HomeMy WebLinkAbout071226-Regular MeetingCITY COMMISSION, SANFORD, FLORIDA, MINUTES July 12 1926; Re_~ular Neetin~ I9 Present: Co~mnissioners , Forrest Lake (Mayor) S 0 Chase and E F Housholder. City Manager, ~ B ~?illiams, City Attorney George A DeCottes, and City Engineer, Fred T Williams. Ninutes of last regular meeting read and approved. ~r Miller of S~nford Grove properties came before the Co~nission ~nd requested tb~t paving of Geneva Street through their property be widened from 16 to ~ feet in width On motion duly adopted the Engineer was authorized to proceed with the work~. Communication from A C L Ry. Co. re: crossings was read , and on motion duly adopted the following resolution wzs passed: "BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY C0~ISSION that to enter into an agree~ent with the Atlantic Co~st the ~,~ayor be Line R R. Co. said City whereby the said R.R. Co. gives and grants to the City and privilege to lay and maintain for purposes of a storm sewer re-inforced concrete pipe across the right-of-way and underneath , and he is hereby authorized and to sign in behalf of of Sanford, Fla. the right a line of 12" cast iron or the Main Line track of the railroad at a point 130~ ft. SWly as measured along the cutter line of said main track from mile post ~S-2 ( From Sanford) as more particularly described in said agreement dated July 2, 1926.'' Communication from Fire Chief , Cleveland Re: removal of old buildings read and referred to the City Lanager and Building Inspector for investigation and report. Petition from property owners in Rosalind Heights and Hill & Newman's Subdiv. requesting extension of water pipe read and the City ~anager was authorized to make extensions as requested. Co~nunication from ~ F Robinson and from l~s E Simon re: Paving streets read and filed. Petition from Chamber of Commerce Re: purchase of read and the matter taken under advisement. ~r D L Thrasher and other property o~ers on First site for Chamber of Commerce building Street came before the Commission and objected to any paving improvements on First Street at this time, and on motion duly adopted action on the following paving resolutions was indefinitely deferred: Resolution ~279 entitled: "A Resolution providing for the paving, re-paving, hard surfacing and re-hard surfacing of Park Ave. from Second St. to Third St. a width of 50 ft. Resolution ~280, entitled: "A Resolution providing for the paving, re-paving, hard surfacing , and re-hard surfacing of Park Ave. from ~utt6nTto Secb~d ~tgSeta width of 50 feet." Resolution ~2~1, entitled: "~.~A Resolutzon providing for the paving, re-paving, ~d Ave. from ~5i=~ St. to Ninth St. a width of Resolution ~282, entitled.: hardsurl~acing, and re-hard surfacing 40 feet." of "A Resolution providing for the paving r~-paving, hard surfacing, and re-hard surfacing of Second St. from Pump Branch west to Oak Ave., a width of 40 feet." Resolution ~283 , entitled: "A Resolution providing for the paving, Sanford Ave. from First St. to Fifth St. re-paving, hard surfacing, and re-hard surfacing of ,, a width of 40 ft. Resolution ~284, entitled: CITY COMMISSION, SANFORD, FLORIDA, MINUTES Resolution ~286 entitled: "A Resolution providi-.~ for the paving, re-paving hard s~rfacing and re-hard surfacing of L~inth St. from Park Ave. to French Ave. a width of 40 feet." Above resolutions having been duly adopted by the City Cou~uission on May 10, 1926. and also resolutions as follows: Resolution ~299 entitled: "A Resolution providing for the paving, re-paving, hard surfacing, and re-hard sur£aci~ of Ninth St. from French Ave. to Atlantic Coast Line Railroad , a width of [~0 feet." Resolution ,~300 entitled: "A Resolution providing for the paving, re-paving, hard surfacing and re-hard surfacing of Park Ave. from ~ird St. south to l:inth St. a width of kO feet." Resolution ~301, entitled: "A Resolution providing for the paving, re-paving , hard surfacing and re-hard surfacing 8~ MaEno!ia Ave. from ~ird St. to Fifth St. , a ~vidth of 40 feet." Resolution ~302 "A Resolution providing for the paving, re~-pavin~ hard ~urfacing and re-hard surfacing of Oak Ave. from Third St. to Fifth St., a wiat~ of ~PO feet. Resolution ~303 entitled: "A Resolution providing for the paving, re-paving hard surfacing and re-hard surfacing of Ninth St. from Park Ave. to French Ave., a width of 36 feet." Resolution ~304, entitled: "A Resolution providing for the paving, re-paving, hard surfacing and re-hard surfacing of ~,[agnolia Ave. from First St. to Third St., a width of 50 feet." Resolution ~305, entitled: "A Resolution providing for the paving, re-paving, hard s,arfacing and re-hard surfacing of Oak Ave. from First St. to Third St., a width of 50 feet." Resolution ~306, entitled: "A Resolution providing for the paving, re-paving, hard surfacing and re-hard surfacing of Oak Ave. from First St. to Third St., a width of 50 feet." Resolution 307, entitled: "A Resolution providing for the paving, re-paving , hard surfacing and re-hard surfacing of Oak Ave. from ThTrd St. to Fifth St., a width of 50 feet." Resolution ~303, entitled: ,, A Resolution providing for the paving, re-paving, hard surfacing and re-hard surfacing of ~.~5~olia Ave. from First St. to Third St., a width of 50 feet." Resolution ~ 309, entitled: "A Resolution providing for the paving, re-paving, hard surfacing and re-hard surfacing of Magmolia Ave. from Third St. to Fifth St., a width of 50 feet." Above resolutions presented July 12, 1926, but were not adopted. Uvon motion duly adopted the Clerk was instructed to anthorize the Clerk of the Circuit Court to cancel off record Tax Certificates No. 163, 164 and 165, 1925 Taxes covering Lots 108, 109 and 110 Rose Court , same now being owned by the City of Sanford. The City Clerk and Assessor submitted the 1926 Tax Assessment Roll in an incomplete state and asked for further said request was granted. The following bills were read, and approved, and 'the Clerk ( For list of bills, see disbursement book ) Fnere being no further business, the meeting adjourned. time to complete its preparation,and on motion duly adopted authorized to pay the same.