HomeMy WebLinkAbout081141-Regular SessionMINUTES The City Commission of the at the City Hall in the City of 11,1941. Present: C~mmissioner W.C.Hill, Mayor. " H.James Gut " Edward Hlggins " M.J.Lodge # G.E.Rollins City Attorney Fred R. Wilson City Clerk N N Sayer Chief of Police R.G. Williama Meeting called to order by the Chairman. Minutes of adjourned meetings of July 21, July 28, 1941, next read and approved. City of Sanford, Florida, met in regular session Sanford, Florida, at ?:30 o'clock P.M. August and 22 , and regular meeting of Current invoices and payrolls for the month of July 1941, properly audited and vouchered as evidenced by voucher nos. 3638 thru 3?3?, submitted, examined, approved and payment authorized. Monthly reports of the streets, sanitation, health, water, police, fire, library~ golf and recreation departments for the month cf July 1941, submitted and examined. Financial statement and statement of revenues and expenditures during the month of July 1941, submitted and examined. Bank statements in all accounts for the month of July 1941, properly recon- ciled, submitted and examined. Application next re~eived from George R. Noegel for permit to sell beer and wines at 20? W. First Street, and on recommendation of Chief of Police Williams, same was approved. Application from Clarence Brooks for permit to sell beer and wines at 1301 W. 13th Bt. , and on recommendations of Chief of Police Williams, same was approved. On motion of Commissioner Higgins, seconded by Commissioner Rollins and carried, the Commission next authorized the purchase from Cohu & Torrey, New York City, of two Refunding Series A bonds Nos. 21~0 and 2191, with coupons due Sept l, 1941, and subsequent coupons attached, at a price of $400.00 per bond and interest. On mo~ion of Commissioner Higgins, seconded by Commissioner Rollins and carried, the Commission next authorized the following payments to consummate the ~urchase and assignment of deeds to the following described properties to the Ci~ for the development of the new aviation field: Payment of ~$950.00 to H.O.Criooen Jr. for balance due on purchase of the following described proDerty containing 29 acres at a price of $50.00 per acre: The S. 10.34 chains of W. 10.2 chains of S.E.1/4 of Section 6 , TownshiD 20, S. Range 31 E. Also the S 1/2 of S W 1/4 ( Less the N. 70 yards of the West 140 yards) of Section 6, Township 20 S, Range 31 E. Payment of $450.00 to Mrs. Anna D. Cowan and husband James H. Cowan for the purchase of the following described property containing ~ acres at a price of $100.00 Der acre; The. S. 660 ft. of W 1/2 of E 1/2 of N E 1/4 of N E 1/4 of Section 6, Township 20 S, Range 31.E. 22`¸ MINUTES ~ August ll 7:30 P M Payment of $200.O0 to H 0. Frantz and wife Daisy A.Frantz for purchase of the following described property: Beginning 660 ft. W. and 365 ft. N of the Southeast corner of Section 6, township 20 S. , Range 31 E., run N 295 ft., E. 300 ft. Southwesterly to Beginning. Payment of $1,200.OO to Mrs Henrietta C.M.Edwards for balance due on purchase of the following described property containing 12~ acres at a price of $100.00 per acre; The E 1/2 of W 1/2 of N E 1/~ of N E 1/~ of Section 6, Township 20, S., range 31 E. Also Beg 385 yds. W. of the Northeast corner of Section 6, Township 20, S. Range 31 E, run thence S. 440 yds., thence W. 55 yds., thence N. %~0 yds., thence E. 55 yds. to beg. Payment of $446.00 to H.T.Russell for balance due on purchase of the following described property containing 4%96 acres et a price of $100.00 oer acre: The E. 270 ft. of the NWl/4 of N E 1/~ of Section 6, Township 20, S. range 31, E. Payment of $100.00 to C.W.Goodrich and wife Alice L, Goodrich on account of our- chase of the following described property containing 38.35 acres at a price of $25.00 oer acre; The NWl/4 of N.E1/~ ( Less E. 270 ft. and N E {/4 of N W 1/4 lying east of Mellonville Ave, ( Less be~in at intersection of Mellonville Ave. and Geneva Ave. run S. 325.16 ft. E. 328.1~ ft., N. to a point 328.16 ft. E. of Beginning, thence W. to beginning) allof said lands being in section6, Township 20 S. Range 31 E. Total purchase price of above described Goodrich property $958.75 Less privious payments on purchase options 125-00 Lees payment on account as authorized above 100.OO Balance due. 733.75 The Chairman next reported that under the Defense Public Works Program the Public Works Administration are making loans and grants to communities for p~oJects that are needed in connection with National Defense activities, stating that the PWA had made a survey of this area and classified Sanford for a recreation project only under this program. Thereupon after considerable discussion Commissioner Higgins moved that the City apply to the Public Works Program for a grant of 90 per cent of the costs for construct- ing a recreation building, swimming pool and bath house in Fort Mellon Park, and that ~repare the covering services as follows: $500.00 25o.oo 25o.oo $1OO0.00 800.00 200.00 Engineer Fre~ T.Willlsms and Architect Elton J. Moughton be authorized to plans and specifications for such project. Seconded by Commissioner Rollins and carried. Bill of H.M.Watson in amount of $1,000.00 , next presented, in connection with acquiring properties for the new aviation field, 1. Fee for acquiring options and deeds to the properties 2. Cost of abstracts on properties where sellers were not re- quired to pay for cost of same . 3. Rendering of opt~tons~cnnall abstracts Total Less paid on account by City Balance due Thereupon Commissioner Rollins moved that the foregoing bill of H.M.Watson in amount of $1,000.OO be aoproved, and the balance due in amount of $200.00 be authorized for payment. Seconded by Commissioner Lodge and carried. On motion duly adopted, the City Attorney and City Clerk were next authorized access to Safety Deoosit Box No. 265 at the Sanford Atlantic National Bank for the MINUTES 23 CiTY COMMISSION, SANFORD, FLORIDA,_____j~lZ~U~L~_~)~ The Clerk next repo:ted that the Board of County ~ommissioners had protested against the condition the City is maintaining the County park adjacent to the Court House, the City having agreed to maintain this park for the sum of $50.00 per month, of which the County b. as been paying for this s'erv~ce. Thereupon after considerable discussion, and upon being advised by Supt. Moughton that the City has more parks than he can nroperly maintain, the Commission decided that it would be more satisfactory to both the City and the County if this park were turned back to the County Commissioners for their direct supervision and maintenance, effective as of August l, 1941. On motion of Commissioner Higgins , seconded by Commissioner Gut and carried the Commission next authorized the employment of C.G. Wi~liams in the Police De'oartment to fill the vacancy created by the resignation of J.A.Howard. The Commission next instructed that the old dilapidated house located on Lot 16, Woodruff Subdivision, be demolished and removed in accordance with Resolution No. 610, passed and adopted at the meeting of the City Commission of July 28, 1941. Request next received from John D.Abrahams Water Plant Engineer , to purchase a power lawn mower for the Water Plant form W.S.Dar]ey & Company, Chicago, at a price of $69.75. Action deferred. Request next received from Sanford Buick Company for an adjustment of their water bill for the month of July, amounting to $20.05, the excessive size of the bill being due to e burst pine in a dead end service line leading into the front of the building, this service line .having been disconnected by the City and a new service line installed in back of the building. Thereupon after careful consideration, it was the opinion of the Board that the aforesaid leak was caused from a defect in the dead-end service that should have been disconnected by the City at the property line, and on motion duly carried, the Clerk was authorized to adjust the excessive bill of Sanford Buick Comnany for the month of July to $2.21, the amount of the average monthly bill. Inspector Duncan next reported that the old church and narsonage located on Lot lO Block 9 Tier A, are in a dilapidated unsafe condition and a fire hazard, and recommended that same be condemned. Thereupon the Clerk was instructed to notify the Trustees of the aforesaid property to make such renairs as are necessary to place these buildings in a safe condition within thirty days, and to inform them that in the event of the failure to do so, , the City will condemn and remove the buildings. Request next received from W.E.Kirchhoff, Jr. for an adjustment of the assessed valuation for years 1939 and 1940 aga~.nst all Block E, First Street Extension, claiming that the assessment is too high in proportion to income from said nroperty. Thereupon after careful comparison of the e. seessed valuation of this property with similar properties, it was the opinion of the Commission that the aforesaid valuation is well in line and no adjustment could be allowed. Communication next read from T.S.Davis with reference to the drainage condition on West Second Street between Pecan Avenue and Avac~do Avenues, and same was referred MINUTES CITY COMMISSION, SANFORD, FLORIDA, 'AI.I~_~_UBt ll at 7:30 P_Ft9' ~-I The Clerk next presented the revised WPA project aopllcation covering construction of the new airport, including excavating, clearing, grubbing,,grading, installing drlanage pipe, constructing catch basins, manholes, headwslls, entrance roads and fencing the field, the total cost of the project being $253,9Y5.00, of which the Civil Aeronautics Administration is sponsoring $67,000.00 and the City is sponsoring $10,000.00 Thereupon Commissioner Hlggins moved that the application be approved and the Mayor and Clerk be authorized to execute same on behalf of the City. Seconded by Commissioner Gut and carried. City Attorney Wilson next presented a certified copy of Chapter 21521, No.1313 House Bill No.1876, Laws of Florida, Acts of 19~1, entitled: AN ACT TO ~4END THE PRESENT CHARTER OF THE CITY OF SANFORD, FLORIDA , PROVIDING FOR THE ELECTION OF THE MAYOR OF THE CITY OF S~NFORD, FLORIDA , AND FIXING THE TERM OF OFFICE OF SAID MAYOR AND PRESCRIBING THE DUTIES OF SAID MAYOR: TO PROVIDE FOR THE ELECTION OF THE MEMBERS OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF SANFORD, FLORIDA, AND FIXING THE TERM OF OFFICE OF SAID CITY COi.~ISSIONEP~: AND PROVIDING FOR HOLDING A REFERENDUM ELECTION TO DETERMINE WHETHER THIS ACT SHALL BECOME EFFECTIVE AND OPEP~TIVE: AND PROVIDING FOR THE TIME AND MANNER OF CONDUCTING AND HOLDING SAID REFERENDUM ELECTION: PROVIDING FOR THE tAYMENT OF A~L EXPENSES OF SAID ELECTION: AND PROVIDING '~EN THIS ACT SHALL BECOME OPERATIVE AND EFFECTIVE: AND REPEALING ALL LAWS IN CONFLICT WITH THE PROVISIONS OF THIS ACT. and same was read in full. Thereupon in accordance with the provisions of the foregoing Chapter 21521, No. 1313, Laws of Florida, Acts of 1941, and on motion of Commissioner Higglns, Seconded by Commissioner Gut and carried, the Mayor was next authorized and directed to call a Special Referendum Election to be held on September 16, 1941; the following being designated as Clerk and Inspectors of said Election: For Clerk W.E.Watson For inspectors : Mrs Jean S.Adams, Mrs Margaret Barnes and Mr.O.S.Toler Communication next read from the heirs of the estate of Wilson H.Lear, inclosing affidavi~ certifying that certificates of indebtedness Nos. 10$ and 105, in amount of $93.75 each, dated March 1, 1937, oayable July 1,1941, and July 1,19~2, respectively, had been destroyed by fire and requested payment now payment of certificate No. 1~5 when it becomes due. these cert~ficate~ of of Certificate No.lO4, due July 1,1951 , arrdT"fndebtedenss ~eving been ~ssuee ~o Mr. Lear in settlement of accrued interest on refunded bonds. Thereupon after careful consideration the City Attorney was instructed to advise them that the City will pay the aforesaid Certificates of Indebtedness provided an Assurance Bond ia deposited with the City ~o orotect it from any further liability in case said certificates should be oresented for payment at some future date. The following applications for adjustment of taxes and /or soecial assessments were ne~t received, and on motion duly carried, same were aporoved: C.Albert Johnson Lot 3 Block 1~ Dreamwold Taxes & Penalties 1936/~O $1~.69 ADJUSTMENT AUTHORIZED Adjusted to: Special Assessment & Interest ADJUSTMENT AUTHORIZED Adjusted to: $9.1o $18.OO First Federal Savings & ~.~o~ A~,n~t,tion Lot 17~ Pinehurst ~k? hz MINUTES CiTY COMMISSION, SANFORD. FLORIDA, 19 41 Lot 178 Plnehurst - Contd. I.B. Bruton, for Lemon HanfOrd # N. 29 Taxes & Owen J Lolly Lot 515 ADJUSTMENT AUTHORIZED Adjusted to: $29.57 1/3 Ft. Lot 4 Blk 7 Tr. A Penalties 1931 thru 1940 ADJUSTMENT AUTHORIZED Adjusted to: 119.89 Woodruff Subdivision Taxes & Special Penalties 1927 thru 1932 ADJUSTMENT AUTHORIZED Adjusted to: 1.10 Assessment and Interest I.B.Bruton Hanford , for Lemon ADJUSTMENT AUTHORIZED Adjusted toe 16.41 N 29 1/3 ft. Lot 4 Block 7 Tier A Bpecisl Assessments and interest Owen J Lolly Lot 517 Special First Federal Savings & Loan Association # ADJUSTMENT AUTHORIZED Adjusted to: 11.39 Woodruff Subdiv. Assessment and interest ADJUSTMENT AUTHORIZED Adjusted to: 15.94 Beg st S.W. Cor of Blk. 3 Tr. 12 Run N 50 ft E. 100 ft S. 50 ft W. 100 ft. to Beg. Taxes and penalties 1932 thru 1937 ADJUSTMENT AUTHORIZED Adjusted to 177.35 Special Assessment and Interest ADJUSTMENT AUTHORIZED Adjusted to 28.74 Mrs Hattie M Abercrombie Lot 6 Musson & Abercrombie Sub. Taxes & Penalties 1936/40 Adjustment Authorized Adjusted to: 18.85 First Federal Savings & Loan Association Beg at S.W. Cor Blk 3 Tier 12 # Run N 50 ft E. 1OO ft S. 50 ft. W. 100 ft to Beg. Mrs Hattie M Abercrombie Mrs Hattie M Abercrombie Mrs Pearl Moss Soecial Assessment ADJUSTMENT AUTHORIZED Adjusted to: Lot 6 Normany Square Taxes and Penalties 1936 ADJUSTMENT AUTHORIZED: Adjusted to: Lot 7 Normany Square Taxes and Penalties 1936 thru ADJUSTMENT AUTHORIZED Adjusted to: Lot 41 Sanford Heights Taxes and penalties 1931 thru 1937 ADJUSTMENT AUTHORIZED Adjusted to: 20.73 and interest 28.74 17.02 17. O2 196.71 lO.67 669.64 241.43 650.45 278,13 609.29 36.18 609;29 38.33 35.58 lo6.71 2.7 MINUTES CiTY COMMISSION, SANFORD, FLoRIDA,August 11 at 7:30 P M First Federal Savings & Loan Association Lot 2 & N 15 ft of 3 Block 7 Tier 2. Taxes & Penalties 193136 & 1938/40 ADJUSTMENT AUTHORIZED Adjusted to: 304.45 Soecial Assessment & Interest ADJUSTMENT AUTHORIZED Adjusted to: 3.86 Seaby Walden Lot 11 Stendiford Addition Taxes & Penalties 1927/40 J G Sharon ADJUSTMENT AUTHORIZED Adjusted to: 106.36 S 1/2 of Lot 3 all lots 4 and 5 Block ll Tier 3 Taxes & Penslties 1932/36 & 1940 Helen Gassaway Thompson ADJUSTMENT AUTHORIZED Adjusted to: 532.75 Lot 4 Block ll Tier 15 Clark Subdiv. Taxes & Penalties 1927 thru 1940 ADJUSTMENT AUTHORIZED Adjusted to 63.95 John Raulison Lot 5 Block 1 Lockhart Subdiv. Taxes & Pens!ties 1927/34 _19?1 614.36 74.16 254.69 lO95.a2 205.58 25.29 There being no further business the meeting then adjourned until 2 o'clock P M. August 22, 1941. Attest: Mayor.