HomeMy WebLinkAbout112353-Regular Session150 Sanford, Florida, met in session The City Commission of the City of re6u~ar at 8:00 o'clock P. M. November City Hall in the City of Sanford, Florida, ~3' ~' Pressnt: MINUTES November 2 at 8 P. M 1~53 City Commission, Sanford, Flor da ................... ! ........................................ L:.. , :: : :::- '~- Sr. Commissioner Randall Chase, Mayor " J.D. Cordell , John D. Ivey ,, John L. Kaeer ,, ~f. H..Stemper City Attorney A. Edw!n Shlnholser City Clerk H. N. Sayer City Manager Thcs. L. Lemon Chief of Police R. G. Williams Commissioner-elect Earl Hlgglnbotham Com~issio ~er-clect John S. Krlder, at t~£ Meeting call_ed to order by the Chairman. e The meeting was then opened with "Prayer" by Rev. S. L. v~hatl y. Ordinance No. 551, entitled: AN OP~INANCE OF THE CITY OF SA?~FORD, FLORIDA, AMENDING ORDINANCE NU~IBER q62 OF TI~ CITY OF SANFORD AS AMENDED, SA.~E BEIWG T~JE ZONING ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF SANFORD, BY PROVIDING FOR A THIRTEENTH CLASS OF DISTRICT INT0 ~,7~ICH SAID CITY IS DIVIDED FOR T~ pURPOSES OF SAID ORDINANCE, DESIGNATING SAID THIRTEENTH CLASS OF DISTRICT AS "C-N" COU2,~ZRCIAL-RETAIL (NEIGHBORHOOD SHOP PING) DISTRICT. introduced and placed on first reading at regular meeting of November 9, was next placed on its final reading. Thereupon the roll was called on the final passage and adoption of said Ordinance No. 531, the vote being as follows: Florida, Commissioner Chase Aye " Cordell Aye " Ivey Aye " Kader Aye " Stemper Aye Thereupon the Chairman announced that the City Commission of the City of Sanford, by unanimous vote had passed and adopted said 0rdina~ce No. 531, entitled. AN ORDINA?~CE OF THE CITY OF SANFORD, FLOEIDA AMENDING ORDINANCE NUMBER 362 OF THE CITY OF SA~ORD AS A~iENDED, SA~ BEING THE ZONI~G ORDINA~NCE OF THE CITY OF SANFORD, BY PROVIDING FOR A THIRTEENTH CL~iSZ OF DISTRICT INTO WHICH SAID CITY IS DIVIDED FOR THE PURPOSES OF SAID ORDINANCES, DESIGNATING SAID THIRTEENTH CLASS OF DISTRICT AS "C-N" COMY~C!AL-RETAIL (~IGHBORH00D SHCPPIYG) DISTRICT. The next order of business bel~kq a Public He~rlrg to of ~.e Zoning Ordinance, the Chalrm~n directed the following oubllshed in the Sanford Herald on November 6 ~n~ 13, 1955: consider rezonlng certain districts legal notice to be read, w_hich was LEGAL NOTICE NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING ON PROPOSED CHANGES AND ~ERT~I., DISTRICTS OF T I~ Z0,I,G OR- AMENDmeNTS IN ~ ~ ~? ~' ' DINANCE OF T~UC CITY OF SANFORD, FLORIDA. office Notice is of the City hereby given that a Public Hearing will be held at the Commission in the City Hall in the City of Sanford, Florida, at 8:00 o'clock P. M. November 25, 1953, to conalder the follovlng changes and amendments to the Zoning Ordinance of the City of Sanford, Florida: The property zoned in Districts R-1 amd R-1-A (Single- Family), bounded on West by Bay Avenue, South by Celery Avenue, East by Mellonvllle Avenue, North by Eleventh Street, and more particularly described as Blocks 2 and 3 of the subdivision of EldoraSo, is proposed to be changed to C-1 (Commercial-Retail) District, or, a more restricted Commercial-Retail Zone. All parties in interest and citizens shall have an opportunity to be heard at said hearing. By order of t! e City Commission of the City of Sanford, Florida, MINUTES 151 November 23 at 8 P.M. 19 53 City Commission, Sanford, Florida, . ....................................................................... The Chairman, Then announced that ~he :0Ommissioh world"be glad