HomeMy WebLinkAbout052426-Regular MeetingCITY COMMISSION. SANFORD, FLORIDA, MINUTES May_2~; 1926:2:30 P.N. Ae_~lar Meett,_m. 19__ Present: Commissioners Forrest L~ke(Nayor) S 0 Ch~se and E F Houeholder. City Engineer Fred T Williams, City Nana~er W. B. Williams and City Attorney George A De- cortes. Minutes of last regular and adjourned meetings read and approved. Petition from Property owners on Magnolia Ave presented by Nr W A Leffler Re: paving said street was taken under consideration and laid over to next meeting Petition for improvements to Tennis Courts in Ninth Street Park was submitted and the City ~uager was authorized to give the matter immediate attention. Petition Re: Bill-board on Celery Ave submitted, and the Clerk was authorixed to issue a permit provided all constructiom be in compline with City Ordinance No. Commissioner S 0 0base then introduced Resolutions $2~-A to 2~8-Y Inc. requiring construction of sidewalk on the north side of First Street from Sanford Ave. to Forrest L~ke Hotel. and same were duly adopted. Commission '~h~n pr~ceed&d ~sf~ ~Eq~l~.~f~.~Bo~rd to hear any complaints or objections as to the proposed paving of the following Streets: French Ave. from Ninth St. to Hughey St. 24 ft. in width. j~ti~na; were fited., d. ~ Nrs s Baumel came before the Commission relative to clearing and opening streets ~/~South Park Subdivision and on motion duly adopted the City Manager was authorized to proceed with work on condition that the right-of-way for uuplatted part of said streets be deeded to the City. On motion duly adopted the Clerk was authorized to pay to Magnolia Heights Inc. the sum of $300.00 for purchase of right-of-way for highway purposes as per deed filed with City Clerk for State Road No. 3 thru parts of Lots 509 and 510 ~codruff,s Subdiv. The City Nanager was authorized to purchase certain additional eq~pment for City Dredge. Petition from S 0 Shinholser for the vacating of an alley in Blk l, Tr. lO was read and upon the recommendation of the City Planning Board the City Attorney was in- structed to prepare an ordinance for the vacating of same. Communication from City Planning Board making recommendations as to certain streets and also as to appointment of Nr C L Goodhue as Building Inspector was submitted and on motion duly adopted Nr Good~ue was appointed as Building Inspector for the City of Sanford, to take effect ~une let. 1926 at a salary of $175.00 per month, to serve at the pleasure of the Oity Commission. Communication from Local Union ~751 Carpenters, recommending ~ Fred.Neek, was read and the Clerk instructed to reply to same. Communication from Er W W Warner Re: parking space for cab lines was read amd the matte= was referred to the Chief cf Police to reserve suitable parking space for bu~ line= and taxi cabs. Communication from Fire ~hief relative to salaries of the Fire force was read CITY COMMISSION, SANFORD, FLORIDA, MINUTES ~ay 24, 1926 2:30 P.M. The followirg bills were read, and the 01erk authorized to draw checks in payment for same. ( For list of checks see disbursement book) There being no further business the meeting adjourned, to meet May 31st. 2 P.M. for the purpose of receiving bids on $?34,000.00 Bulkhead Improvemen~onds. Mayo~ Attest: