HomeMy WebLinkAbout120753160 MINUTES ............ The City Commission of the City of Sanford, Florida, met in adjourned regular session at the City Hall in the City of Sanford, Florida, at 8:00 o'clock P. N., December ?, 1953. Present: Commissioner Randall Chase, Mayor ' J.D. Cordell " John D. Ivey " John L. Kadet N W.H. Stemper City Attorney A. Edwin Shinholser City Clerk H. N. Seyer City Manager Thos~ L. Lemon Commissioner-elect Earl Higginbotham Commissioner-elect John S. Krider, Sr. Meeting called to order by the Chairman. Robert L. Glenn, Chairman of Sanford Industrial Board, appeared and gave a report on the actlvitlee of the Board, in which he advised tha~ due to trsinees not being available they had voted to discontinue the Vocstional School in Janusry for white classes bu~ would continue the school for training colored sewing machine ooerators. Also, that the school h~d produced and sold 106 dozen garments, and as result the Board had a bsnk balance of $1,$76.77. He also advised of the need of an office for the Industrial Board end that the members had recommended that the City enclose one end of the porch of Chamber of Commerce building for such purpose, the estimated c os~ being $$50.00, which would be agreeable to the Chamber of Commerce. The Commission thanked Mr. Glenn for submitting ~he report and took the matter of enclosing porch for office under advisement. Petition next submitted from the merchants in 1~00 block thru 1800 block on W. l~th Street for the City to install decorative Christmas street lights in front of thelr places of business, and same was referred ~o the City Manager for cost estimate and report. The Commission then proceeded to a further study and discussion of proposed Ordinance No. 532 suthorizing bond issue in sum of $1,175,000.00 for water works and sewerage improvements, and after carefully considering all provisions as to terms, conditions and stipulations, and conferring by telephone wi~h the fiscal agents relative to ceftin changes and ineertione, ~he ordinance was submit~ed in comoleted form. Thereupon Commissioner Stemper moved that the reading of said Ordinance No. 5~2 be postponed un~il next regular meeting to allow time for the New York Bond Attorneys to epprove ~he aforesaid changes made at this meeting. Seconded by Commissioner Kadet but relied to carry over the diseenting vo~e of Commiseloners Cordell, Ivey and Chase. Commissioner Ivey then introduced for first reading said Ordinance No. 532, entitled: AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING THE CONSTRUCTION OR ACQUISITION OF ADDITIONS, EXTENSTIONS AND IMPROVEMENTS TO THE COMBINED WATER AND SEWER SYSTEM OF THE CITY OF SANFORD, FLORIDA, AND AUTHORIZING THE ISSUANCE OF $1,175,000 WATER AND SEWER REVENUE CERTIFICATES FOR SUCH PURPOSE. and same was placed on its first reading and read in full. The proposed contract with Michle City Publications Company for codifying the City's ordinences for sum of $5,000.00 in accordance with bid accepted at meeting of November 9, was next submitted, and on motion of Commissioner Stemper, seconded by Commissioner Ivey and carried. same was approved. Said contract being in words and figures as follows: THIS AGREEMENT, made and entered into this 7th day of December, 1953, by and between MICHIE CITY PUBLICATIONS COMPANY, a corporation duly organized, created a nd esisti~ under the laws of the Commonwealth of Virginia, party of the first part, and CITY OF BANFORD, a municipal MINUTES 161 December 7 a 8 P.N. .~ 53 City Commission, Sanford, Florida, . ............................................................... ly ........ Company, party of the first part, agrees to and with the said City of Sanford, Florida, party of the second part, and its successors and assigns, that it will do the following work and render and perform the following services in connection with the preparation of the new Code of Ordinances for Sanford, Florida, viz.: Codify the Ordinances of a general and permanent nature. In the course of this work the Editors will work into proper places in the original Ordinances all amendments, and shall delete from the original Ordinances the provisions that have been expressly repealed. Thus, each Ordinances will be made to reflect the last word of the governing body in thst perticulsr instance. The City Charter and the Building Code shall be excluded from the new Code but the Editors shall prepare an appropriate Ordinam e that will adopt by reference such Building Code, if desired. Revise and edit the Ordinance where, in the opinion of the Edi- tors, this is needed to the end that the Ordinances as carried in the new Code manuscript will meet present-day and existing con- ditions. It is distinctly understood that the Company's Editors will be charged with the affirmative duty of making a careful study of eli existing Ordinances and sh~ll be obligated to reco- mmend the outright repeal, by omission, of the outmoded, obsolete and antiquated provisions now on the Ordinam e Books of the City. The Editors shall also be charged with the duty of selecting and submitting to the City officials any new Ordinances, whether entire chapters or parts thereof which, in the opinion of the Editors, will serve the City to better advantage than the cor- responding existing provisions which are not on the Ordinance Books and which may be recommended to be omitted. In addition, the Editors shell be charged with the duty of rewriting, revis- ing and re-editing any existing provisions which may be couched in more concise and modern legal phraseology. All such changes ara recommendations herein referred to shall be carefully discussed with t~City Attorney and the Super- vising Editor will, at the same time, discuss with the City Attor- ney the reasons for any suggested changes and any recommendations that may be submitted. The City Attorney will be free to accept or reject, wholly or in part, any or all of the recommendations so submitted. The Editors shall prepare accurate catchlines to the individual sections of the Ordiances as carried in the new manuscript. The codification of the Ordinances shall include the handling of Ordinances passed by the Council up to the time of the editorial conferences with the City Attorney and the inspection of the edi- torial manuscript. After such editorial conferences are completed, no new Ordinances may be included in the Code manuscript. 6. Check the Ordinances against the corresponding Laws of the State of Florida to the end of eliminating conflicts and inconsistencies. ?. Check the Ordinances against the decisions of the Supreme Court of Florida to the end of insuring validity and constitutionality. 8. Preparation of a frontal analysis to each individual chapter of tM Code manuscript. Editorial footnotes and cross references shall be prepared and carried in appropriate places to the end that relates sections in the manuscript shall be tied together and tO the end also that the new Code manuscript will be keyed to the State Laws. 10. A complete and comprehensive general index will be prepared to the entire Code. Il. Upon the completion of the basic editorial manuscript (exclusive of the general index which shall be prepared from galley proofs), the Company's Supervising Editor will bring the manuscript to Ban- ford and will review it with the City Attorney. At such editorial conference, the Editor will point out to the City Attorney the editorial work that has been done, how each situation was handled by the Editors and, at the same time, will submit to the City At- torney the editorial recommend~tlons and suggestions as prepared and assembled by the Staff. The City Attorney shall be free to accept, wholly or in part, the suggestions so made by the Company's Staff. Following t~ approval of the manuscript by the City At- torney, the Company will then proceed to print and bind the Code as follows: 1. Print the text of the Ordinances in ten-point roman type, with boldface catchlines. 2. Print the frontal analyses, general index, cross references and MINUTES 161 December 7 a 8 P.N. .9....5...3. City Commission, Sanford, Florida, . ............................................................... I Company, party of the first Dart, agrees to and with the said City of Sanford, Florida, party of the second part, and its successors and assigns, that it will do the following work and render and perform the following services in connection with the preparation of the new Code of Ordinances for Sanford, Florida, viz.: Codify the Ordinances of a general and permanent nature. In the course of this work the Editors will work into proper places in the original Ordinances all amendments, and shall delete from the original Ordinances the provisions that have been expressly repealed. Thus, each Ordinances will be made to reflect the last word of the governing body in that particulsr instance. The City Chsrter and the Building Code shall be excluded from the new Code but the Editors shall prepare an appropriate Ordinam e that will adopt by reference such Building Code, if desired. Revise and edit the Ordinance where, in the opinion of the Edi- tors, this is needed to the end that the Ordinances as carried in the new Code manuscript will meet present-day and existing con- ditions. It is dlstinc~ly understood that the Company's Editors will be charged with the affirmative duty of making a careful study of all existing Ordinances and shall be obligated to reco- mmend the outright repeal, by omission, of the outmoded, obsolete and antiquated provisions now on the Ordiname Books of the City. The Editors shall also be charged with the duty of selecting and submitting to the City officials any new Ordinances, whether entire chapters or parts thereof which, in the opinion of the Editors, will serve the City to better advantage than the cor- responding existing provisions which are not on the Ordinance Books and which may be recommended to be omitted. In addition, the Editors shall be charged with the duty of rewriting, revis- ing and re-editing any existing provisions which may be couched in more concise and modern legal phraseology. All such chsn~es and recommendations herein referred to shall be carefully discussed with t~City Attorney and the Super- vising Editor will, at the same time, discuss with the City Attor- ney the reasons for any suggested changes and any recommendations that may be submitted. The City Attorney will be free to accept or reject, wholly or in part, any or all of the recom~endstions so submitted. The Editors shall prepare accurate catchlines to the individual sections of the Ordiahces as carried in the new manuscript. e The codification of the Ordinances shall include the handling of Ordinances passed by the Council uo to the time of the editorial conferences with the City Attorney and the inspection of the edi- torial manuscript. After such editorial conferences are completed, no new Ordinances may be included in the Code manuscript. 6. Check the Ordinances against the corresponding Laws of the State of Florida to the end of eliminating conflicts and inconsistencies. 7. Check the Ordinances against the decisions of the Supreme Court of Florida to th~ end of insuring validity and constitutionality. 