HomeMy WebLinkAbout022028CITY COMMISSION. SANFORD, FLORIDA. mINUtES Adjourned Session Feb. 20 at 4 P M The City Commission of the City of the City Hall at Sauford, Florida at Fottr O'Clcok P M on the Present: Commissioners E F Housholder Mayor " S 0 Chase " Frank L Miller City Clerk City Manger City Atty. Sanford, Florida met in an adjourned session at 20th day of February 1928. F S Lamson G H Cairns George A DeOottes E F Ho~sholder - Aye S 0 Chase - Aye Frank L Miller - Aye said resolution being in words and figures as follows, to-wit: "WHEREAS, on the l?th day of January 1928, Resolution No. 366 was duly adopted by the City Commission of the City of Sanford, Florida, authorizing an issue of bonds of the city of Sanford, Florida, in the sum of $261,000.00 said bonds to bear a rate of interest not exceeding six per centum per annum and to be dated January l, 1928, and "WHEREAS, said bonds may be legally sold at private sale, and "WHEREAS, Wright, Warlow & Company has submitted a proposal for the pttrchase of said bonds to the amount of $261,000.00 numbered from i to 261 , both numbers inclusive, to bear a rate of interest of six per centum per annum, interest payable July 1 and January I of each year, both principal and interest being payable at National Park Bank in the City of New York and State of New York, said bonds being in the denomination of lO00.O0 each and to mature serially over a period of twenty five years from and after the date of issuance, said proposal in writing in words and figures as follows, to-wit: Sanford, Florida being': The Chairman stated that the first business to betaken up would be the consideration of! any proposals submitted to purchase the $261,000.00 City of Sanford, Florida Refunding Bonds to bear a rate of interest not exceeding six per centum per annum, authorized by Resolution No. 366, adopted by the City Commission of the City of Sanford, Florida on the 17th day of January 1928, said bonds to be dated January 1st, 1928, being of the denomination of $1000.0O each. Thereupon, the question arose as to whether said bonds might be legally sold at private sale and the City Attorney was called upon for an opinion in this regard, and the City Attorney thereupon advised the Commission that said issue of bonds could be legally sold at private sale. Wright, Warlow & Company then submitted a proposal in writing for the purc~e at pri- vate sale of the said bonds of the City of Sanford, Florida as above described, offering to purchase said bonds, bearing a rate of interest of six per centumper annum, at par and accrued interest to date of delivery. After full consideration of the proposal for the purchase of the above issue of bonds submitted by Wright, Warlow & Company, Commissioner Frank L 2iller offfered the following resolution, which was unanimously adopted, those voting for the adoption of said resolution CITY COMMISSION, SANFORD, FLORIDA, MINUTES Adjourned Session ~9 28 Sirs: For $261,000.00 0i~y of Sauford, Florida Refunding Bonds, serial retirements, to be dated January 1, 1928 , authorized under Bonding Resolution No. 366, adopted on the 17th day of January 1928, said bonds being of the denomination of $1,000.00 each and to bear a rate of interest not to exceed six per cent per annum, and having the following maturities, to-wit: Bonds numbered from Bonds numbered from Bonds n~nbered from Bonds numbered from Bonds numbered from Bonds numbered from Bonds numbered from Bonds numbered from Bonds numbered from Bonds numbered from Bonds numbered from Bonds numbered from Bonds numbered from Bonds numbered from Bonds numbered from Bonds numbered from Bonds numbered £rom Bonds numbered from Bonds nUmbered from Bonds numbered from Bonds numbered from Bonds numbered from~ Bonds numbered from 1 to 10 inclusive, to mature Jan 1, 1931 11 to 20 inclusive, to mature Jan l, 1932 21 to ~0 inclusive to mature Jan l, 1933. ~ to ~0 inclusive, to mature Jan l, 193~ to 90 inclusive, to mature Jan l, 193~ ~l to bO, inclusive to mature Jan l, 1936 61 to 70 inclusive, to mature Jan 1. 1937 71 to 80 inclusive , to mature Jan l, 193~ al to 90 inclusive to mature Jan l, 1939 91 to 100 inclusive to mature Jan l, 19~0 lO1 to llO inclusive, to mature Jan l, 1951 lll to 120, inclusive to mature Jan l, 121 to 130 inclusive to mature Jan l, 19~B 131 to 140 inclusive to mature Jan l, 19~4 l$l to 150 inclusive, to mature Jan l, 19~ l~l to l~O i~clusive, to mature Jan l, 19~6 161 to l?O, mnclusive to mature Jan l, 1951. 