HomeMy WebLinkAbout032354-Special Called Session MINUTES 221 City Commission, Sanford F or da March 23 at 1:'~0 P M - ~, The City Commission of the City of Sanford, Florida, met in Special Called session at the City Hall in the City of Sanford, Florida, at 1:90 o'clock P. M. March 23, 1954. Present: Commissioner Earl Hig~inbotham, Mayor " J.D. Cordell " John L. Kadet " John S. Krider, Sr., " W.H. Stamper City Attorney A. Edwin Shlnholser City Clerk H. N. Sayer City Manager W. E. Knowles Meeting called to order by the Chairman. The Board then proceeded to confer with David Lee, Director of Bureau of Sanitary Engineering of the State Board of Health, who was accompanied by John W. Wakefield, Chief of Sewage and Industrial Waste Division of the Bureau, and S. W. Berkowitz, regional sanitary engineer, relative to approving the plans and specifications of City's proposed sewer improve- ments. Mr. Lee advised that they would not approve the was included in the program, or, the proposed extensions the project. He stated that the State Board of Health was plans unless either a treatment plant of new sewers were eliminated from still of the same opinion that the discharging of raw sewage into Lake Monroe is a health hazard, and it was their policy to preven$ any new pollution, and that the extenslon of new sewers were classified ae new pollution. In answer to question of Mayor Higginbotham as to whether or not they would wait until the proposed improvements are completed and then make test to determine if the pollution is a health hazard, Mr. Lee stated that it was their opinion that it is already a public health menace and t~t the proposed rehabilitation and extension of sewers would triple the pollution. The Mayor then pointed out that the City is not financially able to construct and operate a treatment plant at this time, that it was using all of its borrowing power, without pledging its utility tax, to finance the improvements under the proposed program, which he felt were more essential to the citizens than a treatment plant. Commissioner Cordell stated that he still was not convinced that a treatment plant is necessary, and that he would be opposed to pledging any portion of the utility tax to finance the construction. Commissioner Stemper then pointed out that under the schedule of anticipated revenues to be derived from sewer charges, ss prepared by the Fiscal Agents and Consulting Engineers, t~re will be sufficient surplus at the end of two years to issue additional bonds without pledging the utility tax or increasing the rates on sewer charges. Commissioner Kadet stated that he wc~ld be agreeable to adopting a resolution to the effect that a treatment plant would be constructed within three years. Mr. Lee then replied that if the City would include a treatment plant as One of the phases of the program, to be constructed within two years, it would be acceptable to the State Board of Health. Engineer Angas then reminded the Commission of the necessary Improvements that the City will have to make to the water and sewer system within the next f~ve to ten years, such as replacement of old sewers that were excluded from the program, and the development of a new well field for its water supply, and recommended that the City reserve some of its borrowing powder for these improvements. After further discussion Commissioner Krider stated that after hearing the evidence presented by the State Board of Health, he felt that the City MINUTES .................. at 1:30 P.M. lo 5~ City Commission, Sanford, Florida, March 23 : ............................... There~oon Mr. Lee stated that if the Commission would adopt a resolution showing a treatment plant to be included in the financial structure of the sewer improvements, to be com- pleted or under construction wlthl, n three years, it would be acceotable to tb~ StaLe Board of Health and t?,at the.'; would approve the plans for the improvements under the proposed program. Mayor Hlgglnbotham and Commissioner Cor~ell then st~ted that they would be agreeable to such a resolution, provided the treatment plant could be financed without pledging any per- Lion of the utility tax. After further discussion on ways and means to finance the treatment plant, and on advice of W. G. Holt and W. T. ,~nderson, City's Fiscal Agents, that it would be feasible to include it under the oroposed flnanclug of the current imnrovements by using the surplus and issuing Pari Passu Certificates w~thout raising additional revenues or pledging the utility tax, Com- missioner Stemper moved that the Co~nission adopt a resolution to agree that a sewage treatment plant will be completed on under construction within three years frcm date h~reof to be financed by Psri Passu Bonds, based only upon the collateral pledged for the original bond issue presently authorized. Seconded by Commissioner Kader sad unanimously carried. On recommendation of Engineer Angas, and on motion of CommiSsioner Stemper, seconded by Commissioner Kr!der and carried, the Commi~slon next awarded the contract for constructing Project "A" of the sewer improvements to the lowest bidder, that of E. H. Holcomb, Jr., Clear- water, Flo~lda, in sum of $29,875.75, subject to aooroval of the plans by State Board of Health. The seven bids received for constructing the ~roJect having been tabulated and submitted to the Commission at the adjourned regular meeting of March l, and recorded in the minutes of said meeting. There being no further business the meeting adjourned. gm