HomeMy WebLinkAbout011554-Regular Session186 MINUTES January 15 at 8 P.M. lq 5~ City Commission, Sonford, Florida, . .................................................................... : .... The City Commission of the City of Sanford, Florida, met in regular adJouned session at the City Hall in the City of Sanford, Florida, at 8:00 o'clock P. M., January 15, 1954. Present: Commissioner Earl Hlg~lnbotham, Mayor " J.D. Cordell " John L. Kadet " John S. Krider, Sr., ,, W. H.. Stemmer City Attorney A. Edwin Oh~.nholeer City Clerk H. N. Sayer City Nanager Thcs. L. Lemon Meeting called to order by the Chairman. The City Attorney then gave th following report on telephone conversation with the Fiscal Agents and Bond Attorneys wit~ reference to the opinion rendered by him at regular meet- ing of January ll, in answer to question raised by the Commission: QUZSTION NO,l.: Should it appear necessary or desirable that additional improvements be included in the sewer orogram, could psri-Oassu additional certificates for those improve- ments be issued under the present ordinance lm~edi~tely at the conclusion of the oresent vali- dation proceedings? ANSWER BY FISCAL ~GENTS: Yes. The oresent ordinance and validation proceeding wou~ permit issuance of additional certificates at any time hereafter, requirements being the certi- ficate of Engineer (which was described as routine), additional pledge of utility tax to pro- vide 2~ time coverage, and validation of additional l~sue which would require additional vali- dation oroceedings. Mr. Nelson stnted that a separate issue would involve additional cos~, and that the market would probably not be as favorable as if handled in one unit. His recomr~endation was t.h~t if additional amount was definitely to be authorized in the next $ or 5 months, it would be desirable to include all a~ one time. QUESTION NO, ~ If final conclusion were made to include additional improvements and issue a larger amount of certificates before the pending v~idation suit is completed, wou~ it be more desirable to amend the oresent ordinance and proceedings or dismiss those pending and start with a new ordinance and validation proceeding? ANSWER BY BOND ATTORNEY If additions were made, the present proceeding should be dis- missed and complete Oroceeding from the ordinance on should be had. Also that there was legally no objection to continuance of the hearing of January 22nd from time to time if desired. The City Attorney then rendered his report of recommendations in which he stated that in light of the above legal conclusions and weighing all factors, that it was his opinion and recommendation that the interes~ of the City will best be served at this time by continuing to its earliest possible conclusion that part of the program which is already in process, and that the sole purpose of this recommendation was to give, as impartially as he could, an opinion as to the beet course for t~ Commission to follow under the existing circumstances. Thereupon after considerable discussion Commlseloner Cordell moved that all presen~ proceedings be contlhued as oresently in process. Seconded by Commissioner Krlder with request that it be noted that he would also vote favorable for a treatment plant if the new consultant engineer's report recommend that it is needed and will frost a majority of the sewage, and that it is a pratical expenditure for the City. After further discussion the roll was called on the motion of Commissioner Cordell, which carried over the dissenting vote of Commissioners Kadet and Stamper. Commissioner Kadet stated, "I voted nays because it is going against the recommendations of the fiscal agents and bond attorneys". MINUTES 1'87 January 15 at 8 P.M. .~ 5~ City Commission, Sanford, Florida, . ............................................................... ,¥ ........ Commissioner Higglnbotham stated "I voted in favor of the motion because a treatment plant will not clean up the river, according to ali informatim we have available." Commissioner Stamper next moved to instruct the bond attorneys to prepare an ordinance enabling the City to issue $325,000.00 pari-passu bonds to be issued concurrently with the bonds authorized under Ordinance No. 532. Seconded by Commissioner Kadet but failed to carry over the dissenting vote of Commissioners Cordel], Krlder and Hlgglnbotham. Commissioner Cordell stated "I voted naye because I believe at this stage of the programI it is not p~aCtical~ ~ Commissioner Higginbotham stated #I voted naye because the State Board of Health and all engineers' reports have indicated that a treatment plant will only do a partial Job and that a large portion of the sewage will still be dumped into the river; that the river cannot be used for swimming and other recreational purposes until such time all storm and sanitary sewers in the downtown area are separated, and .)nly at this time will a disposal plant do a complete Job." Commissioner Stemper next moved that in order to save time, that the fiscal agents be instructed to prepare an ordinance for the sewer program not to exceed $1,500,000.00 of bonds. Th~s ordinance not to be