HomeMy WebLinkAbout072583-Regular SessionMINUTES 008 City Commission, Sanford, Florida July 25 at 7:00 P. M. 19 83 The City Commission of City Hall in the City of Sanford, Florida, at 7:00 o'clock P. M. Present: Mayor-Commissioner Lee P. Moore Commissioner Milton E. Smith Commissioner Edward A. Yancey Commissioner David T. Farr Commissioner Edwin O. Keith City Attorney William L. Colbert City Manager W. E. Knowles City Clerk H. N. Tamm, Jr. The meeting was called to order by the Chairman. The first item of business was consideration of the proposed budget for 1983-84. Commissioner Farr moved to adopt said proposed budget. Seconded by Commissioner Smith and carried. Commissioner Farr moved to adopt a roll back millage of 4.0679 mills. Commissioner Yancey and carried. Commissioner Farr moved to adopt a proposed millage of 4.0679 mills. Commissioner Yancey and carried. The Chairman announced that the public hearing on the tentative budget would be held on September 12, 1983 at 7:00 o'clock P. M. Requests submitted for time extensions on condemnations as GROUP REPORT NO. NO. ADDRESS OWNER 72 83-1082 601 S Palmetto Ave 72 83-1087 2430 Chase Ave Recommended by the City Manager. On recommendation of the City Manager, Commissioner Seconded by Commissioner Smith and carried. the City of Sanford, Florida, met in Regular Session in the on July 11, 1983. Seconded by Hilda Roszell Doris Hall Yancey moved to Seconded by follows: MIN HOUSING CODE IN~P RECOMMENDS 90 days 90 days authorize same. Commissioner Farr moved to authorize a public hearing to be held on August 8, 1983, to consider Condemnation Group No. 74. Seconded by Commissicner Yancey and carried. Said Group No. 74 being as follows: GROUP d 74 REPORT NOS. ADDRESS OWNER 83-1096 2638 Laurel Avenue 83-1097 219 West 5th Street 83-1099 1517 Bell Avenue 83-1100 513 Oak Avenue 83-1101 1010 Hickory Avenue 83-1102 414 East 8th Street 83-1105 152 Country Club Circle 83-1106 2406 Decottes Avenue 83-1107 1324 Oleander Avenue 83-1108 1310 Southwest Road 83-1109 1219 West 10th Street Marvin W. & Pauline R. Conner Ida L. Gaiens, Heirs Roosevelt & Eva Williams Lon K. & Jacqueline Howell Arthur Lee Harris & Gertrude Haywood Ella M. Roberts Bento &'Eva M. Goncalaves Mellon Financial Sers. Corp. Robert & Lizzie Sanders John Morgan & Ida Mae Morgan & Celeste M. Burke Ralph A. & Monna W. Jarvis 004 MINUTES City Commission, Sanford, Florida July 25 at 7:00 P. M. 1983 83-1110 1606 West 13th Place John C. Black, Heirs Attn: Nellie Black 83-1111 220 West 19th Street Sanford J. & Carmela C. Gould 83-1112 416 East 8th Street Ella M. Roberts Commissioner Yancey, seconded by Commissioner Smith and carried, On motion of and 15, 1983, were approved. reported that Douglas Fertilizer, has begun clean-up, the property before, but still has piles of debris and scattered junk. negotiating a lease or purchase contract for the property, building when they acquire the property. Minutes of July 11, 12, 13 The City Manager at 2200 Country Club Road, owner of condemned structures is in better condition than Further, that Liquid Foods is and they plan to demoish the Spencer Douglas, Douglas Fertilizer, appeared and reported they have boarded up the structure, but there are still pipes and other debris on the property, and that he is ready, willing and able to sign a lease to Liquid Foods. James Batalini, Vice President, Liquid Woods, appeared and reported they are ready to sign a lease, as soon as they receive the results of soil samples, and providing the results are negative. Further, Spencer Douglas is having the soil sample testing done. Also, if Phil Logan approves the lease, they can have it signed no later than Thursday. Commissioner Fart moved to stay the 15 day notice for securing the building and cleaning up the debris, until August 5, 1983, and to consider further action as necessary at the City Commission meeting on August 8, 1983. Seconded by Commissioner Keith and carried. The City Manager reported that on July 15, 1983 a meeting was held with representatives of Industrial Waste Services and City personnel as follows: Bob Kelly, Director of Public Works George Rufas, Assistant Director of Public Works Cliff Small, Refuse