17l to 180 inclusive , to mature Jan 1. lB1 to 195,inclusive, to mature Jan l, 1959 196 to 210 inclusive, to mature Jan l, 1950 211 to 2~5, inclusive to mature Jan l, 1951 226 to 2~0 inclusive, to mature Jan 1. 1952 251 to 261 inclusive, to mature Jan l, 1953 we will pay you for said entire issue, bearing a rate of interest of six per cent'per annum interest payable semi-annually, in New York, the sum of TWO HUNDRED AND SIXTY ONE THOUSAND ($261,000.00) DOLLARS; and accrued interest to date of delivery, said bonds to be delivered to Sanford Atlantic National Bank at Sanford, Florida, or to State Bank of Orlando, at our election. This bid is made upon the condition that you are to furnish us proving opinion of Caldwell & Raymond, Attorneys of New York City as bonds, together with the entire transcript of the proceedings. This bid is for immediate acceptance. the unqualified ap- to the validity of these Yours very truly, WRIGHT, WARLOW & CO~ANY By: L C Leedy WHEREAS, it is the opinion of the City Oommission of the City of Sanford, Florida that the bid of Wright, Warlow & C~mpany offering to purchase the above described issue of bonds bearing a rate of interest of six per centum~per annum, should be accepted. THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the bid of Wright, Warlow & Company this day sub- mitted for the purchase of s~id bonds of the City of Sanford, Florida in the aggregate amount of $261,000.O0 bearing interest at the rate of six per centum per annum, as above particularly described, be and the same is hereby accepted, and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the sale of said bonds as above described be and the same is hereby awarded to Wright, Warlow & Company upon the terms and conditions set forth in their written proposal of this date and, "BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that said bonds abovedescribed aggregating the sum of $261,000.00, authorized by the bonding resolution aforesaid be duly delivered to Wright, War- low & Company upon the payment of the sum of $261,000.00 and accrued interest to date of CITY COMMISSION, SANFORD. FLORIDA. MINUTES Feb. 20, Attest~~ Mayor 340 MINUTES CITY COMMISSION, SANFORD, FLORIDA,I~EETII~G BOND TRUSTEES Feb. 20, ~t 5 P M. 19~ The Board of Bond Trustees of the City of Sanford, Florida, met at the City Hall in Sanford, Florid~ at 5 P M on February 20th. 1928. Present: E F Housholder, Chairman S 0 Chase Frank L Miller George A DeCottes, City Attorney F S Lamson, City Clerk. Minutes of meeting of January 23rd were read and approved. Nr Niller moved that City Clerk, F S Lamson serve as Clerk of the Board of Bond Trustees Seconded by ~r Chase and unanimously adopted. Comm~ication from Hall & Pentland, submitting schedule of payments to complete the disbursement of the balance of the proceeds of the $510,000 .00 refinancing bonds was ap- proved and checks ordered drawn to pay same as appearing in Supplement No. 2 to Document A-1 Communication from the First National Bank certifying to the payment of interest to January 2:~ 1928 and payment of 60% of the principal of various Time ~arrants and Certifi- cate of Indebtedness, as listed therein, was read, approved and ordered spread on the Ninutes, as follows: Bond Trustees, City of Sanford San~ord, Florida. ',February 15, 1928 Gentlemen:- This will certify that we have this d~y made the following listed endorsements of principal and interest on City of $~ford paper which we hold, as evidenced by your refinancing check ~1002, dated January 20, 1928, endorsements showing as of January 21 1928, 60% on principal and interest in full to January 2, 1928: Date Due Date Class Sched~ule Amount 60% Interest ~ll.12 $10,000.00 6,000.00 10,000.00 6,000.00 25,000.00 15,000.O0 933.33 30,000.00 1~,000.O0 1133.33 75,000.00 45,000.00 3o 6.71 14,000.00 8,400.00 563.12 98,400.00 ~02.05 ? oo.oo $10 802.05 Very truly yours B F Whitner Cashier. s/15/27 11/15/27 O of Inc. l~/2/25 Dem. TW .657~- 10/1 /25 Cern 1/12/26 Dem TW 6950~ 1/21/ 7 1/al/2 3891 l/l/2? 1/21/28 TW 3892 I certify that I witnessed the endorsements on City of Sanford Time warrants and certificate/ of Indebtedness as set out above, this 15th day of February A.D.1928 8 G Gray There being no further business the meeting adjourned. Attest: ~ Clerk. Bond Trustees of ~anford, Florida. the.City of