used unless it is feasible after reviewing the new consultant engineer's report. Seconded by Commissioner Krider and carried by the following vote of the Com~.Iss~on: Commissioner Kadet Aye " Krider Aye " Stemper Aye " Cordell Not Voting " Higginbotham Naye Commissioner Cordell stated that he did not vote because of not knowing how much it would cost the City to have the ordinance orepared, and Commissioner Higginbotham stated that he voted "Nays" for the same reason. The following bids ne×t submitted for furnishing one tractor for the Parks in accordance with specifications furnished by the in Sanford Herald on December 23, 1953: BIDDER Orlando Farm Equipment Stores, Inc. (Above incomplete - not signed) Seminole Truck & Tractor Company Britt Tractor Company Sanford Tractor & Implement Co. Florida-Georgia Tractor Co. Department City in the invitation for bids oubliahed M~KE MODEL PRICE John Deer "~0-3" $1,625.15 International Farmall Super A 1,603.50 Ford NAA 1,626.00 A1].~s Chalmers CA 1,609.80 International Suoer A 1,~$6.00 " Suoer C 1,588.00 Commissioner Cordell then reported that he had spent considerable time in inspection of City's equipment and the type of tractors bid upon, and that in v~w of the fact that all the City's tractor attachments are designed and geared to fit only Ford tractors, it was his recommendation that the City purchase another Ford. Thereupon Commissioner Krider moved the acceptance of bid of Britt Tractor Company on purchase of a Ford tractor at price of $1,626.00 since the other bids do not meet City's specifications. Seconded by Commissioner Cordell and carried. The City Manager next submitted the follo~dng oroposale in response to letters written the following five outstanding consultant engineers on water works and sewerage systems relative to making survey, study and recommendations on City's sewerage problems, which was 188 MINUTES City Commission, Sanford, Florida, ....:.~P.~..~..~.~..~..~.,...~ ....... 19..~.. Black & Veatch, Kansas City, Mo. Proposal on pep diem basis of $250.00 for ?incipal, $150.00 for sponsor, and $100.00 for pro,eot engineer, plus e×pensee; with maximum not to e~eeed $6,000.00. Consoer-Townsend & Associates, Chicago, Ill. - Proposal on per diem basis of $100.00 for partners of the firm, $75.00 for senior engineers, $50.00 for secondary engineers, plus travel and livinff expenses; with maximum not to exceed ~5,500.00. After discussion and consideration of the tvo proposals submitted, Commissioner Stemper moved the acceptance of bid of Consoer-Townsend & Associates, subject to an agreeable proposal. Seconded by Commissioner Kader and carried. In response to the request from residents on Arcadia Street for street lights, and after considering the survey report of City Manager and Chief of Police, it was moved by Commissioner Stemper, seconded by Commissioner Kadet and carried, that fo~ street lights be installed in Highland Park at the following locations: One on Arcadia 300 feet east of its intersection with Concourse; one at intersection of Concourse and Arcadia; one at intersection of Concourse and Cordova; and one at intersection of Cordova and Oak. The City Manager next reported that Engineer Angas had advised by telephone that the application for approval of plans for project No. I of the sewer program was filed with the State Board of Health at 2:00 P.M. this date. In connection therewith, Commissioner Krlder advised that he had received a telephone call from David B. Lee, Director of State Board of Health at 6:00 P. M. advising that they were not going to approve the clans. The City Manager next brought up matter of employing a full time d~rector for year- round recreation program, sod after discussion, same was taken under consideration. Commisslomr Cordell next brought up matter of discontinuing the 30 minutes radio broadcast of the regular meetings of the Commission, advising that he had received criticism from numerous citizens on the muddled up reception due to everyone talking or coughing into the several microphones at one time. Mayor Hig~inbotham reported that he had received similar complaints and felt that it should be discontinued until some satisfactory solution could be worked out to correct ~his confusion. Thereupon after considerab2e discussion Commissioner Co,dell moved that the Monday night radio program be discontinued until the Commission fin~ a mo~e orsctlcal solution. Seconded by Com~lssloner Krl~er ~n8 carried over the dissenting vote of Commissioners Kadet and Stemper. Commissioner Stemper stated "I voted nays because I feel it creates more interest in our City Government." Commissioner Kadet stated "I voted Nays because I believe we can find a solution to make the radio program more interesting." Application submitted from the Streamline Taxicabs to rent the third parking apace on west side of Sanford Avenue sou~h of Third Street and also the one on North side of East Third Street in front of Newsom's Radio Shop for their taxicabs, and after considerable discussion action was deferred, pending further consideration. There being no further business Zhe meeting adjourned. ./ / / ./