HomeMy WebLinkAbout052454-Regular Session244 MINUTES City Commission, Sanford, Fordo ~ay 24 at 8 P. ~4. .A 54 The City Commission of the City of Seafood, Florida, met in regular session at the City Hall in the City of Banford, Florida, at 8:00 o'clock P. M. May 24, 1955. Present: Commissioner Earl Hlgglnbotham, Mayor " J.D. Cordell " John L. Kadet " John S. Krider Br., City Attorney A. Edwin Bhinholser City Clerk H. N. Bayer Knowles City Nsnager W. ~ G. Williams Chief of Police Absent; Commissioner W. H. Stemper Meeting called to order by the Chairman. The meeting was then opened with "Prayer# by Rev. L. R. Rushton. Further consideration next given to the bids submitted and recorded in minutes of regular meeting of May 10, 1954, for constructing the water and sewer improvements. A representative of Bullivan, Long & Haggerty, Bessemer, Als., who submitted the lowest bids on Contracts Nos. 5 and 6, but reserved the right to refuse any contract unless awarded all, then advised the Commission that they would not accept the two contracts unless mwarded Contract No. 4, since their combined bids on the three contracts were approximately $9,000.00 lower than any other combined bide. The matter of awarding bids in entirety on Contracts l, 2, 3, 6 and 7, defer 4 and 8 and omit 9, in order to,ring the overall cost within the amount of funSs that will be available from the sale of revenue certificates, instead of revising the contracts, was then discussed. T~e City Manager reoorted that the Fiscal Agents had aSvised thst in their opinion the City could issue additional (peri passu) revenue certificates up to $~00,000.00 under the present bond ordinance without pledging any additional revenues, which is subject to an opinion from the Bond Attorneys, and that they would have the maturity schedules worked out and the opinion this week as to issuing additional certificates to finance the balance of the contracts. Commissioner Krider then suggested that the Commission withhold action on awarding any of the contrscts until it has definite information and an approval opinion from the Bond Attorneys that the peri passu certificates csn be issue~ without pledging additional revenues. Engineer Anges recommended that the Commission decide as to whom the bids will be awarded at this time in order that hie firm msy start preparing the contracts, which will take some time. Thereupon after further discussion Commissioner Krider moved that action be deferred on awarding the bids, except for Contracts Nos. l, 2 and 3, until next regular meeting of June 1~, and further moved that Contract No. i for construction of elevated steel water tank and tower be awarded to Whltmiz, e Tank Company, lowest bidSer, for sum of $39,645.00; that Con- tract No. 2 for construction of concrete foundations for elevated steel water tank and tower be awarded to Penisula Construction Company,lowest bidder, for sum of $9,998.00; and that Contract No. 3 for laying new water mains be awarded to E. H. Holcomb, Jr., for laying cast iron bell and spigot pipe for sum of $66,4~4.21, which is $221.46 higher than the lowest bid but 60 days less time on completion. Beconded by Commissioner Cordell. The question then arose as to using Cement Asbestos pipe which would be $?,674.10 lees than the cast iron bell and spigot, or, using cast iron pipe with mechanical Joints, which woul8 be approximately $1,$00.00 less than bell and spigot, but Engineer Angas recommended the cast iron bell an~ spigot as being the most durable an~ sstisfnctory. Commissioner Kadet voiced his obJect~ons against awarding Contract No. 3 to E..H. MINUTES 245 city Commission, Sanford, Florida, .................. because Contract No. should always accept reputable firms, but sewer contracts. The request of Sanford Automatic Engineer Angae then advised that due to the existing low water pressure in several sections of the City, that it would be for the best interest of the City to have the contract completed within 60 days instead of 120, and the difference of $221.~6 in cost wo~ld be more than off-set by increase in revenues from the new main during the 60 days. Any further discussion the roll was called on the motion of Commissioner Krider, which carried over the dissenting vote of Commissioner Kader, who stated that he voted "Nays" 3 was not awarded to the lowest bidder end he felt thst m municipality the lowest bid on all contracts, if the bids are equitable and from that he would like to go on record as being in favor of the water and Laundry for City to remove the parking meter at northeast corner of Oak Avenue and 2nd Street and designate the space as a loading zone, was next referred to the Chief of Police for survey end recommendation. Letter next submitted from G. L. Mufley, Commander of local