HomeMy WebLinkAbout112155-Regular Session MINUTES November 21 at 8 P.M. 55 City Commission, Sanford, Florida, . ............................................................... 19 ........ 473 The City Commission of the City of Sanford, Florida, met in adjourned regular session at the City Hall in the City of Sanford, Florida, at 8:00 o'clock P. M. November 21, 1955. Present: Commissioner J. D. Cordell, Mayor " Earl Higginbotham " John S. Krider " Jack Ratigan " F.D. Scott City Attorney W. C. Hutchlson Jr., City Clerk H. N. Sayer City Manager W. E. Knowles Chief of Police R. G. Williams Meeting called to order by the Chairman. On motion of Commissioner Krider, seconded by Commissioner Higginbotham and carried, minutes of regular meetings of October 10 and 24, Special Meeting of November 7 and 9, and regular meeting of November 15, 1955, approved. Commissioner Krider next introduced Resolution No. 855 and after being read in full, moved its passage and adoption. Beconded by Commissioner Scott and carried by the following vote of the Commission: Said Resolution No. Commissioner Cordell Aye " Higglnbotham Aye " Krlder Aye " Rati gan Aye " Scott Aye 855 being as follows: A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF SANFORD, FLORIDA IN RECOGNITION OF THIRTY-FIVE YEARS OF SERVICE TO THE CITY BY ROY WILLIAMS. WHEREAS, ROY WILLIAMS has completed thlrty-f~ve years of continuous service in the City of Sanford, Florida and at the oresent time is Chief of Police of said City, and WHEREAS, ROY WILLIA)~ in rendering said thirty-five years of service and in the per- formance of his duties has ~orked~llgently and unselfishly for the betterment and welfare of the people of this City and the Police Department of this City, and has devoted to such service ;time and effort above the strict call of duty, and WHEREAS, it is the feeling and desire of the present City Commission that proper recognition and appreciation be exoressed to RqY WILLIAMS for the conscientious effort and shown in his capacity with the Police Department of the City of Sanford, devotion to duty he has Florida. NOW THEREFORE, Be it resolved by the City Commission that the sincere commendation and appreciation of the City Commission both for itself and in behalf of the people of this commu- and the same is hereby expressed ~o ROY WILLIAMS for thirty-five years of outstanding nlty be service; BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED That ROY WILLIAMS be presented with a certificate of service together with a watch in further recognition of his service, and that this Resolution be spread upon the minutes of the City Commlss~on and copies thereof be delivered to ROY WILLIAMS ar~l the local press. PASSED AND ADOPTED This (SEAL) ATTEST: .s/ H. N, Bayer City Clerk 21 day of November A. D. 1955. s/ J. D. Cordell, Mayor F. D. Scott Earl Higginbotham J. H. Ratigan John Krider As the City, Commission of the CITY OF SANFOBD, FLORIDA. 4V4 MINUTES City Commission, Sanford, Florida, ...N..o...v..e.?..b..e...~...2.~....a.~....8....?..:....~..: .......... 19...~.~.. following vote of the Commission: Commissioner Cordell Aye " Higginbotham Aye " Krider Aye u R:.tigan Aye " Scott Aye Said Resolution No. 856 being ss follows: A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF SANFORD, FLORIDA, IN RECOGNITION OF ThiRTY-FIVE YEARS OF SERVICE TO THE CITY BY MACK N.CLEVELAND. WHEREAS, MACK N. CLEVELAND has completed thirty-five years of continuous service in the City of Sanford, Florida and at the present time is Fire Chief of said City, and W~iREAS, MACK N. CLEVELAND in rendering said thirty-five years of service in the performance of his duties has worked diligently and unselfishly for the betterment and welfare of the people of this City and the Fire Deo~rtment of this City, and has devoted to such service time and effort above the strict call of duty, and WHEREAS, it is the feeling and desire of the present City Com~isslon that proper recognition and aporeciati~n be expressed to MACK N. CLEVELAND for tbs conscientious effort and devotion to duty he has shown in his capacity with the Fire Department!of the City of Sanford, Florida. NOW THEREFORE, Be it resolved by the City Commission that the sincere commendation and aporeci~tion of the City Commission both for itself and in behalf of the people