HomeMy WebLinkAbout032954-Special Called Session MINUTES City Commission Sonford Forida March 29 at 8 P. M. The the City Hall City Commleslon of the City of Sanford, Florida, met in Special Called session at in thc City of Sanford, Florida, at 8:00 o'clock ~. M. March 29, 195~. Present: Commissioner Earl Hig~lnbotham. Mayor ~ ~J. 'D~ Cordell "~ John L. Kadet " John $. Krlder, Sr., " W.H. Stemger City Attorney A. Edwin ~hinholser City Clerk H. N. Bayer City Manager W. E. Knowles Meeting called to order by the Chairman. Consideration next given to opening Holly Avenue from Commercial Street north to Seminole Boulevard, and in view of the exieting right of way being only 41 feet in width, Com- missioner Stemper moved that the East 25 feet of the City owned property abutting on the west side of the street be dedicated for street right of way ourpose in order to widen Holly Ave., to a width of 66 feet. Seconded by Commissioner Krider and carried. The Commission next proceeded to a study and discussion of the list of City owned property with a view to disposing of the parcels of land not being used for municipal purposes, and after careful review as to locations, Commissioner Cordell moved that two local realtors be employed to appraise the following parcels~r arrivlr~ at current cash value, and submit to the Commission at next regular meeting for further consideration: Beg 559 ft N and 359 ft E of SE Cot of Block 1-N Tier 9 E.R. Trafforde Map, run E 163 ft N 275 ft ~ore or less, to Lake Monroe, Wly along shore of Lake Monroe to Point N of Beg., thence S to beg (Less a 90 ft strlo along Nly side for R/W for Seminole Blvd); located on S side of Seminole Boulevard immediately West of Standard Oil Terminal 2. All (Less SW 1/~) of Block 6 Tier 13, E. R. Traffords Map; located on E side of Pecan Avenue between Sth and 5th Ste. $15,000.00 1,000.00 200.00 - or per lot Lot 8 Block 8 Tier 19, and all of Block 9 Tier 19 Seminole Park; located between 7th and 8th Streets and Jessamine and Mulberry Aven~e. 3,000.00, or 350.00 per l~t e Lots 8, 9, 10~ 11, 12, 20z 21, 23 and 24 of Suprllng's Plat of Block 15, hapman and Tucker's Addition's Addition; lo- cated on North side of Second Street between Cypress and P~ne Avenues. Lot 2 of Block 17, Chapman & Tucker's Addition; located on South side of Third Street between Cypress and Pine Avenues 5,000.00, or 600.00 per 200.00 W. T. Anderson of Anderson Cook Company, Fiscal Agent, next appeared with reference to ~?~ proposed resolution authorizing the sale of the $1,175.00 water and sewer revenue certificates, as prepared by the New York Bond Attorney. After discussion Commissioner Kadet introduced said Resolution No. 829, and after being read in full moved ire passage end adootion. Seconded by Commissioner Krlder and carried by ~he following vote of the Commis~on: Commissioner HlgFinbotham Aye " Co,dell Aye " Kadet Aye " Krider Aye " Stamper Aye Said Resolution No. 829 being in words and figures as follows: A BESOLUTION OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF SANFORD, FLORIDA, AUTHORIZING SALE OF $1,175,000 WATER AND SEWER HEVENUE CERTIFICATES, DATED NOVEMBER 1, 1953. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF SANFORD, FLOHIDA, that the $1,175,000 Water and Sewer Revenue Certificates, dated November 1, 1953, heretofore authorized to be issued by ordinance duly adopted on December lB, 195~, shall be sold et public sale and 224 MINUTES March 2 at ' P.M. ~ 54 City Commission, Sanford, Florida, - 9 ............... statutes. PASSED AND ADOPTED.this (SEAL) 29th day of March, 1954. S/ Earl Higginbotham, Mayor John Krider J. D. Cor~ell John L. Kadet W, H, Stemper As the City Commission of the City of Sanford, Florida. ATTEST: s/ H. N, Bayer --' City Clerk The oroposed "Notice of Bale" of for sealed bids to be received at May 12, 1954, was next submitted, once a week for three consecutive the water and sewer revenue certificates, calling the City Hall until and oublicly opened at 8:00 o'clock P.M. and after discussion, same was approved and ordered published weeks in the Sanford Herald and once a week for two consecutive weeks in the Bond Buyer of New York City. Said notice being in words and figures as follows: NOTICE OF SALE The City Commission of the City of Sanfor~, Florida, will receive sealed bids at its office in the City Hall, Ssnford, Florida, until and oubllcly ooened st, 8:00 o'clock P. M. Eastern Standard Time, on Wednesday, May 12, 1954, for the following described bonds of said City: $1,175,000.00 CITY OF SANFORD, FLORIDA. WATER AND SEWER REVENUE CERTIFICATES Said certificates will be dated November 1. 1953, will be coupon certificates in the denomlna.tion of $1,000 each, payable at The Hanover Bank,'New York City, New York, and will mature serially on November first of each year in amounts and years as follows: Year Amount Year Amount 1958 1959 1960 1961 1962 1963 1964 1965 1966 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 $22,000 2B,O00 25,000 26,000 27,000 28,000 29,000 30000 32 ooo 33 ooo 34 000 36 000 37 000 39 000 The certificates will bear interest, 1972 $41,000 1973 42,000 1974 44,000 1975 46,000 1976 48,000 1977 50,000 1978 52,000 1979 54,000 1980 57,000 1981 59,000 1982 61,000 1983 64,000 1984 67,000 1985 69,000 payable semi-annually on May 1 and November 1 of each year at a rate or rates expressed in multiples of one-eighth or one-twentieth of one Der centum (1/8 or 1/20 of 1%) to be specified in the oropos~ls for said certifimates, but not exceeding in any event five per c~ntum per annum. The Certificates of said issue maturln¢ in the years 1958 to 1964, both inclusive, shall not be redeemable, orior to their respective stated dates of maturity. The Certificates of said issue maturing in the y~ars 1965 to 1985, both inclusive, shall be redeemable prior to their respective stated dates of maturity, at the option of the City, on November l, 1964, or on any interest payment date thereafter, in whole or in part, but in inverse numerical order if less than all, at the orice of par and accrued interest to the date of redemption, plus'th~ following premiums if redeemed in the following years: Four per centmm of the par value thereof if redeemed in the years 1964 to 1968, both inclusive; Three per centum of the par value thereof if redeemed in the years 1969 to 1973, both inclusive; Two and one-half per centum of the oar value thereof if redeemed in the yearS 1974 to 1978, both inclusive; and Two per centum of the par value thereof if redeemed th~eafter prior to maturity. The principal of and interest on said Certificates will be payable solely from the revenoes of the Water and Sewer System of said C ~ it~ in the manner provided in the ordinance adopted on December 14, 195~, authorizing the issuance of said Certificates. No bids for less than all of said certificates or offering to pay less than ninety- seven and one-half per cent of the par value thereof, plus accrued interest, will be received. Bidders may name not exceeding three differen~ rates of interest, but the same single rate of interest must be named for all of the certificates of any one maturity and no interest shall ex- ceed five per centum per annum. A repeated rate for different maturities shall not be considered a different rate of ~rest. The certificates will be awarded to the bidder or bidders whose proposal results in the lowest net interest cost to the City. Comparison of bids in making MINUTES City Commission, Sanford, Florida ..... .~..?..~..?..h.....2.~....a...~...~...~.:....~..: ............... 19..~.4... 225 therefrom the amount of premium bid, if any, or adding thereto the amount of the discount, if any. These certificates are to be issued by the City of Sanford, Florida, pursuant to Chapter 26,210, Laws of Florida, Acts of 1949, as amended, and other applicable statutes and on ordinance duly enacted by the City Commission of said City. The proceeds of these certificates will be used to finance the cost of the constructin or acquisition of additions, extensions, and improvements to the Water and Sewer System of said City. Each bid must be accompanied by a certified or cashier's or treasurer's check drawn upon an incorporated bank or trust company, in the amount of $23,500, payable to the order of the City, as good faith deposit to guarantee performance of said bid. No interest will be allowed upon said good faith deposit. Said good faith deposit of the suecessful bidder will be applied as part payment of the purchase price of said certificates or as o~rtlal damages in the event of the failure of the successful bidder to carry out and perform the terms of his bid. The successful bidder will be furnished with the approving opinion of Caldwell, Marshall, Trimble & Nitchell of ll5 Broadway, New York City, without charge. The City reserves the right to reject any or all bids or to adjourn said sale or to take any other action deemed advisable. City Commission of the City of Sanford, Florida. The offer of $2,000.00 from R. H. southwest corner of Seminole Boulevard and S/ H, N, Sayer Clty Clerk Beckham to purchase a tract of the