Chapter of DAV, re- questing that t he City extend free parking privileges to veterans who have lost a leg, or have lost the use of their legs in service, and on motion of Commissioner Cordell, seconded by Commissioner Krlder and carried, same was authorized. Commissioner Cordell next introduced Ordinance No. 544, entitled: AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF BANFORD, FLORIDA, AMENDING ORDINANCE NUMBER 362 OF SAID CITY, AB AMENDED, BAID ORDINANCE BEING AN OR- DINANCE ESTABLISHING A ZONING PLAN WITHIN THE CITY OF SANFORD, SAID A~NDMENT TRANBFERRING CERTAIN TERRITORY IN DIBTRICT R-1 TO DISTRICT R-1-X IN BAID CITY. and same was placed on its first reading and re~ in full. On motion of Commissioner Krider, seconded by Commissioner Kadet and carried, the Commission next confirmed the Mayor's appointment of B. L. Perkins, Jr., as a member of the Sanford Housing Authority Commission for a term of four years to succeed Gordon V. Frederick whose term of office expired on May 20, 1955. Consideration next given to request of Chief of Police for counsel to prosecute special cases in Municipal Court, and after considerable discussion, in which City Attorney Shinholser recommended th et the City employ special counsel ae City Prosecutor, since he did not feel thst it was par~tof his duties as City Attorney, the City Manager was directed to write to cities of similar size of Sanford to ascertain whether or not they have a prosecutor, and the amount of fee being paid for such service. On motion of Commissioner Cordell, seconded by Commissioner Krider and carried, the Chief of Police was then authorized to employ counsel to prosecute the special cases to be tried in Municipal Court on Thrusday and Friday of this week, at a fee not to exceed approximately $25.00 per case. Attorney Volie A. Williams, Jr., next submitted a proposed Ordinance to amend Or- dinance No. 281 regulating the keeping of grazing animals within the City, which he prepared from a model ordinance secured from the National Institute of Municipal Law Officers. He advised that several cities had adopted similar ordinance, which required the keeping of such animals a distance of only 40 feet from a dwelling, but that he had increased the distance in the proposed ordinance to 100 feet, and also a distance of 35 feet from any street. After considerable discussion, in which the 35 feet distance from any street was changed to within 35 feet of the curb line, or where a sidewalk exists, within 25 feet of the off-street side of such sidewalk, Commissioner Kadet moved that a Public Hearin~ be held 246 MINUTES City Commission, Sanford, Florida, . ...... ~.~...~.....27.....~.~...~....~..:....~..; ................. 19....~.4 This meeting shall adjourn will be 8:00 o'clock P. M. May 31, 1954. Krider and carried. Commissioner Krider nezt offered the following Resolution, full, moved its passage andadoption. Seconded by Commissioner Kadet and following vote of the Commission: Commissioner Higginbotham Aye " Cordell Aye " Kadet Aye " Krider Aye Seconded by Commissioner and after being read in carried by the BE IT RESOLVED by the City Commission of meeting assembled, that the Mayor of said City be, an agreement with the Atlantic Coast Line Railroad Company, and to sign same on behalf City, covering understanding that should the At]antic Coast Line Railroad Comoany find it necessary in the conduct of railroad business to restore any of the tracks crossing ten the City of Sanford, Florida, in regular and he is hereby authorized to enter into of said removed, and which streets are 1954, it will not be necessary to ~treete in t;~ City of Sanford, which tracks are now being more particularly described in said agreement dated May 4, obtain further oermission from said City. On motion of Commissioner Kadet, seconded by Commissioner Cordell and carried, minutes of regular meetings of April 26, and May 10, and adjourned regular meeting of May 12, 1954, ne~t approved. The City Manager next reported of several complaints received against Joseph A. Blake of Dsytona Beach who was issued a City license on April 16, 1954, to engsge in business of selling Westinghouse Defrosters for refrigerators, advising that it h~d been reported that he was overcharging for the defrosters and also misrepresenting h~mself as b~ing a representative of the local Westinghouse dealer, and recommended that his license be revoked. Thereupon Commissioner Kadet moved that Joseph A. Blake be notified of intent of the Commission to revoke his licenses and that a hearing will be held at 8:00 P. M. June 15, 1954, on the proposed revocation. Seconded by Commissioner Krider and carried. There being no further business the meeting then adjourned until 8:00 o'clock P. M. M~y 31, 1954. ATTEST: --C ~rk gm ·