HomeMy WebLinkAbout092054-Special Called Session 0 MINUTES City Commission, Sanford, F or do, Seotember 20th at 8 P N~Q54 The City Commission of the City of Sanford, Florida, met in Special Called Session at the City Hall in the City of Sanford, Florida, at the City Hall in the City of Sanford, Florida, at 8:00 o'clock P. M. September 20, 1954. Present: Commissioner Earl HigF'lnbotham, Mayor " J.D. Cordell " John L Kadet " John S. Krider Sr., " W. H. Stemoer City Attorney A. Edwin Shlnholser City Clerk H. N. Sayer City Manager W. E. Knowles Meeting Called to Order by the Chairman. E. J. Moughton, Jr., local weather observer for U. S. Weather Bureau, next appeared with further reference to his request for donation of $100.00 toward cost of moving their radio antenna pole from 1509 Pelmetto Avenue to 107 N Virginia Avenue, and advised that the $50.00 contribution authorized by the Commission a t meeting of September ?, would not be suf- ficient to defray such cost. He further advised that the pole was originally donated by a local citizen at cost of $100.00 and that Florida Power & Light Company donated the instal]a- tlon cost of $200.00; that it would cost $200.00 to move and install the Dole again; that the Bureau had no funds to pay such cost; and that Florida Power & Light Company could not in- stall it again free but had agreed to donate $100.00. He then requested that the City e~ther increase its donation to $100.00 or furnish the labor for digging the hole for setting the pole. Mr. Moughton also ~lnted out that unless immedl~te action le taken to move the facili- ties to the new location the weat?,er bureau would have it transferred to some other city. Also, that he was not being compensated for his services as weather observer. After discussion Commissioner Kadet moved that the $50.00 d ona~lon authorized at meeting of September ?, be increased to $10a.00. Seconded by Commissioner StemDer and carried. Mr. Mo~ghton then requested that the check be made payable to Florida Power & Light Company, and same was so ordered. Mrs. E~ton Bennett of 1601 Palmetto Avenue next appeal-ed and registered a protest against J. E. McAlexander, Jr., operating a radio and television repair shop in rear of his dwelling at 1600 Sanford Avenue, which is directly in back of her residence and also in a residential district. After discussion the matter was referred to the Zoning. Board of Adjustment. The City Manager next reported that the 10 acre tract ofland abutting on 25th Street and Hardy A' ~ enue and lylng immediately north of the Municipal Cemetery is ~being offered for sale at price of $6,000.00. The City hsvlng considered acquiring this oroperty for expansion of the Cemetery. Consideration was then given as to a fair price to offer for the said property since the north half of it is low and cannot be utilized for cemetery purposes, and after considerable discussion the Mayor was authorized to apooint a committee to investigate the matter and make recommendations for e:{panding the Cemetery. On recommendation of the City Mann,er, and on motion of Commissioner Stemper, seconded by Commissioner Krider and carried, the Commission next authorized the purchase of a Coca-Cola Vending Machine st price of $228.00 for installation at the Repair Shop, the City to be re-imbursed for such cost from the net revenues from the machine. Commissioner Stemper nezt introduced R~solutlon No. 8~3, and after being read in full, moved its passage and adoption, and that copies be furnished the radio and press. Seconded by Commissioner Krlder and carried by the following vote of tbs Commission. Commissioner Hig~inbotham Ave MINUTES 291 Se~otmber 13 at 8 P.M. lQ 54 City Commission, Sanford, Florida, . ........ : ................................................................ Said Resolution No. 8$3 being in words and figures as follows: A RESOLUTION CONDEMNING THE DISPLAY AND PUBLICATION OF OBSCENE LITERATURE, AND ENDORSING THE MOVEMENT OF THE VETERANS OF FOREIGN WARS OF THE UNITED STATES TO ELIMINATE SUCH PUBLICATION. WHEREAS, the prevalence of crime and corruption in the United States has become a matter of increasingly grave concern to government an~ to law abiding citizens everywhere,and WR~EREAS, it is recognized that a major contribution to the increase of ~eneral moral laxity and Juvenile delinquency is the display and sale throughout the nation of so-called comic books and other publications which are lewd and obscene in picture and in word, and which viciously and unduly dwell upon sex, crime, brutality and violence, and WPE~REAS, it is desirable and in the best interests of the country and its people that in every way possible such oublicatlons be eliminated from display and sale, and a nation-wide campaign is now being directed toward theft end by the Veterans of Foreign Wars of the United States, and this Commission feels that such campaign is entitled to the whole-hearted endorse- ment and cooperation of this City and its people, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the City Commlsslo~ of the City of Sanford, Florida, that the publication, display and asle of those publications u~ er the style of comic books and literature which deal with crime and sex in such manner ss to contvlbute to the moral depravity of the national populace, both Juvenile and adult, is hereby condemned, sad that the Commission does hereby g~ve its unqualified endorsement to the effort of the Veterans of Foreign Wars of the United States toward elimination of such publication PASSED AND ADOPTED, ATTEST: (SEAL) H, N. Sayer City Clerk The Commission next this 20th day of September 1954. S/ Earl Higginbotham, Mayor W. H. Stemuer John Krlder John L. Kadet J, D, CorDell As the City Commission of the City of Sanford, Florida. proceeded to a further study of the estimated budget of revenues and expenditures for fiscal year 1954-1955. Commissioner Cordell moved t~t the appropriations for reserve funds in sum of $$,760.97 in the Public Projects Fund, consisting of $760.97 for sewer improvements,t1,000.00 for concrete street markers and $3,000.00 for e×tension of whiteway system, be abandoned, and that said funds be transferred to the General Fund and appropriated in the Street Department to be used toward cost of re-surfacln~ E First Street. Seconded by Conmissloner Krlder and carrid. The City Manager submitted a proposal for pay raise for employees, whereby a 2% in- crease in salaries conld be ~U~anted by reducing the ao~ropriatlons in the Public Works Depart- ments, sad a 3% increase by reducing the approoriatlons in said deoartments $4,32~.00, advis- ing that the department heads had reviewed the tentative appropriations and approved the pro- posed reductions. Consideration was then given to the amount of anticipated revenues to be derived from sale of resl estate, sopropriatlng same for street imorovements, and, as to how it should be appropriated. After considerable discussion Comra~ssioner Cordell moved tb~t the revenue from sale of real estate and the appropriation of it for street improvements be eliminated from the budget, and if and when the City ~erives any money from such sales, that it then be apuro- priated for street improvements, but sa~e died for lack of a second. MINUTES City Commission, Sanford, Florida, ......~..e"D...~..e..?..b..e..'r....l..q:....a..t....~...~P..:....~..:...19..~...~... available, the Street Department proposed, be granted. Commissioner Cordell. theft $5,800.00 be transferred therefrom to the Genera]. Fund and re-ap~rooriated to for street materials. Also, that the 3% raise plan for employees, as Seconded by Commlsslon'cr K~der and carried over the dissenting vote of Commissioner Kader then moved that the $$,q23.00 reductlon in approprletlons in the Public Works Departments, heads, be appropriated for the 3% salary Krider sad csrrled. On motion of Commissioner Kadet, seconded by Commissioner Krlder and carried, the Commission ne×t authorized the tax levy for year 195~ to be placed ~t 13.5000 mills, to be as recommended by the City ~ansger and approved by the department e(,onded by Commissioner increase for emolyees. S - 6.0000 Mills 7.5000 Mille the meetlng adjourned allocated as follows: DEPARTMENT OF DEBT SERVICE DEPA}tTMENT OF GENERAL GOVERNMENT There being no further business Attest: