HomeMy WebLinkAbout072141 MINUTES CITY COMMISSION, SANFORO, FLORIDA. J~q_~ 71_ 7:70 !o M 19 The City Commission of the City of Bamf~rd. Florida met in adjourned session at the City Hall in the City of Sanford, Florida, at 7:30 o'clock P.M. July 21,1941. Present: Commissioner W.C.Hill, Mayor. " H.James Gut " Edward Higgins " M.J.Lodge " G.E.Rollins City Attorney Fred R. Wilson City Clerk H,N,Sayer. Meeting called to order by the Chairman. The Commission then proceeded to sit as a Tax Equalization Board to receive any com- plaints or objections filed with the City Clerk as to assessed valuations on the 1941 tax roll as prepared by the City Tax Assessor and presented at this time. Thereupon the following comolaints were presented and taken under consideration: Mrs Mattie Hivesley Lot 6 Block 3 Tier 3 Ass'd Val.8,OSO.O0 Claims too high in pro- portion to income. Graham W. 18 ft of Lot 140 and all 141 Ssnford Heights " " 2,250.00 Claims too high in pro- portion to other assess- ment s. A. Constantine Lot 2 Block 11 Tier A " " 1,9OO.O0 Claims too high. E.C.Wetherlngton E. 1/2 of Lots 9 and 10 Block 5 Tier 5 Victor Check Lot 6 Block 4 Tier " " 2,770.OO Claims too high. " " 1,700.00 Claims too high in propor tion to income. Wilbur L.Thoroe All ( Less N ~16ekr3 Tier BOt ~9 " " 11,0OO.00 Claims more than actual Value. Fannie Reba Munson Lots 1 & 2 Boyd's Subdiv. Peter A.Lever Lot 29 Block B,Buena Vista " 1,250.00 Claims too high. " 470.00 Claims more than actual cash value. Allan Blackshear Lot 19 Stendiford Addn. " " 7OO. O0 Claims too high. Willie Lamar Raymond Fields W. 86 ft of N 1/2 of Lot 5© Block A, M M Smith Subdlv. Lot 6 Block 12 Tier E " " 500.OO " " 1,000 .00 Claims too high. Claims too high. Mrs Harriett Warren Lot 10 Block 6 Tier 5 " " 1,500.O0 Claims too high. Harry E.Robson Building located on Prooerty leased from City " " 1,600.OO Claims valuation should be reduced because he has been inducted into military service. Frank L.Miller Lot 4 Block 5 Tier6 " " 2,1OO.OO Claims too high in pro- portion to income. Anna Smith N. 55 ft of Lot 8 Block 7 Tier D ,, ,, 1,!50.OO Claims too high T.E.Vickery F.A.DeMarls Lots 6 and 7 Block 12 Tier ~ " Lot 3 Block 6 Chaoman & Tuck- er Addn. " 2,000.00 Claims too high. 2,200.00 Claims too high in pro- portion to income. H.L. Bchwalbe Lots 3 & 6 Block D, Markham Park Heights. " 6,800.00 Claims too high. Mrs Alice S.Mincy Lot 1 Block 6 Tier 6 " " 1,700.00 Claims more than actual cash value. Mrs Agnes V.Joiner Lot 3 Block 7 Tier 6 " 1,430.OO Claims too high. Mrs A.Lil]a .Estate MINUTES CITY COMMISSION, SANFORD, FLORIDA, July 21 7:3o P M19- 41 7 Assessed Valuation Complaint: high Miss Isabella Simon S. 10 ft of Lot 2 & N. 11 1/3 ft. of Lot 4 Blk 3 Tr. 1 Miss Isabella Simon W. 75.6 ft Lot 10 Block 13 Tier 980.00 85O.OO Frank E.Hailey Lot 11 Block 3 Tier 3 18,69o.o0 Mrs Maude M Miller Lot 13 and Beg. N E Cor of Lot1~ Run B. 25 ft W. 15.3 Ft. N. 25 ft E. 15.3 ft to Beg. in Block 6 Tier 2 3,310.OO Mrs Maude M.Miller Lot 7 Block 3 Tier 9 2,680.O0 Mary S.Dickens Lot 1 and 2 Block 5 Tier 10 2,000.00 B.W.Henrdon Lot 6 and N. 40 ft of Lot 7 Block $ Tier 3 4,~O0.OO Mrs C.A.Anderson Lot 5 Block 11 Tier 9 Martin's Addition 1,430.00 C.M.Mitche!l Beg. 50 ft E. of Int. of E. Line of Rand Ave. and N. line of First St. run E. 23.85 ft N. 104.2 Ft.W. 23.85 Ft. S. !0~.2 ft to Beg. in Block 2 Tier 2 8,890.00 Ruth Everly Bauer Lot 6 and N 1/2 of Lot 7 Block 3 Tier ? 2,210.00 Joe Cameron Lots 6 & 7 Block 6 Tier 5 2,500.00 R.B.Wight Lots 3 and 4 Block 2 Tier 7 7,ooo.oo C.W.Hamil Lot 98 Sanford Heights 1,790.00 Gulf Oil Corporation Personal property 12,O00.00 J.C.Penney Company Inc. Personal property 9,000.oo Florida Power & Light Co. M.J.Lodge W.C.Hill Personal property W. 36 ft of Lot 139 and E. 35 ft of Lot 140 Sanford Heights Lots 7,8 & 9 Spencer Heights 165,ooo.oo 2,100.00 6,250.00 Claims more than actual cash value. Claims too high. Wants reduced to $11,500.00 Claims too high. Claims too high. Claims too high. Claims more than actual cash value. Wants reduced to $8OO.OO Claims too high in proportion to ourchase orice. Claims too high in proportion to cash value. Claims too high proportion to income. Claims too high in pro- portion to income. Claims t~o high in proportion to other assessments in neighborhood Wants reduced to amount of their return, which is $10,265.00 Wants