HomeMy WebLinkAbout102741-Regular Session MINUTES CiTY COMMISSION, SANFORD, FLORIDA,. ;O0'CO~e.~' 27 7:30 P M 19. 43. The City Commission:. of the City of Sanford Florida., met in Regular Session at the City Hall in the City of Sanford, Florida, at ?:30 o'clock P.M. October 27, 1941. Present: Commissioner W C Hill, Mayor. " H.James Gut " Edward Hi,gins City Attorney Fred R Wilson City Clerk H N Sayer Chief of Police R.G. Williams Absent: Commissioner M J Lodge " G E Rollins Meeting called to order by the Chairman. The Clerk next reported Mr. George D.Blship to be the only candidate to qualify for the position as City Commissioner in Group No. I for the Municipal Primary Election to be held November 4, 1941, and that in accordance with the law governing primary elections his name willnot be placed on the ballot. Thereupon, on motion duly carried, Mr Bishop was duly certified as the nominee in Group No. i for the position of City Commissioner and his name ordered printed on the ballot for the' General Municipal Election to be held December 2, 1941. The Clerk next reported that Mrs Jean S.Adams had given notice of her inability to serve as Inspector at the Primary Election to be held on November 4, 19~l, she having been designated as such official at the Thereupon , on motion duly carried Inspector a~ said election in place of meeting of September 22nd. , Mrs F.E.Roumillat was appointed to serve as Mrs Adams. On motion of Commissioner Hlggine, seconded by Commissioner Gut and carried, the Mayor was next authorized to issue an election proclamation calling for a General Municipal Election to be held December 2, 1941, for the purpose of electing two City Commissioners for terms of three years each, to fill the vacancies to be created by the expiration of the terms of office of Commissioners H.Jamee Gut and G.E.Rollins; the following being designated as officials of said election: For Clerk: E.F. Lane For Inspectors: Mrs Margaret F.Barnes, Mrs F.E.Roumillat and Mr. N.O.Garner. On motion duly adopted the Clerk w~s next authorized to obtain bids for furnishing 300 feet of 2~ inch fire hose for the Fire Department. On motion of Commissioner Higgins, seconded by Commissioner Gut and carried, the Commission next authorized the purchase for the WPA airport project of 12 Coleman gasoline lanterns at a cost of $84.13, and 2,000 engineer's stakes at a cost of $40.00. The Clerk next informed the Board that the City has had on its booSs for the past several years an Accounts Reveivable in amount of $2,569.67, which represents monies owing by property owners for the installation by the City of sanitary pit toilets on their property, stating that in his opinion these accounts are uncollectible. Thereupon after careful conslderatloh, Commissioner Gut moved that the Clerk be authorized to charge off the aforesaid accounts receivable as uncollectible. Seconded by Commissioner Hlggins and carried. MINUTES On motion d~y adopted, the Commission next authorized ~e e~loyment of R.C.Wilcox, on a day-to-d~ basis, as desk serge~t ~ the Police Depar~ent at a sala~ of $2.50 per d~. Application next recelved from J.E.HX~lns to purchase ~t 1 of Block A, Spurling,s Addition , at a price of $3~0.~, which represents the a~unt of the City's liens ~ainst this property ~der the adjusted basis, plus the foreclosure cost, ~. Higglns having O~ed this property before the City acquired it thru foreclosure of taxes ~d special assessment liens. Thereupon Co~issloner Gut moved that the Clerk be authorized to sell the aforesaid property to J.E.H~gins at a price of $3~0.~, subject to City taxes for year 19~1 ~d ~Y unpaid State ~d County Taxes. Seconded by Co~issioner H~lne ~d carried. Application next received from J.T.Pope to purc~se the N. 40 ft. of Lot 2, ~l ~t 3 of Block 5 Tier ll, at a price of $58~.40, which represents the amount of the City's liens ~ainst this P~perty under the adjusted basis, plus the foreclosure cost, offering to p~ one-half cash ~d bal~ce in monthly instalments of $25.00 each; having O~ed this P~perty before the City acquired it ~ru foreclosure ~. Pope special assessment liens, of taxes ~d Thereupon , after c~eful consideration, ~d on motion duly c~rled, the Co~isslon authorized the sale of the aforesaid property to J T Pope at a price of $589.40, payable one-half cash and bal~ce of $25.00 mon~ly with interest at 8 per cent on ~e unpaid bal~ce, Subject to City taxes for year 1941 ~d any unpaid State and County taxes. On motion of Commissioner Gut, seconded by Co~lssloner Hi, ins and carried, the Commission next authorized aooe~-. ~:y ~'n, Clerk ~nd B.C.Moore, Auditor of the firm of Pentl~d, Gr~ and Moore to the safety deposit boxes at the Sanfo~Atlantic National