HomeMy WebLinkAbout082541-Regular Session MINUTES CiTY COMMISSION, SANFORD, FLORIDA, AUEUst at .7:3o p M 19 41 The City Commission of the City of Sanford, Floride the 0ity Hall in the City of Present: Commissioner # # Edward Higgine " M.J.Lodge City Attorney Fred R. Wilson City Clerk H.N.Sayer Chief of Police R.G. Williams Absent: Commissioner W.C.Hill, Mayor. Meeting celled to order by the Chairman. met in" Sanford, Florida at ?:30 o'clock P.M. G.E.Rollins, Acting Mayor. H. James Gut ~eguI~r session at August 25, 1941. Minutes of adjourned meeting of August 7th. 1941, next read and aooroved. Aoolication next received from Sam S. Hawkins for oermlt to sell beer and wines at 213 E. First Street during fiscal year 1941,1942 and on recommendation of Chief of Police Williams, same was a~roved.. Aogllcation next received from Gilbert Stokes for ~ermlt to tear down and rebuild an old dwelling house located on the W 1/2 of Lot 6 Block ll Tier H, on which there are delinquent City rexes for years 1927 thru 1940. Aoolicstion apgroved , orovided all salveged materials from the old buildings are used to immediately rebuild another house on same ~rooerty. Aoolicstion next received from Mr. Jas. B.Gahan for the City to remove three Australian pine trees from the parkway in front of his home at 201 W. 18th St., and on recommendation of Suo. Houghton seme was aooroved orovlded he pay for the service. Apo~ication next received from Mr. R.W.Turner for the City to remove two meple trees from the oarkway in front of his home at ~l5 Park Ave., end uoon being advised by Suot. Houghton that the trees are bedly decayed , same was aooroved. The Chairman next advised that the First State Bank of DeLand had agreed to lend the City the sum of $5,000.00 for general ooerating exoenses of the City, in accordance with the terms of aoolicetion for such loen authorized at the meeting of August 22nd. 1941. Thereupon ~ommissioner Higglns introduced Resolution No. 61~ and after being read in full by the Clerk, moved its ~assage and edootion. Seconded by Commissioner Gut and carried by the fo!low~ng vote of the Commission: Commissioner Rollins Aye " Gut Aye " Higglns Aye " Lodge Aye said Resolution No. 614 being in words and figures as follows: RESOLUTION NO. 614. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF SANFORD SETTING FORTH THE NECESSITY OF THE CITY OF SANFORD TO BORROW MONEY MOR CURRENT CITY EXPENSES AND PROVIDING FOR THE BORROWING BY THE CITY OF THE SUM OF FIVE THOUSAND DOLLARS FROM THE FIRST STATE BANK OF DELAND, FLORIDA, FOR SUCH CURP~NT EXPENSES OF THE CITY, AND AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR AND THE CITY CLERK TO EXECUTE IN THE NAME OF THE CITY A PROMISSORY NOTE TO SAID BANK TO EVIDENCE THE INDEBTED~ NEB~ O~ ~THE CITY BECAUSE OF SUCH LOAN, AND PROVIDING FOR THE PAYMENT OF SUCH INDEBTEDNESS EVIDENCED BY RAID NOTE. WHEREAS, the City Commission of the City of Senford, Florida have determined that the City of Sanford, Florida is now in need of the sum of Five Thousand ($5,000.00) MINUTES City COMMISSION, SANFORD, FLORIDA, August 2~ at 7:30 19 41 WHEREAS, the City of Sanford may now lawfully borrow such sum of money in that the sums heretofore borrowed by the City of Sanford do not exceed the limits of indebtedness for such City as provided by law, and WHEREAS, The First State Bank of DeLand, Florida has agreed to loan the said City the sum of Five thousand ($5000.00) Dollars for the purpose aforesaid., payable in eight equal payments of Six hundred twenty-f~ve($625.O0) Dollars each, the first payment to be made on the lat. day of January 1942, and a like payment quarterly thereafter until said sum of Five thousand ($5000.00) Dollar~ and interest are paid, with interest from the date of the note on each quarterly payment as it becomes due at the rate of four per cent (4%) per annum; said indebtedness to be evidenced by a promissory note of the City, the said indebtedness to said Bank to be a general obligation of the City, and payable out of the Fund for ordinary ouroose or operating Fund of theCity, and the said City Commission of the City of Sanford deeming it expedient, advisable and for the beet interest of the City to borrow the said sum of Five Thousand ($5000.00) Dollars from the said First State Bank ~ DeLand for such current expenses, the said loan to be evidenced by a promissory note of City and payable from the said Fund at the times and in the amounts, with interest as aforesaid. NOW , THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF SANFORD, FLORIDA: 1. That the City of Sanford, Florida , borrow from the First State Bank of DeLand the sum of $5,000.00 to be repaid in eight equal installments of $625.00 each, the first installment to become due on the first day of January, 1942, and a like instal- ment to become due and payable quarterly thereafter with interest from date of note at the rate of four per cent per annum on each installment as it becomes due, and that the Mayor and the City Clerk of the City execute and deliver in the name of the City a ~romissory note to said bank in the following form: Sanford, Florida August ,1941. $5,OOO.00 The City of Sanford, Florida, promises to ~ay to the order of the First State Bank of DeLand the sum of FIVE THOUSAND DOLLARS at the First State Bank, DeLand, Florida, for value received, in eight equal installments of $625.00 each, with interest from date u~on each installment as it becomes due at'the rate of four per cent per annum, the first installment to be payable on the first day of January 1942, and a like installment to be payable quarterly thereafter until said sum of $5,000.00 with interest is paid in full. Default for a oeriod of thirty days in making any one of the aforesaid payments or interest at the time required, shall cause said indebtedness remaining unoaid and interest thereon to become immediately due and oayable. This note is a general obligation of the City of Sanford, Florida, and is payable out of the fund for ordinary our~oses or o~erating fund of said City. Now, shall it become necessary to collect this note through an attorney, each of us, whether maker, security or endorser on this note hereby agrees to cay all costs of such collecting including reasonable attorney's fees. MINUTES CITY COMMISSION, SANFORD, FLORIDA, ~'25 at 7:30 P And that such money be used for the current expenses of the City of Sanford, Florida, and be an obligation of the City payable out of the general fund of the City in the manner and amounts as hereinbefore set forth. 2. That this Resolution shall become effective immediately upon its passage and adoption. PASSED AND ADOPTED Attest: H N Sayer City Clerk. this 25th. (Seal) day of August , 1941. g,E,Rollins Acting Mayor. H,Jamee Gut ~dward Hi~Eins ~.J.LodEe I' As the City Commission of City of Sanford, Florida. On motion duly Carried~ the Commission next authorized and directed the First State Bank of DeLand to deposit the proceeds from the aforesaid loan in amount of $~,000.00 to the credit of City of Sanford, Florida, Ordinary Fund Account in said bank. Commissioner Higgins next introduced Resolution No. 615 and after being read in full by the Clerk , moved its passage and adoption. Seconded by Commissioner G~t and carried by the following vote of the Commission: Commissioner Rollins Aye " Gut Aye " Higgins Aye " Lodge Aye Said ResolUtion No. 615 being in words and figures as follows: RESOLUTION NO. 615 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF SANFORD, FLORIDA, APPRO- BRIATING CERTAIN MONEYS NOW ON HAND FOR THE PAYMENT OF INTEREST ON CERTAIN kEFUNDING BONDS OF THE CITY HERETOFORE AUTHORIZED AND TO APPROPRIATE THE SAME TO THE PAYMENT OF INTEREST ON CERTAIN OTHER REFUNDING BONDS OF THE CITY. WHEREAS, by Resolution No. 499 of the City Commission of the City of Sanford, Florida, adopted on the first day of February , 1937, said City was authorized to issue refunding bonds in the principal sum of $5,274,000.00 to be dated March 1st, 1931, and maturing September!, 1977, and designated as Series A, and refunding bonds in the principal sum of $626,OO0.00 to be dated March let, 1937, and maturing September 1st, 1977, and to be designated as Series B , said refunding bonds to be exchanged for certain outstanding bonded indebtedness of the City, and of said refunding bonds, Series A, bonds in the aggregate principal sum ~$157,000.00 and of said refunding bonds, Series B, bonds in the aggregate principal sum of $15,000.00, were on April 24, 1941, unexchanged and the City has provided funds from time to time for payment of interest upon all of said refunding bonds Series A and Series B, including those not exchanged as hereinbefore particularly set forth and has on hand the sum of $7,065.O0 for payment of interest on refuelling bonds Series A aggregating the principal sum of $157,O00.00 and has on hand the sum of $1,350.00 for payment of interest on refunding bonds Series B in the aggregate principal sum of $15,000.00; and, MINUTES CITY COMMISSION, SANFORD, FLORIDA. A,,~,oe. ~ ~ ?-'~0 'P t419 41 WHEREAS, pursuant to a modified plan of composition filed in a bankruptcy proceed- ing in the United States District Court instituted by the City of Sanford for the composition of certain of its outstanding indebtedness aggregating the principal sum of $246,000.00 but reduced to the principal sum of $172,0OO.00 by the exchange of refunding bonds Series A and B, the City of Banford pursuant to Resolution No. 601 adopted on the 24th. day of April, 1941, issued its refunding bonds in the aggregate principal sum of $172,000.00 , dated March 1, 1941, a~d maturing September 1, 1977, comprised of Series C bonds in the principal sum of $12,000.O0, Beries D bonds in the' principal sum of $130,O00.00 and Series E bonds in the principal sum of $30,OO0.00 to be exchanged for the aforesaid unexchanged bonds of the City in the principal sum of $172,OO0.00., for which the aforesaid refunding bonds Series A in the aggregate principal sum of $157,OO0.00 and refunding bonds in the aggregate principal sum of $15,000.00 were exchangeable, and pursuant to said resolution refunding bonds Series A in the principal sum of $157,000.00 and refunding bonds Series B in the principal sum of $15,000.00, with appurtenant coupons, were destroyed and the aforesaid, sums of $7,065.00 and $1,350.O0 are no longer applicable to the payment of interest on said refunding bonds Series A or Series B and should now be aopropriated for the payment of interest on the aforesaid refunding bonds Series C, D and E: NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Commission of the City of Sanford, Florida, that the aforesaid sum of $7,065.00 accumulated for payment of interest on refunding bonds Series A in the aggregate orincioaleum of $157,000.OO and the sum of $1,350.00 accumulated for the payment of interest on refunding bonds Series B, be and the same are hereby appropriated to the payment of interest on the aforesaid refunding bonds of the City designated as Series C, D and E dated March let, 1941. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that this Resolution shall become effective immediately upon its passage and adoption. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 25th. day of August 1941. G.E.Rollins Acting Mayor. ,M.J.Lodge H.James Gut Edward Higgins ATTEST: N~ N Bayer City Clerk. (Seal) I~S the City Commission of the City of Sanford, Florida. In connection with interest due September 1, 1941, on Series A and B Refunding Bonds dated March 1, 1937, and Series C, D and E. Refunding Bonds dated March 1, 1941, and on advice from the Clerk that sufficient funds are on hand for the puroose, Commissioner Hlgglns moved that Clerk be authorized to transmit to the Central Hanover Bank & Trust Company~ New York City, funds in amount sufficient to pay interest due September 1, 1941, on the outstanding Series A, B , C, D. and E. Refunding Seconded by Commissioner Gut and carried. Bill of Sanford Atlantic National Bank in amount of $50.00 for legal rendered by E.F.Housholder, Attorney , on City of Sanford loan in amount coupons Bonds. opinion of $15,000.00 MINUTES CITY COMMISSION, SANFORD, FLORIDA, August 25 at 7:30 P "19 41 Commissioner Gut next introduced Resolution No. full by the Clerk, moved its passage and adoption. Seconded by Commissioner Lodge and carried by the Commissioner Rollins Aye " Gut Aye " Hlggins Aye " Lodge Aye said 616 and after being read in following vote of the Commission: resolution No. 616 being in words and figures as follows : RESOLUTION NO. 616. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF SANFORD, FLORIDA, AUTHORIZING THE APPLICATION BY SAID CITY TO THE FEDERAL WORKS AGENCY OF THE PUBLIC WORKS ADMINISTRATION FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF A RECREATION PROJECT IN THE CITY OF SANFORD AND AUTHORIZING THE NAYOR, CITY CLERK AND CITY ATTORNEY TO EXECUTE ALL NECESSARY PAPERS AND FURNISH SUCH INFORMATION AS MAY BE NECESSARY FOR SUCH PURPOSE. WHEREAS, the City Commission of the City of Senford, Florida, deems it advisable, expedient and for the best interest of the City to apply to the Federal Works Agency of the Public Works Administration for the construction of a recreation project con- sisting of a recreation building, swimming pool~ bath house and equipment: NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Commission of the City of Sanford, Florida, that said City make application to the Federal Works Agency of the Public Works Administration for the construction of a recreation project in said City consisting of a recreation building, swimming pool, bath house and equipment. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Mayor, City Clerk and City Attorney furnish all such information as may be necessary to said Federal Works Agency in connection with said project, and execute all necessary capers. shall become effective immediately BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that this Resolution upon its passage and adoption. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 25th. day of August , 1941. · G.E,Rollins Acting Mayor. M.J.Lodge H. James Gut Edward Hi,gins ATTEST: Bayer City Clerk. (Seal) As the City Commission of the Cit3] of Sanford, Florida. Commissioner Higg~ns next introduced Resolution No. 617 and after being read in full by the Clerk, moved its passage and adoption. Seconded by Commissioner Gut and carried by the following vote of the Commission: Commissioner Rollins Aye " "_G~A. t Aye " "Higgins Aye " " Lodge Aye said Resolution No. 6].7 being in words and figures as follows: RESOLUTION NO. 617 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF SANFORD, FLORIDA, APPROPRIATING THE SHARE OF THE CITY AS SPONSOR FOR A RECREATION PROJECT TO BE CONSTRUC~- ED BY THE FEDERAL WORKS AGENCY OF THE PUBLIC WORKS ADMINISTP~TION. WHEREAS, the City Commission of the City of Sanford, Florida, has applied to the Federal Works Agency of the Public Works Administration f6r the construction of a MINUTES CitY COMMISSION, SANFORD, FLORIDA, A~r~,2-=~ 7;]0 P M 19 4 i 41 sponsor is the sum of $6,7S3.80; and, WHEREAS, the City has as a bugetary reserve of the water ut~!ities plant the sum of $6,959.15, which is part of the fund established for improvements of the water utilities of the City but which it was not necessary to use on account of the fact that said improvements were made as part of a Works Progress Administration project and said reserve is no longer necessary for the purpose for which the same was established: NOW, THEHEFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Commission of the City of Sanford, Florida, that the sum of $6,783.80 of the aforesaid bugetary reserve of the water utllites of the City in the sum of $6,9~9.1~ be and the same is hereby a~propriated as tD~ aforesaid sponsor's share of the aforesaid recreation ~roJect to be constructed ss aforesaid. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that this Resolution its passage and adoption. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 25th. upon shall become effective immediately day of August, 1941 _ G.E.Rollins Acting Ma~or. .M.J.Lodge H.James Gut Edward HigElns Attest: As the City Commission of the City of Sanford, Florida. H.N.Sa~er City Clerk. (Seal) Commissioner Lodge next introduced Resolution No. 618 and after being read in full by the Clerk , moved its passage and adoption Seconded by Commissioner Gut and carried by the following vote of the Commission: Commissioner Rollins Aye " Gut Aye " Higgins Aye " Lodge Aye said resolution No. 618 being in words and figures as fo21ows: RESOLUTION NO. 618 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF SANFORD, FLORIDA, DESIGNATING THE CITY CLEBX OF SAID CITY AS AUTHORIZED CO~RESPONDENT FOR A PROJECT APPLIED FO~~ BY THE CITY OF SANFORD TO THE FEDERAL WORES AGENCY OF THE PUBLIC WORKS ADMINISTRATION. WHEREAS, the City of Sanford, Florida, has aoolied to ~he Federal Works Agency of the Public Works Administration for the construction of s recreation project consisting of a recreation building, swimming pool, bath house and equipment and it is necessary for the City to designate an authorized correspondent for such project; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED By the City Commission of the City of Sanford, Florida, that H.N. SAYER, City Clerk of said City be and he is hereby designated as the authorized correspondent for the aforesaid oroject. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that this Resolution shsl! become effective immediately upon its Oassage and adootion. 42 MINUTES City COMMIS$!ON~ SANFORD! FLORIDA, August 19. H.James Gut Edward Hlg~Ins Attest: H NI Sayer II' C~y Clerk. (Seal) As the City Commission of the City of Sanford, Florida. Commissioner Gut next introduced Resolution No. 619 and after being read in full by ~lerk, moved its oassage and sdootion. Seconded by Commissioner Higglns and carried 0y the following vote of the Commission: Commissioner Rollins " Gut " HiEglns " Lodge said Resolution No. 619 being in words Aye Aye Aye Aye and figures as follows: RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF SANFOED, FLORIDA , EMPLOYING A CIVIL ENGINEER IN CONNECTION WITH A RECREATION PROJECT IN SAID CITY UNDER THE FEDEraL WORKS AGENCY OF THE PUBLIC WORKS AD~INISTRATION AND DETERMINING THE COMPEN~ SATION OF SAID CIVIL ENGINEER FOR HIS SERVICES AND TIME OF PAYMENT THEREOF. WHEREAS, theOity Commission of the City of S~nford, Florida, has aoolied to the Federal Works Agency of the Public Works Admlnistrstlon for the construction of a recreation oroject in the City of Sanford consisting of s recreation building, swimming ~ool, bath house and equloment and it is necessary in connection with the con- struction of said project to employ the services of a civil engineer: NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by said City Commission of the City of Sanford, Florida, theft FRED T. WILLIAMS, Civil Engineer, be and he is hereby emoloyed ss civil engineer for the sforesald recreation oroject to be constricted in the city of sanford and that his compensation shall be the sum of $1,729.