to'heAr', fpom:i~te~$sted-:. parties in;favor cfi :or,againSt the.prO~osed, rezoning 0f ~he ~rop~rty desc~l,b~d in the fore- going notice. There being no objections registered, Commissioner Ivey moved that the oro~rty be re- zoned to "C-N CoMMERCIAL-RETAIL (Neighborhood Shopping) DISTRICT" in accordance with the recom- mendations of the Planning Board. and that the City Attorney prepare the ~cessary ordinance for adoption. Seconded by Commissimer Cordell and carried. On motion of Commissioner Cordell, Seconded by Commissioner Kadet and carried, the Junior Chamber of Commerce was next given exclusive concession on sale of balloons during the Christmas Parade. On recommendation of the City Manager and Chief of Police, and on motion of Commissioner Btemper, seconded by Commissioner Kadet and carriedl, the Commission next authorized installa- tion of a street light at intersection of Pomegranite Avenue and Second Street. Fire Chief Cleveland next appeared and reported on Benevolent Aseociation organized by the Florida State Fireman's Association at its recent meeting, which would provide death benefits for all firemen belonging to the association through membership assessment, advising that the membership fee for each fireman is $5.00 with annual dues of $2.00. He then requested t~at the City pay the membership fees and dues for all the City firemen, stating that they would pay the benevolent assessments. Thereupon after discussion and in view of the firemen not being under social security to which the City is making contributions, and the City not contributing any monies toward their relief and penelon fund, Commissioner Ivey moved that the City pay the membership fees of $5.00 and annual duesc~ $2.00 to the Firemen's Benevolent Association for each of the firemen, and that this year's payment be made from the Contingent Fund. Seconded by Commissioner Stempen and carried. Ordinance No. 530, entitled: AN ORDINANCE IMPOSING ON EVERY INSURER ENGAGED IN THE BUSINESS OF CASUALTY INSURING AN EXCISE OR LICENSE TAX IN ADDITION TO ANY LAWFUL LICENSE OR EXCISE TAX NOW LEVIED BY THE CITY OF SANFORD, FLORIDA, AMOUNTING TO 1% OF THE GROSS AMOUNT OF RECEIPTS OF PREMIUMS FROM POLICY HOLDERS ON ALL PRE- MIUMB COI~LECTED ON CASUALTY INSURANCE POLICIES COVERING PROPERTY WITHIN THE CORPORATE LIMITS OF THE CITY OF SANFORD, FLOR_IDA: PROVIDING FOR THE MANNER OF PAYMENT AND COLLECTION THEREOF; APPROPRIATING THE MONIES DE- RIVED FROM SUCH TAX TO THE PENSION FUND FOR POLICEMENT; AND PROVIDING PENALTIES FOR THE VIOLATION OF ANY OF THE TERMS OF SAID ORDINANCE. introduced and placed on first reading at regular meeting of November 9, was next placed on its final reading. Thereupon the roll was called on the final passage and adoption of said Ordinance No. 530, the vote being as fol-~ows: Commissioner Chase Aye " Cordell Aye " Ivey Aye " Kadet Aye " Stemoer Aye Thereupon the Chairman announced that the City Commission of the City of Banford,Florida, by unanimous vote had passed and adopted said Ordinance No. 530, entitled: AN ORDINANCE IMPOSING ON EVERY INSURER ENGAGED IN THE BUSINESS OF CASUALTY INSURING AN EXCISE OR LICENSE TAX IN ADDITION TO ANY LAWFUL LICENSE OR EXCISE TAX NOW LEVIED BY THE CITY OF SANFORD, FLORIDA, AMOUNTING TO 1% OF THE GROSS AMOUNT OF RECEIPTS OF PREMIUMS FROM POLICY HOLDERS ON ALL PREMIUMS COLLECTED ON CASUALTY INSURANCE POLICIES COVERING PROPERTY ~ITHIN THE CORPORATE LIMITS OF THE CITY OF SANFORD, FLORIDA; PROVIDING FOR THE MANNER OF PAYMENT AND COLLECTION THEREOF; APPROPRIATING THE MONIES DERIVED FROM SUCH TAX TO THE PENSION FUND FOR POLICEMEN~ AND PROVIDING PENALTIES FOR THE VIOLATION OF ANY OF THE TEPee OF SAID ORDINANCE. MINUTES City Commission, Sanford, Florida, ...N.9..v...e..m...b..e...