HomeMy WebLinkAbout110354312 MINUTES November 3, at 21 Noon City Commission, Sanford, Florida, . .......................... : .................................... I¥ ........ The City Commission of the City of Sanford, Florida, met in adjourned regular session at the City Hall in the City of Sanford, Florida, at 12:00 Noon, November 3, 1954. Present: Commissioner Earl Higginbotham, Mayor " J.D. Cordell " John S. Krider, Sr., " John L. Kadet " W.H. Stemoer City Attorney A. Edwin Bhlnholser City Clerk H. N. Bayer City Manager W. E. Knowles Commissioner-elect Jack Ratlgan Comnissioner-elect F. D. Scott Meeting called to order by the Chairman. The Commission then proceeded to canvass the returns of the Municipal General Election held November 2, 1954, for the purpose of electing two City Commissioners for terms of three years each; said returns as made by the Clerks and Inspectors of ~sid election being as follows: FOR CITY COMMISSIONER - GROUP NO, 1 For John L. Kadet 589 votes For Jack Ratigan 979 votes For Randall C?mse I vote For J. L. Bauls I vote FOR CITY COMMISSIONER - GROUP NO. 2 For H. Ewing Dean, Jr., ll5 votes For Herbert Prevatt 483 votes For F. D. Scott 9~5 votes Mutilated Ballots Thrown Out ~ TOTAL BALLOTS CAST Thereupon Commissioner Kader moved that of the General Election held November 2, 1954, and carried. Ordinance No. 552, entitled: 1,578 the foregoing returns of the Clerks and Inspectors be accepted. Seconded by Commissioner Cordell "AN ORDINANCE SUPPLEMENTING AN ORDINANCE ENTITLED "AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING THE CONSTRUCTION OR ACQUISITION OF ADDITIONS, EXTEN- SIONS AND IMPROVEMENTS TO THE COMBINED WATER AND SEWER SYSTEM OF THE CITY OF SANFORD, FLORIDA, AND AUTHORIZING THE ISSUANCE OF $1,175,000 WATER AND SEWER REVENUE CERTIFICATES FOR SUCH PURPOSE," AND PROVIDI~G FOR THE ISSUANCE OF $275,000 WATER AND SEWER REVENUE CERTIFICATES." introduced and placed on first reading at regular meeting of October 25, 1954, from which this meeting adjourned, was next submitted for further contderation. The City Attorney then pointed out the urgency for adopting the ordinance at ~is meeting in order to expedite the be sold before December 31, 1954, tracts which expire on said date. procedure for validating the revenue certificates so ~ey might in order to complete construction of the bob-tailed con- He also advised that the adoption of the ordinance would not obligate the City to sell the certificates; that a lessor amount could be sold if it was found th~ the entire issue was not necessary; and that the ordinance nnuld be repealed at any time if it was decided not to sell any of the certlfic~tes. Also, that there would be only a minimum expense to the City of filing cost on the validation suit. Mayor Higginbothsm then pointed out the savings in construction cost to the City if the present contractors are able to complete Part B of their contracts, provided they get the work order before the expiration date of December 31, stating that the engineers had advised that it would cost much more to comolete the orogrsm if the City hsd to readvertise for new bids. MINUTES 313 City Commission, Sanford, Florida,. ...... N..?..v..e...m..b...e.?...~...a.~...~.2.....N...o..o...~. ...... 19...~...~.. sewer improvements, even the amount needed to complete the program. Commissioner Kadet stated that if the additional issue of revenue certificates were predicated on the present rates charged to commercial water uaers, he would be opposed to borrowing any more money to complete the project. In expressing their views and opinions on the matter, Commissioners-elect Jack Ratigan and F. D. Scott both stated t~t they felt it would be for the best interest of the City to procelss the validating proceedings as rapidly as possible in order to place it in position to take ad- vantage of the savings in constructlon cost, as pointed out by Mayor Higginbotham, and both favored the passage and adoption of the ordinance since it w-)uld not obligate the City to have to sell the certificates, and of the minimum cost involved until the certificates are actually offered for sale. Commissioner Stemper signified their endorsement of then stated that in view of the Commissioner-elect having the procedure to adopt the ordinance and process the validating proceedings; and in view of the expediency necessary to acceot the present bids; and because, in the studied opinion of Mr. Wilson Holt of Goodbody & Comoany, fiscal agents, that monies w~uld be available to build the proposed treatment plant within two ~ars; thet he would be agreeable to waiving the rules on the second reading of the ordinance. Commissioner Kadet concurred with Commissioner Stemper and stated that he would be favor of waiving the rules on second reading because it was an emergency measure in order to meet the deadline on the bob-tailed contracts, and that time was the essence. After discussion Commissioner Co rdell moved the waiver of the requirements of tb~ second reading of said Ordinance No. 552, and that sa~e be placed on its final passage and adoption. Seconded by Commissioner Krid~r. Thereupon the question recurred on the waiver of the called and the vote stands as follows: Commissioner Higginbotham Aye " Cordell Aye " Kadet Aye " Krider Aye " itemper Aye Said Ordinance No. second reading. The roll was 552 was then placed on its final passage and adoption. The in roll called and the vote stands as follows: Commissioner Higginbotham " Cordell " Kadet Krider " Stemmer Thereuoon the Chairman announced that Aye Aye Aye Aye Aye the City Commission of the City of Sanford, Florida, by unanimous vote had passed and adopted said Ordinance No. 552, entitled: "AN ORDINA~fCE SUPPLE~,~NTING AN ORDINANCE ENTITLED '~AN ORDIL~ANCE AUTI{ORIZING TH]~ CONSTRUCTION OR ACQUISITION OF ADDITIONS, EXTEN- SIONS AND IMPROVEMENTS TO THE COMBINED WATER AND SEllER SYSTEM OF THE CITY OF BAN?ORD, FLORIDA, A?~) AUTHOP. IZING THE ISSUANCE OF "1,175,000 WATER AND SEh~ER P~VENL~E CERTIFIC~TES FOR SUCH PURPOSES," AND PROVIDING FOR THE ISSUANCE OF ,$275,000 WATER AND SEk'ER REVENUE CERTIFICATES." Commissioner Stemoer stated "I voted Aye on the adoot~on of the foregoing ordinance because of previous observation, and because our Attorney has advlsed that t~re will be no further obligations other than cost of fili~g validating suit, and that this ordinance can be stop0ed at any time before the certificates are sold ~f it is not economically feasible to proceed". There being no further business the meeting adjourned.