of this community be and the same is hereby expressed to MACK N. CLEVELAND for thirty-five years of outstanding service: BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED That MACK N. CLEVEI.AND be oresented w~th a certificate of service together with s watch in further recognition of his service, and that this Resolution be soread upon the minutes of the City Commission and copies thereof be delivered to M~CK N. CLEVELAND and the local press. PASSED AND ADOPTED This 21st day of November A. D. 1955. s/ J. D. Cordell, Mayor F. D. Scott J. H. Ratlgsn Earl Hlgginbotham (S E A L) John Krlder As the City Commission of the City of Sanford, Florida. ATTEST: .... s/ H, N. Sayer City Clerk Mayor Cordel] then presented Chief of Police Roy Williams and Fire Chief Mack Cleveland each with the foregoing respective resolutions, together with a certificate of service and wrist watch in further recognition of their long length of continuous service to the City. Cozmlssioner Ratig~n ne~t introduced Ordinance No. 568, entitled: AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF SANFORD, FLORIDA, AMENDING ORDINANCE NUMBER ~62 OF THE CITY OF SANFORD AS~AMENDED, SAME BEI~G T}~ ZONING ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF SANFORD, BY PROVIDING FOR A FOURTEENTH CLASS OF DISTRICT INTO WHICH SAID CITY IS DIVIDED FOR THE pURPOSES OF SAID ORDINANCE, DESI- GNATING SAID FOURTEENTH CLASS ~DISTRICT AS R-l-AB (SINGLE) FAMILY DISTRICT. and same was placed on its first reading and read in full. Commissioner Ratigan then moved the waiver of the requirement of the second reading of said Ordinance No. 568, and that same be placed on its final passage and adoption. Seconded by Commissioner Higginbotham. Thereupon the question recurred upon the called and the vote stands as follows: Comm~iss loner Cordell waiver of the second reading, the roll was Aye Higginbothsm Aye Krider Aye Ratigan Aye MINUTES 475 City Commission, Sanford, Florida, ....N..°...v..e..m...b..e.~..,2.]r.....a.~....8..,..P..:...l~..: ......... 19....~.~. the vote being as follows: Commissioner Cordell Aye " Higginbotham Aye " Krider Aye " Ratigan Aye " Scott Aye Thereupon the Chairman announced that the City Commission of the City of Sanford, Florida, by unanimous vote had passed and adopted said Ordinance No. 568, entitled: AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF SANFORD, FLORIDA, AMENDING ORDINANCE NUMBER 362 OF THE CITY OF BANFOPJPA~ AMENDED, SAN}] BEING THE ZON- ING ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF BANFORD, BY PROVIDING FOR A FOUR- TEENTH CLASS OF DISTRICT INTO %~!CH BAID CITY IS DIVIDED FOR THE PURPOSES OF SAID ORDINANCE, DESIGNATING SAID FOURTEENTH CLASS OF DIBTRICT AS RI-AB ONE (SINGLE) FAMILY DIBTP~ICT. The next,order of business being a Public,Hearing;to consider rezoning certain district of the Zoning Orditanc'e, .the Chairman.directed the~.01ePk to-read the:'$ollowing,legal notice, which was~published,in th$ Banford Her$1d on October 28, and November:4,:~1955: NOTICE OF PUBLIC PEA~RING ON PROPOSED CHANGE AND AMENDMENT IN CERTAIN DIBTRICT AND BOUNDARY OF THE ZONING ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF SANFOBD, FLORIDA. Notice is hereby given that a Public Hearing will be held at the office of the City Commission in the City Hall in the City of Sanford, Florida, at 8:00 o'clock P. M. November 21, 1955, to consider the following change and amendment to the Zoning Ordinance of the City of Sanford, Florida: The property zoned in District R-l-AA (Single-Familyl, located on the East and West sides of Mellonville Avenue between 20th and 24th Streets, is proposed to be changed to R-I-A (Single-Family) District. Said property being more legally described saiLors $ to 13, inclusive, of Block 8, and Lot "A" of Bel-Air Subdivision; and Lot "C"~ and the E 660 ft., more or less, of Lot "A" of Dodd, Lord & Dean's Subdivision of Section 31, Township 19 S., Range 31 E.