HomeMy WebLinkAbout102928CITY COMMISSION, SANFORD, FLORIDA,.. MINUTES 461 Adjouzned Session October 29 at 2 P~9N 1928 The City Commission of~the City of Sanford, Florida met in adjourned session at the City Hall, Sanford, Florida October 29th at 2 O'Clock P N 1928~ Present: Commissioner E F Housholder, Mayor. " Frank L Miller City Clerk, F 8 Lamson. City Attorney, George A DeCottes. Absent: City Commissioner, S 0 Chase. Upon motion duly adopted, ~nd in view of the fact that the 192? Delinquent Tax Certificates have not been delivered to the Clerk of the Circuit Cou~t for collection, the costs against lots i and 2 Blk 3 Orange Hts. for 1927 taxes were ordered abated, and the Tax Collector instructed to receive the amount of taxes only. On motion duly adopted $5.00 of l~2y personal Tax of L E White was ordered can- celled on account of error in assessing. On motion duly adopted SEES.lZ of the 1927 Personal Tax of C Benjamin was ordered cancelled on account of error in assessing. Upon motion duly adopted the 1927 personal Tax of C D Brumley was ordered reduced from $39.38 to $25.00 on account of error in assessing. Upon motion duly adopted $1,200.00 was appropriated from the Division of 0ha~ity for the use of the Seminole Oounty Welfare Board during the year commencing Oct. 1 192~ and ending Sept. 30 1929 and the Clerk was instructed to make payment at the rate of $100.00 per month Upon motion duly adopted, Gardner Minyard , now serving a term in jail, was ordered released, conditional upon his obtaining work and caring for his wife. Er Clyde Byrd, Local Manager of the Florida Power & Light Co. appeared before the 0ommission requesting the passage of a resolution petitioning the Federal Radio Com- mission to grant the necessary permits to allow the installation and operation of a short wave length radio transmitting and receiving sets at points within the State of Florida. Thereupon,0ommissioner Miller made the motion, which unanimously prevailed, that the request of the Florida Power & Light Company be complied with. Thereupon Commissioner ~iller offered the following resolution, which was unanimously adopted, Said resolution to be signed in duplicate, one copy to be furnished to the Florida Power & Light Company. Said resolution being in words and figures as follows: WHEREAS, the Florida Power & Light Company, a public Utility Company, organized and existing under the laws of the State of Florida, supplies a large part of Florida, ln~ eluding this immediate community, with electric service, and, WHEREAS,~ the Florida Power & Light 0ompany maintains an inter-connected electric system within the State of Florida running along the East 0cast from Florida City on the South to Yules on the north, across the State ~rom Fort Pierce to Arcadia and along the West Coast from Bradenton to Fort Myers, serving approximately one hundred and forty(1400 communities with an approximate pupulation of 240,000 persons for the proper operation of which requires uninterrupted communication service over said system, and WHEREAS, during the past two years the State of Florida has been visited by CITY COMMISSION, SANFORD, FLORIDA, MINUTES Adjourned S_ession October 29 at 2 P M ~9 28 are effectively isolate and cut off the community from the rest of Florida and the other portions of the United States, and ~EREAS, during such hurricane and thereafter for a time, this community as well as other communities within the State has been cut off from the remainder of the State of Florida and the world at la~ge as regards telephone, telegraph and other means of comnunication, causing among other unfortunate conditions, disastrous interference with the Florida Power & Light Company's electric service, resulting detrimentally to this and various other communities in the State, and WHEREAS: THE FLORIDA POWER &LIGHT COMPANY in order to better enable it to maintain continuous and adequate electric service to this and such other communities and to minimize interruptions of service during emergency conditions, proposes to install short wave length radio transmitting sets at necessary points on its interconnected electric system and, WHEREAS, it is the stated purpose of said 0ompany to confine the use of the above mentioned sets in the maintenance of electric service to the communities it serves and not for commercial use, and WHEREAS, it is the belief of this body that during such emergencies and at all times the installation and operation of such sets would among other things assist the Said Company in maintaining continuous electric service to such necessary agencies for the public health and welfare of the co~nunities served as water utilities, fire protection, hospitals, refrigeration plants, dairies and milk depots, sewage disposal systems, fire alarm systems, street traffic signal systems, train control systems, light houses, radio beacons, certified aeronautical beacons, draw-bridges and.other uses which directly affect the safety of public life and property and in general would inure to the benefit and wel- fare of this community and the State of Florida at large, NOW THEREFORE, BE IT UNANIMOUSLY RESOLVED BY THIS BODY, that the proposal ~ the Florida Power & Light Company to install and maintain at points within the State of Florida on its interconnected electric System short wave length radio transmitting and receiving sets for communication in order that the Company may be better able to maintain electric service which is vital to the public welfare and the general benefit of this com-' munity and the State of Florida at large is hereby unanimously endorsed by this Body, which hereby petitions the Federal Radio Commission to grant the necessary permits to allow the installation and operation of the above described radio equipment by said Company. F S Lamson 0ity Clerk. Dated October October 31, 1928. EF H~usholer Mayor. Frank L Miller City Commissioner. 29, 1928, Sanford, Florida. There being no further business the meeting adjourned to meet again