City property at Holly Avenue with 300 ft. frontage on Seminole Blvd., and 600 feet depth along Holly Avenue was next rejected because the property not being for sale. The City Manager next reported on examining the plans and specifications on the pre- fabricated dwellings, being erected in Bel-Air Subdivision, by Ozier-Weller Homes, Inc., ad- vising that the original plans did not meet the equate footage floor space requirements for that section of the subdivision zoned ss R-1-A (Single-Family) District, but that Mr. Ozier had agreed to revise the clans so as to comply with the zoning requirements. Clifford Johnson, who resides at 1508 Bel-Air Boulevard, then appeared and protested against the City granting permits for the prefabricated dwelling to be erected in his neighbor- hood, claiming that they will lower the value of his residence because of their architectural design. Thereupon the City Attorney advised that if the dwellings meet the requirements of the City's zoning ordinance and building code, there is no legal course of action thet the City could take to prevent the dwellings from being constructed in ~he aforesaid area. Mervyn 0zier of 0zler-Weller Homes, Inc., then apoe.'red and explained in detail the quality and the laboratory test as to strength and durability of the materials used in the con- struction of the mass production orefabricated dwellings, stating tb~t the low cost in sales price was due to instead of quality. He also pointed out their reason for constructing the pre- fabricated dwellings instead of conventional construction, stating there is a greater demanlfor the lower price dwellings with a small initial payment than those in the price range of $10,000.00 a~ above, and that they had to build within the lower price range in order to sell them· In reply to Commissioner Krider's sug~Jestion that they confine the prefabricated dwellings to one area, Mr. Ozler advised that they already had commitments on several sales in ogher areas and would have to carry out their obligstlons. Replat of Block 14 and Lots 5,6,7,8,9 and 10 of Block 15 of San Lanta Second Section, as prepared by Engineer Frederick H. Williams, registered surveyor, next submitted from Wellborn Phillips, Jr., and on motion duly carried, same was approved. Attorney Volie A. Williams, Jr., next appeared on behalf of J. A. Emerson and submitted a proposed ordinance to amend the City's ordir~ance which prohibits the keeping of grazing animals within 500 feet of a residence, so as to provide fer keeping of horses within not less MINUTES March 29 at 8 P.M. 19 5~ City Commission, Sonford, FIorido, . ....................................................................... on the premises of his residence at 2500 Laurel Avenue, w~ch was not obJect~onable to his neighbors, and did not know that it was in violation of the City ordinance until reading the restrictions in local newspaper within psat week. Thereupon after considerable discussion as to a reasonable distmnce that horses and other grazing animals should be kept from residences in order not to create a nuisance, Com- missioner Stamper moved that the matter be taken under advisement until Aoril 19, and t~hat a reasonab~ solution be submitted to the Commission at that time for further conslder~tion. Seconded by Commissioner Kadet and carried. On recommendation of the Building Inspector, and on motion of Commissioner Stamper, seconded by Commissioner Cordell and carried, the Commission nezt approved the adoption of the 195~-195~ Revised Edition ~ the Southern Standard Building Code to supersede the Second Edition ~s the official Building Code of the City of Sanford, and authorized such adoption to be in- cluded in the Code of City Crdinances. Letter ne×~ submitted from the State Road Deoartment ~dvising that they do not recommend the City removing the north ~ortion of the traffic island at 25th Street and Park .A,enue, which was authorized by the Commission at meeting of March 22. After further discussion of the matter, Commission~ Kadet moved that the City proceed with the proposal to cut off the north end of t~he island. Seconded by Commissioner Krider and carried. On motion of Commissioner Stamper, seconded by Commissioner Kadet and ~embers of t?~ Zoning Board of Adjustment, consisting of Ed. Lane, H. Jsmes Gut, J. B. noxton and W. C. Hutchlson, Jr., whose tercels of office expires on March 12, next temporarily re-appointed, pendinF oermanent aopointments. There being no further business the meeting adjourned. carried, the F. B. Ashdown, 1955, were