HomeMy WebLinkAbout102526-Regular Meeting MINUTES CITY COMMISSION, SANFORD, FLORIDA, Reguma~ Meeting October 25, 1926 Present: Commissioners Forrest Lake ( M~yor ) E F Housholder City Manager, W B Williams, City Engineer Fred T Williams, and City Attorney , George A De0ott%s. Absent: Commissioner S O Chase. Minutes of last regular meeting read and approved. Petition Re: vacating alley in Block 12 Tr. 6, read and Clerk instructed to write signers of same to secure signatures of all owners in said block. Petition from property owners in F L WoocLruff Subdivision Re: paving certain streets was taken under advisement. City Engineer submitted the following plats s-nd on motion duly adopted, same were approved: ~t~%~"S~nford Realty Co. Subdivision" "Shepherd's Addition" Commissioner E F Housholder introduced the following resolution ~327, entitled: A RESOLUTION PROVIDING FOR THE PAVING, RE-PAVING , HARD SURFACING AND RE-HARD SURFACING OF ROSALIA DRIVE FROM LOCUST A~ENUE EAST TO MELLONVILLE AVENUE; OATALINA DRIVE FROM LOCUST AVENUE EAST TO MELLONVILLE AVENUE AND VERNANGO AVENUE FROM ROSALIA DRIVE SOUTH TO CATALINA DRIVE, A WIDTH OF 24 ~EET." and moved that same be adopted. Said motion which was duly seconded , prevailed by the unanimous vote of the ~ity Commission. Thereupon the Chairman of the City Commission announced that the Commission of the City of Sanford, Florida had unanimously passed and adopted. Resolution ~327 entitled "A Resolution providing for the paving, re-paving, hard surfacing and re-hard surfacing Ef Rosalia Drive from Locust Ave. East to Mellonville Ave., Catalina Drive from Locust ve. East to Mellonville Ave. and Vernango Ave. from Rosalia Drive south to Catalina Drive A width of 24 feet." Commissioner E F Housholder introduced Resolution ~32~, entitled: "A RESOLUTION PROVIDING FOR THE PAVIa'{} RE*PAVING, HARD SURFACING AND RE-HARD SURFACING OF ESCAMBIA DRIVE FROM LOCUST AVENUE EAST TO VERNANGO AVENUE, A WIDTH OF 32 FEET. and moved that same be adopted. Said motion which was duly seconded, prevailed by the unanimous vote of the City Commission. Thereupon the Chairman of the City Commission announced that the City Commission had by unanimous vote passed and adopted Resolution ~328, entitled: A Resolution providing for the paving re-paving, hard surfacing and re-hard surfacing of Escambia Drive from Locust Ave. east to Vernango Ave., a width of 32 feet." Commissioner Housholder introduced the following resolution which was duly adopted: BE IT RESOLVED by the City Commission of the City of Sanford, Florida in regu- lar session assembled that the Mayor-Commissioner be, and he is hereby authorized to enter into an agreement with the Atlantic Coast Line R R. Co. and to sign same on behalf of said City, whereby the Said Railroad Co.' gives and grants unto the Said City of Sanford Florida the right and privilege to lay and maintain for the purpose of water mains, storm sewer and sanitary Sewers, various lines of pi~ across and along the right-of-way, and under- neath tracks of the Atlantic Coast Line Railroad at forty one locations in said City of Sanford, Florida; all as particularly described in said agreement~ Which agreement is dated Sept 28, 1926 Adopted this 25th day of October A.D.1926 CITY COMMISSION, SANFORD, FLORIDA, MINUTES October 25 and to pave same with 01d bribh. Also to purchase one tractor and grader equipment for street purposes, in the sum of $2,350.00 on terms. Also to purchase boiler for Gas Plant. Mr A P Connelly came before the Oommission Re: Funds for Construction of Municipal Hospital, and ~fter due discussion' the Oommission agreed to meet the Hospital Board at a near date to advise with them regarding the m~tter. The following bills were read, approved , amd the Clerk authorized to draw checks in payment for same. ( For list of bills see disbursement book) There being no further business the meeting adjourned. Attest: .City Clerk.