HomeMy WebLinkAbout010642-Regular Annual SessionMINUTES CiTY COMMISSION, SANFORD, FLORIDA, ~BJ3]JjL~~ 1 9-~._ The City at the City Hall Present: Commission of the City of Sanford in the City of Sanford, Florida Commis'slOner W.C. Hill, Mayor. " H James Gut Ed,,,ard Hig~ ns , M.J. Lodge G.E.Rolllna , Florida met in Regular Annual session at 7:30 o'clock P.M.January 6,1942. Commissioner _ Elect, George D. BlshoD City Attorney Fred R.Wllson City Clerk H N Sayer Chief of Police R.G. Willlams. Meeting called to order by the Chairman, Minutes of regular meeting of December 8,194!, regular meeting of December 22,1941, and a~Droved' soecial meetin~ of ~ ~ec. 17,1941 end adjourned meeting of December p9,1941, ne~t read On motion of Commissioner Hlgg~ns, seconded by COmmissioner Gut and carried, the Commission ne~t authorized the delivery of one Refunding Series "E" bond No. 17, dated ~arcn 1,1941, oayable Seotember 1,1977, with couoon due March 1,1942, and subsequent couoons attached, to Ed.C.~,rlght Series A-BBc bond No. 210 dated and subsequent, couoons attached; & Comoany, St. Petersburg, Florida, In e~change for one January !, 1926, due July ], 1930, with coupon due July 1, also the osy~nt of $20.00 to Ed C.Wrlght & Comoany for couDon No. Commissioner Gut next by the Clerk, moved its oassage and adontion. Seconded by Commissioner Hl~glns amc Commission: introduced Resolution No. 629 due Seotember 1, 1941, detached from said Refund!ng Ser~es "E" Oond No.17. and afte-~, being read in full carried by the following vote of the ~ommissloner Hill Aye " Gut Aye " Higglns Aye " Lodge Aye " Rollins Aye said Resolution i4o. 629 belng in ,.mrds and flg~res as follo,:s: RESOLUTION No.629. A RESOLUTION CF ,H~ CITY COMMISSION OF THE AND REQUIRING TO BE DEMOLISHED AND REMOVED A OF E.R. TILiFFORD'S MAP OF S..... ~ A~ ~ O~ .D. CITY OF SA~Fo~D, FLORIDA, CONDEMNING BUILDING UPON LOT 3 OF BLOCK 9 OF TIER B ~'.IHEpu~A5, the building lnsoector.of the City of Ssnford, Florl¢~a, nas reoorted to the City Commission that there is located uoon lot ~ of block 9 of Tier B, of E.R. Trafford's Mac of Sanford a dilaoldated, unsanitary and unsafe building, which cannot be out in a t,~te of sound reoalr; and S ~H,~R=~o, The City Commission of the City of Sanford, Florida, deems it exoedtent and advisable to condemn and order demolished and removed the above mentioned building upon the above describe8 orooerty: NOW , THEREFOPE) BE IT RESOLVED by the City Commission of the City of Sanford FlorlUa, t~t the dilsoldated, unsanitary and unsafe building on said Lot ~, of Block ? of Tier B. of E R TraffOrd's Mac of Sanford be and the same is hereby condemned and ordered to be demolished and removed unless oartles Interested therein shell show cause why the same should not be done at the regular meeting of the City Commission at the City Hall of 109 MINUTES PASSED AND ADOPTED this 6th. day of January 19l~P. W.C.H~.~I Mayor. Edward ~lgK~ns.._ - M.J.Lod~e H. James Gut O.E.Ro!lins As the City CommiSsion of the City of Ssnford Florida. Attest: H~.N.Sayer City Clerk. Commissioner Gut next (Sea!) introduced Resolution No. 630, end after being read in full by the Clerk, moved its oassage snd adootion. Seconded by Commissioner HlgEins and carried by Commissioner Hill Aye " Gut Aye " Hi,gins Aye " LodEe Aye " RolIins Aye the following vote of the Commlssionl to the City Commission that there is South ,Usnford, Florida, a dilaoidated out in s stst~ of sound reostr; and said resolution No. 630 belng in words and figures as fo!l~Ts: RESOLUTION No. 630.' A RESOLUTION OF ~Hm ~I.Y COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF SANFORD, FLORIDA. CONDEMNING AND P~QUIRI~G TO BE DEMOLIoH~D AND REMOVED A BUILDING UPON LOT A. OF H.I.. DEFORRZJT'S ADDITION TO SOUTH SANFORD, FLORIDA. HER~A~, the building inspector of the City o? Sanford, Florida, t~ss reoorted located u~on Lot A, of H.L.DeForrest's Addition to , unsanit~ry snd unsafe build!rig, which cannot be WHERE%S, the City Comrals~ion of the City of Senford, m~orida, deems it exoedlent s~visable to condemn and order demolished and ~emoved the above mentioned building uoon the above described orooerty: NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ~Ei. OLVED by th~ City Comm~s~ion of the City of Lanford, Florid~ that the dj!soldered, unsanitary and unsafe building on sold Lot A of H.~DeForrest's AdJ~tio to South Sanford, Florida, be and the same is herebv~condemned ~nd ordered to be demolished rer, oved unless carries Interested therein shall show c~use w~y the same should not be done at the ~egu]~r meeting of the City Commls~lon at the City Hall of S~d City at 7:30' P.~. on the 26th ~ay of January , 19~2. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED THAT t~ls Resolution shall become effective immediately uoon its oassage and sdootlon. pA~SLD %ND ADOPTED this 6th. day of January 19~P. W.C.HIll Edward hl~ins M.J. Lo ~e James Gut Atte~ t · G.E.Rollins As the City Commlsgion of the City of Sanford, Florida. H.N Ssyer City Clerk. (Seal) MINUTES Jan at On motion duly adopted the ~ ~ ~ler~ was next !nstructed to send a copy of the foregoing resolutions to each and every party shown by the Public Records to be ~nterested in the properties described tnereln. Reports of the first, second and third fall analysis of milk be~n~ furnished by ali_ dairies Operating in the City of Sanford, as vre~ared by Dr. J.L. Rubles Laboratories at ~rlando next presented, such re~orts showing all such milk within th? requirements of Grade A milk, with the e~ception of Green Ve%!ey and C.C. Howard dairies. On motion of Commissioner Ro]llns Clerk was next authorized to purchase on a 6C-day approval Ai~ ~ald Siren from W.S.Ds, rley & Company, Chicago, Ill. at Chief of Police Williams next reported that he had suspended patrolman L.A. from the police force, Crow , seconded by Co~nm~sSioner Lodge and carried, the , one ?~ ho Electric Champion a ~rice of '~3p~.O0 Barbieri and same was approved by the Commission. On motion duly carried, the CommisSion next authorized the employment of John as a temoorary police patrolman, at a salary of $2.50 per day. On motion of Commie,!char Hi~Ins, the Commission next approved the acquisition of cot{one described proverties that are needed to complete ~he right-of-way for West runway on the north Side of the new aviation field. A 60 day O~tton from C.~.Smith at a cost df'$50.O0 to vurchase described ~roverty at a ~rlce of $4,000.00; Lots 1/~2, County Records. A ~O day ootlon described oroperty at Lots F~, ~ounty Records. seconded by Co~mlssioner Lodge and Carried, 35/46 High Point, as recorded a cost of to purchase the followlng the proposed the following in Plat Book 4, Page 27, $50.00 to as recorded in Plat book from Loys Ds~tnger at s orice of $1,800.00: 4Y/52 High Point, East and Seminole purchase the following Page 27, Seminole A 60 day option from Joe. W.Gamble at a cost of $50.00 described property at a price ~f $1,500.O0; Lots 32,33 & 34 High Point, as recorded in Plat book 4, to purchase the following Page 27, Seminole County Records Communication next read from Colonel T.S.Voss, Commanding Officer of the Orlando Air Base, requesting the ~se of Sanford's new alroort, when completed, as an auxiliary landing. field for the Orlando Air Base. Thereupon, after careful consideration, the Mayor was directed to acknowledge receipt of CoIonel Voss% letter, and to aSvlse him that the City Co,mission is willing to grant the Orlando Air Base the ~{~ of Sa~ford's new airport for ~n auxiliary landIn~ field, after certain details have been worked out w~th resoect to completion and ooeration of the f~eld. There being no further business to be translated by the out-go~ng Board, Commissioner Gut then moved that the meeting adjourn Sine Die. Seconded by Cor~mlssioner Lodge and carried. At this time Mr. Rollins exoressed his thanks and aovreciat~on to the members of the Commission and the emoloyees in the various deoart;aents of the City for their solendld cooperation during his term of office ss Cofami~sloner. The ~omm~ssion then re-convened for the ouroose of Organization, Mr. Bishop and Mr.~ut signing the oath of office and bein~ seated as Commissioners of the City of Sanford ,Florida, for three year terms each. Thereupon Co~mlssioner Gut moved that Commissioner Higglns be made temporary MINUTES The first order of ous~ness being the election of a ~ayor for the ensuing the City of ~anford, year, Commissioner Gut next nominated ~omml~loner Hill ss Mayor of Florida, for the year 1942. Seconded Oy Commissioner Lodge. '~here being no further nominations, CommiSsioner Blsho~ then moved that the all the City of Sanford, F]orlds, Commissioner Hill then signed nominations be closed, Seconded by Commissioner Gut an5 carried unsnimous!y. Thereuoon the vote was taken uoon the re-election of CommiSsioner Hill, and uoon voting Aye, Co~nmissloner Mill was declared to have been unanimously elected Mayor of to serve durln~ the year 1942. the oath of off, ce of Mayor of the City of Sanford, Florida, and took the Chair. Request next received from Mr. ~nd Mrs. membersh%o to the banford Country Club for the been connected with Club for a m~m~er of years in an official caoacity, was referred to the Advisory Board of the Sanford Country Club. Aoollcstion next re~elved from S.J.Nlx, Attorney for the A.C.Fort thst they be granted a courtesy ensuing year in view of Mr Fort having and same ~ositlon of MunlclDal Judge, end same was ordered filed. Request next received from Dr. G.H.Starke, Chairman of the Advisory nrc WPA Colore Nur,.ery Project, for a donation toward svonsorlng this Ject Board of the for the en- suln~ year. Thereupon after careful consideration, and on motion duly carried, a donation of $20.00 was authorized for this ouroose. On motion duly car~led, the Co~misslon neyt suthorized an advance Fireman Chester T.Estes in amount of $15.O0 , to be reoaid on February 1, The following aool~cations for adjustment of tayes an~ ne~t received, and. on motion duly carried, same were aooroved. Miss Isabelle Simon W.C.Bradley Homer W.Ltttle S. 10 ft. of 2 N. !1 1/3 Lot 4 Block ~ Tier 1 ADJUSTMENT AUTHORIZED: Lot 9 Block 14 Tier 5 ADJUSTMENT AUTHORIZED: Adjusted to: SDecia! Assessment & Interest ADJUSTMENT AUTHORIZED: Lo% 20 Fort Mellon ADJUSTMENT AUTHORIZED: Adjusted to: Soecla! Assessment & Interest ADJUSTMENT AUTHORIZED: Adjusted to: on salary to 19~. smeclal assessments vi~ere ft of %~ & Penalties 1929/37 & 19ao Adjusted to: ~19~.97 Taxes & Penalties 1929/1940 ~ 55.67 Adjusted to: $ 16.54 Taxes a oenalties 1931/1940 $1o.95 $533.~7 $161.Ol $363.96 ~ ST. 61 $464. 28 ' e There betn~ no further business the meet!ng adjourned. Mayo~.