HomeMy WebLinkAbout072841-Regular SessionMINUTES 19 41 The City Commission of the City of Sanford, Florida, met in regular session at the City Mall in the City of Sanford, Florida, at ?:30 o'clock P .M. July 28, 1941. ?resent: Commissioner W.C.Hlll, Mayor. # H.James Gut " Edward Higgins " M.J.Lod~e f" " G.E.Rollins City Attorney Fred R. Wilson City Clerk M N Sayer Chief of Police R.G.Williams Meeting called to order by the Chairman. Minutes of adjourned meeting of July 7th. and regular meeting of July 14th,,1941 next read and aporoved. E.C.Haroer, Captain of the Seminole County Defense Council next aopeared and requested the Commission to rescind its action at the meeting of July 21et, to discontinue payment of one-half of caretaker's salary of the Armory, effective August l, 1941, stating that the State is only furnishing the Defense Councils with equloment and have made no nrc- visions for oayment of any other ~9e~$~. Thereupon after considerable discussion, Commissioner Hlgglns moved that the City continue payment of one-half of said caretaker's salary until definite arrangements have been made with either the State or County to defray the exoenses in connection with the maintenance of the Armory. Seconded by Commissioner Gut. Aoolication next received from Ira E.Southward for ~ermit to construct a driveway 1~0 feet in width at the southwest corner of French Avenue and Twelfth St., said driveway to be constructed of concrete 6" in thickness beginning where the driveway connects with the street oavement and extending back two feet, remainder of driveway to be constructed of 6" comoressed limerock base with 1" slag surface. Thereuoon Commissioner Higgl. ns moved that the aforesaid permit be granted. Seconded by Commissioner Rollins and carried. The Clerk next reoorted that under the orovisions of Ordinance No. 166, all dog owners are required to Day an annual license tax of $1.25 for each dog and have them vaccinated against rabies by a veterinarian to be des~ganted by the City Commission, the veterinarian to be naid for his Services out of the funds received from the license tax, advising that it has been customary to enforce these requirements during July or August each year. Thereupon the Commission instructed that all requirements of said Ordinance No. 166 be enforced, and designated C.W.Baker, Veterinarian to do the vaccinating. Pursuant to the orovislons of Resolution No. 608, oassed and adooted by the City Commission of the City of Sanford,Florida, on the 2nd day of July , 1951, authorizing the execution and delivery of refunding bonds of the City of Sanford, Florida, dated March l, l~41, in exchange for certain outstanding bonds of said City and directing the cancellation and destruction of certain undelivered refunding bonds of the City dated March 1, 1937, the Clerk next oresented the following Exchange and Cancellation Certificates: MINUTES CiTY COMMISSION; SANFORD, FLORIDA,- Julj~.__28 al; ',~ M 19. ~! EXCHANGE AND CANCELLATION CERTIFICATE We, the undersigned , H.N.~AYER, as City Clerk of the City of Sanford, Florida, and A.L. BETTS, as Cashier of Sanford Atlantic National Bank, Sanford, Florida,, designated as Exchange Agent in Resolution No. 6nE, passed and adopted by the City Commission of the City of Sanford, Florida, on July 2nd, 19~!, for the exchange of Refunding Bonds of said City, Issue of 19~l, dated March l, 19~l, do hereby certify that we did , on the 18th day of July , 1941, exchange Refunding Bonds Nos. I to 12, both inclueive, of Series "C", of the City of Sanford, Issue of 19~l, dated March l, 19~l, maturing September l, 1977 , in th~ denomination of $1,O00.00 each, and bearing interest~at the rate of 4% per annum , payable semi-annually, and evidenced by coupons, with coupons maturing September l, 19~l, and subsequent attached, for the followin~ Bonds of said City of Sanford, to-wit: Twelve 5% Special Assessment Paving Bonds, Series "N", dated January 1, 1925, due July l, 1935, in the denomination of $1,O00.00 each, Nos. 181-192, inclusive, with coupons No. 9, due July l, 1929, and subsequent coupons attached, which Bonds, bearing 5% interest, and coupons were thereupon cancelled by the undersigned by perforation, and that we did, on said 18th. day of July 1941, exchange Refunding Bonds Nos I to lll, both inclusive, of Series "D", of said City of Sanford, Issue of 1941, dated March l, 19~l, maturing September l, 1977, in the denomination of $1,000.00 each, bearing interest at the rate of 4% per annum, payable semi-annually, September 1, 19~1., and subsequent attached, Sanford, to-wit: evidenced by coupons, with coupons maturing for the following Bonds of the City of Eighty-four 5½% General Term , Series "F# Bonds, dated July l, 1924, due July l, 1954 in the denomination of $1,000.OO each, Nos. 33-82, lll-14~, inclusive, with coupons No. 25, due January l, 1937, and subsequent attached; Five 5~% General Term, Series #JJ# Bonds, dated July l, 1926, due July l, 1956, in the denomination of $1,O00.OO each, Nos 66-70, inclusive, with coupons No. 23, due January l, 1938, and subsequent attached; Seven 5~% General Term, Beries "KK" Bonds, dated July l, 1926, due July l, 1956, in the denomination of $1,000.00 each, Nos 15~-158, inclusive, with coupons No. 21, due January l, 1937, and subsequent attached, and Bonds Nos 355 and 508, with coupon No. 6, due July 1, 1929, and subsequent attached; General Ten 5~%/Term , Series "OO" Bonds, dated July l, denomination of $1,000.00 each, Nos 61-70, inclusive, 1926, due July l, 1956, in the with coupons No. 23, due January 1, 1938, and subsequent attached; Five 5~% Special Asseessment Paving Bonds, Ser~es due July 1, 1937, in the denomination of $1,000.00 each, "B" dated January 1, 1924, Nos 61-65, inc~usive, with coupons No. ll, due July l, 1929, and subsequent attached; all of which Bonds, bearing 5~% interest, and counons were thereupon cancelled by the undersigned by perforation, and that we did, on said 18th. day of July ,19~l, exchange Refunding Bonds, Nos 1-16, inclusive, of Series "E" , of said City of Sanford, Issue of 1941, dated March l, 1941, ~aturing September l, 1977, in the denomination of $1,000.O0 each, bearing interest at 4% Der annum, nayable semi-annually, evidenced by coupons maturing September 1,19~l, and subsequent attached, for the following Bonds of said City of Banford, to-wit: "A - Refunding Bonds, dated January l, 1~28, Five 6% General Serial, Series -E, due January l, 1938, in the denomination of $1,OO0.OOeach, Nos. 71-75, inclusive, MINUTES CITY COMMISSION, SANFORD, FLORIDA. ' 1 9-~L~ 1 ~.~ and subsequent attached; Five 6% Snecial~ Assessment Paving, Series "AA"~ Bonds , dated January 1, 1926, due January 1, 1935, in the denomination Of $1,OO0.00 each, Nos ~-1~9, inclusive, with counons No. 7, due July 1, 1929, and subsequent attached; Five 6% Soecial Assessment Bulkhead , Series "ABRA#, Bonds, dated January 1, 1926, due July 1, 1936, in the denomination of $1,0OO.00 each, Nos. 75-79, inclusive, with couoons No. 7 due July 1, 1929, and subsequent attached; all of which Bonds, bearing 6% interest , and coupons were thereupon cancelled by the undersigned by oerforation. said We further certify that we did on the/1Sth, day of July , 1941, cancel and destroy, by burning in the incinerator of the City ~ Sanford, Florida, Refunding Bonds No. 5017 to 5173, inclusive, of Series "A", dated March 1, 1937, maturing Beotember 1, 1977, in the denomination of $1,000.00 each, with coupons No 1, maturing Seotember 1, 1937, and subsequent attached, and Refunding bonds Nos. 612 to 626, inclusive, of Series "B" of the City of Sanford, dated March 1, 1937, maturing Seotmber 1, 1977, in the denomination of $1,000.00 each, with coupons No. 1, maturing Seotember 1, 1937, and subsequent attached. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, we have hereunto set our hands and of official seal of the City of Sanford, Florida, this 18th. day of July , 1941. H.N.Sayer As City Clerk of the City of (Seal) Sanford, Florida. A.L, Betta ~s Cashier of Sanford Atlantic National Bank, Exchange Agent. E~CHANGE AND CANCELLATION CERTIFICATE. We, the undersigned, H.N.Sayer , as City Clerk of the City of Sanford, Florida and A.L. BETTS, as Cashier of Sanford Atlantic National Bank, Sanford, Florida, designated as Exchange Agent in Resolution No. 608, ceased and adopted by the City Commission ofthe City of Sanford, Florida, on July 2nd, 1941, for the exchange of Refunding Bonds of said City, Issue of 1941, dated March 1, 1941, do hereby certify that we did, on the 28th. day of July, 1941, exchange Refunding Bonds No. ll2 to lZ7, both inclusive, of Series "D# of the City of Sanford, Issue of 1941, dated March l, 1941, maturing Seotember l, 1977, in the denomination of $1,0OO.00 each, and bearing interest at the rate of 4% per annum, payable semi-annually, and evidenced by coupons, with couoons maturing September l, 1941, and subsequent attached, for the following bonds of the City of ~anford, to-wit: Fifteen 5~% Public Utility, Series "CC" Bonds, dated July l, 1926, due July 1,1956, in the denomination of $1,O00.00 each, Nos. 273 to 267, inclusive, with couoon No. due January l, 1933, and subsequent coupons attached; One 5~% General Term, Series "00# Bond, dated July l, 1926, due July l, 1956, in the denomination of $1,O00.O0 , No. 49, with Coupon No. 21, maturing January l, 1937, and subsequent attached; which Bonds, bearing 5~% interest, and coupons were thereupon cancelled by the undersigned by perforation. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, we have hereunto set our hands and the official seal or'the City of Sanford, Florida, this 2Sth. day of July 1941. ~,N.Sayer As City Clerk of the (Seal) City of Sanford, Florida. A_L_B~tt~ MINUTES ORIDA, ' 1 9 ~[ · CiTY COMMISSION, SANfORD, FL - -- Thereupon Commissioner Gut moved that the foregoing Exchsnge and Cancellation Certificates be acceoted, aooroved and ordered filed with the records in the Clerk's office. Seconded by Commissioner Rollins and carried by unanimous vote of the Commission. Commissioner Higgins next introduced Resolution No. 609 and after being read in full by the Clerk, moved its oassage and adootion. Seconded by Commissioner Gut and carried by the following vote of the Commission: .Commissioner Hill Aye " GUt Aye # Hlggins Aye " Lodge Aye # Rollins Aye said Resolution No. 609 being in words and figures as follows: RESOLUTION No. 609. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COMMIBSION OF THE CITY OF SANFORD. FLORIDA, AUTHORIZING AND DIRECTING THE PAYMENT TO ED. C. WRIGHT, AS FISCAL AGENT FO~ THE CONSUMMATION OF THE MODIFIED PLAN OF COMPOSITION OF THE CITY IN BANKRUPTCY, THE SUM OF $3,000.00 out OF THE DEBT SERVICE FUND ARISING FROM COLLECTIONS OF DELINQUENT TAXES FOR 1936 AND PRIOR YEARS. WHEREAS, by interlocutory decree entered by the United States District Court in and for the Southern District of Florida. in the matter of City of Sanford, Florida, a municipal corDoration, in bsnkruptcy, aooroving a modified clan of comnositlon filed by said City in ssid proceedi, ng, Ed. C.Wright was aooointed Fiscal Agent for the consummation of said modified ~lan of composition and the City of Sanford was directed to pay to the said Ed.C. Wright the sum of $3,000.00 unon the exchange of Seventy-five oer cent of the Drinclpal amount of the bonds affected by said ~roceeding; and WHEREAS, more than seventy-five ~ercent of the principal amount of the bonds affected by said modified plan of com~osition in bankruptcy have been exchanged for refunding bonds of the City of Sanford, issue of 19~1, dated March 1st, 1941; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Commission of the City of Sanford, that the ~l~ Ed.C.Wright, the debt service ~rior years. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Resolution shall become effective as Fiscal Agent as aforesaid, be oatd the sum of $3,000.00 out of fund of said City arising from collections of delinquent tsxes for 1936 and 28th. day of July , 1941. its oasssge and adootion. PASSED AND ADOPTED this (Seal) ATTEST: H.N,Sayer City Clerk. immediately uoon W,C.Hill M.J.Lod. Ee Edward HigEins H, James Gut Mayor. G,E.Rollins As the City Commission of the City of Sanford, Florida. On motion of Commissioner Higgins, seconded by Commissioner Gut and carried, the Commission next authorized the oayment of $400.00 to H.M.Watson to aoply on account for services rendered in acquiring orooerties for the City for the new Aviation Field site , furnishing abstractes on certain oarcels of said orooerties and examining the titled and MINUTES CITY COMMISSION, SANFORD,FLORIDA,~JulY 2S at 7:30 P 19__41 used to place an additional culver~ under Ponlar Avenue between Ninth and Tenth Streets to help drain his property located on the west side of Poplar Avenue between said streets. Request granted. The Clerk next renorted of funds on hand in ~he Sinking Fund in amount of a~proxi- mately $18,OOO.OO for the retirement of Refunding Series A bonds, advising there has been a considerable increase in the market value of said bonds instead of s decrease, the latest quotations being $410.OO Her bond.. Thereupon on motion duly carried, the Clerk was instructed to withhold ourchasing any of said bonds until there is a decline in the market value. The Chairman next re~orted that Sanford's aviation ~t~ has been certifiedfor National Defense and that the War Denartmen~ will construct two 4000 foot runways 150 feet in width, with the necessary taxi strips, and equip the entire field with lights, stating that the construction will be divided in two projects, the Civil Aeronautics Administration will s~onsor a WPA project for clearing all necessary land, drain the entire area, grade the runways, sod and ~lant grass on the field, fence the entire field and build all necessary roads on the project site, and that the War Degartment will then contract the project for caving the runways and lighting the field. Also, advls~ng that the City will only be required to furnish the engineering for the new W'PA ~roJect, which will include ~repartng the annllcation ~roposal for submitting to the Work Projects Administration for an~roval. Thereupon Commissioner Rollins moved that Engineer Fred T.Wl!llams be authorized to pre,are the new WPA project for the City, which will be sponsored by the CAA, and also authorized to render the necessary englneerlng in connection with the construction work under said project. Seconded by Commissioner Higgins and carried. Request next received from Sam Fields to be allowed ~o ~ay $~D.O0 now and balance in monthly inetallmente of $20.00 each, the delinquent taxes for years 1928 thru 19~O against the north 45 ft. of Lots 37 and 38, Block C, South Sanford, foreclosure Droceedlngs having been instituted by the City against this property for the collection of such taxes. Request granted. Communication next read from Ralgh A. Smith offering to deed the City two lots in Fairview Subdivision, in conslderatlon of sufficient amount of tax credit to settle all taxes and ~aving assessments against Lots 9 ~nd 10, Evans Terrace. Offer rejected. Commissioner Higgins next introduced Resolution No. in full by the Clerk, moved its passage and adoption. Seconded by Commissioner Rollins and carried by the 610 and after being read following vote of the Commission: Commissioner Hill Aye " Gut Aye " Higglns Aye " Lodge Aye " Roll,ns Aye said Resolution No. 610 being in words and figures as follows: RESOLUTION NO. 610 MINUTES CITY COMMISSION, SANFORD, FLORIDA,~~ 19---~ WHEREAS, the City Building Insoector has reoorted to the City Commission of the City of Sanford, Florida that that eertain building located on the West S2 feet of Lot i Block 9 Tier C, of E.R. Trafford's Mac of Sanford and that certain building located on Lot 16 of Woodruff's Subdivision in the City of Sanford are dilaoldated, unsanitary and unsafe buildings, which cannot be Dut ~n a state of sound repair and the City Commission deems it advisable, e~oedient and for the best interest of the City that said buildings be dondemned, 'demolished and removed. NOW, THEREFOP~, BE IT RESOLVED by the Commission of the City of Sanford, Florida, that the building located on the West 82 feet of Lot l, Block 9, Tier C of E.R. Trafford's Mac of Sanford and the building located on Lot 16 of Woodruff's Subdivision in said City be and the same are hereby condemned and that said buildings be demolishe, and removed, unless the carries interested therein shall show before the City Commission at its regular meeting on the llth. day of August ,19~l, , at 7:30 o'clock P.M on said date in the City Hall of said City why said buildings should not be condemned, demolished and removed. BE IT every party BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that a copy of this Resolution shall be sent to each and shown by the oublic records to be interested in said orooerty. FURTHER RESOLVED that this Resolution shall become effective immediately upon its passage and adootion. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 28th.'day of July ATTEST: H.N.Sayer City Clerk. (Seal) Hill Mayor. iM.J.Lodge H.James Gut G.E.Rollins Edward Higgins AS theI City Commission of the City of Sanford, Florida. The Chairman next advised that the Board of County Comm~esioners had offered to pay $400.00 toward the cost of changing the Police Radio station from a 25 watt power to a 59 watt power st~t~o~ station,/in otter ~o more comoze~ezy cover Seminole County and give the Sheriff's and State Patrol cars the maximum amount of service, stating that this change would require the ourchase of a 5© watt transmitter to reol~ce the 25 watt transmitter and the purchase of a new antenna, of which the total cost would amount to aooroximately $8OO.O0, stating that if this change ie made theBheriff and State Patrolmen will avail themselves of this service by ~nstalling radios in all their cars, which would increase the efficiency of Sanford's Police Deoartment. Thereuoon after considerable discussion, Commiseloner Higgins moved that the ~/ltenna Clerk be instructed to obtain bids for furnlsh~ng a ~0 watt transmitter andre increase the Police Radio System to a 50 watt station. Seconded by Commissioner Lodge and carried. Consideration next given to the matter of amending the Plumbing Code so as to provide that the City shall make all sewer tads and connections to the City's sewers MINUTES 17 CITY COMMISSION, SANFORD, FLORIDA,_____.~uly 28 7:30 1' M 19 4~__~ Thereupon after considerable discussion, the City Attorney was instructed to prepare an ordinance amending Section 194 of the Plumbing Code to provide for the aforesaid requirements, for consideration at the next meeting. The following aoolications for adjustments of taxes and/or snecial assessments were next received and on motion duly carried, same were aooroved: Elmer J.Toll Lot 1 Sanford Heights, Taxes & Penalties 1927/40 264.99 ADJUSTMENT AUTHORIZED Adjusted to: 25.10 Special Assessments & Interest Elmer J.Toll, ADJUSTMENT AUTHORIZED Adjusted to: 47.46 Lot 2 Sanford Heights, Taxes & Penalties 1927/40 ADJUSTMENT AUTHORIZED Adjusted to: 25.1o Special Assessment & Interest ADJUSTMENT AUTHORIZED Adjusted to: 13.99 2,088.04 203.65 615.65 R.B.Riser Lot 1 Block 12 Tier 6 , Ts. xes & Penalties 1931/40 ADJUSTMENT AUTHORIZED Adjusted to: 580.49 Estelle Bradford & Fred Johnson J.F.McClelland 9n.71 E 1/2 of S 1/2 of Lot 20 Holden Real Estate Comoany Addition Taxes & Penalties 1927/39 Lot 1 Block G, ADJUSTMENT AUTHORIZED Adjusted to: Buena Vista Estates ( Special Assessments & Interest ADJUSTMENT AUTHORIZED 25.28 8.00 No adjustment on taxes) 149o.72 Adjusted to: 73.06 C E Hunter Lots 18 and 19 Florida Land & Colo. Co. ADJUSTMENT AUTHORIZED Adjusted to: 5.34 119.62 There being no further business the meeting adjourned.