HomeMy WebLinkAbout032342-Regular SessionMINUTES Standard Oil Co. The City Commission of City Hall in the City of Sanford, Florida, Present: Commissioner W.C.Hill, Mayor. " Geo. D.Bishop " H.James ~t " Edward Hlgg~ns " M J Lodge City Attorney Fred R. Wilson City Clerk H N Ssyer. Chief of Police, R G Williams Meeting called to order by the Chairman. The following bid next received to furnish fuel distil]ate the municioal water olant during the ensuing yesr: Current Price Per. Gel.f.o.b. Sanford the City of Sanford, Florida , met in regular session at the at ?:30 O'clock P. M. March 23, 1942. for the diesel engines Thereupon, in view of no other bide having been nresented, the contract was awarded to the Standard Oil ~omnany for furnishing fuel distillate otl for the municipal water plant during the ansulng year. Bids next received for furnishing lubricating otl for the diesel water olant during the ensuing year, Sinclair Refining ~omnany .2? net gsllon · 29 per gallon .30 net gallon · 32 her gallon as follows: .2~ per ge!lon .40 oer gallon .43 her gallon Gulf Oil Cornoratlon ,.0564 Maximum Price Per Gal. f.o.b. San: ~d. The prevailing Costed and/or established tank car price on distillate fuel oil at Port Tamna,Florida will be effective throughout the term of contract. engines at the municipal furnish- for Garnett CC Oll for Garnett DD Oil for Rocket C Oil for Rocket D Oil for No. 535 Oil for Parvis M Oil for Parvis H Oil Standard Oil Comnany .39 ~er · 35 per Action deferred, nending the furnishing of for comparison with specifications for diesel Morse &Comoany, manufacturers of the engines. gallon for DIOL #65 Oil gallon for Standard Diese~ Oil e ohysicsl analysis of the oils bld uoon, engine oils to be obtained from Fairbanks, In resoonse to the advertisement placed in the Sanford Herald calling for bids for lng one new Ford Sedan Automobile wi~h Mercury motor for the Police Denartment, following bid was next received; St~ckland Motors Inc. 1942 Ford Deluxe Fordor Sedan with 100 HP Mercury Motor, eouloped with 2 soot lights $1,131.OO Thereupon after careful consideration, Commissioner Higglns moved that and in vl. ew of no other bids having been received the bid of Strickland Motors Inc. in amount of $1,131.OO be accented. Seconded by Commissioner Lodge and carried. Commissioner Higgins then introduced Resolution ~o. 631, and after being read in full by the Clerk, moved i~s passage and. adontion. Seconded by Commissioner Lodge and carried b the following vote. Commissioner Hill.Aye: B~hoD. Aye; Gu~, Aye; Higgins,Aye and Lodge,~ye SAID RESOLUTION NO. 6~1 being in words and figures as follows:" A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF SANFORD, FLORIDA, FOR THE PURCHASE OF AN AUTOMOBILE AND PROVIDING FOR THE PAYMENT OF THE PURCHASE PRICE THEREOF. WHEREAS, the City of Sanford is in need of ah automobile for"uss by t~o n~ MINUTES CiTY COMMISSION, SANFORD, FLORIDA,- March 23 at 7:so P .19_?2 Commission deems it advisable, expedient and for the best interest of the City to accept the bid of said Strickland Motors, Inc, and to purchase said automobile and to pay for the same ss follows: $3??.00 cash and the sum of $?54.00 in two equal installments of $3Y?.oo each, with Interest from date upon each installment as it becomes due at the rate of five percent, per annum, the first