HomeMy WebLinkAbout121128CITY COMMISSION. SANFORD. FLORIDA. MinUTES REGULAR SESSION DECEMBER 10~ at 2 P M 1s 28 There being no quorum present, P M December ll, 1928. Attest: City Clerk. the meeting adjourned to meet again at Two O'Clock MINUTES OF ADJOURNED REGULAR SESSION OF THE CITY 00MMISSION DEC. 11, 2 P M 1928. The City Commission of the City of Sanford, Florida met in adjourned regular at the City Hall in Sanford Florida 1928. Present: Commissioner City Attorney City Clerk, City Manager, at 20~Clock P M December 11, E F Housholder, Mayor S 0 Chase Frank L Miller , George A DeOottes F S Lamson G H Cairns. session Chief of Police R G Williams. Reading of minutes dispensed With. Current invoices and payrolls for the month of November 1928 properly vouchered and audited by the Accounting Department were submitted, examined, approved and the Clerk in- structed to draw checks in payment thereof. Financial Report including report of expenditures and revenues, as of November 30, 1928 submitted and approved. Report of the City Manager submitted, examined and ordered filed. Bank Statements from the First National Bank and from the Sanford Atlantic National Bank , in all accounts for the month of November 1928 submitted and examined. City Clerk submitted receipt from the Trust Department of the First National Bank for $67,000.00 in City of Sanford Bond, said bonds to be held by the Trust Department of the First National Bank as security for City of Sanford funds on deposit in the First National Bank. Same was approved. City Clerk submitted Depository Bond No 4904 issued by the ~aryland Casualty Company in favor of the City of Sanford, Florida in amount of $50,000.00 as security for City of Sanford funds on deposit in the Sanford Atlantic National Bank,. Same was approved. City Clerk submitted Federal Reserve Receipt No 4N issued by the Jacksonville Branch of the Federal Reserve Bank of Atlant%a to the Sanford Atlantic National B~nk, covering five Town of Madison 6% Improvement bonds,par value $5,000.00, this receipt being assigned to the City of Sanford as secuirty for City of Sanford funds on deposit in the Ss~uford Atlantic National Bank. Same was approved. City Clerk submitted Federal Reserve Receipt No 27636, issued by the Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta to the Sanford Atlantic National Bank. coverin~ U.S. Treasurv Certfs. T~ ~ lc2~ CITY COMMISSION, SANFORD, FLORIDA: MINUTES Ad_~ourned Re~"~lar Session Dec. ll 19 28 over-assessment, as prepared and recommended by the Deputy Tax Collector, and after due consideration by the City Commission, said report was adopted and approved. Thereupon, the Deputy Tax Collector was instructed to make collections in accordance with the report and suggestions filed by him and approved. Upon motion duly adopted, the following 1927 Personal Tax Assessments were ordered cancelled for the reasons given: S D Highleman J L Nar6ntette Gertrude Carraway Seminole Fish Narket I F Schwartz W D Hof~man M Block B R Bebk J A Harrold F B Adams Sanford Bond & Mort. A ~ Straup CO. Upon motion duly adopted, 17.62 Over-Assessment 14' 37 " ~. O0 " 9.35 " 18.18 " 2?.95 " 2~.00 " 1~.~8 " ii l~.~ Error in collection 12~50 Double Assessment. it was ordered that the interest on taxes for 1923 and Tr. 14 W N ClarkS Sub. previous years against Lot 3 Blk ll of Blk ll celled, provided these taxes and subsequent years taxes, together with once; and the Clerk was ordered to notify the Clerk of the Circuit to Commissioner Eiller offered the following reeolution: WHEREAS, application has been made to the City Planning Commission for a permit construct a filling station at the south-east intersection of Park Ave. and Third St., said application having been made in the name o£ the Standard Oil Company, and ~VHEREAS, issuance of a WHEREAS, that, that portion of the City of Sanford, Nonroe to the North line of Fourth St. be THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Tr l~ and 15, be can- interest, be paid at this effect. to the City Planning Commission has recommended to the City Commission the permit for the erection of a gasoline service station at said point, and the City Planning Commission has heretofore recommended to the City Commissio~ Florida extending from the South Shore of Lake designated as the business section. report and recormmendation of ~he City Planning Commission be mpproved, and that the Standard Oil Con[oany be, and they are hereby granted permission to erect a filling station at the site aforesaid in accordance with the provisions of the Building Code of the City of Sanford, and after having been duly issued a building permit for said purposes. Adopted this llth day of December 1928. The vote being taken stands as follows: Commissioner E H Housholder Aye ,, S 0 Chase Aye ,, F L ~iller Aye. Thereupon the Chairman announed that the Co~mmission by its unanimous vote had adopted said resolution. Upon motion duly adopted, the purchase of a Crosley Radio from the at a cost of $155.00 , to be placed at the Fire Station, was authorized, to the Contingent Fund. The City Commission had invited the incoming members of the Board; Mr Nelson Gray, Mr R A Newman, and Mr Vivian Speer to meet with the Board and at this time submitted to theml the information secured by Nayor Housholder and Commissioner Eiller in New York regarding the future financing of the City of Sanford Sanford Radio Co. the cost to be charged 45? miNUTES CITY COMMISSION, SANFORD. flOrIDa, Adjourned Regular Session Dec. 11 at 2 P M. 19 28 Commissioner Chase introduced Ordinance No 157 entitled: AN ORDINANCE RELATIVE TO GARBAGE CANS. Same was placed upon its first reading. Thereupon Commissioner Miller moved that be placed upon its second reading. Thereupon the vote recurred Commissioner Housholder " Chase " Miller the rules be waived, and the said ordinance on the waivure of the rules as follows: Aye Aye Aye Thereupon Commissioner Chase moved that the said ordinance be placed upon its second reading and final passage, and the said ordinance read in full. Thereupon, said ordinance was read in full by the Clerk. Roll Call was taken on the final passage and adoption of said ordinance. Those voting for its final passage and adoption being: Commissioner Housholder Aye " Chase Aye " Miller Aye Thereupon, the Chairman of the Commission announced that the City Commission by its unanimous vote had passed and adopted said ordinance No. 158 , entitled: "AN ORDINANCE REDUCING THE FEE FOR SEWER COHNECTIONS.,, Co~nlssioner Chase offered the following resolution which was unanimously adopted: WHEREAS, the UNITED STATES FIDELITY AND GUARANTY COMPANY, a bonding company duly authorized to do business in the State of Florida, has heretofore become surety on various bonds on behalf~ of $ 0 Chase, E F Housholder and Forrest Lake, Bond Trustees of the City of S~unford, which saidr !bonds are more fully set out below: iPrincipal iS 0 Chase !S 0 Chase S O Chase S 0 Chase Amou~ of Bond $1,5oo.oo 1,500.00 2,500.00 1,500.00 Date of Execution. 12-11-23 7,23,23 1,28,2~ 10-6-2~ be placed upon its second reading. Thereupon, the vote recurred Conunissioner Houshol~er " C~ase " Miller Thereupon, Co~nissioner Miller moved that the said ordinance be placed upon its second reading and final passage, and the said ordinance read in full. Thereupon said ordinance was read in full by the Clerk. Roll Call was taken on the final passage and adoption of said ordinance. Those voting for its final passage and adoption being: Commissioner Housholder Aye " Chase Aye " Miller Aye Thereupon, the Chairman of the Commission announced that the City Commission by its unanimous vote had passed and adopted said ordinance No 157 entitled: "AN ORDINANCE REALTIVE TO GARBAGE CANS., Commissioner Miller introduced Ordinance No 158, entitled: AN ORDINANCE t{EDUCING THE FEE FOR SEWER CONNECTIONS. Same was placed upon its first reading. Thereupon Commissioner Chase moved that the rules be waived, and the said ordinance Aye Aye Aye on the waivure of the rules as follows: 488 CITY COMMISSION, SANFORD. FLORIDA, MINUTES Adjourned Regular Session Dec. ll, at 2 P ~ 19. 28 S 0 Chase 5,000.00 3-18-26 S O Chase 4,500 O0 6-3-26 S O Chase 2,500.00 3-.~-27 S 0 Ch~se 1,O00.O0 I 8 25- - E F Housholder 2,500.00 2.22-26 E F Housholder 5,000.00 ~;-1~-26 E F Houmholder 221000.00 2-2~-27 E F Housholder 500.00 6-2-26 E F Housholder 2,500.00 3-8-27 E F Housholder 1,O00.O0 9-9-26 Forrest Lake 1,500.©0 12-11-23 Forrest Lake 1,500.00 7-23-23 Forrest ~ake 2,500.00 ~-28-2~ Forrest Lake 1,5OO.00 10.-6-23 Forrest Lake 6,500.00 10-25-2~ Forrest Lake 1,500.00 5,-12.2~ Forrest Lake 1,500.00 8-25-2~ Forrest Lake 1,900.00 S-25-2~ Forrest Lake 2,500.00 10-5-25 Forrest Lake 2,500.00 5-20-25 Forrest Lake 2,500.00 5-22-2~ Forrest Lake ~,000.00 8-12-26 Forrest Lake ~,500.00 6-3-26 Forrest Lake 2,500.00 3.8-2~ WHEREAS, the CITY OF SANFOR]) is desirous of relieving the said FO~REST LAKE'; E F HOUSHOLDER and S 0 CHASE, and UNITED STATES FIDELITY ~ID GUARANTY CO~,~ANY from any fur- ther liability on said bonds after August l, 1928, and is also desirous to be released from any obligation for the payment of any premiss on said bonds after August l, 1928 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, in consideration of the UNITED STATES FIDELITY AND GUARA~TY COMPANY as Surety, returning to the CITY OF SANFORD any unearned premiums that may be found to be due under the above described bondS, as the result of their cancellation on August l, 1928 the said Forrest Lake, E F Housholder and S 0 Chase, and United States Fidelity and Guaranty Company, as their surety on said bonds described above be released from any and all liability on each and all of the above described bonds, from and after August l, 1928, and the CITY OF SANF0-~D does hereby release the UNITED STATES FIDELITY AND GUARANTY COMPANY from any and all liability on said bonds after August l, 1928, but not from any liability occurring under said fiduciary bonds prior to August 1st, 1928. Upon motion duly adopted , Nathan Butt was ordered released from jai~ on good be- havior, in order to support family. Commis'sioner F L Miller offered the following resolution; which was unanimously adopted. .wJ~SOLUTION NO 3Y5 WHEREAS, it has been made known to the City Co:mmission of the City of Sanford, Florida that the Chamber of Commerce of the City of Sanford, Florida is indebted to Dorland Ad- vertising Agency of Atlantic City, New Jersey, in the amount of $1~,0~5.00 , with accrued interest thereon, and. WHEREAS, said indebtedness due the Dorland Advertising Agency by the Chamber of Commerce of the City of Sanford, Florida, is long past due, and, WHEREAS, the Chamber of Commerce of the City of Sanford, Florida, do not have any funds in hand with which to pay and discharge said indebtedness, and, WHEREAS, the failure on the part of the Chamber of Commerce of the City of Sanford, Florida , to adjust said account will reflect with great discredit upon the City of Sanford Florida, and , WHEREAS, the City of Sanford, Florida has in the past , under the authority vested CITY COMMISSION, SANFORD. FLORIDA. mINUTES Adjourned Regular Session Dec. llth 2 P M 19___ 489 WHEREAS, some time ago the City of Semford Florida, notified the Chamber of Commerce of the City of Sanford, Florida, that it would be impossible to make any further advances of City Funds unto it to be used by the Chamber of Commerce for Publicity Purposes, and, WHEREAS, the Chamber of Commerce of the City of San£ord, Florida has made known to the : City Commission that it was depending upon funds to be paid it by the City of Sanford, Florida, with which to pay and discharge its obligation to the Dorland Advertising Agency, and, ~WHEREAS, because of the general financial stringency it is impossible for the City of Sanford, Florida to continue from year to year to make appropriations out of the publicity fund for use and expenditure by the Chamber of Commerce of the City of Sanford, Florida, and '~EREAS, the City of Sanford, Florida desires to assist financially as far as possible th~ Chamber of Commerce of the City of Sanford, Florida, therefore, BE IT RESOLVED; that if the Dorland Advertising Agnecy of Atlantic City, New Jersey, will accept and receive of and from the City of Sanford, Florida, seven bonds of the denomination of $7,000.00 Each, nmnbers 495,496,498,$99,500,531, and 532 of an issue of bonds in the aggre-~ gate sum of $693,000.00, known as Series "A-l" , dated the 1st day of January A.D. 1928, bear- ing interest at the rate of fi~e and one-half and six per cent per annum, the bonds above numbered bearing interest at the rate of six per cent per annum, in full settlement, discharge and satisfaction of the indebtedness of $15,O~5.00 and any and all accrued interest due there- on, now due and payable by the Chamber of Commerce of the City of Sanford, Florida, to Dorland Advertising Agency, the Mayor and the City Clerk of the City of Sanford, Florida, are hereby authorized to execute and deliver unto the said Dorland Advertising Agency. bonds of said issue, numbered $95,496,498,499, 500 , 531 and 532, bearing interest at the rate of six per cen~ per annum, interest payable semi-annually on January 1st and July 1st, of each year, with all interest coupons thereto attached in full settlement and complete satis- faction of the said indebtedness, with accrued interest thereon, due and payable as aforesaid by the Chmnber of Commerce of the City of Sanford, Florida , unto Dorland Advertising Agency said bonds however, are not to be delivered to the Dorland Advertising Agency until said Dorland Advertising Agency has executed and delivered a full and co~olete receipt and acquittance unto the Chamber of CoMmerce of the City of Sanford Florida, covering its claim as aforesaid against said Chamber of Commerce of the City of Sanford, Florida. Adopted on this the llth day of December, A D 1928. F S Lamson City Clerk. (Seal) E F Rousholder S 0 Chaee Frank L Miller As City Commission~ the City of Sanford, Florida. There being no further 3 P M 1928. busi~ss the meeting adjourned,to meet December lSth. at Mayor.