reduced to amount of their return;~which is $8,000.OO Wants reduced to amount of their return, which is $153,375.00 Claims too high in proportion to other assessments in neighborhood. Claims too high in proportion to other assessments There being no further complaints or objections registered , the Commission then adjourned as an Equalization Board until 2:co P.M. July 22nd 1941, and thereupon proceeded to handle any other business which may come before it MINUTES CiTy COMMiSSiON, SANfORD, FIORIDA Opt~on~to September 5, 1941, from Jas. G. Sharon to Ourchase the following described tract of land containing 12~ acres at a price of $1,0OO.O0 Lots 1 to 56, Sanford Court, same being the E 1/2 of W 1/2 of N E 1/4 of N E 1/4 Section 6, Township 20 South, Range 31 East. Option to September 5, 1941,' from Mrs Anna D. Cowan to purchase the following described tract of land containing 4.5? acres at a price of $100.00 per acre. The south 600 fi. of the W 1/2 of E 1/2 of N E.1/4 of N E. 1/4 of Section 6, Township 20 South, Range 31 East. Option to September 5, 1941, at a cost of $50.00 from H.T.Russell to nurchase the following described tract of land containing 4.96 acres at a price of $]QO.O0 per acre. The South 800 feet of the east 270 feet of the N.W.1/4 of N.E1/4 of Section 6, Township 20,South, range 31 east. Application next received from Frank Pavltck for transfer to him of license issued to Rudolf Tletjen~ to sell liquors at ll4 N Park Ave., and on recommendation of Chief of Police Williams, same was approved. Aopllcation next received from W.A. Fe~ler for the City to remove two oak trees from the parkway in front of his home at 109 E.21st Bt. and on recommendation of Supt. Moughton , same was approved provided Mr. Feeler cay for the service. Consideration next given to the matter of the City continuing payment of one-half of the caretaker's salary of the Armory property, which amounts to $37.5© per month. Thereupon after considerable discussion the Commission authorized the payment of one-half the caretaker's salary for the month of July, and instructed the Clerk to notify the County Commission that the City will not be able to continue such payments after August 1, 1941. Request next received from the W-PA canning kitchen project for the City to cay one- half the rental of the building at the southwest corner of Sanford Avenue and Fifth Street for housing said project, which would amount to $15,.OO per month, a similar request being made to the County Commission to cay the balance of such rental. Thereupon after careful consideration and in view of the fact that the City has no funds available for this out, cee, the aforesaid request could not be granted. City Attorney Wilson next advised the Commission that the following Bill had been passed by the 1941 Legislature and is now in effect. Chapter 21520 No. 1312 House Bill No. 1648. An Act Authorizing the City of Banford, Florida, to Borrow Money for Municipal Purposes; Prescribing the Maximum Amount of Such Loan; Prescribing How the Indebtedness For Such Loan Shall Be Evidenced, And How the Same Bhall Be Reoal~; Limiting The Total Amount of Indebtedness That May Exist Hereunder at any Time, and Making the Submission of the Question of Buch Loan ~o The Qualified Electors of Bald City Unnecessary. BE IT ENACTED BY THE LEGIBLATURE OF THE BTATE OF FLORIDA: Section 1. That the City of Sanford, Florida, be and it is hereby authorized to borrow the sum of not more than $40,000.00 at any one time, for such municipal nurpose or purposes as the City Commissioners may determine. The sum so borrowed shall be evidenced by the promissory note of the City executed in its name by its Mayor and City Clerk, and. shall be a general obligation of the City and renaid out of the fund for ordinary MINUTES CitY COMMISSION, SANFORD, FLORIDA, July 21 at 7:30 P M The total amount of the indebtedness incurred hereunder shall not at any time exceed the sum of $~O,000.00. It shall not be necessary to submit the question of borrowing such sum or sums to the qualified electors of said City for their approval. Section 2. That all laws or Darts of laws in conflict herewith be, and the same are hereby repealed. Section 3. That this Act ehsll become a law upon its passage, and approval by the Governor, or upon its becoming a law without such approval. Became a law without the Governor's aonroval. Filed in Office Secretary of State, June 16,1941. Thereupon Commissioner Gut moved that the Mayor and Clerk~be authorized and directed to apply to the Sanford Atlantic National Bank for a loan of $30,000.00 , and apply to the Florida State Bank for a loan of $10,OOO.OO under the provisions of the foregoing Chapter 21,520, Laws of Florida,Acts of 19~1, to be used for general operating expenses of the City, said loan to be repaid in quarterly instalments beginning the first of October, 1941, and over a period of four years with interest at the rate of four per cent per annum, payable out of the operating or general fund of the Ci~, one-half of such loan to be available now and the balance as needed by the City. Seconded by Commissioner Higgins and carried. Application next received from Jessie Barrington, colored , to purchase a lot 48.78 feet north and south by 120.5 feet east and west in the southeast quarter of Lot 27, Robinson Survey, including a three room tenant house located thereon, offering a price of $110.00 for said lot, this property having been acquired by the City thru foreclosure of tax liens. Thereupon after careful consideration, the Commission authorized the sale of the aforesaid property to Jessie Barrington at a price of $tlO.O0,subject to any unpaid State and County taxes. Request next received from Mrs W.M. Best for an adjustment of the assessed valuation in amount of $850.00 for years 1934 thru 19~0 against Lot 13 Boyd's Subdivision, claiming that the assessments are too high. Thereupon after careful comparison of the assessed valuation of this property with similar properties, Commissioner Higgins moved that the assessed valuation be adjusted to $650.00 for years 1934 thru 19~O. Seconded by Commissioner G~t and carried. Application next received from A.B.Stevens for permit to construct three d~iveways leading into his prooerty located on the east side of French Avenue between Twelfth St. and Thirteenth St., one driveway 70 feet in width and one 30 feet in width on French Avenue, and one driveway 30 feet in width on south side of Twelfth St, said driveways proposed to be constructed of concrete six inches in thickness beginning where the driveways connect the street pavement and extending back two feet , remainder of said driveways to be constructed of 6 inch compressed limerock base with 1 inch slag surface. Thereupon after careful consideration the Commission granted the aforesaid permit provided the driveways are constructed in accordance with the foregoing specifications. MINUTES CiTY COMMI$51ON, SANFORD, FLORIDA, .?,_~_!~r _Pi 7,3n P ss 19 'l=i Inspector Duncan next reported that the building located on Lot 16, Woodruff'e Subdivision is in a dilapidated unsafe condition, and recommended that same be condemned, demolished and removed. Thereupon the City Attorney was instructed to prepare a resolution condemning this building, for passage at the next meeting , Request next ~ecelved from John Daniels to be allowed an extension to October 1,1941, to pay the balance of delinquent taxes for years 1931 thru 1937 and paving assessments against the W 1/2 of Lots 13 and l~ Hotden's Addition , having already paid $68.46 on account, foreclosure proceedings having been instituted by the City against this property for the collection of these taxes. Request granted. There being no further business the meeting adjourned. Mayor. MINUTES City Commission, Sanford, Florida, July 22, at 2:OO P.M. 1941. The City Commission of the City of Banford, Florida, met in adjourned session at the City Hall in the CitM'of Sanford,Florida, at 2:po P.~. July 22, 1941. Present: Commissioner W.C.Hill, Mayor. " Edward Higgins. " M.J.Lodge City Clerk H.N.Bayer. Absent: Commissioner M.James Gut " G.E.Rollins Meeting called to order by the Chairman. The Commission then resolved itself into adjourned session as a Tax Equalization Board to consider complaints registered at the meeting of July 21st, as to the assessed valuations for the year 1941, and to adjust any inequalities that may be found to exist in the 1941 tax roll as ~renarsd by the Tax Assessor. Thereunon after a lengthy study and comparison of the valuations of the nro~erties on which complaints had been registered, with similar ~roDerties similarly located, the~meeting adjourned until a later date. Mayor. Attest: ~