HomeMy WebLinkAbout091326-Regular MeetingCITY COMMISSION, SANFORD, FLORIDA, MINUTES REGULAR MEETING SEPT. 13~ at 2:30 P.M. Present: Commissioners Forrest City Engineer Fred T Williams and City Attorney George A DeCottes. Minutes of Regular meeting of Aug. 23rd. and Adjourned read and approved. Resignation of City Nurse, Miss Mary Graves, was read accepted. was Lake (Mayor) S 0 Chase and E F Housholder session of Sept 3rd. and upon motion, same was Co~uunication from Mr Geo. E Hunter relative to condemning certain building read and referred to City Manager. Plat of "Lake Front Addition to Mayfair" was presented and approved and ordered recorded in City Plat Book. City Manager was instructed to capacity of 528 for the su~n of $694.E0 The following proposal from Mr Jos. Reizenstein, To The City Commissioners Sanford, Florida. Gentlemen: purchase a portable Grand Stand with seating Bandmaster, was read: "Sept. 13, 1926 In compliance with your request for an esti~mte of the cost of a Band for the Concert work, season to begin October l, 1926 and continue until the 30th day of September 1927. I respectfully submit the following proposition: Will furnish Band of from 15 to 19 musicians, giving Ninety (90) Cgncerts during the year as outlined above, for the sum of Ten Thousand Dollars ($10,000.00) Salaries to be paid on the last day of October 1926, and on the last day of each succeeding month up to and including September 192?. Trusting that this meets with your approval, and asking you to make the contracts in triplicate ( one each for the Secretary of the Union, the City and myself. I am yours very respectfully, Jos Reizenstein, Ban~naster" Upon motion duly adopted, the above proposition was approved. Commissioner S 0 Chase introduced Ordinance ~35, entitled: "An Ordinance providing for the vacating and closing of GARDEN STREET, in the Plat of Eldorado, a Sub~[vision of the City of Sanford, Florida. and moved that s~e be placed upon its first reading. Thereupon Oo~missioner Chase moved that the =ules be waived and said ordinance be placed upon its second reading and final passage. By Unanimous vote of the City Commission the rules were waived and said ordinance placed upon its second reading and final passage and read in full. The roll was ordered called upon the passage and adoption of said ordinance. Those voting for the adoption of said Ordinance were, Commissioners Forrest Lake, S 0 Chase and E F Housholder. were Co~issioners None. ~aereupon Forrest Lake, Those voting against the adoption of said ordinance as Chairman of the City Commission announced that the City Co~m~ission of the City of Sanford, Florida had by unanimous vote passed and adopted that certain ordinance ~ 135, entitled: "An Ordinance providing fo~ ~he_va~at!~g ~d ~losing of Garden Street, in the Plat of Eldorado CITY COMMISSION, SANFORD, FLORIDA. mINUTES September 13, 1926 and moved that ss~me be placed upon its first reading. Thereupon Commissioner Chase moved that the rules be waived and said ordinance be placed upon its second readir~ and final passage. By unanimous vote of the City Commission the rules were waived and said ordinance placed upon its second reading and final passage and read in full. The roll was ordered called upon the passage and adoption of said ordinance. Those voting for the adoption of said ordinance were Commissioners Forrest Lake, $ 0 Those voting against the adoption of said ordinance were Commission, s Chase and E F Housholder. None. Thereupon Forrest Lake, as Chairman of the City Commission announced that the City Conuuission of the City of Sanford, Florida had by unanimous vote passed and adopted that certain Ordinance No. 136, entitled: "An Ordinance L~king appropriations for the City of 8anford, Florida for the Fiscal Year beginning October First, and ending September Thirtieth, 1927." ~ereupon Commissioner $ 0 Chase introduced Ordinance ~137, "An Ordinance determining the amount and fixing the rate of taxation, the annual Tax Levy for the City of Sanford, Florida for the year A.~. and moved that same be placed upon its first reading. entitled: and making 1926. Thereupon Co~mmissioner Chase moved that the rules be waived and said ordinance be placed upon its second reading and final passage. By unanimous vote of the City Commission the rules were waived and said ordinance placed upon its second reading and final passage and read in full. The roll was ordered called upon the passage and adoption of said ordinance. Those voting for the adoption of said ordinance were Commissioners Forrest Lake $ 0 Chase and E F Housholder. Those voting against the adoption of said ordinance were Co~issioners: None. Thereupon Forrest Lake , as Chairman of the City Commission announced that the City Co~nnission of the City of Sanford, Florida had by unanimous vote passed and adopted that certain ordinance No. 137 entitled: "An Ordinance Determining the ~nount and fixing the rate of taxation~ and making the annual tax levy for the City of S~ford, Florida for the year A.D.1926." Thereupon Oommissioner S 0 Chase introduced Ordinance No. 138, entitled: "An Ordinance imposing a license tax on Bread Vendors." and moved that same be placed upon its first reading. Thereupon Co~missioner Chase moved that the rules be waived and said ordinance be placed upon its second reading and final passage. By unanimous vote of the City Co~E~ission the rules were waived and said ordinance placed ~oon its second reading and final passage and read in full. The roll was ordered called upon the passage and adoption of said ordinance.. Those voting for the adoption of said ordinance were Co~:~issioners Forrest Lake,$ 0 Chase and E F Housholder. Those voting against the adoption~ said ordinance were Co~.mmissioners None. Thereupon Forrest Lake, as Chairman o£ the City Co~mnission announced that the CiTY COMMISSION, SANFORD, FLORIDA, MINUTES September 13, 1926 19 Commissioner S 0 Chase thereupon introduced Resolution ~ 319 entitled: ~ A RESOLUTION PRESCRIBING THE FOR~ AND DETAILS OF AN ISSUE OF BONDS BY THE CITY OF SANFORD FLORIDA IN THE SUM OF ONE HUNDRED AND FIFTY THOUSAND DOLT_ARS? AND PROVIDING FOR THE LEVY OF AN ANNUAL TAX UPON ALL TAXABLE PROPERTY WITHIN THE CITY OF SANFORD FLORIDA, SUFFICIENT TO PAY ~IE INTEREST ON SAID B01~DS AND SUFFICIENT TO CREATE A SINKING FUND FOR THE PURPOSE' OF REDEiIPTION OF SAID BONDS AT THE }iATURITY THEREOF. and moved that same be adopted. Said motion which was duly seconded prevailed by the unanimous vote of the City Commission. Thereupon the Chair~n of the City Commission announced that the City Oo~muission of the City of Sanford, Florida had by uanimous vote of the C~y Commission, passed and adopted that certain resolution entitled: "A RESOLUTION PRESCRIBING THE FOR~ AND DETAILS OF AN ISSUE OF BONDS BY THE CITY OF SANFORD FLORIDA IN THE SUM OF ONE HUNDRED AND FIFTY ~tOUSAND DOLLARS, AND PROVIDING FOR THE LEVY OF AN A~QIUAL TAX UPON ALL TAXABLE PROPERTY WI'THIN THE CITY OF SANFO?J) FLORIDA$ SUFFICIENTi TO PAY THE INTEREST ON SAID BONDS AND SUFFICIENT TO CREATE A SINKING FUND FOR THE PURPOSEi OF REDE5~TION OF SAID BONDS AT THE D~JRITY THEREOF. ~ereupon Con~issioner S 0 Chase introduced Resolution ~320, entitled: A RESOLUTION PRESCRIBING THE FORM AND DETAILS OF AN ISSUE OF BONDS BY ~HE CITY OF SANFORD FLORIDA IN THE SUM OF FORTY THOUSAND DOLLARS, AND PROVIDING FOR THE LEVY OF AN AIE~UAL TAX UPON ALL TAXABLE PROPERTY ~ITHIN ~E CITY OF SANFORD FLORIDA SUFFICIENT TO PRODUCE EACH YEAR THE SUM OF EONEY NECESSARY TO PAY THE INTEREST ON SAID BONDS AND SUFFICIENT TO CRE- ATE A SI~ING FUND FOR THE PURPOSE OF THE REDE~,~TION OF SAID BONDS AT THE MATURITY THEREOF. and moved that s~ne be adopted. Said motion which was duly seconded prevailed by the unan- imous vote of the City Commission. Thereupon the Chairman of the City Co~mnission mmounced that the City Co~nission of the City of Sanford, Florida had by uanimous vote passed and adopted that certain resolution ~320 entitled: "A RESOLUTION PRESCRIBING THE FORM AND DETAILS OF AN ISSUE OF BONDS BY ~HE CITY OF SANFORD FLORIDA IN THE SUN OF FORTY THOUSAND DOLLARS AND PROVIDING FOR THE LEVY OF AN ANNUAL TAX UPON ALL TAXABLE PROPERTY MITHIN THE CITY OF SANFORD FLORIDA SUFFICIENT TO PRODUCE EACH YEAR THE SUN OF MONEY NECESSA~%Y TO PAY THE INTEREST ON SAID BONDS AND SUFFICIENT TO CRE- ATE A SI~ING FUND FOR THE PURPOSE OF THE REDEMPTION OF SAID BONDS AT THE ~TURITY THEREOF. Thereupon Co~ission Chase introduced Resolution ~321, entitled: A RESOLUTION PRESCRIBING THE FORM AND DETAILS OF AN ISSUE OF BONDS BY THE CITY OF SANFORD FLORIDA IN THE SUM OF FOUR H~DRED ~tOUSAND DOLLARS AND PROVIDII~ FOR THE LEVY OF AN AN;;UAL TAX UPON ALL TAXABLE PROPERTY ~ITHIN THE CITY OF SANFORD FLORIDA, SUFFICIENT TO PRODUCE EACH YEAR THE SU~ OF ~ONEY NECESSARY TO PAY THE INTEREST ON SAID BONDS AND SUFFICIENT TO CREATE A SINKING FUI~ FOR THE PURPOSE OF THE REDE~TION OF SAID B~NDS AT THE I~TUEITY ~HEREOF. and moved that s~ue be adopted. Said motion which was duly seconded prevailed by the unanimous vote of ~,~e City Co~mnission. ~ereupon the Chairman of the City Con~nission announced that the City Commission of the City of Sanford Florida had by unanimous vote passed and adopted that certain resolution ~321 entitled: A RESOLUTION PRESCRIBING THE FOR~ AND DETAILS OF AN ISSUE OF BONDS BY THE CITY OF SA~ORD FLORIDA IN THE SUN OF FOUR HUNDRED THOUSAND DOLLARS, AND PROVIDII,D FOR THE LEVY OF AN ANNUAL TAX UPON ALL TAXABLE PROPERTY WITHIN THE CITY OF SANF©RD FLORIDA SUFFICIENT TO PRODUCE EACH YEAR THE SUE OF EONEY NECESSARY TO PAY THE INTEREST ON SAID BONDS AND SUFFIOIEI~T TO CREATE A SI~II~G FUND FOR ~E PURPOSE OF THE REDEI,~TION OF SAID BONDS AT THE ~ATURITY ~{EREOF.. and moved that same be adopted. Said motion which was duly unanimous vote of the City CommiooiOn seconded prevailed by the Thereupon the Chairman of the City Commission announced that the City Corn- minutes CITY COMMISSION, SANFORD. FLORIDA.__ September 13~ 1926 19 A RESOLUTION PRESCRIBING THE FORN AND DETAILS OF AN ISSUE OF BONDS BY ~IE CITY OF SANFORD FLORIDA Ill THE SUSi OF FOUR HUI~DRED THOUSA~ DOLLARS AND PROVIDING FOR THE LEVY OF AN ANNUAL TAX UPON ALL TAXABLE PROPERTY WITHIN THE CITY OF SANFORD FLORIDA SUFFICIENT TO PRODUCE EACH YEAR THE SU~: OF ~OI~EY NECESSARY TO PAY THE Ii,~TEREST ON SAID BONDS AND SUFFICIENT TO CREATE A SINKING FU~JD FOR THE PURPOSE OF THE REDE~SPTION OF SAID BONDS AT THE LiATL~ITY THEREOF. Proposal of J E Craig~ to furnish engineering services in connection with the construct- ion of Nunicipal Docks was read and laid over until the next meeting. The follwoing bills were read, and the Clerk authorized to draw checks in payment for same. ( For list of bills see disbursement book) There being no further business the meeting adjourned. Attest: City Clerk.