HomeMy WebLinkAbout112441-Regular SessionMINUTES The City Commission of the City of Sanford, the City Hall in the City of Sanford, Florida, at Present: Commissioner W City Attorney Fred R. City Clerk H N Sayer C Hill, MayGr H.James Gut Edward Higgins G E Rollins Wilson 7:30 o'clock P.M. Chief of Police R G Williams Absent: Commissioner M.J.Lodge. Meeting called to order by the Chairman. Minutes of regular meetings of October 13 and 5, regular meetlng of November lO, read and aooroved. Florida, met in regular session at November 24,1941. soecial meeting of November and adjourned meeting of November 12, 1941 next at Miss Aranka Takach next aooeared and requested that a street light be installed the intersection of Commercial Street and Railroad Avenue, stating tha. t this corner were next received; Name C.A.Dutton A L Rosier " L P Payton " ,, L P Payton Lot 34 Oak Hill R A Cameron , Sr. Lot 7 Block R k Cameron Sr. Lot 8 Block Mary C.Alexander Lot 1 Mary C Alexander Mary C.Alexander T.B.Middleton Mrs C D Tew Mrs C D Tew Mrs C D Tew James A Williams _Descriotion of Prooerty Lot 13 Block K Garner's 2nd Addition to Markham Park Heights ? Tier 5 , ~anford Tier 5 " Block 13 Tier lO " Lot 6 Block !3 Tier lO " Lot 5 Block 10 Tier 6 " Lot 5 Block 10 Tier 6 " W 1/2 of W 1/2 of Blk 5 Tier 20 N 100 ft of E 1/2 of Blk 5 Tr. 20 S W 1/4 Of Block 4 Tier 21 Lots 1, 6, 9 and 10 Block 13 Tier 10 Price Offered. $450.00 lOC.CO 125.oo 50.00 350.00 350.00 5o.oo 60.00 51o.oo 450.00 lO.CO 10.OO 10.00 210.O0 Thereuoon after comoarleon of the orices submitted with the value of the orooerties bid uoon, Commis~ioner Higglns moved that the bid of C.A.Dutton in amount of $45~.OO for the ourchase of Lot 13 Block K, N H G~rner's 2nd Addition to Markham Park Heights be acceoted, and the remainder of the bids be rejected as being too low. Seconded by Commissioner Gut and carried. is very dark and a street light is needed to aid in orotecting prooerty at this loca- tion against night orowlers. Matter taken under consideration. In resoonse to the City's advertisement in the Sanford Herald offering for sale thru sealed cash bids to be received by the Commission at this meeting, several oarcels of prooerty acquired by foreclosure of ~ax and soecial assessment liens, subject to City taxes for year 1941 and any unoaid State and County te~es, the following bids MINUTES CiTY COMMISSION, SANFORD, FLORIDA, November 24 --at 7:30 P M19 4__.__~ the the Coleman's Office Equloment Co m~any 99.95 lO2.5o Mrs Allan I Moseley Thereuoon after comoarison of the orices submitted, Commissioner Htggins moved lowest bid, that of Coleman Office Equloment Comoany in amount of $99.95 be accepted. Seconded Oy Commissioner Rollins and carried. In resoonse to request for bids for furnishing uniforms for the Mire Deoartment following bids were next oresented, together with samoles: W.E,WATSON_ Lot 7903 Coat and Pants Extra Pants Lot 9540 Coat and Pants Extra Pants Lot 9541 Coat and Pants Extra Pants Shirts, each ~OWEL COM____PANY Lot 9872 Cost and Pants Extra Pants Lot 9873 Coat and Pants Extra Pants Lot 9874 Coat and Pants Extra Pants Shirts, each Thereuoon after careful $29.50 9.5o 27.50 lO.CO 3o.5o ll.50 2.25 31.50 10.75 3~.50 ll.50 35.50 13.S5 2.00 camoarison of the orices submitted and the quality of materials to be furnished, furnishing coats and cants extra oantS, and that Yowell Comoany be awarded the bid for furnishing price of $2.00 each. Commissioner Gut moved that W.E.Watson be awarded the bid for from material No.~$~O at a orlce of $27.50 clue $10.00 for shirts at a Seconded by Commissioner Higgins and carried. Apolicatlon next received from Nick Constantine for transfer of his beer and wine license from 1111 W. 13th Street to 110~ W. 13th Street Chief of Police Williams, same was aooroved. Aoolicatlon next received from Mrs Olive Vera Stevens for year 1941 on Lot 10 Block 8 Tier 3, of which she owns one half interest, at the proper time having been neglected thru an oversight. and on recommendation of for a widow's exemotlon aoolicatlon Aoolication aooroved. Aooltcatlon next received from Mrs Roma G Tew to ourchase the N W 1/~ of Block 5 Tierl9 at a orlce of $253.37 which reoresents the amount of the City's liens against this Orooerty under the adjusted basis clue the foreclosure cost, offering ts cay $75.00 and balance in monthly instalments of $25.00 each; Mrs Tew having owned