HomeMy WebLinkAbout121428CITY COMMISSION, SANFORD. FLORIDA,~ MINUTES Adjourned Session Dec l~, 3 P N The City Commission of the City of Sanford, Florida met in adjourned session at the City Hall in Sanford Florida at 30(Clock P N December l~, 1928. Present: Commissioner E F Housholder, ~ayor " Frank L ~iller City 01erk F S Lamson City ~anager, G H Cairns. Absent: Commissioner , S 0 Chase. Minutes of Regular ~eeting of October 22nd, adjourned session of October 25, Adjourned Session of October 26th, adjourned session of October 29th, adjourned session of October 31st, adjourned session of November 5th; adjourned session of November 8th; adjourned ses- sion of November 9th; regular meeting of November 12th; adjourned regular meeting of Nov. ~3th; adjourned session of November l~th; adjourned session of November 15th; adjourned ses- sion of November 17th; regular meetirg of November 26th; regular special session of December 5th adjournded meeting of December 7th and regular meeting of December 10th , read and approved. Commissioner Miller offered the following resolution, which was unanimously adopted: WHEREAS, it was informally agreed that from and after the 19th day of September 1928, the regularly designated depositories of funds of the City of Sanford, Florida, should pay 3 per cent interest compounded quarterly, o~ all time deposits in s~id depositories. THEREFORE, be it resolved, that from and after the 19th day of September 192~, the depositories be allowed to pay to the City on its time deposits 3 per cent interest, com- pounded quarterly, instead of ~ per cent ~s heretofore required. On motion duly adopted, the following banks were designated ~s City Depositories for the ensuing year, upon condition that they qualify in cor~ormity with the City Charter. Will pay pay three per cent interest, compounded quarterly, on all time deposits, and two per cent interest on daily balances of other City funds when such funds exceed $2,000.00 and give security for all City deposits of one hundred cents on the dollar. The First National Bank, Sanford. Florida. The Ss~uford Atlantic National Bank of Sanford, Florida. The Clerk was instructed to notify the above banks of this action. ~ommissioner Miller introduced Resolution No. 3Y6, which was unanimously adopted; s~me being in words and figures as follows: Resolution No. 376 WHEREAS, The City of Sanford, Florida is indebted to the Globe Dredging Company of $&van- nah Georgia, in the s~u of $~,~00.00 as shown by the books and records of the City of Sanford, Florida, and, WHEREAS, The City of Sanford, Florida has heretofore authorized the issuance of certain bonds to provide funds for the payment of said indebtedness, and WHEREAS, the City of Sanford, Florida has been unable to negotiate the sale of s~id bonds for s~id purpose, and ~HE~EAS, the Globe Dredgir~ Company of its account with the City of Sanford, desires to make an adjustment and full settlement Florida, and CITY COMMISSION, SANFORD. FLORIDA. MINUTES Adjourned Session Dec. 14 3 P I~ _19 28 491 BE IT RESOLVED, thai a cash payment of the sum of $1,000.00 be made to the Globe Dredging Company on account of the indebtedness due it by the City and, BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED. that six bonds of the denomination of $1,000.00 each, numbered · ~;-i~4:-~.~.~? and~ of an issue of bonds in the aggregate sum of $693,000.00, known as Series "A-l" dated the 1st day of January 1928, bearing interest at the rate of five and one half and six per cent per annum, the bonds above n~nbered bearing interest a~ the rate of Six per cent per annum, together with all interest coupons thereto annexed, maturing subsequent to January 1st, 1929 be forthwith delivered to the Globe Dredging Company to be accepted and received by the Globe Dredging Company in full settlement, pay~nt and dischargeI of the balance due the Globe Dredging Company, amounting to $6,?00.00, after making said cash payment of $1,000.00, said bonds however are not to be delivered to the Globe Dredging Company until said Globe Dredging Company has executed and delivered a full and complete re- ceipt and acGuittance unto the City of Sanford, Florida, covering in full all claims and de- mands of whatsoever nature it now has or holds against the City of Sanford, Florida, including said blance on account amounting to $6,~00.00 now due and payable by the City of Sanford, Florida to the Globe Dredging Company Adopted this l~th day of December A.D. 1928 E F H0ush01de~ Frank L Miller As the City Commission of the City of Sanford, Florida. Attest: F S Lamson City Clerk. (Seal) There being no further business the meeting adjourned. Atte~~ City Clerk. 666 Mayo r