~....2.~.....a.~....8.....P.:.....~..: .......... 19.~.~... Association's Program at cost of $25.00. R. L. Glenn and Forest Breckenridge next appeared on behalf of the Waterways Committee of Chamber of Commerce and submitted a proposed resolution for adoption by the Commission concern- ing the proposed Titusville canal project, and after discussion same was referred back to the Committee to embody certain changes relative to flood control. Volie Williams, Jr., next apoesred and gave a progress report on acquisition of rights of way for widening French Avenue, in which he advised of the following motion adopted by the Board of County Commissioners at their meetlnz of November 21, 1953: "Motion of Commissioner Dodd, seconded by Commissioner Meisch and carried that Item No. 2-R in the Appraiser's Report of Section 7715 State Road No. 15-A, pro~rty of C. E. Spencer, be increased to $35,000.00, provided the City of Sanford, Florida, makes an additional $5,000.00 available to be added to said amount and the sum to be used for the purchase of said property and exoenses incidental thereto. After the above has been fully complied with by the City and all right of ways for t~ entire oroJect obtained and paid for as well as the expenses connected therewith, the Board of County Commissioners will adoot a resolution authorizing payment of $5,000.00 to the City from the Item in Seminole County's Secondary Gas Tax Fund, for convenience dsignated as French Avenue Right-of-Way Fund, the said Fund amounting to $61, 259.26 in the aggregate. Should the amount remaining in the said Right-of-way Fund be less than $5,000.00 before the City is reimbursed, the City will accept said lesser amount as full payment and compliance with this proposal. If the amount unused in said Fund exceeds $5,000.00 the remainder shall revert to Seminole County's Secondary Gas Tax Fund. In no in- stance shall the sum of~l the expenses of acquiring the right-of-ways for the PorJect exceed $61,259.26, as the County's share, obligation or commitment in connection therewith." Thereupon after careful consideration, and on recommendation of Mr. Williams, Commissioner Stemper moved that the City accept the foregoing proposal of t~ Board of County Commissioners, subject to consummation of the deal with C. E. Spencer and wife, owners of the aforesaid property. Seconded by Commissioner Cordell and carried. Representatives of Prudential Insurance Company of America, The Travelers Insurance Company, Blue Cross-Blue Shield, Inc., C~ulf Life Insurance Company, and Professional Insurance Corporation, next submitted proposals for group hospitalization and medical insurance for em- ployees. After study and consideration of the five oroposals submitted, Commissioner Ivey moved the acceptance of the proposal of Travelers Insurance Comnany for a group insurance plan for City employees at a monthly premium of $2.07 each, covering Emnloyee Hospital Reimbursement of $7.00, Special Benefits $140.00, Surgical Reimbursement $200.00, and Polio $2,500.00, the City to~participate by paying one-half of the premium. Seconded by Commissioner Kadet and carried. Sealed bids for furnishing materials and supplies for the Water Department in accordance with specifications furnished by the City and advertised in the Banford Herald on October ~0, which were opened oublicly at 1:~0 P. N. on November 16 and now on file in the City Clerk's office, were ne×t submitted for consideration, together with the following tabulation of the best bids, as recommended by the City Manager;: 1. United States Pipe & Foundry, l,000 ft. S. Mueller Company 12 Saddles - ~" x ~/4" 6 In Cast Iron Pipe 19.56 1,590.00 19.56 MINUTES 153 City Commission, Sonford, Florida, .