Bank for the purpose of verifying the contents. The Clerk next reported t~t All~ I. MOSeley had tendered his resignation as clerk in the W~ter Department, effective November 15, 1941, ~d same was accepted. On motion duly carried, the Co~isslon next authorized the emp~yment of Mrs Ruth Stewart at s sata~ of $90.00 per mon~, effective November 1st, 1941, to fill the Vacancy t~ be created by the res~natlon of ~. Noseley. Co~lssloner Gut next introduced Resolution No. 624 ~d after bel~ read In full by the Clerk, moved its pass~e and adoption. Seconded by Commissioner Higgins and carried by the following vote of the Commission: Co~iss loner Hill ~e " Gut Aye " H igg in s Ay e said Resolution No. 624 being in words and figures as follows: RESOLUTION NO. 624. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY CO~AMISS~ON OF THE C1Ty OF SANFORD, FLORIDA, RELATING TO THE DISPOSITION OF FL~DS COLLECTED FRGM SPECIAL ASSESSMENTS PLEDGED TO THE PAYMENT OF CERTAIN BONDS OF THE CITY OF SA/~FORD UNDER RESOLUTION NO. 601 OF THE CITy CO~gWISSION ADOPTED ON THE 24th. DAY OF ~-PRIL 1941, PROVIDING FOR THE ISSUANCE OF REFUNDING BONDS BY SAID CITY. WHEREAS, the last paragraph of Section 16 of Resolution No. 601 of the City Commission of the City of Sanford, Florida, adopted on the 24th day of April 1941, entitled as follows: , A RESOLUTION PROVIDING FOR A/~D;AUTHORIZING THE ISSUANCE OF CITy OF SANFORD, FLORIDA, REFUNDING BONDS, ISSUE OF 1941, DATED At~RCH LST. 1941, FOR THE PURPOSE OF REFUNDING AND RETIRING VALID SUBSISTING FUNDED 8O MINUTES CiTY COMMiSsiON, SANFORD, FLORiDA'~)~~19~ keep a record of the particular refunding bonds exchanged for outstanding bonds originally secured by special assessments and such refunding bonds shall be further secured by the same special assessments to the extent suCh special assessments have not been otherwise pledged"; and WHEREAS, it is wholly impractical for the City ~ segregate refunding bonds exchanged for outstanding bonds originally secured by special assessments and funds collected from special assessments pledged to the payment of bonds of the City and the City Commission deems it advisable and proper that all funds collected from said special assessments shall be deposited in the sinking fund of said City for the payment of or interest of refunding bonds of the City, Series C, D and E dated March let, 1941, and maturing September, 1977. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF-THE CITY OF SANMOBD, FLORIDA: That all funds collected from special assessments pledged for the payment of bonds of City of Sanford shall be deposited in the sinking fund for the payment of principal and interest of the aforesaid refunding bonds, Series C,D. and E. and applied to the payment of principal or interest of said refunding bonds, Series C,D, and E. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that this resolution shall become effective as and of March let, 19~l. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 27th. day of October , 1941. W. C. Hill Mayor. Edward Hi,Ins H.James Gut Attest: H N Sa~er C--~ty Clerk. (Seal) As the City Commission ~f the City of Sanford, Florida. ConsideratiOn next given to the matter of protecting the City's liens against against the following described properties upon which suit has been filed by W.W.C.Smith for foreclosure of State and County Tax certificates, the City having been made party to said suit so as to extinguish its liens. N. 21 ft of Lot 2, Block 3 Tier l, N 1/2 of Lot 2 Block l0 Tier A, Lots l? and 19 Block A, Celery Avenue Addition ; Lot 2 Block D, Markham Park Heights Thereupon the City Attorney was directed to bid upon the aforesaid properties for the City at the foreclosure sale to be held November 3, 19bl, and authorized to bid up to an amount sufficient to satisfy the City's liens under the adjusted basis. Request next received from Charlie Singleton to be allowed to pay in monthly instalments of $10.00 each, the delinquent taxes for years 1931 t~ru 1940 against Lot 22 Holden Real Estate Co. Addition, the city having instituted foreclOsurem! proceedings against this property for the collection of the taxes. Request approved. The following applications for adjustment of taxes were next received , and on motion duly carried, same were approved: Reel & Sons LOt 1 Avacado Terrace , Taxes & Penalties 1931/~O(Less 193~/39) MINUTES CITY COMMISSION, SANFO FLORIDA, ~otober~1]~__~ Lot H, Block C, DeForrest Add. ADJUSTMENT AUTEORIZED Adjusted to. Mrs Clara Black, S. 40 ft of Lot 8 Block 17 Chapman & Tucker Addition Taxes & Penalties 1932 thru 1940 ADJUSTM~I~T AUTHORIZED Adjusted to: $5.4s 353.36 $ 5o6.95 There being no further business the meeting adjourned. Attest: