HomeMy WebLinkAbout071441-Regular Session (2) MINUTES CITY COMMISSION, SANFORD, FLORIDA, The City Commission of the City of Sanford, Florida, met in Regular Session:at the City Hall in the City of Sanford, Florida, at ?:30 o'clock P.N July 14, 1941. Present: Commissioner W.C.Hill, Mayor. " H.James Gut " M.J. Lodge " G.E.Rollins City Attorney Fred. R. Wilson City Clerk H N Sayer Chief of Police, R.G.Williams Absent: Commissioner Edward Higgine. Meeting called to order by the Chairman. Minutes of regular meetings of June 9th, and 23rd. and adjourned meetings of June 26th. and July 2nd,, 1941, next read and approved. Current invoices and payrolls for the month of June 1941, properly audited and vouchered as evidenced by vouchers Nos. 3540 thru 3637, submitted, examined, approved and payment authorized. Monthly reports of the streets, sanitation, health, water, police, fire, library golf and recreation departments for the month of June 1941, submitted and examined. Financial statement and statement of revenues and expenditures during the month of June 1941, submitted and examined. Bank statements in all accounts for the month of June 1941, properly reconciled submitted and examined. Application next received from A.V.French for homestead exemption for the year 1936 on Lot 5, French's Subdivision, claiming that aoolication for such exemption at the proper time having been neglected through an oversight. Anplication approved. Application next received from F.C.Mur~h, operator of business owned by D.B. Stafford at W. 13th Bt. and Railroad, for permit to sell beer and wines at this location, and on recommendation of Chief of Police Williams, same was aooroved. W.D.Hoffmann next aooeared on behalf of the Miniature Auto Club and requested permission to use the shuffleboard courts in Fort Mellon Park for racing miniature automobiles. Thereupon after considerable discussion and in view o~ the fact that miniature auto racing only requires a small circle track with runways two feet in width, the Commission authorized and instructed Supt. Moughton to construct such a track in Fort Mellon Park, using salvaged brick and materials for the construction. Communication next read from the Public Works Administration advising that a meeting will be held in Orlando at 10:OO A.M. July 15th, to discuss projects to be filed in this area under the Defense Public Works Program. Thereuoon the Clerk, Recreation Director and City Engineer were instructed to attend this meeting with a view to ascertaining what projects Sanford may pre- sent~under the Defense Public Works Program. Bill of W.E.Wateon in amount of $43.20 covering two pairs breeches and eight cape for the Police Department next presented, and on motion duly carried, M I N UTES CITY COMMISSION, SANFORD, FLORIDA, July 14 at 7:30 , 1941 On motion of Commissioner Gut, seconded by Commissioner Rollins and carried, the Commission next authorized the ourchaee from Torrey & Cohu, New York Ci~ of T~irteen Refunding Series A bonds with couoons due Beotember 1, 1941, and subsequent coupons attached, at a price of $392.50 per b6nd and interest. City Attorney Wilson next advised that the new Refunding bonds issued under the provision of Resolution No. 601, oaesed and adooted by the City Commission on April 24, 1941, are ready to be executed and delivered to as exchange agent, for delivery to the holders therefor, in accordance with Resolution No. 608, on July 2, 1941. the Sanford'Atlantic National Bank of the'unrefunded bonds to be exchanged passed and adopted by the City Commission Thereupon, on motion duly adooted, the Clerk, City Attorney and Cashier of t~e Sanford Atlantic National Bank were next authorized access to safety deposit box No. 177 at the Sanford Atlantic National Bank for the puroose of destroying the undelivered Refunding bonds, Beriee A, dated March 1, 1937, numbered from 5017 to 5173, inclusive, aggregating the principal sum of $157,000.OO with counons aoourtenant thereto, and the undellvered Refunding bonds, Beriee B, dated March 1, 1937, numbered from 612 to 626, inclusive, aggregating the prlncioal sum of $15,O00.00 with coupons aopurtenant thereto, deoosited therein, ae required by Section 17 of said Resolution No 601, and to deoosit in said safety deooeit box the new Refunding bonds dated March 1,1941. Apolication next received from M.L. Futch to ourchase Lots 14 and !5 of Block 9, Bel Air Subdivision, offering a Orice of $75.00 for each lot, these lots having been acquired by the City thru foreclosure of tax and street oav~ng liens. Thereupon after careful consideration, the Commission authorized the sale of the aforesaid lots to M L Futch at a price of $75.00 each, subject to any unpaid State and County taxes. On motion of Commissio~er Gut, seconded by Commissioner Rollins and carried, the Commission next aooroved the oaymen~ of travel exoensee of Mayor Hill and Commissioner Higglns in amount of $415.11, incurred on trio to Washington D.C. during week of July 6, 1~41, to confer with officiale of the Civil Aeronautics Administration and War Department with reeoect to use of Sanford's Airport for National Defense purooses. On motion of Commissioner Rollins, seconded by Commissioner Gut and carried, the Commission next authorized payment of $250.OO to City Attorney Fred R. Wileon to aooly on account for legal services rendered in connection with fore~!osure proceedings against imoroved prooertles for collection of delinquent taxee and special assesemente, which was authorized at the meeting of February 10,1941. Commissioner Gut next introduced Ordinance No. 314 entitled: ' ORDINANCE NO. 314 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF SANFORD. FLORIDA. AMENDING SECTION ?, OF ORDINANCE NO 291 ENTITLED: "A~ ORDINAN~ R~$U'~A~IN$ THE 0~N~T~U0~ION ~F BRIVA~ DRIVEWAYS AND SIDEWALKS ON THE PUBLIC STREETS AND AV~NUEB OF THE CITY OF SANFORD. FLORIDA, AND . DRIVEWAYS AND PAVED AREAS FOR GASOLINE FILLING STATIONS OR OTHER BOSINEBS PURPOSES. TO PROVIDE THEIR MANNER OF CONSTRUCTION AND TO PROVIDE A PENALTY FOR VIOLATION ~ THE PROVISIONS HEREOF." and same was placed on ire first reading and read in full by the Clerk. Thereupon Commissioner GUt moved that the rules be waived and said Ordinance No. 314 be ~laced on its final oaesage and ado~ ion. Seconded by Commissioner Lodge.ae~ MINUTES CITY COMMISSION. SANFORD. FLORIDA- .T.,.,'lv 7:~n ~ ~ 19 41 Thereupon said Ordinance No. 314 was placed on The roll was called and the vote stands as follows~ Commissioner Hill Aye " Gut Aye " Lodge Aye " Rollins Aye ire final passage and adoption. Thereupon the Chairman announced that the City Commission of the City of Sanford, Florida, by unanimous vote, had passed and adopted Ordinance No. 314, entitled: AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF BANFORD, FLORIDA, AMENDING BECTION? OF ORDINANCE NO. 291 ENTITLED" AN ORDINANCE REGULATING THE CONSTRUCTION OF PRIVATE DRIVEWAYS AND BIDEWALKS ON THE PUBLIC STREETS AND AVENUES OF THE CITY OF BANFORD, FLORIDA, AND DRIVEWAYS AND PAVED AREAS FOR GABOLINE FILLING STATIONB OR OTHER BUBINE$S PURPOBES; TO PROVIDE THEIR MANNER OF CONSTRUCTION AND TO PROVIDE A PENALTY FOR VIOLATION OF THE PROVIBIONS HEREOF." On motion duly adopted Ordinance No. 314 was next ordered POSTED at the front door of the City Hall in the City of Sanford, Florida, in accordance with the terms of the Charter, as amended. Fire Chief Cleveland next re~orted that the Annual Florida State Fire Colleg® will be held in Daytona Beach, July 21 to 25, and requested that five of the firemen be granted one day each to attend this college. Thereupon on motion duly carried, the Commission granted the aforesaid request and authorized an exoenditure of $2.50 for each fireman to cover transportation and other expenses in connection with attending this college. Request next received from J.T.Pope for an adjustment of the assessed valuation in amount of $1,430.O0 against the south 40 ft. of Lot 2 Block 5 Tier 11, and $~50.00 against Lot 3 Block 5 Tier 11, for years 1934 thru 1940, claiming that the assessments are too high. Thereupon after careful comDarison of the assessed valuation of this property with similar properties in the same neighborhood, it was the opinion of the Commission that the assessments are well in line and no adjustment could be allowed. Request next received from Mrs. H.B.Lewis for an an adJuetment of the assessed valuation in amoun$ of $1,150.O0 for years 1935 and 1936 against all block 19, lying east of pump branch, of Chapman & Tucker's Addition. Thereupon after careful comparison of the assessed valuation of this property with similar properties similarly located, it was the opinion of the Commission that the assessments are well in line and no adjustment could be allowed. Request received from A.G. Clauee, Sr. for an adjustment of the assessed valuation in amount of $410.OO for years 1934 thru 1940 against L~t 114, Oak Hill, claiming that the assessments are too high. ThereuDon after careful comparison of the assessed valuation of this property with similar prooerties, Commissioner Lodge moved that the assessed valuation be adjusted to $320.00 for years 1934 thru 1940. Seconded by Commissioner Gut and carried. The following request next received for an extension of time in which to pay' delinquent taxes against prooerties on which foreclosure proceedings are being instituted by the City for the collection of such taxes. Request from Porter Lansing to be allowed to Day in monthly instalments of $10.OO each, the delinquent taxes for years 1934 thru 1940 agslnst Lot 42 Woodruff'e Subdivision. Request granted. ~rovided the current t~xe~ MINUTES CITY COMMISSION, SANFORD, FLORIDA, July 19 41 against Lot 17, Holden Real Estate Co. Addition. Request granted. Request from James E.Dekle to be allowed to oay $15.O0 now and balance in monthly instalments of $10.OO each, the delinquent taxes for years 1927 thru 1938 against Lot 5 Block 24 Clark's Subdiv. Thereupon after careful consideration, the Commission agreed to allow James E.Dekle to pay these taxes in monthly and the current taxes when due. Request from Harriett Lightfoot instalments of $5.00 each, the delinquent taxes L~t 6 Block 10 Tier D. Request granted. instalments of $10.OO each, provided he pay $25.OO now to be allowed to oay $10.OO now and balance ~n monthly for years 1936 thru 1940, against Request next received from J.T. Pooe to be allowed to oay be $289.84 , and balance in monthly instalments of $25.00 each, one-half now, which would the delinquent taxes for years 1932 thru 1940 against the south 40 ft. of Lot 2 and all lot 3 Block 5 Tier 11. Request granted. Request from Thos E.Wilson to be allowed to Day $125.00 now and balance in six monthly instalments, the delinquent taxes for years 1927 thru 1940, and oaring against Lot 8 Block A Str~ngfellow's Addition. Request granted. Insoector Duncan next reported that a frame dwelling house located on the West 82 feet of Lot I Block 9 Tier C, has been damaged by fire to such extent that it is beyond reoairing and recommended thet same be condemned, demolished and removed. Thereupon the City Attorney was instructed to orepare the necessary resolution condemning the aforesaid building, for passage at the next meeting. T~e following aoolications for adjustment of taxes and/or soecial assessments were next received , and on motion duly carried, same were aooroved. Mrs Ada Walker Lot 5 Block A, Str~ngfeIlow Sub Taxes & Penalties 193]/3~ $ 82. 31 ADJUSTMENT AUTHORIZED Adjusted to: $44.10 Boecial Assessments and Interest $701.95 ADJUSTMENT AUTHORIZED Adjusted to: 35.82 Mrs Ada Walker Lot 6 Block A,Strtngfellow Bub. Ts~es & Penalties 1933/34 $ ~. 44 ADJUSTMENT AUTHORIZED Adjusted to: 4.61 Special Assessments & Interest $701.95 assessments ADJUST¥~NT AUTHORIEED Adjusted to: 35.82 Harvey Vieno Lot 3 Block 13 Tier B, Taxes & Penalties 1929/39 $176 .69 ADJUSTMENT AUTHORIZED Adjusted to: 79.88 $119.89 Sanford Heights Taxes & Penalties 1931/40 ADJUSTMENT AUTHORIZED Adjusted to: 25.00 Lot 9 Block 12 Tier E, Sanford Taxes & Penalties 1936/39 $20. 61 Ed Humphrey ADJUSTMENT AUTHORIZED Adjusted to: 8.06 Taxes & Penalties 1928/40 Mrs W.P.Fields Lbt 24 Laura Graham Lot 27 Stendiford Addn. $ 85. 10 MINUTES CITY COMMISSION, SANFORD, FLORIDA, July 14, 7130 P M 19 41 Lot 13 Boyd Subdiv. ADJUSTMENT AUTHORIZED Adjusted to: $196.39 Soecial Assessment a Interest ADJUSTMENT AUTHORIZED Adjusted to: $99.48 The meeting then adjourned until 7:30 o'clock P,M July 21, 1941. Attest: Mayo~. $2,o29.38