~(OUT LOT 1 of Cottage Hill Subdivision) All parties in interest and citizens shall have an opportunity to be heard at said hearing. October, By order of the City Commission of the City of Sanford, Florida, this 27th day of 1955. Ho N. BAYER As City Clerk of the City of Ssnford, Florida. (PUBLISHED AS A LEGAL ADVERTISEMENT IN THE BANFORD HERALD ON DATES OF OCTOBER 28th AND NOVEMBER 4th, 1955) The Chairman then announced that the Commission would be glad to hear from interested parties in favor of, or against rezoning the property as proposed and described in the forego- ing notice. Robert B. Bro~, Chairman of the Zoning and Planning Commission, then advised that they had held a special meeting~ reconsider their recommendation to the City Commission to rezone the property as proposed in the foregoing notice, and ss s result of such meeting, their recom- mendation was changed to rezone the property to District R-l-AB instead of R-l-A, e~cept the lots abutting on Mel]onville Avenue, which would still remain in District R-l-AA. Mr. Brown then explained that R-l-AB was a new district created by Ordinance No. 568, requiring a minimum ground floor area of 1,300 square feet of living space for a one-story dwelling, with all other requirements and restrictions the same as I%-I-AA. He further explained the reason for this recommendation to rezone this property was because the areas in Districts R-l-AA, requiring a minimum ground floor area of 1,600 square feet of living space, were not being developed, due to the 0resent high cost of construction to meet such requirement. Mrs. H. B. McCal~ of 2g17 Mellonville Ave., whose residence is within the area proposed to be rezoned, ne×t voi~ed her objections to the proposed change, stating that it might affect the value of her property. Mrs. D. W. Linker, Mrs & Mrs. F. M. Russell, Mrs. L. F. Boyle, Mrs. E. M. Galloway, Mrs. George W. Bower. J. H. Craoos and J. A. Calhoun. residents within the vicinity but not MINUTES November 21 at ~ P.M. .-55 City Commission, Sanford, Florida, . ............................................................... Iv ........ Bra~ley Odham of Odham & Tudor, Inc., developers and owners of most of the property within the area, next spoke in favor of the proposed rezoning. He outlined their plans to construct appro~imately 45 dwellings on their property and submitted plans of the type of dwelling, they propose to erect. Mr. Odham also advised that they already had several request for class R-l-AA type dwellings, for which they would probably utilize all of their property on the east side of Mellonville Avenue. After discussion, and there beingno further ob3ect~ons registered, Commissioner Rat!gan moved that the aforesaid property be rezoned in accordance with the recommendations of the zon- ing and Planning Commission, and that the City Attorney prepare the necessary ordinance for adoption. Seconded by Commisslon~r Krlder and carried. On motion of Commissioner Ratigan, seconded by Commissioner Higginbotham and carried, Ho~mrd Fav~lle was next appointed as a member of the Zoning and Planning Commission to fill the vacancy created by resignation of Thcs. A. Vaughan. Commissioner Ratigan next introduced Resolution No. 857, and after being read in full, following moved its passage and adootion. Seconded by Commissioner Scott and carried by the vote of the Commission: Said Resolution No. Commissioner Cordell Aye " Higginbotham Aye " Krider Aye " Ratigan Aye " Scott Aye 857 being as follows: A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF SANFORD, FLORIDA, IN MEMORIAM ELTON JAMES MOUGHTON, aR. ~H~REAS, ELTON JAMES M~UCJ~TON, SR., nsssed away on the 16th day of October, A. D. 1955, and ~{EREAS, Sanford, Florida, Sanford, ELTON JAMES MOUGHTON, SR., hsd for many years been a resident of the City of and active in his participation in the functions and affairs of the City of contributing immensely ~o the welfare and growth of the City of Sanford and its people as well as rendering long and valuable service to ~his community, and WHEREAS, ELTON J~ES MOUGHTON, SR. was an architect of recognized ability and reputa- tion, having designed most of ~he public buildings in the City of Ssnford, thereby making additional contributions to the growth and beauty of ~he City of Sanford, and WHEREAS, the City Commission of the City of Sanford, Florida, wishes to recognize the contribution of ELTON JA~S MOUGHTON, aR; NOW THEREFORE Be it resolved by the City Commission of the City of Sanford, Florida that in recognition of the accomplishments and service of ELTON JAMES MOUGHTON, SR., this Resolution be adopted in his honor and in his memory, in further recognition of his contri- bution and service to this community. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED That this Resolution be spread upon the minutes of the City family of ELTON JAMES Commission and that copies thereof be delivered to the immediate MOUGHTON, SR. and to the local newsoapers. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 21st day of November A. D. 1955. (SEAL) ATTEST: s/ H. N. Sayer City Clerk s/ J. D. Cordell, Mayor J. H. Ratlgan Earl Higgi nb o t b~un F. D. Scott John KrideP As the City Com3nlsslon of the City of Sanford, Florida. In response to request of the Commission for a legal opinion concerning the application MINUTES 47'7 City Commission, Sanford, Florida, .......... in which he advised that there is no authority in the City's Charter to render fire service beyond the corporate limits. He also advised that the City would be liable for any fire loss or damages to prooerty within the city, if the fire equipment was outside the City and not available for the protection of such property. The City Attorney further advised that it was his ooinion that the only legal authority the City has for extending fire service beyond the would be for the protection of the health and welfare of the citizens within city limits, the City. N. and operated as a "Home He pointed out the need ment of the project. H. Brock next appeared and recommended that the old hospital building be maintained for the Aged" after it is vacated upon the opening of the new hospital. for an old folks home in the community and submitted letters of endorse- After discussion, and in view of the rigid requirements and regulations for operating such homes under the provisions of the State Law passed by 1955 Legislature, the matter was tabled. On recommendation of the City Nanager, seconded by Commissioner Krider and carried, S. and on motion of Commissioner Higginbotham, Budd Harris was next granted the photograph concession at the Zoo, for consideration of 10% of the gross receipts derived therefrom. Request next submitted from Ernest M. Smart for the City to vacate the east-west alley at rear of 107 W. lOth St., and after consideration same was denied. The proposed Lease Purchase Agreement for taking over the water and sewer system constructed by Odham & Tudor, Inc., next submitted. After discussion Commissioner Hlgginbotham moved the approval of the Lease Purchase Agreement and t~bat the Mayor and Clerk be authorized to execute same on behalf of the City. Seconded by Commissioner Krider and carried. Said Lease Purchase Agreement beingin words and figures as follows: LEASE PURCHASE AGREEMENT THIS AGREEMENT. made in duplicate, this 21st day of November, 1955, between ODHAM AND TUDOR, INC., A Florida Corporation, with principal place of business in Sanford, Florida, hereinafter called Owner, and City of Sanford, Flor~a, a municipal corporation, hereinafter called City, WITNESBETH: Owner is the owner of certain reel prooerty situate in Seminole County, Florida, South of the city limits o~ City, and more o~rticul~rly described as follows: No. 1. Beginning 722.4 feet South of the N. E. Corner of ~ov~t. Lot 2, Section 1, Township 20 South, Range 30 East, Seminole County, Florida; run thence southerly along the east line of the W~ of SE~ of Section 1, T2OS, R30E. bearing S 0° ~7' East a distance of 929.9 feet; thence S~89O 35' W a distance of 1209 feet to the Sanford Grant Line; thence alon~ said Grant Line N 25° E s distance of 1028 feet; thence N 89° 28' E a distance of 765~6 feet to point of beginning, containing 21.08 more or less acres; be~.~ the south 21.08 acres of the north 31.08 acres of Gov'~. Lot 2, Sect'on 1, T20S, RBOE, Seminole County, Florida. ~ Beginning 1652.3 feet south of the NW Corner of Lot 2. Section 1~ T20S R~0E Seminole County Florida; run thence S'O° ~7' E a~ong t~e eas~ line of the W~ ~f SE~iof Section l, T2OS,~R30E, a distance of 290 feet, thence S 89 35' W a distance of 1~$7.12 feet to the Sanford Gr~nt Line; thence N 25° E along said Grant Line a distance of 321.08 feet; thence N 89° 35' E a distance of 1209.0 feet to point of beginning, contsinlng 8.51 acres more or less. No, ~ Beginning at a point 722.55 feet south of the NE corner of the SE~ of Section l, T20B, R30E, Seminole County, Florida; run thence south ~o 28' 15" east a distance of 1166 feet to the Sa~ord Grant Line; thence N 25° E along said ~rant Line a distance of 1291.63 feet; t~ence S 89° 28' W a distance of 478 MINUTES November 21 at 8 P. M. ,~ 55 City Commission, Sanford, Florida, . ............................................................... ly ........ which prooerty Owner proposes to improve and develop by the construction and sale of dwelli~ units thereon. In conjunction with such imorovement and development Owner desires to install a water and sewer system, including any necessary lift stations and other apparatus, equipment and appurtenances, (such entire installation being hereafter referred to as Water and Sewer System) to serve all such dwelling units, which system would be connected to the water and sewer system of City to permit furnishing of City water to such dwellings and use of City sewer facilities for disposition of sewage and sewer wastes therefrom. In order that availability of city water and use of the city sewer system be assured to Owner and vendees of the aforesaid dwelling units, and that City be afforded the opoortunlty to acqu?re the aforesaid water and sewer system being installed by Owner, the parties hereto in consideration of the premises and the mutual benefits to be derived, have agreed, and do hereby agree as follow~: City h~s determined that provision of a safe water supply and adequate means of sanitary sewage disposal is a matter vital to the health and best welfare of residents of the City adjacent to the area to be improved and the City at large, as well as to future residents of that area itself, and that the our- pose to be accomollshed by this agreement is a orooer municipal purpose. Owner hereby agrees that it will ~nstall at its own e~pense on the prooerty above described a water and sewer system, as ~bove defined, sufficient to accommodate the requirements of not less than 200 dwelling units, and that such installation shall in all reqpects meet the specifications and require- ments of the State Board of Health'and of the City and be subject to ap- proval by City, which approval by City shall be given throughne office of the City Manager as a condition precedent to liability of City for per- formance on its part under this contract. When the installation of the Water and Sewer System is completed and has been aporoved by City, Owner agrees to lease same to City, and City agrees to lease same from Owner, on the following terms and conditions: This lease shall not become effective until Owner has completed con- struction of st least 25 dwellings on the above described property, and such dwellings have been occupied. Until or Unless City becomes the owner of the Water and Sewer System, as hereafter set forth, sewer taps for connection to said system shall be made by Owner at its own expense, only in accordance with C~ty requirements and after approval by the City Manager or City En- gineer, and no charge shall be made by City with reference to the making of such taps. So long ss Owner remains owner of the Water and Sewer System, no additional taps from any area adjoining the above described area shall be made except with spOroval of Owner and City. No sewer taps in excess of the capacity of the sewer system or lift station ss determined by City shall be made or permitted by Owner or City. Owner agrees, as a condition precedent to liability of City to furnish any water hereunder, or to permit use of city sewers hereunder, that it will include as a condition in the sale of each dwelling made by it in the above described area, that the ourchasers, their successors and assigns, agree they will at any time hereafter without protest accept incorporation within the city limits of the City upon such conditions as the City s h~ll determine at time of annexation of said area or any part thereof. Owner and City have agreed and do hereby agree that the rental hereunder shall be the sum of $1.00 per year, starting i year from effective date of lease, plus such further annual su~, if any, and only if available thereunder, as shall be applicable to such purposes under the provisions of Section 9.0~ B (5) of Ordinance #532 and Section h.02 of Ordinance #552 of City, provided, however the maximum amount of rental shall in no year exceed the gross amount received from the above described area for water and Sewer charges imposed by City or one-fifth of the total sum specified in~.e next sentence hereof, whichever shal] be the lesser, and provided further t~h~t the City Commission, at its option may pay in any year any amount between such ~roes amount and said one-fifth. After the aggregate rentals paid hereunder shall have reached a total sum of $17,500.60, the rental for each subsequent year this lease shall be continued in effect shall be only $1.00 per year. During the period this lease shall be in effect, City shall be resoon- sible at its expense for all necessary maintenance and repair of said Water and Sewer System. Owner agrees th,~t City shall have sole power and authority to fix, impose and collect all water and sewer rates and charges from the oc- cupants of dwellings connected to the Water and Sewer System, and to prescribe and enforce its reasonable regulations relative to furnishing MINUTES 479 City Commission, Sonford, Florida,. ....... ..N..°..v...e..m...b..e.~...2...]:....a.~...~....P..:....~...*...1 9.~.~.. stantially in accordance with ~ose imposed by it on all other out-of city users of the system similarly situated. This lease shall run from year to year until the total amount speci- fied in sub-paragraph E above s~hall have been paid. After such time, City, at its option, may continue this lease from year to year upon payment of an annual rental of $1.00 per year, or may elect to pur- chase the Water a nd Sewer System as its own. The purchase price shall be the total sum of $17,500.00 specified in sub-paragraph E above, and should City elect to purchase said system, the amount of all rentals paid hereunder shall be applied to and considered as ?ri of the purchase price. Owner further agrees that if City de- sires to acquire ownership of the Water and Sewer System at any time before the total sum above named shall have been paid from rentals, as specified in sub-paragraph E above, City may acquire such ownership upon payment to Owner of the difference between the aggregate rentals previously paid hereunder and the total purchase price above stated. In the event of such purchase, City shall notify Owner of its intent to make such purchase, notice by registered mall addressed to Owner at its last known post office address of record constituting sufficient compliance herewith. Within 30 days after the mailing of such notice and upon payment of any part of the pur- chase price not pa~ by rentals, as aforesaid, or forthwith, if such purchase nrice has been paid by such rentals, Owner shall execute to City a good and sufficient Bill of Sale and Conveyance of the Water and Sewer System and all rights and interests of Owner therein, such conveyance to be free and clear of any claims or incumbrances. Should the total purchase price have been pald in any manner herein- above permitted, and Owner fail or refuse within ~0 days of City mailing notice of intent to purchase, as herein provided, to execute and deliver conveyance of said system to City, then at the expiration of such B0~y period title to said system in its entirety shall auto- matically vest in City. Upon vesting of title in City, all rights of Owner in the water and sewer system, or previously existing by virtue of this lease shall lmmedistely cease and terminate, and City shall have full title, possession, ownership and control without further liability to, or hindrance from, Owner. Unless sooner terminated as hereinabove provided, or unless continued thereafter by continued payment of the annual rental by City as above specified, the term of this lease shall be 20 years. In the event it shall ever be held by a court of competent Jurisdiction that City had no authority ~ enter into this agreement or ~ase, Owner hereby agrees that there shall be no liability from City to Owner or to any person, firm or corporation claiming by, t~hrough or under it, by reason hereof. Owner agrees that this agreement shall be submitted for inspection by any party who may acquire any interest hereunder. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, Corporation has caused these presents to be executed in its corporate name and its corporate seal to be hereunto affixed by its officers thereunto duly authorized, and City has caused these presents to be e~ecuted in its name by its Mayor, and attested and its corporate seal hereunto affixed by its Clerk, all on this the 21st day of November, 1955. Signed, sealed and delivered 0DHAM AND TUDOR, INC., in the presence of: ~r,thur H. Harris By: s/ J. Bralley 0dham, President ATTEST: Dorothy T. Odham, Secretary Bert B, Hollingsworth As to Corporstlon Corporation Ellen Hoy CITY OF SANFORD, FLOHIDA S, W, Easterby By: s/ J. D. Cordell, Mayor As to City Attest: H. N. Sayer, Clerk Howard L. Hughes next appeared with further reference to the agreement authorized at meeting of June l~, 1955, whereby, the Commission agreed to close and vacate ~the north-south alley between Lots I thru 9-A and Lots 10 an~ B5 of Block 9, Dream~Fold, in exchange for deed to the W. 15 ft of E~ of Lots ll and ~$ of Block 9, for the purpose of relocating said alley. Also, in which Mr. Hughes agreed to pay the cost of removing and relocating the sewer line from the existing alley. Mr. Hughes then advised that he was ready to consummate the agreement. Thereupon Commissioner Higginbo~ham introduced Ordinanoe No. 569, entitled: AN ORDIi~!ANCE OF THE CITY OF SANFORD, FLORIDA, VACATING, CLOSI~G, AND ABANDONING THE NORTH ONE-HALF OF A CERTAIN ALLEY BETWEEN LOTS l0 AND ~5 AND LOTS 1 TO 9A INCLUSIVE, BLOCK 9, DREAMWOLD, SANFORD, FLORIDA. MINUTES November 21, at 8 P.M. 55 City Commission, Sanford, Florida, . ............................................................... 19 ........ the Commission next reduced the sewer tapping fee to $25.00 for all prooerty owners who con- neet within 60 days to new sewers constructed by the City and not under the original project. After the 60-day period the regular tapping fee of $50.00 will be charged. The following bids next submitted for furnishing uniforms for the Fire Department: ~. E, WATSON, REPRESENTING INTERNATIONAL TAILORING CO. TYPE CLASS 86 CLASS 1,0.0 Chief's Coat $3~.25 $39.65 Fireman's Coat 3~.50 38.65 Trousers 16.75 18.75 Hanover Shirts - $3.75 each YOWELL COM,P,AN~ STYLE COAT TROUSERS 156 $~.00 $22.15 206 &3.00 21.35 2235 41.70 20.20 248 39.75 18.60 222 39.50 18.~0 Shirts - $3.98 After comparison of prices submitted and the quality of materials bid upon, and on recommendation of the City Manager, Commissioner Ratigan moved the purchase from Yo%?ll Company of ~ Coats, style 206, at nrice of $~.00 each; 26 Trousers, style 206, at price of $21.35 each; and 6 Sh~rts at price of $3.98 each, a total of $707.98. Seconded by Commissioner Krider and carried. On motion of Commissioner Krider, seconded by Commissioner Higginbot~ham and carried, current invoices and payrolls next aporoved, as evidenced by Gcneral Fund Sanford Atlantic National Bsnk Vouchers Nos. 7931 thru 805~; General Fund Florida State Bank Vouchers Nos. 1363 thru 1~96; Water and Sewer Revenue Fund S~nford Atlmutlc National Bank Vouchers Nos. $7 and ~8; Construction Trust Fund $s nfor~. Atlantic National Bank Voucher No. h3; and Con- struction Trust Fund Florida State Bank Voucher No. ~9. In resoonse to request of Chief of Police Williams for oayment of Derision to Captain Roy Tillls, retired, for balance of fiscal year from regular salary account instead of the Police Pension Fund, the Commission next agreed to transfer at end of the fiscal year an amount equivalent to such pension payments, approximately ~1,~2.00, from the Police Depart- ment's salary appropriation to the Pension Fund, Orovlded the funds are still available in said appropriation. The City Manager ne~t reported that the new water tank installed under the water and sewer i~orovements program was still not in operation, due to not being able to fill it from the water pumping station, as designed by Consulting Engineers Robert M. Angas & Associates. He then advised that the Consulting Engineers have booster pump and altitude valve at the water tank proximately $~,000.00. now recommended that the City install a in order to fill it, which will cost ap- After considerable discussion, and in view of the fact theft the water tank was in- stalled under the design, plans, soecifications and supervision of Consulting Engineers Robert M. Angas & Associates, it was felt t~hat they should be held responsible and acconntable for any expenses involved in olacing the water tank in ooeratlon, and the City Attorney was directed to investigate the matter. There being no further business the meeting adjourned.