this orooerty before the City acquired it thru foreclosure of taxes and soec~al assessment liens. Thereuoon, on motion duly carried the CommiSSion authorized the sale of the aforesaid orooerty to Mrs Roma G.Tew at a orice of $25~.37, oayable $75.00 cash and balance of $25.00 monthly with interest at 8% on the unoaid balance, C , Taxes. any un~aid State and omty Aoollcation ne~t received from M.L.Futch to subject to City taxes for year 1941 and ourchsse Lots 1,2,14 and 15 of Block 9 Bel Air Subdlv. , offering a orlce of $550.00 , he having owned this orooerty before the City acquired it thru foreclosure of taxes and soecial assessment liens. Thereuoon after careful consideration, the Commission rejected Mr Futch's offer of $550.00 for the four lots, but agreed to sell him Lots I and 2 at a orice of $56~.68 which reoresentS the amount of the City's liens under the adjusted basis olus foreclosure ~...^~ .... ~ ~v One vear in which to ourchase Lots l~ and 15 at a st, MINUTES 91. On motion duly adopted, the ~ommission next ordered that the old dilapidated buildings located on Lot 10 Block 9 Tier A, be demolished and removed, these buildings having been condemned by Resolution No. 626, passed and adopted by theCommission at the meeting of November 12,1941. Bill of Messrs H C DuBose and J H Colclough, Realtors, in amount of $50.00 for services rendered in aopr. alslng 29 parcels of property acquired by the City thru foreclosure of taxes and special assessment liens, next presented and on motion of Commissioner Gut, seconded by Commissioner Higgins and carried Same was aoDroved and payment authorized. Communication next read from Municipal Judge Miller recommending that the sentence of Lessie Martin be suspended, case No J 2??36, cbnvicted in the Municloal Court under date of January 27, 1941, for selling intoxicating liquor without a permit or license and sentenced $?5.00 or 90 days. Thereupon, Commissioner Gut moved that the aforese~d recommendation of Municipal Judge Miller be granted. Seconded ~y Commls~ioner Rollins and carried. The Clerk next reported that the Florida Power & Light Co. donate the electricity for lighting the colored street lights during holidays, beginning the night of December let, and burning each night and same was accepted with gratitude. In response to the request received last year from merchants and business men on First Street between Park Ave. and Oak Ave. that strings of colored lights be suspended over the street in that ~lock, Commissioner Higgins next moved that an expenditure be authorized for the installation of the aforesaid lights. Seconded by Commissioner Gut and Carried. On motion of Commissioner Hlggins, seconded by Commissioner Rollins and carried, the Clerk was next instructed to authorize the Florida Power & Light Company to install one 80 cp all night burning overhead bracket light at theintersection of Geneva and Oak Avenue. had offered to the Christmas thru January 3,1942 Communication next read from Mr Gene G. Bsber, manager of Aldon Company Inc. at in amount of $2800.OO placed on oerso ~ 104 East First Street, recuesting an adJU tment of nal=~e~p~ o~.sai~ Oomoany . ~ · , s 'the ase~=~ ~zua~on/zor year 19~1 claiming t~at this assessment is too high in orooortion to the assessments olaced on other merchants. Thereupon, after comparison of this assessment with the assessed valuation of other merchants having similar velue of stock and fixtures, Commissioner Gut moved that the 1941 personal tax assessment against Aldon Company Inc. be adjusted to $2000.00 Seconded by Commissioner Higgins and carried. Commissioner Gut next introduced Ordinance No. 319, entitled: AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF SANFORD. FLORIDA AUTHORIZING THE PAYMENT OF FINES IMPOSED FOR VIOLATION OF ORDINANCES OF SAiD CITY REGULATING TRAFFIC, EXCEPT AS HEP£IN STATED, WITHOUT THE APPEARANCE OF THE PARTY CHARGED %~ITH SUCH VIOLATION AT A P~GULAR SESSION OF THE MUNICIPAL COURT OF SAID CITY. and same was read in full by the Clerk. Thereupon Commissioner Gut moved that the rules be waived and said Ordinance No.319 be placed on its final passage and adoption. Seconded by Commissioner Ro%lins. Thereupon the question recurred upon the waivure of th, ~,~,~ T~. ~ .... 92 MINUTES Nov Commissioner Hill " Gut " Hlggine , Rollins Thereuoon said Ordinance No. the roll was called and the vote Commissioner Hill ". Gut " Hlgglns " Roi!ins Aye Aye Aye Aye 319 was o!aced uoon its final oassage and adootion~ stands as follows: Aye Aye Aye Aye Thereuoon the Chairman announced that the City Commission of the City of Oanford, FloridA, by unanimous vote had ceased and adooted said Ordinance No. 319, entitled: AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF SANFORD FLORIDA, AUTHORIZING THE PAYMENT OF FINES ION OF ORDINANCES OF S~ID CITY REGULATING TRAFFIC, EXCEPT AS HEREIN IMPOSED FOR VIOLAT ..... · ~ GED %~TH SUCH VIOLATION AT A RE~JLAR STA?IED, WITHOUT THE ArrmaRANCE OF THE .ARTY CHAR SESSION OF THE MUNICIPAL COURT OF SAID CITY. On motion duly adopted Ordinance No 319 was next ordered POSTED at the front door of the City Hall in the City of Sanford, Florida, in accordance with the terms of the Charter, as amended. Communication next read from Mr and Mrs Frank E. Halley, owners of the Florida Hotel at 121 S. Park Ave., reg~stering a further comolaint against the noise from the Sanford Bowling Center at 202 Magnolia Avenue, and requesting that the Commission take ac%ion to eliminate this nuisance. Action deferred. Offer next received from W L Harvey to change for a deed of conveyance to the E. ~0 trade the City one second-hand blanc, in ex- ft. of the S. 165 ft of Lot 15 Block Y Si. Gertrude Addition, this orooerty having been acquired by the City thru foreclosure of tax liens and soecial assessmentS. Thereuoon after considerable discussion, Commissioner Higgins moved that the foregoing orooosttion of Mr Harvey be ecceoted and the Mayor and Clerk be authorized to execute a deed conveying the aforesaid prooerty to him, subject to City taxes for year 19Ql and any unoaid State and County rexes. Seconded by Commissioner Rollins and carried. On recommendation of the Ssnford Country Club Committee, the Commission next grented all clergy of Sanford free club orivileges at the Municipal Golf Course. Suot. Moughton next reoorted that the grandstands and club house at the Munlcloal Athletic Field are badly in need of reoairs and reosinting. Thereuoon, on motion duly carried, the Commission authorized the exoenditures for mak- ing the necessary reoalrs and reoainting the aforesaid buildings. Consideration next given to the matter of Insuring the imorovements on the orooerty recently acquired by the City thru foreclosure of taxes and soecial assessment liens against loss or damages by fire. Thereuoon after considerable discussion, the ~lerk was instructed to insure against fire loss only the buildlngs having a ootentlel value, said Insurance to be issued thru the Sanford Insurors Exchange under a blanket oollcy for a term of one year, with a / short term cancellation endorsement. The Clerk next reoorted thet considerable reoelrs have been necessary to the Fairbanks Morse Deisel engines at the water oumbing station at considerable exoense to the City, stating that there are still other Darts and bearlngs to be reolaced and inasmuch as these engines have had only about 6000 hours of service, Engineer Abrahams is not satisfied with their oerformance and has recuested Fairbanks, Morse & Comoany to send their MINUTES CiTY COMMISSION, SANF. ORD, FLORIDA,]~ov 24 al; 7:'~O P }4 _19 41 91.1 The were next received, Moss Mackey Lot Mrs Y D Wells E J Toll E J Toll E J Toll E. J Toll E J Toll J H Parramore following aoolications for adjustment of taxes and/or sOeclel and on motion duly carried, same were aooroved: 55 Block D, South Sanford Taxes & Penalties 1929/40 172.77 Adjustment authorized Adjusted to: $68.24 E 1/2 Lot 9 all lO Blk 2 Tr. ll ,Taxes & Penalties 1929/37 618.O6 ADJUSTMENT AUTHORIZED Adjusted to: 241.83 Lot 9 Block 3 Falrview Taxes & Penalties 1927/40 (Less 1938) 67.90 ADJUSTMENT AUTHORIZED Adjusted ~o: 5.34 Lots 15 thru 21 Blk 3, Fairvtew Te~xes & Penalties 1929/40 ( ADJUSTMENT AUTHORIZED Adjusted ~o: 107.45 Lots 3 thru 8 Blk 3, Fairview , Taxes & Penalties 1929/40 (Less 1938) 264.81 ADJUSTMENT AUTHORIZED Adjusted to: 39.56 Lot 8 Block 3 Tier 1, Taxes & Penalties 1927/40 (Less 1938,9) ADJUSTMENT AUTHORIZED Adjusted to~ 99.37 Lots 135,136~]37 Sanford Heights~ Taxe~ & Penalties 1938/40 44.44 ADJUSTMENT AUTHORIZED Adjusted to: 29.76 Lot 5 Block 13 T~er 6, Ta~es and Penalties 1933/39 84.32 ADJUSTMENT AUTHORIZED assessments Less 1938) 695.74 1 55.ao Adjusted toe 26.14 There being no further business Attest: City Ci~ the meeting adjourned. May~r.