HomeMy WebLinkAbout012642-Regular Session MINUTES c M ITY I FORD, DA, The City Commission of the City of Sanford, Florida, met in regular session at the City Hall in the City of Sanford, Florida, at 7:30 o'clock P.M January 26, !94~. Present: Com~lssioner W.C.Hill, Mayor. b Geo.~.Bishop " H. James Gut " M.J.Lodge City Attorney Fred R. Wilson City Clerk H N. Bayer. Chief of Police R, G. Williams Absent: Commissioner Edward Higglns Meeting called to order by the Chairman. Minutes of Regular Annual meeting of January 6th. and regular meeting of January 12,1942 next read and aporoved. Bids next received for furnishing 1000 feet of 2~# Municipal fire hose for the Fire Department as follows: HILL H%.RDWARE ~OMPANY Eureka Multex Multiole Woven Hose $ 1.lO per foot less allowance of OS~ ocr foot for old couolings. Eureka Southland Jacket Hose $ 935 per foot. Eureka Underwriters Jacket Hose $ 72~ per foot. All hose guaranteed to withstand 400 lbs. test pressure on delivery. .EMERICK HARDWARE COMPANY Manhattan Underwriters, Single Jacket Hose $ 67~ ocr foot. Manhattan Underwriters' Double Jacket Hose $ 83~ ocr foot. Manhattan Underwriters~ Single Jacket Hose, with radio active mildew proof treatment 76¢ ocr foot. Manhattan Underwriters' Double Jacket Hose, with radio active mildew oroof treatment $ 94¢ per foot. _ All hose guaranteed to withstand 400 lbs. test pressure on delivery. STINg ~ACHINE AND SUPPLY COMPANY Municipal Arno Fire Hose ~ 97¢ per foot. Thereupon after careful com~arison of the prices submitted and the quality of hose to be furnished, and on recommendation of Fire Chief Cleveland, Commissioner Lodge moved that Hill Hardware Co. be awarded the contract for furnishing 1000 feet of 2}" Eureka Multex Multiple Woven Fire Hose at a price of $1.10 per foot, less. OS per foot for old couplings. Seconded by Commissioner Bishop and carried. In resoonse to the City's advertisement in the Sanford Herald offering for sale thru sealed cash bids to be received by the Commission at this meeting, several oarcels of property acquired by foreclosure of tax and special from Miss Margaret Wright for the ourchase of the S. a orice of $1500.00, and same was ordered filed. Commissioner Gut next introduced Ordinance No. 321, assessment liens, bid next received 46 ft. of Lot 9 Block 9 Tier 4, at entitled: AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF SANFORD FLORIDA, MAKING IT UNLAWFUL FOR ANY PERSON OR PERSONS TO STEAL OR ATTEMPT TO STEAL~ ~0 DESTROY OR ATTEMPT TO DESTROY , T OR ATTEMPT TO MUTII~TE OR IN ANY WAY T6 TAMPER WITH A MOTOR VEHICLE TIRE, TH~ MUTILATE PROPERTY OF ANOTHER, IN THE CITY OF SANFORD, FLORIDA , AND PRESCRIBING A PENALTY TO BE IMPOSED UPON EACH PERSON CONVICTED HEPEUNDER; DECLARING EACH MOTOR VEHICLE TIRE STOLEN OR ATTEMPTED TO BE STOLEN, DESTROYED OR ATTEMPTED TO BE DESTEOYED, MUTILATED OR ATTEMPTED TO BE MUTILATED OR IN ANY WAY TAMPERED WITH TO BE A SEPARATE OFFENSE AND PROVIDING THAT THE MUNICIPAL JUDT__E_SHALL NOT SUSPEND ANY SENTENCE IMPOSED HEREUNDER. AND same was read in full by the Clerk. Thereupon Commissioner Gut moved that the rules be waived and said Ordinance No.321 MINUTES FLO OA, 19-' CiTY COMMISSION, SANFORD, the vote stands as follows: Commissioner Hill A~e # Bishop Aye .. Gut Aye . Lodge Aye Thereupon said Ordinance No. 321 was The roll was called and the ~ote Commissioner Hill , Bishop " Lodge olaced on its fl'nal nassage and stands as follows: Aye Aye Aye Aye adootion. Thereupon the Chairman announced that the City Commission of the City of Sanford Florida, by unanimous vote, had oassed and adooted ssld Ord~nsnce No. 321 entitled: ORDINANCE No. 321 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF SANFORD, FLORIDA, MAKING IT UNLAWFUL FOR ANY PERSON OR PERSONS TO STEAL OR ATTEMPT TO STEAL, TO DESTROY OR ATTEMPT TO DESTROY, TO MUTILATE OR ATTEMPT TO MUTILATE OR IN A~ WAY TO TAMPER WITH A MOTOR VEHICLE TIRE, THE PROPERTY OF ANOTHER , IN THE CITY OF SANFORD, FLORIDA, AND PRESCRIBING A PENALTY TO BE IMPOSED UPON EACH PERSON CONVICTED HEP~]UNDER: DECLARING EACH MOTOR VEHICLE TIRE STOLEN OR Al TO BE STOLEN, DESTROYED OR ATTEMPTED TO BE DESTROYED, MUTILATED OR ATTEMPTED TO BE MUTILATED OR IN ANY WAY TAMPERED WITH TO BE A SEPARATE OFFENSE AND PROVIDING THAT THE MUNICIPAL JUDGE SHALL NOT SUSPEND ANY SENTENCE IMPOSED HEREUNDER. On motion duly adopted, Ordinance No. 321 was then ordered PUBLISHED in the Danford Herald. Commissioner ~ut next introduced Ordinance No. 322, entitled: AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF SANFORD, FLORIDA, REQUIRING A LICENSE TO BE OBTAINED AND A LICENSE TAX TO BE PAID EVERY NINETY DAYS FOR THE OPERATION IN SAID CITY FOR PROFIT OF ANY COIN OPERATED GAME, AM~SEMENT OR RECREATIONAL DEVICE, CONTRIVANCE OR FACILITY, EXCEPT PHONOGRAPHS, AUTOMATIC PIANOS MUSIC BOXES AND OTHER MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS, AMD FOR EACH PLACE OF BusINESS AT WHICH OPERATED: PRESCRIBING THE AMOUNT OF SUCH LICENSE TAX AND THE PENALTY FOR THE VIOLATION OF THIS ORDINANCE. AND SAME WAS READ IN FULL BY THE CLERK. Thereupon Commissioner Gut moved that the rules be waived and said Ordinance No. 322 be nlaced on ~ts final passage and adootion. Seconded by Commissioner Bishop. Thereupon the question recurred upon the waivure of the rules. The roll was called and the vote stands as follows: Commissioner Hill Aye " Bishop Aye " Gut Aye . Lodge Aye said Ordinance No. 322 was placed on its final passage and adoption. Thereupon The roll was called and the vote stands as follows: Commissioner Hill Aye " Bishop Aye " Gut Aye " Lodge Aye Thereupon the Chairman announced that the City Commission of the City of Sanford, Florida, by unanimous vote, had passed and adoDted said Ordinance No. 322 entitled: AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF SANFORD, FLORIDA, REQUIRING A LICENSE TO BE AND A LICENSE TAX TO BE PAID EVERY NINETY DAYS FOR TH~E OPERATION IN SAID CITY FOR PROFIT OF ANY COIN OPERATED GAME, AMUSEMENT OR RECREATIONAL DEVICE, CONTRIVANCE OR FACILITY, EXCEPT PHONOGRAPHS, AUTOMATIC PIANOS, MUSIC BOXES AND OTHER MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS, A~D ~OR EACH PLACE OF BUSINESS AT WHICH OPERATED: PRESCRIBING THE AMOUNT OF SUCH LICENSE TAX AND THE PENALTY FOR THE VIOLATION OF THIB ORDINANCE. On motion duly carried, Ordinance No. 322 was next ordered POSTED at the fron~ door of the City Hall in the City of Sanford, Florida, ~n accordance with terms of the Charter, as amended.. On motion of Commissioner Lodge, Commission next a~proved the ~urchase seconded by. Commissioner Gut and carried, the from Cohu & Torrey, New York City, of Five MINUTES demolished and removed, this building having been condemned by Resolution No. 630 passed and adopted by the City Commission at the meeting of January 6 1942. On motion duly carried, the Commission approved the sale t~ Foster Smith of an old tenant house located on the W 1/2 of W. 1/2 of Block 5 Tier 20 at a srice of $75.00 and an old dilapidated ~arage building located on the Tier 2, at anrice of $12.50 , said buildings to be demolished and removed from premises. This ~roperty having been acquired by the City thru foreclosure of taxes and s~ecial assess- ment liens. The Chairman 'next renorted that the Federal Government had authorized the establishaen. of a Defense Training School in Sanford, Which will be maintained and operated by the Seminole County School Board as co-sponsor, but that the City will have to furnish the building for the school and also nay for the cost of moving the machinery and equipment to Sanford and having it installed in the building, stating that a ~art of the City's garage and storage buildings on West Sixth Street could be utilized for this purpose, and the cost of moving and installing the machinery and equi~ment will amount to approximately $2oo.oo Thereupon Commissioner Gut moved that the City grant the use of part of its garage and storage buildings for housing the Defense Training School, and that an expenditure be authorized for the cost of moving and installing the machinery and equipment in said buildings. Seconded by Commissioner Bishop and carried. On motion of Commissioner Gut, seconded by Commlseloner Bishop and carried, the Commission next authorized the nayment of $188.45 toward the travel expenses of Commissioner Hig~%ns on trip to Washington D.C. during the week of January 19th. in connection with the City's new air~ort ~roJect. On motion duly carried, the Commission next approved the nayment of travel exnense incurred by Mayor Hill on trip to Tallahaeeee on Jenuary 19th. to confer with the St8te Road Denartment with respect to w~den~ng and maintaining Park Avenue. On motion duly carried, the Commission next authorized the em~loyment of Norman ~ennlngs in the Police Department as extra patrolman at a salary of $~.00 per day. On motion of $ommissioner Lodge, seconded by Commissioner Gut and Carried, the Commission next authorized the ~urchase of mower Darts for the LunlciDal Golf Course at a cost of $50.90. Offer next received from R.R. Wells, thru Walter Cooper Agency, Reeltor, to purchase Lot ? Block 4 Tier 9, at a price of $600.00 , payable $150.O0 cash and balance in monthly instalments of $10.OO each, this property having been acquired by ~he City thru foreclosure of taxes and soecial assessment liens. Thereupon after considerable discussion, and on motion duly carried, the Commission authorized the sale o~d~the aforesaid oroperty to Mr. Wells at a price of $600.00, with all taxes Oaid to January 1,1942, payable on terms as follows: $150.OO cash and balance $10.OO monthly with ~nterest at 6% on the unpaid balance, plus one-twelfth of the annual City and County taxes and also the payment of premium o~ Fire Insurance on the property in amount of the ourchaee price, payable to the City. Request nex$ received from John C.Smith for an extension of 60 days in which to purchase lots 21 and 22, Pine Heights. at ~ ~o ~ ~ .... MINUTES 120 CITY COMMISSION, Request granted. Request next receifed from Henry M. Jameson to be allowed to purchase Lot 9 Block 12 Tier $, at a price of $291.04 payable on terms, this amount represents the City's liens under the adjusted basis plus foreclosure cost. Mr Jameson's father having owned this property before the City acquired it thru foreclosure of taxes and special assessment liens. Thereunon after careful consideration, the Commission authorized the sale of the afore- said properlY.t9 Henry M. Jameson at s price of $291.O~, subject to City taxes for years'19~l and'194~ and any unpaid State & County taxes, payable $25.00 cash and balance in monthly payments of $10.00 each with interest et g% on the unpaid balance, plus one-twelfth of the annual City and County taxes. Aoolic~:tion next received from Mrs Julia Ernest to purchase Lot 3 Block 6 ~ler 6, at a ~rice of ~2~3~,~, which represents the amount of the City's liens under the adjusted basis, plus foreclosure cost, offering to .ney $60.39 cash and balance in quarterly in- stalments of $25.00 each. Thereupon , on motion duly carried, the Commission authorized the sale of the aforesaid property to Mrs Ernest at a orice of ~$, subject to City taxes for years 1941 and 1942 and any unpaid State an~ County taxes, oayable $60.39 cash and balance in quarterly instalments of $25.00 each with interest at ~% on the un,oaid balance, plus one-twelfth of the annual City and County taxes. ApolicatiOn next received from Mr. A.B.Stevne for oermit to keeoa horse on his store premises at 1215 French Ave. for, the ~urooSe:.~of render~ng,delivery service by wagon Helen Thompson to his customers. Thereupon after careful consideration, and in view of the fact ti%at Mr. Stevens is unable to secure tires for his truc~ because of the~rubber shortage, the Commission granted him a temnorary permit to keep a horse on the premises at 1215 French Ave. during the existing emergency. The Clerk next presented a supplementary WPA airport project coverlng the oavlng of two runways 4000 feet in length and 100 feet in width, and the necessary taxi stripS, the total amount of the project being $1~1,9~O'OO of which the Civil Aeronautics AdministratiOn is sponsoring $130,OO0.00. ThereupOn on motion duly carried, the aforesaid project was approved and the Mayor authorized to e~ecute same on behalf of the City. On motion of Commissioner Lodge, seconded bY Commissioner Gut and carried, the Commission next authorized an increase of $1~.O0 per month in the salary of James T. Hardy, Distribution service man in the Water Department, effective February 1,1942' On motion duly adopted, City Attoney Wilson was nex~ authorized and directed to attend Mayors and City Attorneys conference to be held in Tampa on JanuarY 30, 19~2, the expenses in connection therewith to be borne by the City. The following applications for adjustment of taxes and/or soeclal assessments were next received, and on motion duly carried, same were approved; Lot 3 Block ll 'lief 15 Clark Subdiv. Taxes & Penalties 1927/1940 Lot 5 Block 4 Tier 7 Lyman A Philips ADJUSTMENT AUTHORIZED Adjusted to: Taxes & Penalties 1927/1939 ..... ~mu~ allTMORIZED $~9.96 $11.?o lO61.36 MINUTES T E Wilson Lot 8 Block A Strtngfellow Subdiv. Taxes & Penalties 1927/1940 469.64 ADJUSTMENT AUTHORIZED Adjusted to $164.26 Special Assessment and Interest 701.95 ADJUSTMENT AUTHORIZED ~. ~.~dJttsted to: Duke R. Green Lot 15 Blk 3 Lockhsrt ~uo~zv. Taxes & Penalties ff~2 ADJUBTMENT AUTHORIZED Adjusted to: $12.30 There being no further business the meeting then adjourned until 4:oo o'clock February 3, 19~2. May6r.