~...°..~..e.m.b...e.r....2.3....~...~....8.....~..:....~..: ............ 19~. .... Southern Pipe & Supply 25 Nl~ples - J/$"xclose 1.02 25 3/4" x 2# 1.13 25 " 3/4" x 4# 1.29 25 " 3/4" x 5" 1.74 25 " 3/4" x 6" 2.00 4 " 1" x close .24 4 " l" x 2" .26 4 " 1" x 3" .30 4 " 1" x 4" · 35 4 " l" x 5" .40 4 " 1" x 6" .4~ 3 " 14" x close .23 3 " 1~" x 3" .28 3 " 1," x 4" .33 3 " 13" x 5" .38 3 " 1~" x 6" .42 6 " l~" x close .55 6 " l~" x 3" .69 6 " la" x 4" .79 6 fl 1~" X 5" .92 6: " 1~" x 6" 1.02 12 " 2" x close 1.43 12 " 2" x 3" 1.73 12 " 2" x 4" 2.02 12 " 2" X 5" 2.34 12 " 2" x 6" 2.65 1,000 ft 3/4" Galv. Pipe 97.70 10,000 ft 2# Galv. Pipe 2.932.00 Davis Meter Repair & Supply Company 25 Bushings - Galv. 2 x 1# 100 " "1" x 3/~" 75 Plugs 3/4" Galv. 25 " 2" " Neptune Meter Company 1 Meter testing bench 4.25 2.75 6.O0 4.50 ___4.75 3,054.85 22.25 225.00 11. Hughes Supply, Inc. 6 Bibs - 3/4" 12 Valves 3/4" gate 6 " 1~" 12 " 2" 4.26 16.20 21.00 58.80 100.26 13. Ch~s. P. Guyon, Inc. 300 Ells - 3/$" Street 50 " 3/4" Common 25 " 1" 25 Tees - 3/4" 50 " 2" x 2" x 3/4" 25 Unions - 3/4" 25 " 1" 6 " 1.~" 6 " 2" 25 Nipples 3/4" x 3" 46 8o 5.35 3.~o 3.90 46.6O 8.02 10.62 ~.29 5.35 1,~? 135.70 14. Plnley's Municipal Supply Company 200 Sleeves - 3/4" 12 " 1" 12 " 211~" 25 150 Saddles - 2" x 50 " la" x 50 " 2" x 25 " la" x 25 Tees - 2" 50 Couplings 1" 1 Valve - 4" Brass 6 Clamps 3" 6 " 6 " 6" 1 Neoprene Sheet 500 Lb. Lead 25 Lb. Oakum 12 Fire Hydrants 200 Meter Boxes 80 Water Meters 212.00 13.44 17.~0 54.00 229.50 69.50 76.50 33.00 21.50 9.50 27.65 12.48 19.80 60.OO 1.5o 80.00 ~.~o 1,166.40 800.00 1.9~8.80 4,858.47 16. Rensselaer Valve Company 1 Valve - 8" i Valve - 10" TOTAL OF MOBT ACCEPTABLE BIDS 66.50 no,6? _ !??,17 11,303.76 Thereupon after careful consideration Commissioner Btemper moved the acceptance of all of the foregoing recommended bids except Nos. 8 and 14. Seconded by Commissioner Cordell and carried. 154 MINUTES c ty Commission, Sonfora, Flor ao, ......... rangement, matter of carried. $1,958.80, lemving a net total of $2,909.67; and that Neptune Meter Company, Bid No. 8, be awarded the contract as recommended, plus the 80 water meters at price of $1,948.80, making a total of $2,17B.80. Seconded by Commissioner Kadet and carried. Further consideration next given to matter of rezoning the property abutting on French Avenue from 18th Street south to the City Limits, and after d isucssion, Commissioner Ivey moved that a Public Hearing be held at 8:00 P. M. December 14, 1953, to consider rezoning the afore- said property to C-1 (Commercial-Retail) District. Seconded by Commissioner Cordell and carried. Letter next submitted from Mervln W. Ozier tendering his resignation as a member of Sanford Industrial Board, and on motion of Commissioner Stemper, seconded by Commissioner Kadet and carried, same was accepted with regrets. On recommendation of Mayor Chase, and on motion of Commissioner Kadet, seconded by Com- missioner Ivey and carried, Thcs. A. Vaughan was next appointed as a member of the Industrial Board to fill the vacancy crested by resignation of Mr. Ozier. Application next submitted fram Samuel Levy for permit to sell beer and wines at 919 W. First St. for consumption off the premises, and on recommendation of Chief of Police, Commissioner Stemper moved the authorlzstion for approval of same. Seconded by Commissioner Cordell~ ~nd c~rr~e~. On motion of Commissioner Ivey, seconded by Commissioner Cordell and carried, the appli- cation of George Csmblrdge to operate a taxicab from Mid-Way to Sanford was next denied because it was felt that there are a sufficient number of taxicabs in operation to meet the public demand. On motion of Commissioner Stemper, seconded by Commissioner Cordell and carried, the Com- mission next authorized an advertisement placed in the 1954 High School Annual at cost of $25.00. On motion of Commissioner Stemper, seconded by Commissioner Ivey and carried, the Com- mission next directed the City Manager to make s survey on ~he possibility of enlarging the public parking lot between Hood ~nd Palmetto Avenues by utilizing a portion of soft ball field, with provision for moving the softball diamond to another location at the sane time. On motion of Commissioner Stemoer, seconded by Commissioner Cord ell and carried, the traffic signal regulation at intersection of First Street and Palmetto Avenue was next authorized and directed to be changed to "Turn right on Red" off of First Street. On motion of Commissioner Stemper, seconded by Commissioner Cordell and carried, Bill Kirk Motors were next authorized to surface the parkway on west side of Palmetto Avenue ne~t to their parking lot with blacktop. Bill of Robert M. Angas and Associates in amount of $?,67?.90 covering balance of earned engineering fees to date on proposed water works and sewerage imorovements, was next eubmitted for consideration, and on motion of Commissioner Cordell, seconded by Commissioner Kadet and carried, the Commission authorized the oayment of same when funds are available. Further consideration next given to request of Mrs. J. A. Harrold for City ~ change the one-hour parking regulation in front of her residence at 214 Park Avenue back to previous ar- and after discussion Commissioner Kadet moved t~at the City Manager check into in~lling parking meters for the two spaces. Seconded by Commissioner Stemper and On motion of Commissioner Stemper, seconded by Commissioner Kadet and carried, the City Attorney was next directed to investigate the possibility of adopting an ordinance requiring all transients to be finger printed. On motion of Commissioner Stemper, seconded by Commissioner Corde~l and carried, the City MINUTES 155 City Commission, Sanford, Florida, .....~Z~.~..~..~..~..~L..~.[ ...... 19~... Attorney was also authorized and directed to prepare an ordinance designating Third Street as thru street from French Avenue west to Persimmon Avenue. On motion of Commissioner Cordell, seconded by Commissioner Btemper and carried, the City Attorney was also directed to prepare an ordinance prohibiting the drinking of alcoholic beverages on premises of the Municipal Btadium. On advice of Mayor Chase, Commissioner Cordell ne~t moved that the meeting recess until 8:00 o'clock P. M., November 30, 1953. Beconded by Commissioner Ivey. Commissioner Kadet and Btemper then requested an e×planation as to the reason for the adjourned meeting, stating that they did not know of any u~finished or new business that would require such action. After considerable discussion in which no definite reason was brought out for recess- ing the meeting, Commissioner aader stated that he felt the motion was out of order and refused to remain and vote on the roll call. After further discussion, the roll was celled on the motion of Commissioner Cordell to recess the meeting, which carried over the dissenting vote of Commissioner Stemoer who stated that he voted "Nsye" because there is no apparent reason for an adjourned meeting and this is contrary to the usual practice. MAY~0R ATTEBT: ~m City~ 156 MINUTES City Commission, Sanford, Florida, ......N...