installment to be payable on the 2bth. day of September,1942, and a like installment to be payable on the 24th. day of ~arch , 1963, said deferred pay- ments to be evidenced by a promissory note: NoW,THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Commis~ion of the City of Sanford, Florida, that said City purchase the above described automobile from Strickland Motors Inc, and pay therefor the sum of $1,131.O0 as follows: $377.oo cash and the sum of $754.00 in two equal installments of $377.0o each, bearing 1nra.res= as aforesaid, said indebtedness of $754.00 to be e~idenced by the promissory note of the City in the following {cfm: Sanford, Florida $754.00 ~arch 2 , ~ .- The C~t~ of Sanford, Florida, oromlses to oay to the or, er of STB~CKI~ND MOTORS,INC. the sum of SEVEN HUNDRED MIFTY FOUR AND NO/1OO ($754,OO) DOLLARS at the Seuf~e4 Atlantic ~ational Bank,Sanford, Florida, for vs]ue receiveS, l.u two equal installmenls of $377.00 esch, with interest from date uoon each ~nsta~lm~nt as it becomes due at the rate of 5 oar cent oar annum, the first installment to be oayable ou the 24th. ds? of September, 19h?, and a like installment to be payable The maker and endorser severally waive presentment protest and nonpayment of this note. on the 24th. day of March 1943. for payment, ~rotest and notice of Now, should it become necessary to collect this note through an attorney, e~ther of whether maker, surety or endorser on this note, hereby agrees to pay all costs of such collection, including reasonable attorney's fee. CITY OF SANFORD, FLORIDA. By~ W. C ._Hill Mayor. ATTEST: H.N,SayeE BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that this resolution shall become effective !m~ediately upon its passage and adoption.. Passed and adopted this 23rd. day of i~/~srch , 1952. W.C.Hill Mayor. --Edward H.James Gu~ iM.J.Lod~e Geo D.Bishop As the City Commission o{ the City of Sanford,Florida. Attest: H N Bayer (Seal) --City Clerk. I On motion d~ly carried, the Commission ne×t a~thorised the transfer to the Fire Deoartmen: of the 1940 Chevrolet police patrol car, for use by the F~re Uhief. On mo~ion duly adopted Tax Collector Ellen Moy was next instrunt~a to hold the 1951 tax sale on ~he first Monday in July , 1952. MINUTES CITY COMMISSION, SANFORD, FLORIDA, Yarch 23 at 7:~o P M 19__ 42 ~onsider~tion next given to the request of a number of property owners for an extension of time in which to Nay the delinquent taxes against properties on which foreclosure proceedlngs are being instituted by the City for the collection of such taxes. Thereupon after considerable discussion, and on motion duly adooted, the Commission authorized the acceptance of oayment of one-half of such delinquent taxes and/or special assessments, and the balance in equal monthly instalments, to be paid in full before the first day of January 1943, with interest at the regular tax rate on the unpaid balance, provided the one-half of such taxes are paid before the date of foreclosure sale. On motion duly carried, the Commission next authorized the payment to the Seminole County Health Unit of $300.00 from the budget ao~roorlation towards its maintenance during the fiscal year. Bill of W.S.Darley & Uomoany in amount of $358.00 for the ?