HomeMy WebLinkAbout030826CITY COMMISSION, SANFORD, FLORIDA, MINUTES March ~, 1926 , Regular Meeting at 2:00 P.M. Present: Commissioners Forrest Lake (Mayor) S 0 Chase and E Y Housholder. City Clerk, L R Philips, City ~uager, W B Williams, City Attorney, George A DeOottes. City Engineer Fred T Williams. Minutes of last reg~ar meeting read and approved. Petition from property owners Re: Extenstion of water mains south on Sanford Ave. to City Limits was read and City ~_uager was authorized to proceed with this work. Commissioner S 0 Chase then introduced Resolution ~265, entitled: "A Resolution providing for the paving re-paving, hard surfacing and re-hard surfacing of Myrtel Ave. , Elm Ave, Laurel Ave. from Franklin St. to Geneva St. and Vine St. from Oak Ave. to French Ave. a width of 24 feet." and moved that same be adopted. Thereupon said resolution was read in full. Upon the reading of said resolution the question was put upon the adoption of said resolution. Thereupon said resolution was read in full. Those voting in favor of the adoption · of said resolution were Commissioner Forrest Lake, S 0 Chase and E F Housholder. Those voting against the a~option of said resolution were: Commissioners none. Thereupon the Chairman of the City Commission announced that the City Commission of the City of Sanford, Florida had -~tmously passed and adopted that certain resolution ~265 entitled: "A Resolution providing for the paving, re-paving . hard surfacing and re-hard surfacing of Myrtle Ave., Elm Ave. Laurel Ave, From Franklin ~t. to Geneva St. and Vine St. from Oak Ave. to French Ave. a width of 24 feet." Communication fram State Road Dept. to City Engineer read for information. The following plats were submitted by Engineer F T Williams: "Mc01ellan's Subdivision" "Palm Park" ( Not in 0ity Limit~ On motion duly adopted same were approved with the provision that Onoro Street as shown on plat of Palm Park be 60 feet wide instead of 50 feet as shown. Mm Frank MacNeill came before the Commission requesting that a Committee of three be appointed to superintend and ca~e for Municipal Golf Course; and on motion duly adopted Committee was appointed as follows: Mr E F Housholder, Mr Roy Symes and Mr Frank MacNeill. Mr ~ E Douglass came before the Commission requesting assistance in Base Ball matters and on motion duly adopted the City Clerk was authorized to apply $2,000.00 of the Athletic Field appropriation to this purpose and pay same to Mr V E Douglass as funds are available. On motion duly adopted the Clerk was authorimed to pay to the Chamber of Commerce $500.00 for special advertising campaign and charge the same to contingent fund when funds are available. Commissioner S 0 Chase then intorduced Ordinance $110 entitled: "An or~in~nce providing for an issue of bonds by the City of Sanford, Florida in the sum of Five hundred and Seventy five Thousand Dollars for Municipal purposes, the proceeds dreived from the sale thereof to be used to enlarge , improve and extend the sewerage system of the City of Sanford, Florida." and same was placed on its first reading. Thereupon Commissioner Ohase moved that the rules be waived and said ordinance be placed upon its second reading and final passage. By unanimous ~:vote of the Commissioners The rules were waived, and , thereupon said ordinance was placed upon its second reading and CITY COMMISSION, SANFORD. FLORIDA.. MINUTES March ~, 1926 final passage and read in full. The roll was ordered called upon the passage and adoption of said ordinance, those vot- ing for the adoption of said o~iinance being Commissioners Forrest Lake, $ 0 Chase and E F Houe~ holder. Thereupon Forrest Lake as Chairman of the Commission announced that the City Commission by its vote had passed and adopted ordinance ~llO, entitled: "An ordinance providing for an issue of bonds by the City of Sanford, Florida in the sum of Five hundred and Sevent$ five thousand dollars for municipal purposes, the proceeds dretved from the sale thereof to be used to enlarge, improve and extend the sewerage system of the City of $~{ord, Florida. ~ Commissioner $ 0 Chase introduced Ordinance $111 entitled: # Au Ordinance providing for an issue of bonds by the City of Canford, Florida, in the sum of One Hundred Thousand Dollars, for Municipal purposes, the proceeds derived from the sale there- of to be used to defray the cost of opening, grading , curbing and paving and improving certain streets and certain thoroughfares in the City of Sanford, Florida.~ and same was placed on its first reading. Thereupon Commissioner $ 0 Chase moved that the rules be waived and said ordinance be placed upon its second reading and final passage. By umamimous vote of the Commissioners, the ~ules were waived, and thereupon, said ordinance was placed upon its second reading and final passage, and read in full. The roll was ordered called upon the passage and adoption of said ordinance, those voting for the adoption of said ordinance being Commissioners Forrest Lake, S 0 Chase and E F Houeholder. Thereupon, Forrest Lake as Chairman of The Commission announced that the City Commission by its vote had passed and adopted ordinance No. lll, entitled: "An Ordinance providing for an issue of bonds by the City of $anford, Florida, in the sum of One Hundred Thousand Dollars for Nunicipal purposes, the proceeds derived from the sale thereof to be used to defray the cost of opening, Starling, curbing , paving and improving certain streets and certain thoroughfares in the City of $anford, Florida." Commissioner S 0 Chase introduced Ordinance ~ll2 entitled: "An Ordinance providing for an issue of bonds by the City of Sanford, Florida, in the sum of One Hundred Thousand Dollars for municipal purposes, the proceeds derived from the sale thereof to be used to purchase certain real property in the City of Canford, Florida, neces- sary for municipal purposes." and same was placed on its first reading. Thereupon, Commissioner Ohase moved that the rules be waived and said ordinance be placed upon its second reading and final passage. By unanimous vote of the Commissioners, the rules were waived, and thereupon, said ordinance was placed upon its second reading and final passage and read in full. The roll was ordered called upon the passage and adoption of said ordinance, those voting for the adoption of said ordinance being Commissioners Forrest Lake, S 0 Chase and E F Housholder. Thereupon, Forrest Lake as Chairman of the Commission announced that the City Commission by its vote had passed and adopted ordinance No. ll2 , entitled: "An Ordinance providing for an issue of bonds by the City of Sauford, Florida' in the sum of One Hundred Thousand Dollars for municipal purposes, the proceeds derived from the sale there- of to be used to purchase certain real property in the City of Canford, Florida, necessary for Municipal purposes." Oommissioner S 0 Chase introduced Ordinance $113, entitled: CITY COMMISSION. SANFORD, FLORIDA, MINUTES March ~, 1926 19 those voting for the adoption of said Ordinance being Commissioners, Forrest Lake, S 0 Chas~ and E F Housholder. Thereupon, Forrest La~e as Chairm~u of the Commission announced that the City Commission by its vote had passed and adopted ordinance No ll3 entitled: "An Ordinance providing for an issue of bonds by the City of Sanford, Florida, in the sum of One hundred and Fifty Thousand Dollars for municipal purposes, the proceeds derived from~ from the sale thereof to be used to erect amd equip Municipal Buildings, to-wit: Municipal Fire Stations." Commissioner ~ 0 Chase introduced Ordinance ~ll4 entitled: "An Ordinance providing for an issue of bonds by the City of Sanford Florida, in the sum of Three Hundred Twenty Five thousand Dollars for Municipal purposes, the proceeds derived from the sale thereof to be used to improve, enlarge and extend the water works plant and system of the City of Sanford, Florida." and same was placed on its first reading. Thereupon, Commissioner Chase moved that the rules be waived and said ordinance be placed upon its second reading and final passage. By unanimous vote of the Commissionerl the rules were waived, and , thereupon said ordinance was placed upon its second reading an~ final passage and read in full. The roll was ordered called upon the passage and adoption of said Ordinance. Those voting for the adoption of said ordinance being Commissioners Forrest Lake, S o Chase and E F Housholder. Thereupon Forrest Lake as Chairman of the Commission announced that the City Commission by its vote had 'passed and adopted Ordinance No. ll4 entitled. "An Ordinance providing for an issue of bonds by the City of Samford, Florida in the sum of Three Hundred and Twenty Five Thousand Dollars for municipal purposes, the proceeds derived from the sale thereof to be used to improve, enlarge and extend the water works plant and system of the City of San~ord, Florida." Commissioner S 0 Chase introduced Ordinance ~ll5 entitled: "An Ordinance providing for an issue of bonds by the City of Sanford, Florida in the sum of Two Hundred Thousand Dollars for Municipal purposes, the proceeds derived from the sale thereof to be used to improve, enlarge and extend the gas plant and system of the City of Sanford, Florida." and same waw placed on it~ first reading. Thereupon~., Commissioner Chase moved that the rules be waived and said ordi- nance be placed upon its second reading and final passage. By unanimous vote of the Com- missioners, the rules were waived, and, thereupon, said ordinance was placed upon its second reading and final passage and read in full.. The roll was ordered called upon the passage and adoption of said ordinance · those voting for the adoption of said ordinance being Commissioners Forrest Lake, S 0 Chase and E F Housholder, Thereupon, Forrest Lake as Chairman of the Commission announced that the City Commission by its vote had passed and adopted ordinance ~ll5, entitled: · An Ordinance providing for an issue of bonds by the 0ity of Sanford, Florida, in the sum of Two Hundred Thousand Dollars for Municipal purposes, the proceeds derived from the s~le thereof to be used to improve, enlarge and extend the gas plant and system of the City of Sanford, Florida." Commissioner S 0 Chase introduced Ordinance $116 entitled: "An Ordinance ~roviding fo an issue of bonds by the City of San~ord, Florida in the sum on of One Hundred Thousand Dollars for Municipal purposes, the proceeds derived from the sale thereof to be used to build and equip a Municipal Hospital," CITY COMMISSION, SANFORD, FLORIDA: MINUTES March ~: 1926 announced that the City Commission by its vote had passed and adopted Ordinance No.l16 entitled: "An Ordinance providing for an issue of bonds by the City of Sanford, Florida, in the sum of One Hundred Thousand Dollars for Municipal purposes, the,proceeds derived from the sale thereof to be used to build and equip a Municipal Hospital. Commissioner S 0 Chase introduced Ordinance No. ll?, entitled: "An Ordinance providing for an issue of bonds by the City of Sanford, Florida in the Sum of Forty Thousand Dollars for Municipal Purposes, the proceeds derived from the sale thereof to be used to defray the cost of the construction and installation of a~ electric fire alarm and police telephone call system in the City of Sanford, .Florida." and same was placed on its first reading. Thereupon, Commissioner Chase moved that the rules be 'waived and said ordinance be placed upon its second reading and final passage, By Unanimous vote of the Commissioners the rules were waived, and, thereupon, said ordinance was placed upon its second reading and final passage and read in full. The roll was ordered called upon the passage ahd adoption of said ordinance, those voting for the adoption of said Ordinance being Commissioners Forrest Lake, S 0 Chase and E F Housholder. Thereupon, Forrest Lake as Chairman of the Commission announced that the City Commission by its vote had passed and adopted Ordinance No. ll?, entitled: "An Ordinance providing for au issue of bonds by the City of Sanford, Florida, in the sum of Forty Thousand Dollars, for ~unicipal Purposes, the proceeds derived from the sale there- of to be used to defray the cost of the construction and installation of an electric fire alarm and police telephone call system in the City ~f Sanford, Floriea." Commissioner S 0 Chase introduced Ordinance No. llS, entitled: "An Ordinance providing for an issue of bonds by the City of Sanford, Florida in the sum of Seventy Five Thousand Dollars fzznmuniciap purposes, the proceeds derived from the sale thereof to be used to defray the cost of the construction and installation of an electric street lighting equipment, commonly known as a white-way- system, for certain streets and thoroughfares in the City of Sanford, Florida." and same was placed on its first reading. Thereupon, Commissioner Chase moved that the rules be waived and said ordinance be placed upon its second reading and final passage. By unanimous vote of the Commissioners the rules were waived, and, thereupon, said ordinance was placed upon its second reading and final passage and read in full. The roll was ordered called upon the passage and adoption of said ordinance, those voting for 'the adoption of said ordinance being Commissioners Forrest Lake, S 0 Chase and E F Housholder. Thereupon, Forrest Lake as Ohairm~u of the Commission announced that t~e City Commission by its vote had passed and adopted ordinance No. llS, entitled: "An Ordinance providing for an issue of bonds by the City of Sanford, Florida, in the sum of Seventy Five Thousand Dollars for municipal purposes, the proceeds derived from the sale thereof to be used to defray the cost of the construction and installation of au electric street lighting equipment, commonly known as a White-way System, for certain s~reets and thoroughfares in the City of Sauford, Florida." Commissioner S O Ohase introduced Ordinance No. ll9 entitled: "An Ordinance providing for an issue of bonds by the Olty of Sanford, Florida, in the sum of Fou~ Hundred Thousand Dollars for Municipal Purposes, the proceeds derived from the sale thereof to be used to emtablish, build and construct municipal docks and wharves in the City of Sanford, Florida." and same was placed on its first reading. Thereupon, Commissioner Chase moved that the rules be waived and said ordinance be placed upon its second reading and final passage. By unanimous vote of the Commissioners the rules were waived, and, thereupon, said ordinance was placed upon its second reading, and CITY COMMISSION, SANFORD, FLORIDA, MINUTES Narch 8~ 1926 19 City 0ommission by its vote had passed and adopted ordinance No. llg, entitled: "An Ordinance providing for an issue of bonds by the City of Sanford, Florida, in the sum of Four Hundred ~housand Dollars for Nunicipal purposes, the proceeds derived from the sale thereof to be used to establish , build and construct municipal docks and wharves in the City of Sanford, Florida." Commissioner $ 0 Chas~ introduced Ordinance No. 120, entitled: "An Ordinance providing for an issue of bonds by the City of Sanford, Florida, in the sum of Four Hundred Thousand Dollars for municipal purposes, the proceeds derived from the sale thereof to be used to defray the cost bo be borne by the City of Sa~nford, Florida~ in the reclamation and bulkheading projects authorized by Ordinances Nos. 94 , 105 and 1Cb in opening, establishing, filling, bulkheadin , reclaiming and brinzinz to a tooo~raohical level and streets, avenues and thoroughfares described in ordinances nos. 94, 104 and 105 creating and establishing East side Bulkhead district, East Side Bulkhead District ~2 and West Side Bulkhead District." and same was placed on its first reading. Thereupon, Commissioner Chase m~ved that the rules be waived and said ordinamce be placed upon its second reading and final passage. By unanimous vote of the Commissioners the rules were waived, and thereupon, said ordinance was placed upon its second reading and final passage and read in full. The roll was ordered called upon the passage and adoption of said ordinance those voting for the adoption of said ordinance being Commissioners Forrest Lake S 0 Ch~se and E F Housholder. Thereupon Forrest Lake as Chairman of the Commission announced that th~ City Commission by its vote had passed and adopted Ordinance No. 120 entitled: "An Ordinance providing for an issue of bonds by the City of Sanford, Florida, in the sum of Four Hundred Thousand Dollars for municipal purposes, the proceeds derived from the sale thereof to be used to defray the cost ~ be borne by the City of Sanfordm Florida, in the reclamation and bulkheading projects authorized by ordinances nos. 94, 104 and 105 in opening establishing, filling, bulkheading, reclaiming and bringing to a topographical level the streets, avenues and thoroughfares described in ordinances Nos. 94,~04 and 105, creat- ing and establishing East Side Bulkhead District, East Side BulShead District ~2 and West Side Bulkhead District " Commissioner S 0 Chase intorduced Ordinance ~121 entitled: "An Ordinance providing for an issue of bonds by the C&ty of Sanford, Florida in the sum of One Hundmed Thousand Dollars for municipal purposes, the proceeds derived from the sale thereof to be hsed and expended to erect, construct and equip a municipal natatorium in one of the public parks or playgrounds of the City of Sanford, Florida, to be hereafter selecte~ by the City Commission," and same was placed on its first reading. Thereupon, Commissioner Chase moved that the rules be waived and said ordinance be placed upon its second reading and final passage. By unanimous vote of the Commissioners, the rules were waived, and, thereupon, said ordinancecwas placed upon its second reading and final passage and read in full. The roll was ordered called upon the pasaage and adoption of said ordinance Those voting for the adoption of said ordinance being Commissioners Forrest Lake, S 0 Chaseland E F Housholder. Thereupon, F0rrest Lake as Chairman of the Commission announced that the City Commission by its vote had passed and adopted Ordinance No. 121 , entitled. "An Ordinance providing for an issue of bonds by the City of Sanford, Florida, in the sum of One Hundred Thousand Dollars for municipal purposes, the proceeds derived from the sale thereof to be used and expmnded to erect, construct and equip a municipal natatorium in one of the public parks or playgrounds of the City of Sanford, Florida, to be hereafter select- ed by the City Commission." Upon motion of Commissioner S 0 Chase the Nayor was ordered and directe~ to issue a call for an election for the ratification and approval of the Ordinance~aforesai, by the qualified electors of the City of Sanford Florida, said election to be held on CITY coMMIsSION, SANFORD, FLORIDA, MINUTES March ~, 1926 The following bills were read approved and the Clerk ( See disbursement bood for list ) authorized to pay same. There being no further business the meeting adjourned. May or Attest: City ~lerk.