~9, to be oaid when said project is comoleted. BE IT FUHTHER RESOLVED that this Resolution shall become effective immediately uoon ~ts oassage and adootion. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 25th. Attest: H N Sayer olty 0~ rk. day of August, 19~1. (Seal) G.E.Rolllns ~cting Mayor. M J Lodge H.James Gut Edward High, in s As the City Commission of the' City of Sanford, Florida. Commissioner Lodge next introduced Resolution No. 620 and after being read in full b~ the Clerk, moved its oassage and adootion. Seconded by Commissioner Gut and cerried by the following vote of the Commission: Commissioner Rollins Aye " Gut Aye " Higgtns Aye " Lodge Aye sa~d Resolution No. 620 being in words and figures as follows: MINUTES CITY COMMISSION, SANFORD, FLORIDA- August 2.% at 7:3o P M 19 41 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF SANFCRD, FLORIDA, E~PLOYING AN ARCHITECT IN CONNECTION WITH A RECREATION PROJECT IN SAID CITY UNDER THE FEDEPJ~L WORKS AGENCY OF THE PUBLIC WORKS ADMINISTRATION AND DETERMIN3 THE COMPENSATION OF SAID ARCHITECT FOR HIS SERVICES AND TIME OF PAYMENT THEREOF. WHEREAS, the City Commission of the City of Sanford, Florida, Ms aDolied to the Federal Works Agency of the Public Works Administration for the con~truction of a recreation project in the City of Sanford consisting of a recreation building, swimming pool, bath house and equipment and it is necessary in connection with the construction of said oroJect to employ the services of an architect: NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by said City Commission of the City of Sanford, Florida, that ELTON J. HOUGHTON, Architect, of the City of Sanford, Florida., be and he is hereby employed as architect for the aforesaid recreation oroject tn the City of Sanford and that his comoensation shall be the sum of $1,540.00, to be paid when said project has been comoleted. shall become effective immediately BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that this Resolution its passage and adoption. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 25th. day of August u~on 1941. ~,E.Rollins Acting Mayor M.J.Lodge H~James Gut Edward HiMgins Attest: ~ N Bayer · City Clerk. (Seal) As the City Commission of the City of Sanford, Florida. On motion duly carried, the Commission next authorized the emoloyment of Mrs W.E. Varn in the Clerk's office at a salary of $3.00 der day during the month of September, to assist with preparing the 1941 tax roll. Communication next read from Montez Harris requesting a reduction in the assessed valuation for 1941 on sixteen parcels of land owned hy her; but in ~iew of the fact that the Equalization Board has held its final meeting and aooroved the assessed valuations on the 1941 tax roll, no action could be taken at this time. Request next received from Oscar M. Zittrower for an adjustment of the assessed valuation in amount of $460.00 for years 1934 thru 19~0 against Lots 8,9 and lO Rand Addition, claiming that the assessments are too high. Thereupon after careful comoarison of the assessed valuations of similar orooerties it was the opinion of the Commission that the assessed valuation against this property is well in line and no adjustment could be allowed. Request next received from Recreation Director Miss Eleanor Morrieon for an indefinite leave of absence from her duties as City Recreation Director, effective September 15, 1941, and on motion duly adopted, same was granted. The following reques~next received for an extension of time in which to pay delinquent taxes on which foreclosure proceedings have been instituted by the City for collection of such taxes : Request from J.E.McAlexander to be allowed an extension of 90 days to pay MINUTES CITY COIVlMISSiON, SANFORD, FLORIDA, A ...... ...... " ~q ~..-'- 7.Z~' . ?'~- 19'---~1 Request Aooroved. Request from Harriett Lightfoot to be allowed to oay in monthly installments of $5.00 each, the delinquent taxes for years 1928 thru 1940 agalnst the S. 46 ft. of Lot 4 Block 10 Tier B. Request apDroved. Request from J D Sparks to be all,-ed an extension of time inwhich to Day the deltnqaent taxes for years 1936 thru 1950 against Lot 65 ( Less 70 ft. and Less ? ft. center) in Block K, Chaooells Subdivision. Thereupon the Commission authorized an extension of four months in which the aforesaid taxes are to be oaid in four monthly instalments. in The following aoplication for adjustment of and on motion duly carried, same was aooroved; W.J.Thlgpen Lot 38 Robinson Survey ( Less Beg. 434 ft E. 16 ft. N. 140 ft W. Special Assessment was next received, of S W Cor run E. 16 ft S. 150 ft to Beg. Soecial Assessment & Interest ADJUSTMENT AUTHORIZED Adjusted to: $56.66 There being no further business Attest: the meeting then adjourned. Mayor.