HomeMy WebLinkAbout092241-Regular Session miNUTES 51 CITY_~CoMMIS$1ON, SANg__FORD, FLORIDA, ~._~~~ P M 19 the City Hell Present: City Attorney The City Commission in the City of Sanford, Florida Commissioner W.C.Hill,Mayor H James Gut M.J.~odge G.E.Rolllns Fred R.Wllson City Clerk H N Sayer Chief of Police R.G. Williams Meeting Called to order by the Chairman. of the City of Sanford, Florida, met in regular session at , at 7:~0 o'clock P M September 22,1941. Mr. J J Cares next appeared and offered as full settlement, to pay the delinquent taxes for years 1934 and 1935 against Lots I and 2 Block 3 Tier 5, without paying the interest end cost thereon, foreclosure proceedings having been instituted by the City against this property for the collection of such taxes. Thereupon the Commission advised Mr. Cares that the Board did not have authority to w~,ive the penalties on such taxes, but would accept the principal amount as payment on account of such taxes, and allow him an extension of one year in which to pay the interest and cost. Application next received from W.J.Pell for ~rmit to remove his liquor package store from 106 W.Ftrst St. to ll2 W.First St, and also a permit to operate a bar at the new location instead of a package store. Thereupon, on recommendation of Chief of Police Williams, and on motion duly carried, the Commission granted W.J?etl a permit to operate a bar at ll2 W. First Street. Application next received from Prince Myers for permit to sell beer and wines at 1624 W.15th St., end upon the request of the Chief of Police, same was refused. Aoollcation next received from Jennie Walker for permit to sell beer and wines at 520 E.Fifth St., and on recommendation of Chief of Police Williams, same was approved provided a telephone is installed in the place of business. Consideration next given to the request of the Sanford Herald that the City place an advertisement in the "Mail Away" edition to be published on October 27th, and on motion duly adopted, a one-Half page advertisement was authorized to be placed in this edition of the Senford Herald at a cost of On motion of Commissioner Gut, seconded by Commissioner Rollins and carried, the Commission next approved the purchase from Cohu & Torrey, New York City, of l0 Refunding Series A bonds Nos. 1654 to 1663, inclusive, with counons due March 1,1942, and subsequent coupons attached at a orice of $$O6.25 per bond and interest. ~onsideration next given to the offer of Chase & Company to convey to the City a lO acre tract of lsnd adjacent to the new aviation field, described as: The South ~72.5 ft of the east 761 ft. of N W 1/4 of.N E, 1/4 of Section 5, Township 20 South, ange 31 East, in exchange for a deed of c~nveysnce from the City of lots i thru ? , Block 9; Lots I and 3 of Block lO, Lots I and 3 Block ll; and Lot 1 Block 12, San Lents Second Section, these lots having been acquired by the City thru foreclosure of taxes and street Oavlng liens. MINUTES CiTY COMMISSION, SANfORD, FLORIDA, September 2_2 :30 Thereupon Commissioner Higglns moved that the foregoing offer of Chase & Company be accepted, and the Mayor and Clerk be authorized to execute the deed of conveyance on behalf of the City. Seconded by Commissioner Lodge and carried. Petition next received from residents in the vicinity of Geneva Avenue and and same wss he proposes South French into his ~ro~erty at Poinsetta Ave. that a street light be installed ~t the intersection, ordered filed for further consideration. Mr.A.V.French next appeared and outlined a "Trsller Camo" that to erect next to his home on Lot 5 French's Subdivlsion, located on Avenue, and requested oermlssion to widen the driveway that leads the State Board of Health of the aforesaid this location. Action deferred, pending aooroval by trailer camo. Mr. Gscar M. Zlttrower next appeared with further reference to the delinquent taxes against lots 8,9,10 Rand's Addition, claimlng that he is entitled to damages from the City, which was caused from drainage conditions on this property since 1925, and should be given consideration in settlement of the taxes. Thereunon the Chairman appointed