8. Preparation of a frontal analysis to each individual chapter of t~ Code manuscript. Editorial footnotes and cross references shall be prepared and carried in appropriate places to the end that relates sections in the manuscript shall be tied together and tO the end also that the new Code manuscript will be keyed to the Stste Laws. 10. A complete and comprehensive general index will be prepared to the entire Code. ll. Upon the completion of the basic editorial manuscript (exclusive of the general index which shall be prepared from galley proofs), the 0ompany's Supervising Editor will bring the manuscript to San- ford and will review it with the City Attorney. At such editorial conference, the Editor will point out to the City Attorney the editorial work th~.t has been done, how each situation was handled by the Editors and, at the same time, will submit to the City At- torney the editorial recommendations and suggestions as prepared and assembled by the Staff. The City Attorney shall be free to accept, wholly or in part, the suggestions so made by the Company's Staff. Following t h~ approval of the manuscript by the City At- torney, the Company will then proceed to print and bind the Code as follows: 1. Print the text of the Ordinances in ten-point roman type, with boldface catchllnes. 2. Print the frontal analyses, general index, cross references and footnotes in eight-point roman type. The main headings of the MINUTES 163 c~ty Commission, So,ford, Flor~do, ..~.~.?..m.k.e..r....7....~L.~..~..'....~.-. ............ ~v....~...~ Commission next authorized the donation of old unused steel flagnole at old basehell park to Ti~usvllle Elementary School. On motion of Commissioner Stemper, seconded by Commissioner Ivey and carried, tbm Commission next authorized the Mayor and Clerk to execute a Quit Claim Deed to Jas. A. Williams and wife releasing the reverted clause in the deed to property described as Lots 1 thru 7 and 13 thru 19 of SDurling's Plat of Block 15, Chapman & Tucker's Addition. Mr. Williams having complied with the conditions of said deed. There being no further business the meeting adjourned. MAYOR ATTEST: gm -Clty~erk MINUTES December 1/4,, at 8 P. M. .- 53 City Commission, Sanford, Florida ................................................................. ly ........ City Hall The City Commission of in the City of Sanford, Present: the City of Sanford, Florida, met in regular session at the Florida, at 8:00 o'clock P. M. December 15, 1953: Commissioner Randall Chase, Mayor " J.D. Cordell " John D. Ivey " John Lo Kadet " W. H. StemDer City Attorney A. Edwin Shlnholser City Clerk H. N. Sayer City Manager ~hos. L. Lemon Chief of Police R. G. Williams Commissioner-elect Earl Hlgginbotham Commissioner-elect John S. Krlder, Sr. Meeting called to order by the Chairman. The meeting was then opened with "Prayer" by Rev. S. L. Whatley. John W. Wakefield, Chief of Sewage & Industrial Waste Division of Bureau of Sanitary Engineering, State Board of Health, apoeared with reference to the proposed sewerage improve- ments and outlined their policy since 1951 to bring about the correction of water pollution problems by requiring any new sewer construction to be coupled with adequate sewage treatment, and advised of their refusal to approve eny plans for major sewer extension throughout the state if sewage treatment were not provided. He then stated that it was his opinion that the State Board of Health would not approve the City's plans for proposed sewerage improvements if no treatment plant was included, and that legal action would probably be taken to prevent %~ installation because of creatin~ a health menace. Mr. Wakefield further stated that the Board had not advocated full treatment for Sanford but a primary treatment plant with chlorination. In answer to question by Commissioner Ivey, Mr. Wakefield then stated be had no definite proof that this would create a health hazard unless used for dr~.nklng purposes, but felt he was speaking for the majority of specialist in the field. Commissioners Kadet and Stemper again spoke in favor of a treatment plant. Commissioner Ivey stated that he was in favor of a treatment plant over a long range program but the City could not afford one at this time. Mayor Chase pointed out that there was no factual evidence that the proposed improve- ments would crests a health hazard, second on orovlding for a treatment doubt that it is not needed now. After further dlscussion, stating that if he felt it would, he would not hesitate a slant, but that he was convinced beyond all reasonable Ordinance No. 592, entitled: AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING T~ CONSTRUCTIeN OR ACQUISITION OF ADDITIONS, EXTENSIONS AND IMPROVEMENTs TO THE COMBINED WATER AND SEWER SYSTEM OF THE CITY OF SANFORD, F~)HIDA, AND AUTHOhIZING THE ISSUANCE OF $1,175,000.00 WATER AND SEWER REVENUE CERTIFICATES FOR SUCH PURPOSES. introduced and placed on first reading at adjourned regular meeting of December 7, 1953, was submitted for final reading. Thereupon Commissioner Ivey, moved that under the schedule of bond maturities on page 7 under Section 2.01 of said Ordinance No. 592, ths t the amount of 1961 maturity be increased from $25,000.00 to $26,000.00 and the lO85 maturity be reduced from ~?0,000.00 to $69,000.00, in accordance with letter of recommendations of Fiscal Agents dated December 6, 195~. Seconded by Commissioner Cordell and carried. After the foregoing changes were made, final readlng~ and read in full. Thereupon the roll w ss called on the No. 532, the vote being as follows: said Ordinance No. 532 was then planced on final passage and adoption of said Ordinance