~ N.P. Champion Electric Air Raid Siren purchased February let on 60 days approval next presented, and on motion of Commissioner Higgins, seconded by Commissioner Lodge and carried, same was approved and oayment authorized. Application next received from J.J.Cates to ourchase the E 5~ ft of Lot 6 and E. ft. of N ? ft of Lot ? Block 11 Tier 9, Martin Addition, this property having been acquired by the City thru foreclosure of taxes and sneclal assessment liens. Thereuoon after careful consideration, the Commission authorized the sale of the aforesaid orooerty ~o Mr. Cares at s orice of $350.00 subject to any unoaid State and County taxes. On motion of Commissioner Higgins, seconded by Commissioner Gut and carried, the Commission next authorized payment on note to Sanford Atlantic National Bank of the second quarterly installment in amount of $1,875.O0 and interest due Aoril 1, !9~2, and oayme~ on note to First State Bank of DeLsnd of the second quarterly installment in amount of $62~.OO and interest due A~ril ~oolication next received from C.J.Cranston to purchase Blobk 4 Tier 22 at a price of $436.93, which represents the amount of the City's liens under the adjusted basis, plus foreclosure cost, offering to cay $8.OO cash and balance in monthly installments of $8.OO , he having owned this property before the City acqulred it thru foreclosure of taxes and special assessment liens. Thereupon after careful consideration~ the Commission authorized the sale of the aforesaid property to C.J.Cranston at a price of $436.93, subject to City taxes for year 1941, and any unpaid State and County taxes, payable $8.00 cash and balance in monthly installments of $8.OO each with interest at ~% on the un~aid balance. Communication next read from J.W.Rhodes requesting that he be allowed homestead exemption for the year 1941 on Lot 1 Block 5 Chapman & Tucker's Addition, stating that he had made application for such exemption at the orooer time but same was rejected by the Tax Assessor. Thereupon, after being informed by the Clerk that J.W.Rhodes does not reside on Lot 1 Block 5, Chapman & Tucker's Addition, but rents it out as commercial property, it was the decision of th Commission that he is not entitled to the homestead exemDtion on same. Application next received from G.C.Hinchliffe for oermlt to remove four oak trees from the parkway in front of his home at ?OO Laurel Ave. and on recommendation of Supt. Moughton same was gr~nted. MINUTES CITY COMMISSION, SANFORD, FLORIDA, March 2~__~ P M G V & Lula Johnson Lot 12 Holden Real Est. Co Taxes & Penalties 1933/34 Jeanette Laing Adjustment Authorized : Adjusted to 61.28 Lot 1 Blk 9 Tr.A. Taxes & Penalties 1927/40 ADJUSTMENT AUTHORIZED Adjusted to: 600.22 Soeclal Assessment & Interest Nora Williams George Hamilton Anna Smith N. Evs Tolbert Lot G V & Lula Johnson Lot 18 Blk 1 ADJUSTMENT AUTHORIZED Adjusted to: 66.21 Lot 6 Blk 13 Tr.G Taxes & Penalties 1927/40 ADJUSTMENT AUTHORIZED Adjusted to: 8.20 Pine Level Taxes & Penalties 1931/40 ADJUSTMENT AUTHORIZED Adjusted to: 3.05 55 ft of Lot 8 Blk 7 Tr.D. Taxes &Penslties 1932/38 ADJUSTMENT AUTHORIZED Adjusted to: 164.48 37 Fla. Eugene Vsnn Sr. Lot Land & Colo Co.Add to ~.Sanford Ta~es & Penalties 1931/40(Less 1937,38,39) ADJUSTMENT AUTHORIZED Adjusted to: 39.46 Lot 11 Ho!den Real Est. Taxes & Penalties 1933,34 ADJUSTMENT AUTHORIZED Adjusted to: 6Z Fla Ld. & Colo. Co. S.Sanford Taxes & Penalties 1927/40 6.62 James Holt & Eugene Vann Jr. W. ADJUSTMENT ~ITHORIZED Adjusted to: 50 ft of Lot i Rand Addn. Taxes & Pen~lties 1929/40 ~l.61 Wilhelmina Wearen Lot 17 Dixie ADJUSTMENT AUTHORIZED Adjusted to: ES.!i Taxes & Penalties 1927/34(Outside) ADJUSTMENT AUTHORIZED Adjusted to: 9.25 James T.Zarn E 1/2 of Lot 3 Block 4 Rosalind Heights Taxes & Penalties 1931/33( Outside) Mrs S M RiChard Lot 1 ADJUSTMENT AUTHORIZED Adjusted to: 9.39 Block 1~ Tier 8, Taxes & Penalties 1927/40 ADJUSTMENT AUTHORIZED Adjuste~ to: 23.37 S~eci~l Assessment & Interest. C 0 Johnson ADJUSTMENT AUTHORIZED Adjusted t9 34.00 Lot 8 Block I Pine Level Taxes & Penalties 1927/40 ADJUSTMENT AUTHORIZED AdJu~ted to: 41. 9o Wi]!lsm and Susan Williams Lot 4 Block 14 Tier 8, Taxes & Peneltles 19~6/40 Jennie Walker ADJUSTMENT AUTHORIZED Adlusted to: 17.71 Lot 10 Bloc~ 8 Tier D T~xes & Penalties 19~1/ 1940 114.60 1361.84 1,489.12 359. 11.54 284.87 109.81 1~.52 205.54 168.76 ~5.31 40.05 277.81 1919.17 118.01 37.oz 370.58 ADJUSTMENT AUTHORIZED Adjusted to: MINUTES Cl~Y COn.mS,ON. SAN~O.~. FLOm~A, -- ' 19~42 P F Whigham, contd. Henry Burnett J E Rowland Jr. H A Haynes H A Haynes H A Haynes H A Haynes Taxes & Penalties 1930/34(Outslde) ADJUSTMENT AUTHORIZED Adjusted to: $45.14 Soecial Assessment & Interest ADJUSTMENT AUTHORIZED Adjusted to: 34.61 Lot 4 Block 13 Tier A Taxes & Penalties 1927/40 ADJUSTMENT AUTHORIZED Adjusted to: 15.62 Lot I Blk lk Tr. 2, Taxes & Penalties 1927/40 Lot '4 ~lock 13 Tier 10 Lot 8 Blk 13 Tr. lO Lot 7 Block 13 Tier 10 Lot 5 Block ]3 Tier 10 ADJUSTMENT AUTHORIZED Adjusted to: 28.22 Soecial Assessment & Interest ADJUSTMENT AUTHORIZED Adjusted to: 27. 38 Taxes & Penalties 1929/40 ADJUSTMENT AUTHORIZED Adjusted to: lO.y2 Snecial Assessment and interest ADJUSTMENT AUTHORIZED Adjusted to: 18.59 Taxes & Penalties 1927/aO ADJUSTMENT AUTHORIZED Adjusted to: 11.92 Snecial Assessment & Interest ADJUSTMENT AUTHORIZED Adjusted to: 14.52 Taxes & Penalties 1927/hO ADJUSTMENT AUTHORIZED Adjusted to: il.92 io.56 Less 1937/39) Taxes & Penalties 1929/40 ADJUSTMENT AUTHORIZED Adjusted to: 13.28 Gunds B Comoton Lot 112 ~anford Heights, Taxes & Penalties 1927/40 ADJUSTMENT AUTHORIZED Adjusted to: 23.17 Soecial Assessment & Interest. ADJUSTMENT AUTHORIZED Adjusted. to: 54.82 Gunda B.Com~ton, Lot 113 Ssnford Heights, Taxes & Penalties 1977/40 ADJUSTMENT AUTHORIZED Adjusted to: 23.].7 Soecial Assessment and Interest ADJUSTMENT AUTHORIZED Adjusted to: 11.07 F N Russell Lots 9 and 12 Blk 1 Wynnewood, Taxes & Penalties 1936/40 ADJUSTMENT AUTHORIZED Adjusted to:w C A & ~aude Anderson Lot 5 Block ll Tier 9 Mart~n Addn. Taxes & Penalties 1927/40 ( ADJUSTMENT AUTHORIZED Adjusted to: 165.78 Soeclal Assessment & Interest ADJUSTMENT AUTHORIZED Adjusted to: 28.36 i82.77 789. ] 6 25o.2i 293.69 i2o4.98 83.78 788.31 io5. ii 6i5.84 92.23 92. 90 264.~5 2500.00 244.84 487.27 23.60 802.59 6oi.27 1.40 MINUTES CITY CO~d~llS$1ON, SANFORD, FLORIDA, March~ Hattie Marritt 117 ft. E andW. by 124 ft N and S. in N E Cot Lot 2 Robinson Survey Tsxes & Penalties ADJUSTMENT AUTHORIZED Adjusted to: $ 37. lo Boysie & Frsnces Stokes Lot 32 Florida Land & Colo. Co. Add. to S. Sanford Taxes & Pensl~ies 1931/40 ADJUSTMENT AUTHORIZED Adjusted to: 87.26 $775.96 There being no further business P.M. Aortl 7, 1942. the meet!ng adjourned until 4:30 o'clock Ma~fr.