HomeMy WebLinkAbout112254-Regular Session318 MINUTES City Commission, Sonford, Florido, November .2.2 at 8 P. N. 19...5...~.. The City Commission of the City of Sanford, Florida, met in regular session at the City Hall in the City of Sanford, Florida, at 8:00 o'clock P. M. November 22, 1954. Present: Commissioner Earl Hlgginbotham, Mayor " J.D. Cordell " John L. Kadet " John S. Kr~er, Br., " W.H. Btemper City Attorney A. Edwin Bh!nholser City Clerk H. N. Bayer City Manager W. E. Knowles Chief of Police R. G. Williams Commissioner-elect Jack Ratigan " " F.D. Scott Meeting called to order by the Chairman. Members of Seminole County Bchool Board and their Attorney Fred R. Wilson, together with R. T. Ml. lwee as spokesman, next appeared with further reference to the City furnishing water and sewer facilities for the new elimentary School bulldlnF which is being constructed outside the City Limits at 27th Street and Laurel Avenue. The City Manager submitted cost estimate of $5,326.00 for redesigning the proposed sewer extension from 24th Place to the city limits in order to service the school, $5,258.55 for extending a sewer from City Limits to the school property, and $4,318.20 for extending 6-inch water main from City Limits to the property, a total cost of $14,902.75 for both water and sewer lines. He also advised that the extension of sewer from 24th Place to the City limits was not included in the present construction program but was one of the deferred extensions in the bob-tailed.program. Supt. Mllwee then advised that the School Board would be willing to pay the cost of $9,576.75 for extending the water and sewer lines from the City Limits to the school property provided the City will reimburse them by applying the school's monthly water bills and sewer service charges toward such cost, but did not feel that they should be required to pay for re- designing the line inside the City. After discussion, and at the suggestion of Commissioner Stamper that the School Board submit a request for the Board of County Commissioners to participate in the cost for provid- ing the aforesaid facilities for the school, since it is located outside the City and will serve county children as well ss those residing inside the City, action was deferred, pending a Joint meeting of the School Board, the Board of County Commissioners and City Commissioners to discuss the facts and figures of the program. Th~ following sealed bids next submitted for constructing Contract No. 8 (Storm Water Drainage Improvement), in acc~ordance with the revised plans Robert M Angas & Associates, Consulting Engineers: BASE BID CONTRACTOR Southern Excavator Comoany, Orlando, Fla. $175,~&2.00 HUBBARD CONSTRUCTION TOMPANY, Orlando,Fla. 203,519.00 Sullivan, Long & Hagerty, Bessemer, Als. 175,h98.00 Lee Construction Company, Sanford, Fla. 176,814.95 BUMBY & STIMPSON, INC., Orlando, Fla. 159,502.00 Thomas D. Nolan, Contractor, Louisville,Ky, 221,501.80 B B McCormick & Sons, Jacksonville, Fla. 169,137.87 Goodwin Co~tructlon Company, Coral Gables, Fla. 20 , 91.93 The foregoing bids and specifications prepared by ALTERNATE BID $165,667.$5 187 177.00 164 945.89 166 196.75 139 581.70 210 901.~5 160 021.16 TIME TO COMPLETE WORK 180 Days 200 Days 150 Days 180 Days 120 Days 100 Days 90 Days 194,210.29 120 Days were then referred to Consulting Engineers Robert M. Angas & MINUTES 319 City Commission, Sanford, Florida, .......N.°...~..e.?..~?..~..~..2....~.~...~....~..:...~.:.....19...~..~... Mr. A. H. Gaede, President of Sanford Gas Company, next appeared and submitted the following list of real and personal property which they propose to demolish and remove from the plant on W. 6th Street because of not being utilized or needed since converting over to distributing protane gas instead of manufacturing it: REAL PROPERTY. 1. Producer Plant - 2. Producer Plant - two-story brick building 28' x one-story brick building 29' x Producer Plant - one-story brick addition 22'6" x 27'6" Producer Plant - one-story elevator shaft 8' x 16' 5. One 40,000 cubic foot single-lift relief holder with UGI piping and auxiliary equipment. PERSONAL PROPERTY: condenser, Boiler Plant - one 66" x 18' HRT boiler with steel stack, mumps, piping and connections. Boiler Plant - one 60" x 18' firebox type boiler with oil burner and 2~,000 gallon oil tank, steel stack, piping and connecti-ms. (This item removed completely in 1953) Gas Producers - United Gas improvement Co. water gas set, 800,000 cubic foot capacity per 24 hours, complete with blowers, compressors, scrubbers and purifiers, piping and auxiliary eeuloment. Gas Producers - Gas Machinery Comoany water ~as set, ~00,000 cubic foot capacity Der 24 hours, complete w~th piping and auxiliary equipment. Oaede then asked if their plant would still be assessed for taxes for the foregoing improvements after they are demolished and removed, and was advised theft it would only be assessed for existing improvements, and if removed nrior to January 1, they would not be assessable for year 1955. Er. F. J. Ferric Next appeared and requested permit to construct a pier in Lake Monroe in front of Colonial Cabin Court on West Seminole Boulevard, advising that it would be very attractive in ap,~earance and of similar construction to the one located in front of the Mayfair Inn. After discussion Commissioner Stemper moved that the City grant Mr. Forriea permit to contruct the pier, subject to approval of the U. S. Army Engineering Department, provided he furnish the City Mansgera sketch