HomeMy WebLinkAbout121741-Special Session MINUTES CItY COMMISSION, SANFORD; FLORIDA, Dec.17 at 2 P M. 19 42 The City Session at the City Hall in the City 19hl. of Sanford, Commission of the City of Ssnford, Florida met in Soecial called Florida at 2:00 P.M. December City Clerk Present:' Commissioner W.C.Hlll, Mayor. H.James Gut Edward Higglns M J Lodge G.E.Rollins H N Ssyer. Meeting called to order by the Chairman. The following bids were next received for furnishing chain link fence of the following soecificatlons for fencing the !!~unicloal 'Water Pumoing Station: 976 llneel feet chain link fence in 5' overalls2" mesh No 9 gauge wire gslvsnlzed before weaving, fsbrtc 7' high with three strands of barbed wire at too, comolete with 2~" llne costs for lO' soacing, a coil steel soring wire for too and bottom of fabric, extension arms for costs, and fabric ties for attaching to costa and coil wire. 1 - 4' single swing gate comolete. i - lO' ~ouble swing gate comolete. 4 - 3" gate costs. ~ 3" corner costs. Harry P. Leu , Inc. Orlando, Florida. The S~ewart Iron Iron Works Co, Cincinnati, Atlantic Steel Comoany, Atlanta , Ga. Robertson Steel & Iron Co, Cinnsti, Ohio Matt G. Reeves & Comosny , Tam~a, Fla. Thereuoon after comoarlson of the orlces that the lowest bid be acceoted, that of Stewart Seconded by Commissioner Gut ~ud carried. $1,162.00 F.O.B.Sanford. 903.22 " 1,290.26 " 1,241.00 " 1,~10.50 " , submitted, Commissioner Higglns moved Iron Works Comosny in amount of $903. In resoonse to request for bids for furnishing one Ford Tractor, one Stockland Hydro Grader with 8' blade, and one Bush & Bog (Blount) 24" Scalooed Disc Harrow for the Street Deoartment, the followlng bids were next received. M.C.Brltt Produce Comoany, Winter Garden, Fla. $1,160.OO ~ Cairo Motor Comoany, Cairo, Georgia 1,155.O0 Thereupon after comoarison of the ortces submitted, Commissioner moved that the contract the aforesaid equloment Hlggins be awarded to M.C.Britt Produce Comosny for furnishing at a orice of $1,160.O0, in view of the fact that Cairo Motor Comosny Is not located wlthin.a reasonable t~e equloment. Seconded by Commissioner Rollins and carried. being d~stance to render service to Thereuoon , Commissioner Gut introduced Resolution No. ~77 and after read in full by the Clerk, moved its oassage and adootion. Seconded by Commissioner Rollins and carried by the following vote of the Commission: Commissioner Hill " Gut " Higglns " Lodge " Rollins Aye Aye Aye Aye Aye. MINUTES CITY COMMISSION, SANFORD, FLORIDA- necember 17 101 PROVIDING FOR THE PURCHASE BY SAID CITY OF 5ANFORD OF CERTAIN EQUIPMENT FROM M.C.BRITT PRODUCE COMPANY FOR USE BY THE STREET DEPARTMENT OF SAID CITY AND AUTHORIZING PAYMENT THEREFOR AS IN THIS RESOLUTION STATED. WHI~REAS, the City of Sanford is in need of a tractor, grader and harrow for use by the Street Deoartment of the City and M.O.Br%tt Produce Comoany of Winter Garden Florida, hap offered to sell the City the following tractor, grader and harrow, to-wit: 1 Ford Tractor, Motor No 9N-73664, 1 Stockland HydroGrader No.F-20 1 Single Bush & Bog Blount Harrow at and for the sum of $1,160.00 to be oaid as follows: Cash, $200.00 and the remainder of $960.00 in six quarterly installments of $160.OO each, olus interest at the rate of six ~er cent ~er annum and the City Commission of the City deems it advisable, expedient and for the best interest of the City to ~urchase the above described eq~ioment from the said M.C.Brltt Produce Comosny: NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED by the City Commission of the City of Sanford, Florida, that the City of Usnford ourchase of and from said M.C.Britt Produce Company the above described tractor, grader and harrow at and for ~he sum of $1,160.00 to be oaid as follows: Caen, $200.O0 and the remainder of $960.00 in six quarterly installments of $160.00 each, the first installment to be oald on the 10th. day of March 1942, plus interest at the rate of six ocr cent ocr annum on each lnst~llment es it be- comes oayable. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that this Resolution shall become effective immediately uoon its oassaEe and edootton. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 17th day of December (Seal) Attest: H N ~ayer City Cl~rk. 1941. W.C.Hi!i Mayor. M.J.Lod~e H.Jsmes Gut Edward Hl~Elns G.E.Rollins As the city Commission of the City of Sanford, Florida. There belng no further business the meetlng adjourned. Aires '~ Mayor.