographic map of Banford prepara- tory to the preparation of a complete master plan for sewerage and drainage. Cost of the above mentioned work: Salaries and wages Subsistence for men Operation of trucks & Cars Miscellaneous Expenses $7,~71.01 665.15 703.67 1,0~3.55 Total Cost 9,783.38 PLUS 50% for office overhead and profit 891.69 Total $1~,675.07 PLUS DEBIG~T WORK A~D SPECIFICATIONS PARTIALLY COMPLETED ON $1,0©0,000.00 WORTH OF IMPROVEMENTS 6,000.00 134 MINUTES c ty ¢omm ss o, , Sanfor< lor do, ......... Less Payments received: November 26th, 1~52 April 1~, 1953 April 13, 1953 Total PayT0ents Received AMOUNT DUE Brought Forward $39,798.88 $15,592.00 1,512.95 1,016,04 17,120.~8 ~22,677.90 On motion of Commissioner Ivey, seconded by Commissioner Cordell and carried, the Com- mission then authorized payment on account at ~s time of $12,000.00 to Robert M. Angas & %ssocl~tes for engineering services. On recomnendsti-~n of the City N~nager, end on motion of Commissioner Kadet, seconded by Commissioner Stamper and carried, the Commission next authorized the discontinuance of five wh~tewsy lights on W. 9th Street, which are no longer necessary due to the railroad passenger station being moved from present location. Further consideration next given to request of W. M. Wieboldt to limit the parking time on Park Avenue between Second and Third Streets, ~nd after discussion, Com~ission~r Kadet moved that sll the spaces in said block bemstrlcted to cae-hour parking between the hours of 8:00 A. M. to ~:00 P. M. Seconded by Commissioner Ivey and carried. On motion of Commlsslon~r Ivey, seconded by Commissioner Kadet and carried, Commissioner Stamper was next authorized to attend the State Fire Marshsl].e convention in Ocals, the expenses in conaectlon therewith to be borne by the City. Commissioner Kadet next moved that the City send a reoresentatlve to Miami to observe and obtain informstlm on the new rotary screen type sewage treatment plant t hs, t will be on display and demonstrated before the Federation of Sewage and Industrial Waste Associations convention being held this wee~. Seconded by Commissioner Stamper and c~rried. Consideration ne}:t glvgn t~ a oosslble agreement between the City and County conc~rning disposition of property on French Avenue between 9th on~ 10th Streets, l~ whlch the C~ty and County hsd en interest. After considerable discussion, it was moved by Commissioner Ivey, seconded by Commissioner Cor~ell, and unanimously ca?,ied, that the following proposal be sub- mittsd to the Board of County Commissioners of Se~n~nole County: The City of Sanford proposes to assign and convey to the County of Seminole ali. liens held by it against lots 6 t,hrough 9, Block ll, Tier 8, of the Town of Sanford, according to E. R. Trefford's Map, and to convey to the County the City's title to Lot 10, of said Block and Tier, in consideration of the County's im~ediate proceeding with sale and dlspossl of said property and agreeing to appropriate from the secondary ~'as funds of the County such sum, in sc~tlon to the $50,000.00 heretofore authorized, ss sh~l] be required by the City's r~ght of way agent in acqulring right of way for French Aw~nue uo to the amount of the proceeds from the sale of the aforesaid property less theft portion payable to the County School Board. Any of such funds received by the County and n~requ~red for French Avenue right of way as afore- said sh$~ll be retained by the County for such disposition as it shall see fit. On recommendation of Commissioner Cordell, and on motion duly carried, the City Manager was next authorized to s end a letter of luvitatln to the Baltimore Orioles Baseball Club to train in S~nford ne~t season. On motion of Com~issioncr Stamper, seconded by Commissioner Cordel~ and carried, the Clerk and auditors of the firm of Blytch, TMson and Meek were next authorized access to safety deoosit bax No. 177 s~t the Ssnford Atlantic N~tionsl B=nk for the purpose of verifying the MINUTES 135 October 12 st 8 P. ~4. ,~ 53 City Commission, Sanford, Florida, . ............................................................... ly ........ paid by Avenue Theeter on October 7, due to sellin~ ,out end closing the business October 8th. There being no further business the meeting adjourned. on ATTEST: ~ City ~,~k MINUTES City Commission, Sanford, Florida, October 26, at 8 P. ~. lg53 The City Commission of the City Hall in the City of Sanford, Present: City of Sanford, Florida, Flo¥~lda, at 8:00 o'clock P. Commlssiom:r Randall Chase, " J.D. Cordell " John D. Ivey " John L. Kadet " W.H. Stamper met in regular M. October 26, Mayor City Attorney A. Edwin Shinholaer City Clerk H. N. Sayer City Manager Thcs. L. Lemon Chief of Po]ice R. G. Williams Meeting called to order by the Chairman. Mr. R. J. Bauman, President of Sanford Atlantic National Bank, their proposal to install a walk-up window in the Park Avenue side of quested permission to erect a metal (aluminum) canopy, size ll' ~ 16', for reservation of three parking spaces in connection therewith. After discussion Commissioner Stamper moved that the aforesaid Seconded by Commissioner Cordell and carried. Commissioner Kadet nezt introduced Ordinance No 528, entitled: session at the 1953. appeared and outlined their building, and re- over tl~e sidewalk, also, request be granted. AN ORDIb]ANCE OF THE CITY OF SANFORD, FLO~IDA, AMENDING ORDI!~]ANCE NUMBER 362 OF SAID CITY, AS AMEYDED, SAID ORDIi~ANCE BEING ~ ORDINANCE ESTA- BLISHING A ZONI~D PLAZI WITHIN T}~ CITY OF SANFORD, SAID AMENDMENT TPJ~NS- FERRING CERTAIN TERRITORY IN DISTRICTS R-1 AND R-2 TO DISTRICT C-1 IN SAID CITY. and same was u'aced on its first reading a~d read in full. On motion of Commissioner Stemoer, seconded by Commissioner Kadet and carried, action which checks shall be signed on city depositories. R. J. Waterston, Jr., represemtative of Seaboard Oil Company, next appeared with reference to their proposal to erect a service station and bulk plant at northwest corner of French Avenue and Sixth Street on the property described as Lots ~, 5, 9, l0 and the South 1/2 next deferred until next regular meeting on the proposed resolution provldin~ the method by After discussion in which it was felt that the City would not be Justified in closing the alley in south half of the block ~thout providing proper egress for the property owners in the north half, action was deferred, pendir~ report from the oil company's engineering de- partment as to whether or not they will grant the City an easement for alley across the north end of their property for egress to eith~r French or Maple Avenue. On motion of Commissioner Stamper, seconded by Commissioner Ksder and carried, the letter of suggestion from Marion Harman that each Com-~lsslon meeting be opened with a "Prayer", was accepted with appreciation and the City Manager directed to contact the Ministerial Associ- ation and er~ange for such invocation. The following bids nezt submitted for codifying the City's ordinances in accordance with invitation for bids published in the Sanford Herald on September 24, and on motion of Commissioner Stamper, seconded by Commissioner Kadet and carried, same were refer, ed to the City Attorney for study, and to submit recommendations at next regular meeting. MICHIE CITY t~BLICATIONS COMPANY, INC. 7th and Market Streets Charlottesville, Virginia. 19 October 1953. E. R. Trafford's Map, and requested the City to close the with reservation to the right and privilege to use same of Lots 3 end 8 of Block 7, Tier 9, 14 ft. alley dividing the property, for public utility easement.