showing the specifications to be similar to the one in front of Mayfsir Inn. Seconded by Commissioner Cordell and carried. Herbert Cherry next appeared on behalf of the Business, Professional and Civic Club with further reference to status of the program for developing the proposed colored recreation center on school property in Goldsboro, and was advised that tls City had set aside $4,775.00 for the project and that the County and City had already employed an engineer to plat out the site but could not commence work until the property is made available for such purpose by the School Board, either by dedication, agreement, long ter~ lease or otherwise. After further discussion, in which Herbert Cherry stated that his committee could raise considerable funds toward the project from the colored citizens after the work is started and they have some assurance of its development, it was suggested that he accompany Commissioner Krider at the next meeting of the School Board and endeavor to secure some kind of agreement or commitment for use of the land in order to expedite the program. Request next submitted from Echols Bedding Company for two loading spaces for their new store at Northeast corner of Second Street and Magnolia Avenue, and upon recommendation of Chief of Police that only one space be granted until it is determined that the second one is necessary, Commissioner Cordell moved the approval of~id recommendation. Seconded by Cpm- MINUTES City Commission, Sanford, Florida, Novembe.~.....2..2....?.~...~...P.M. 19.....~ Request next submitted for installation of arrest light at Bay Avenue smd lOth Street and upon recommendation of Chief of Police that one also be installed at Willow Avenue and loth Street in order to eliminate the City h~ving to pay installation cost in excess of 300 ft. of service line extension, Com~isal. oner Cordell moved vided the C~ty Manager concur in said recommendation. carried. the authorization for both lights pro- Seconded by Commiss!o~r Krider and On motion of Commlsslvner Krider, seconded by Comm~ssioner Stamper and carried, the Commission next approved the Mayor's appointment of Mar~on Harman as Director of Safety Driving Day, December 15, 195~. Complaint next submitted from Dr. A. C. McReynolds against the location of the new sewer lines that will be Installed in front of his drug store at Sanford Avenue and 25th Street, and same ~a referred to the City's Engineers. Letter next submitted from D. L. H~rper, 2101 Sanford Aven~ , protesting the sewer charge imposed on those already connected to the sanitary sewerage system, and same was referred to the City Manager for reply. Petition ~xt submitted from the property owners in Block 6 of Bel-Air Subdivision for City to close the open ditch in alley in back of block and open the alley for public use, offering to convey the City an additional ~' strip off the east end of their property so as to make it sufficient width. The Manager then advised that the alley is needed for municipal service but that George Harden installed the ditch to drain his dairy la~ adjacent thereto, which is outside the City, and it would cost approximately ~00.00 to fill it and dig another ~e on his property. After dlscusslon he was authorized to contact Mr. Harden relative to working out an agreement for re- locating the ditch, for further consideration. Resolution next submitted from the Parent-Teachers Assoc~tion supporting the action of City Commission against publication and distribution of obscene literature, and after being read, Commissioner Stamper moved that they be sent a letter of thanks for their interest in the matter. Seconded by Com~issloner Kader and carried. Application next submitted from Stemoer's Co-op Market at to sell pistols and revolvers under the providiona of Sec. 18-70 1]00 W 13th Street for permit of the City Code, and on motion of Commissioner Kadet, seconded by Commissioner Krider and carried, same was approved upon recommendation of the Chief of Police. Commissioner Stamper not voting. At the suggesti~n of Commissioner Kadet the City Manager was next authorized to attempt to work out an arrangement with contractor to delay or by-pass construction of the Interseptor sewer line in business section of Second Street until after Christmas in order not to block the street and crests a hardship on some of the merchants during the holiday shopping season. Coasulting Engineer Angas next submitted his detail work sheets on analysis of water consumers' accounts for year 195~, which were used ss a basis for arriving at the initial rates for sewer charges, and advised that he had msde a comparison of some of the accounts with current bills and find that they are consuming more wster now than in 1953. After a lengthy discussion concerning special adjustment of rates for certain types of commercial usages and a maximum rate for all commercial users, Commissioner Stamper moved that the City Manager and Engineer Angas make a further survey and study of ali. commercial ac- counts, based on current water consumption, and submit concrete figures for further consideration. Seconded by Commissionar Kadet and carried. MINUTES 321 City Commission, Sonford, Florido, ....~2.~.~...~...~...~...~.L~.~ ..........19.