Superintendent Steve Harriett, Assistant City Manager W. E. Knowles, City Manager and that the entire City Staff unanimously recommend this type contract service. Luke Forte', Marketing representative, Industrial Waste Services, 555 Hope STreet, Longwood, Florida, appeared to support and discuss their proposal. The Commission authorized the City Manager to talk to other eligible refuse firms and determine if they would be interested in this type proposal, and authorized the City Attorney to research the possible need for a referendum vote for exclusive and non-exclusive contracts. The City Manager reported that Agrinomics has requested the City sign a non- binding letter of intent to participate in their project for disposal of 4 mgd of the City's wastewater. The City Attorney expressed concern about executing a letter of intent. Commissioner Smith moved to decline. Seconded by Commissioner Yancey and carried. The City Manager recommended the City encourage Agrinomics to continue with their program and assist them if possible. On motion of Commissioner Yancey, seconded by Commissioner Smith and carried, Resolution No. 1357 was adopted. Said resolution being in words and figures as follows: MINUTES City Commission, Sanford, Florida July 25 at 0O5 7:00 P. M. 1983 RESOLUTION NO. 1357 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF SANFORD, FLORIDA, COM~[ENDING JOHN DANIELS FOR HIS FAITHFUL SERVICE TO THE SANFORD AIRPORT AUTHORITY. WHEREAS, JOHN DANIELS has resigned from the Sanford Airport Authority, and WHEREAS, JOltN DANIELS has served faithfully and diligently on the Sanford Airport Authority from its inception on October 1, 1971, to June 27, 1983, and ~{EREAS, JOHN DANIELS has served two year terms on the Sasford Airport Authority as Secretary-Treasurer, Vice-Chairman and Chairman, respectively, and WHEREAS, the budget of the Sanford Airport Authority, during the eleven years of JOHN DANIELS' service, has exceeded $24,300,000.00, and WHEREAS, during his tenure on the Sanford Airport Authority, JOHN DANIELS has been actively involved in other areas of community service, and WHEREAS, all of the efforts of JOHN DANIELS have involved a tremendous amount of time and energy, all of which have contributed to the growth and development of the Sanford Airport Authority and the City of Sanford, Florida, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY CO>DIISSION OF THE CITY OF SANFORD, FLORIDA, that the City Commission of the C5 ty of Sanford, Florida, hereby acknowledges and commends JOHN DANIELS and hereby expresses its sincere gratitude and appreciation for his devoted and unselfish service to the citizens of the City of Sanford, Florida. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED THAT the original of this Resolution be presented to 30HN DANIELS, that a copy be delivered to the Sanford Airport Authority and that a copy of same be entered in the minutes of the proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Sanford, Florida. THIS RESOLUTION adopted this 25th day of ,h]]y , A. D., 1983. MAYOR ATTEST: 006 MINUTES City Commission, Sanford, Florida July 25 at 7:00 P. M. 1983 As th~ City/Co~i~sion 6~/the City of S~ford, Florid~ On recommendation of the City Manager, Sanford Rotary Club to use the Civic Center on October 8, and dance, with alcoholic beverages, and to waive the fee. and carried. Letter submitted from Daniel J. that they will stay within the guidelines Commissioner Farr moved to authorize the 1983, for a fund raising bar-b-que Seconded by Commissioner Keith Szechy, President, Indian Mound Water Association, set forth in the City Manager's letter dated June 29, 1983, and that they will maintain communication with the Midway/Canaan Water Association for a possible future connection to their system, if they are forced to exceed their maximum number of users. Letter submitted from Robert S. Lee, owner of condemned property at 819 West Third Street, as follows: July 11, 1983 Mr. Pete Knowles, City Manager City of Senford P.O. Box 1778 Sanford, Fi. 32771-0212 Dear Mr. Knowles: I reviewed your letter today of June 30th, referencing the conditions set forth by the Sanford City Coau&ssion on Febmmry 28, 1983. Those conditions