a committee consisting of himself, Commissioner Gut and Commissioner Higgins to investigate Mr. Zitrower's claim and report at the next meeting. Communication next presented from T.S.Davis with further reference to the damages is caused from repairs made to committee appointed to investigate to his property at 1113 W.First St., which ne claims Second St. by the City, and same was referred to the claim of Mr. Zittrower. Communication next read from Mr. N.J.Duggar, 1010 Myrtle Ave. complaining of the noise caused by the cackling and crowing of chickens owned by J.R.Lyles, which are kept on the lot adjoining his home, and requesting that the City take action to eliminate this nuisance. Thereupon after considerable discussion and in view of the fact that there is no City Ordinance nrohibiting the keeping of chickens inside the City, Mr. Duggar's complaint was referred to the City Attorney. Inspector Duncan next reported that the old house located on Lot 9 Block 12 Tier C is in a dilapidated condition and a fire hazard and recommended that same be condemned. Thereupon City Attorney Wilson was instructed to oreoare a resolution condemning this building, for passage at the next meeting. Request next received from Mrs. Clara Black for an adjustment of the assessed valuation in amount of $1580.OO for years 193~ thru 1950 against S. $Oft of , claiming that the assessment is too the assessed valuation of this property Co.missioner Gut moved that the assessed Lot 8 Block 17 Chapman & Tucker's Addition high. Thereupon after careful comparison of with similar properties simllerly located, valuation be adjusted to $1200.OO for the years 1934 thE~ 19~O. Seconded by Commlsslon~r Lodge ~nd carried. In accordance with regulations governing the holdlng of Pr%K~,ary Elections, and on motion of Commissioner Hig~Ins, seconded by Commissioner Gut and cerrled, the MINUTES C,T¥ CoMMmsJoN. S^.~o.o. FLoeJo^. to be created by the exoiration of the term of office of City Commissioner G.~.Rolllns; the following being designated, as Clerk and tnsoectors of said Election: For Clerk : W.E.Watson For Insoectors: Mrs Jean S.Adams, Mrs Margaret F.Bsrnee and ~r. O.S.Toler. A Committee from the Lions Club 'next aooeared with reference to a orooosed Trailer Camo that the Lions Club is soonsor~ng, which will be erected on Block 1N Tier 9, located on west side of French Ave. between Fulton St. and Water St., stating that the site and orooosed clans have been aooroved by the State Board of Health and requested the City to furnish labor for clearing the site, inasmuch as they are only soonsoring it as s civic movement to secure e trailer camo for SanforS. Request granted. Aoolication next received from Chase & Comoany to ourchsse Lots ~,9 and 10 Block 4 Tier 11, uoon which is located a concrete block warehouse building, this orooerty hsvlng been acquired by the City thru foreclosure of taxes and street caving liens. ?hereuqon after considerable disucsslon, the Commission authorized the sale of the aforesaid orooerty at a orice of $1,447.O9, which reoresents t~e amount of taxes and caving assessments foreclosad uoon under the adjusted basis, olus the foreclos- ure costs. The followin~ aoolications for adjustment of taxes and/or soecial assessments were next received , and on motion duly carried, same were sooroved: Mrs Abby D Hutchlson Mrs Abby D Hutchlson Lot Taxes & Penalties ADJUSTMENT AUTHORIZED Adjusted to Soecial Assessment & Interest ADJUSTMENT AUTHORIZED Adjusted to: 18.40 12 Sanford Terrace Ta~es & Penalties 1929/37 ADJUSTMENT AUTHORIZED Adjusted to: 19.66 Soecial Assessment & Interest Lot ll Sanford Terrace ADJUSTMENT AUTHORIZED Adjusted to: Mrs Abby D. Hutchison Lot 13 Sanford Terrace Taxes & Penalties ADJUSTMENT AUTHORIZED Adjusted to: 19~9/37 19.66 19.32 1929/37 19.66 Soecial Assessment & Interest $154.y8 7~o.16 154.7~ El9.14 154.78 R B Chaoman BenJ. Whitner ADJUSTMENT AUTHORIZED Adjusted to: 19.32 E. 1/~ lots 1 and 2 Blk 12 Tr. 2 Taxes & Penalties 1931/37 & 19~O ADJUSTMENT AUTHORIZED Adjusted to: 508.79 Lot I Block 8 Marvanla 2nd Sec. Taxes & Penalties 1927/32 (1933 outside) ADJUSTMENT AUTHORIZED Adjusted to 2.60 lll6.6y MINUTES Seat ember 27 ;19 41 Benjamin ,Whltner Lot 2 Block ~ ]/,arvania 2nd. Section Taxes & Penalties 1927/32 (Outside C~ty 19],3) $79.00 Benjamin Yhitner Lot 5 ADJUSTMENT AUTHORIZED Adjusted to: 2.60 Bulkhead Assess. a Interest. 60.96 ADJUSTMENT AUTHORIZED Adjusted to: 1. Blk ~ Marvanis 2nd Sec. ,T~wes & Pens!ties 1927/32 79.00 ADJUSTMENT AUTHORIZED Adjusted to ~.60 Bulkhead Assessment & Interest. 24.15 Benja~In Lhitner Lot ADJUSTMENT AUTHORI Z?D Adjusted to: 57 2, srvgnla 2nd Sec. T~xes & Penalties !9P7/7~ ADJUSTtIENT AUTHORIZED Ad Justs5 to 2.60 Bulkhead A~sess. & Interest. 7~.,.o ~.93 ~enjamin ~dhitner BenJ,~min Lot 5 Blk. AD,;Jo~'E-T AUTHORIZED Adjusted to: '3ulkhead Assessment & Lot 6 Block ~ Marv~nls ?nd aec. ,Taxes ADJUSTMENT AUTHOR I ZED Adjusted to ~enjsmln Uhitner, Lot ~enjsmin ,,nltner, BenJ~,min ,,,A~ner 2. 60 Interest None. & Penalties 1927/32 2, 60 7 !~]oek ~ Marvan~ ?nd Sec. T~es & Penalties 1727/~2 ADIUSFiENT AUTHORIZED Adjusted to: 2.60 Lot ~ Block ~ Marvon%e end Sec. T~xes & Penalties 19~7/32 ADIUSTiENT AUTHORIZED Adjusted to 2. 60 Lot 9 Block g Rsrw:nls Ts~es & Penalties 1927/~2 ADJUST ENT AUTHORIZED Adjusted to 2. ~0 Bulkhead assessment & Interest 79. oo 79. oo 79. oo :{0.13 74. ~6 509.03 Benjamin k:hitner ADJUSTMENT ag.mu. IZED Adjusted to: 12.00 Lot 10 Blk S Marv~nls 2nd Sec. Tgi×es & Penalties 19Z7/32 ~dJU,~,h.~ AUTHORIZED Adjusted to 2. Bulkhead Assessment & Interest ~O 69.76 ADJUST~,~NT AUTHORI ZED Adjusted to: 9. 95 Lot 11 B! ~ck S ~.mrvs, nla Benjamin Whither 2nd ~ Taxes a Penalties 1927/~? ADJUSTNENT AUTHORIZED Adjusted to Bulkhes5 Assessment g Interest 65.76 ~io.6o ADJU ST:.';ENT AU~L~RIZ~D Adjusted to Lot 12 Block ][srvon[a ?nd section,Ts'~es & Penalties ADJUST ENT AUTHORIZED A~Justed to 2. Bulkhead Asse~s~aent sn~ Imtere~t 69.76 P~ O. 94 MINUTES CITY COMMISSION, SANFORD, FLORIDA,Se'°tember 7:3o ? ~19 Benjamin Whitner Benj a:~,In Whitner Benjamin Whitner Benjamin Whi.tner E.L.Burdick Lot 13 Blk g Marvsnis 2nd Sec. Taxes &: Penalties 1927/32 69.76 AD.JUST~ENT AUTHORIZED Adjusted to P. 30 Bulkhead Assessment & Interest 133.55 ADJUSTMENT AUTHORIZED' Adjusted to: 3. 15 Lot 14 Block 8 Marvsnia 2nd Sec.,T~xes & Penalties 1927/32 69.76 ADJUSTMENT AUTHORIZED Adjusted to 2. 30 Bulkhead Assessment & Interest. 43.50 ADJUSTMENT AUTHORIZED Adjusted to: 1. 03 Lot 15 Block ~ Marvania 2nd Sec.,taxes & Penalties 192~/32 69. 76 ADJUST~ENT ~BTHORIZED Adjusted to: 2. 30 ~ulkhead Assessment & Interest 7.12 ADJUSTMENT AUTHORTZED Adjusted to: . 16 Lot 16 Block 8 Msrvsnia 2nd Sec. ,Taxes & Peoalties 192~/32 ?O. 15 ADJUST~4ENT AUTHORIZED Adjusted to: 2. 30 N.50 ft of Lot i Blk 12 Tr.9 Martin's Addition Ta~es and Pensltles 1930/40 3~4.44 ADJUSTMENT'AUTHORIZED Adjusted to L B Steele N. Britt Jelks J J Melton Mrs Grace G Ellis Nra Grace G.E!lis Mrs Grace G.E!lts 50 ft Lot 1 Block 4 Tier 7 , Taxes & Pen~lties 192~/$0 ( Less 1935) ADJUSTMENT AUTHORIZED Adjusted to: 25.06 Soecial Assessment & Interest ADJUSTMENT MJTHORIZED Adjusted to: 14.15 DeFomrest Add Taxes & oenalties 1936/40 Lot I Block C, ADJUSTMENT AUTHORIZED Adjusted to: 4.20 S.E1/4 Block 3 Tier 19 , Taxes & Penalties 1930/bO ADJUST]~ENT AUTHORIZED Adjusted to 357.89 ~. 37 ft of Lots I and ~ Bl,~ A Celery Avenue Addition , Taxes & Penalties 1930/]950 ADJUSTMENT AUTHORIZED Adjusted to 421.24 Soecial Assessment & Interest ADJUSTMENT AUTHORIZED Adjusted to: 22.23 ( Less W. 3~ Ft.) Lots ! and 3 Blk. A. Celery Ave. Addition Taxes & Penalties 1930/40 ADJUSTMENT AUTHORIZED AdJust~ent 385.~6 Lot 2 Block 2, Celery Ave.Addition Taxes & Penalties 1930/40 ADJUSTMENT AUTHORIZED Adjusted to 584.22 L~t ~7 B~k A ( L~ B~ ~t S W Cn~ ~,n N QX ~t P~9.51 lO.OO So7.7o lO39.o3 489.26 ~93.10 1030.60 MINUTES CITY COMMISSION, SANFORD, FLORIDA. Se2te?_be 119 Annie J~hnson Lot 6 Block 10 Tier H, T~es & Penalties 1932/40 ADJUSTMENT AUTHORIZED Adjusted to 10.35 Fannie Reba Munson Lot 3 Block 10 Tier 10 Ma~inis Addition Taxes & Penalties 1902/06 & 1929/40 ADJUSTMENT AUTHORIZED Adjusted to: 70.16 194.64 There heine no further business the meetlng adjourned until September 29,1941. At te ?:30 O'clock P.M. Mayor.