°..v.e..m...b..e...~...~..0...~.~.....B....P..:.....~..: ...... 19....5..~. The City Commission of at the City Hall in the City Pres ent: the 01~y of Sanford, of Sanford, Florida, at Com~iseloner Randall C~hase, Mayor " J.D. Cordell " John D. Ivey " John L. Kadet " W.H. Stemper City Attorney A. Edwin Shlnholser City Clerk H. N. Bayer City Manager Thcs. L. Lemon Chief of Police R. G. Williams Commissioner-elect Earl Higglnbotham Florida, met in adjourned regular session 8:00 o'clock P. M., November 30, 1953. vote of the Commission: Commissioner Chase Aye " Cordell Aye " Ivey Aye " Kadet Aye " Btemper Aye Said Resolution No. 826 being in words and figures as follows: A ~qSOLUTION OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF SANFORD, FLORIDA, ENDORSING THE PLAN FOR A CANAL BETWEEN THE UPPER REACHES OF THE BT. JOHNS RIVER AND THE INDIAN RIVER, AND URGING AND RECOM~NDI~ THE EARLY CON- STRUCTION CF SUCH CANAL. WHEREAS, the St. Johns River in Florida which parallels the present Intercoastal Waterway between Cocoa, Florida and its Junction with the St. Johns near Sisters Creek and is a great waterway in the State and is not presently used in connection with the Intercoastal Waterway System, and WHEREAS, there is presently contemplated a navigational canal between the upper reaches of the St. Johns River and the Indian River to be designated as the Sanford-Titusville Canal which will traverse the narrow neck of land lying twelve miles between these two bodies of water, and WHEREAS, said canal was originally proposed by Chapter 801 Acts of Florida 1856, and would probably have been dug and utilized had the Civil War not interfered, and WHEREAS, such a canal waAld Change the St. Johns River from a dead-end street to a continuous artery of navigation, would fac1.1itate a heavy volume of traffic from transient yachts moving between Jacksonville and Miami, encouraging many more successful business men to visit Central Florida and to make investments there, and WHEREAS, the said canal would allow an e×tension of water shipments from Canaveral Harbor into the Central Florida area bearing a heavy volume of petroleum products, cement and lumber, and WHEREAS, the recent flood conditions that have obtained in this area have resulted in considerable flood damage to the streets and other Drooerty of the City of Sanford, as well as causing damage to private property in and near the City, and Meeting called to order by the C~halrman. Letter next submitted from Municipal Judge Volie A. Williams, Jr., recommending the remission of remainder of Jail sentences lmoosed against Wilbur Holliday who was convicted in Municipal Court on November 16, 1953, for "discharging and brandishing firearms", and "Dis- orderly conduct", Municipal Court Cases Nos. b9277 and 49278. This remission recommended be- cause of the physical condition of the prisoner's wife. Thereupon Commissioner Stemper moved the acceptance and approval of recommendation of the Municipal Judge. Seconded by Commissioner Kadet and carried. Commissioner Kadet next introduced Resolution No. 826, and after being read in full, moved its passage and adoption. Seconded by Commissioner Ivey and carried by the following