~.. Request next received from Mrs. Eula McCleland for renewal of her lease on concession stand st Zoo for additional five years from date on same terms as current lease, in order that she may make certain permanent improvements, and on motion of Commissi~er Stamper, seconded by Commissioner Cordel2 and carried, same was aoproved upon recommendation of the City Manager. Two oetltions next submitted for e~tenslon of sanitary sewers in Goldsboro section, one from 13th Place to 16th Street between Oleander and Mangoustine Avenues, and the other south of 13th Street between Southwest Road and Persimmon Avenue, and same were referred to the City Manager for cost estimate and survey of number of houses that would be served. The City Manager next submitted letter from Richmond Virginians Baseball Club enclosing e~ecuted contrac~ for use of City's facilities for their four weeks spring training program, beginning March 5, 1955, an~ on motion duly adopted the Mayor and Clerk were authorized to execute same on behalf of the City. Commissioner Krlder ne×t brought uD matter of sward~n~ contract to Macasohelt Corporation for resurfacing Sanford Avenue with Black-top from 5th Street south to 25th Street in order to take advantage of their low bid while the plant le still located in this vicinity, advising that it will be moved as soon as E. First Street and Seminole Boulevard contracts are completed. Also, that if it is included in a package deal with E First Street, the cost would be reduced from $12,888.00 to $10,492.00 a further savings of $2,396.00. After discussion and in view of no funds being available a t this time for the aforesaid purpose, no action was t~ken. On motion of Commissioner Kadet, seconded by Commissioner Cordell and carried, the Com- mission next granted Junior Chamber of Commerce the concession to sell balloons on the street during the Christmas Parade to be held on December 1st, and waived the license tax for such sale Commissioner Stemper next brought up matter of City paying cost of approximately ~25.00 for repalrln~ grave marker at cemetery that was damaged by an unknown vehicle, but in view of City not being liable for such damages no action was taken. On motion of Commissioner Cordell, seconded by Commissioner Krider and carried, the City Manager was next authorized and directed to advertise for bids on purchase of three 6-cylinder or 8-cylinder automobiles for the Pollce Department, with trade-in ~l]owance on the tD~ee Olds- mo¥11es now in service. On moil.on of Commissioner Stamper, seconded by Commissioner Cordell and carrle~, ~he Commission next adopted the following resolutions for easements from Atlantic Coast Line Rail- road Company to construct and maintain water mains underneath their tracks: Be it resolved by the City Commlssl-~ners of the City of S_nford,~ Florlda, in regular meeting assembled, that the Msyor-Commissloner of said City be, and he hereby is authorized to enter into an agreement with the Atlantic Coast Line Railroad Company, and to sign same on behalf of amid City, whereby the said Railroad Company gives and grants unto the said City the m~ght and privilege to lay and maintain, for the purpose of conductln~ water, a line of 6-1rich steel pipe, across the r~ght of way and underneath the tr~ck of the Railroad Company at Locust Avenue, Sanford, Florida, at a point on the Railroad Company's Sanford & Everglade Branch, said point being 3125 feet westwardly, measured along the center line of the main track of said branch, from mile post UA-771; as partlcul~rly described in said agreement, which agreement is dated November b, 195~. Be it resolved by the City Commissioners of the City of Sanford, Florida, in regular meeting assembled, that the Mayor-Commissioner be, and he hereby is. authorized to ente~ Int~ to place MINUTES c ty Commission, Sonford, F or do, ........ and maintain for the purpose of a water main, a line of 6-inch steel pipe across the rlght of way and underneath the track of the Railroad Comoany at Sanford, Florida, at a point ~13 feet southeastwardly, measured along the center line of the Railroad Com0any's Lake Charm Branch main track, from mile post U-770; as oartlcularly described in said agreement, which agreement is dated November 5, 195~. Be it resolved by the City Commissl'mers of the City of Sanford, Florida, in regular meeting assembled, that the Mayor-Commissioner be, and he hereby is, authorized to enter into an agreement with the Atlantic Coast Line Railroad Company, and to sign same on behalf of said City whereby the said Railroad Co~pany gives and grants unto the said City the right and orlvile~e to lay and malntsln, for the ourpose of conducting water, a line of 6" steel pipe across the old Sanford-Tamoa ~aln line right of way of the Railroad Company at Ssnford,Florida, at a point 21al feet northeastwardly, measured along the center line of the roadbed of said olf main line, from the oo!nt of intersection of said old main llne wlth the Railroad Company's present main li~e, which point of intersection is 42? feet northeastwarSly from mile post 771; as particularly described in said agreement, which agreement is dated November ~, 1954. On motion of Commissioner Stamper, seconded by Commissioner Kadet and carried, the Com- mission next authorized payment of the basic residence telephone bills for the following employees who receive many calls concerning City business while off duty: R. G. Williams, Chief of Police; M. N. Cleveland, Fl~e Chief; S. M. R~Chard, Supt. of Maintenance; and Qulntas Ray, Water Serviceman. All long 5Istance calls over said teleohones excluded and ell such official long distance calls to be chsrge~ to the resoect!ve office There being no Further business the meeting adJour~d. ATTEST: teleohones of said e~ployees.