being; A.) K~eping clean and neat the exterior grounds, and B.) Cou,',~icating with the City on the status of work perfornmd. your letter stated that in the past four months, nothing has been done, and that I hava made no effort and perforn~d no function to even show good intent. Excluding the cleaning of the grounds prior to the City Coumission nmeting in February. ?ne grounds have been mowed on two occassions, excluding the third and nDst recent nn~ing on Satur&~y, July 9th. As we have discussed at the Febmmry Commission meting, our plan ~s to sell the renmining salvageable items from the building. On t~ occassions in that period, we have held garage sales, of ~hich were both advertised in DeLsnd and Sanford newspapers. The garage sales were in part beneficial in removing the n~jority of salv~ge- able materials. With this task completed, we have proceedad as originally oatlined to have the remaining "garbage" remDved from the buildings interior. At 9:00 on July 13, the heavy equipn~nt will be on the property to renDve all retaining debri. MINUTES City Commission, Sanford~ Florida 007 JU~Y 25 at 7:00 P. M. 19 83 After removal of existing debri, wa will be "finally" fo~lating plans to reh~lild the structure to suit our needs. At such time this is complete, I will for~mrd you at the earliest possible convenience, a copy of the sche~,le. (Within the next t~ or three weeks). Peta, I hav~ on t~ occasions that I know of, stopped in your office, to maka personal contact with you. Understanding that you are a productiv~ person, I hav~ respected your tinm and have left mmssages of which I tr~st you have received. Perhaps, a telephone call ~uld have bean m~re appro- priate to keep you infornmd of our progress. I do apologiza for may lack of cou,~nication. If a phone call is sufficient, I will hereby keep you informad on a bi-monthly basis. Very ~uly yours,  RATION President RSL/ael Commendation from Gary W. Snell, M.D., submitted for Police Officers Gene and Frank Hiton, for their actions on July 1, 1983. Commendation from Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Sharp submitted On recommendation of the City Manager, Commissioner salary reclassifications as follows: Ferris for the refuse crew. Yancey moved to authorize SALARY RECLASSIFICATIONS For City Commission approval - July 25, 1983 James W. Reynolds Water Distr.,Maint. Wkr I C to D $ 11,070.72 Johnnie L Blake Sewer Coll., Foreman D to E 17,286.96 Janet R Stuart Finance/Secretary II E to F 15,650.07 Howard Jeffries Parks Supt. C to D 19,037.44 David Semones Police Officer C to D 17,279.94 Mildred A. Carver Diane J Smith Darrel Presley Finance/Acct. Clerk II Finance/Acct. Clerk II Police Officer E to F 16,303.42 D to E 15,330.41 D ~o E 18,377.06 Robert M Meyers Maint.,Trades Wkr. D to E 14,702.81 Althea Cooper Shop, Storekeeper C to D 12,886.77 Robert Robinson Adm/ Recreation Supervisor C to D 16,109.06 OO8 MINUTES City Commission. San£ord, Florida July 25 at 7:00 P. M. 19 83 Seconded by Commissioner Smith and carried. On recommendation of the City Manager, Commissioner Yancey moved to authorize the Miller Family Reunion to use the Civic Center July 23, 1983, with alcoholic beverages, after payment of proper fee. Seconded by Commissioner Smith and carried. The City Manager reported that the Community Development Block Grant used by the Sanford Housing Authority for modernization and rehabilitization has been closed out. On recommendation of the Sanford Airport Authority, Commissioner Yancey moved to appoint Henry Schumacher to the Sanford Airport Authority. Seconded by Commissioner Smith and carried. Commissioner Yancey reported that Hugh Duncan had reported that his customers are having a problem with parking at his business at 202 South Sanford Avenue. The Commission authorized the City Manager to investigate providing a "Loading Zone" in the area. On recommendation of the City Manager, Commissioner Farr moved to authorize the Mayor and City Clerk to execute a grant application for state funds, and which similar previous grants have been used for wheelchair ramps. Seconded by Commissioner Keith and carried. There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned. MAYOR ATTEST: